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Abgal ♂ sage, wise man, wizard < abba elder + gal great

Ada ♂ father, shout, song

Adamen argument, ght
Adda carcass, corpse, skeleton
Adea yearly spring ood < a water + dé to pour + su x –a
Aga diadem, circlet, crown (NB in the UK, is also an expensive sort of cooker!)
Agar eld, commons; heavy rain; lead; embrace
Agarin a at area, father, mother, womb
Al, Alan image, statue, gure, appearance
Alad ♂ life force, male protective spirit
Allan oak tree < Akkadian allaanum oak
Ama ♀ mother, wild ox, cow
Amagi ice
Amah ood, bursting of a dam
calf and young animal. Amar occurs as an element in genuine Sumerian names, such as
Amare ♂ ♀ calf of the temple < amar young animal and calf + é temple.
Amarenzu ♂ ♀ calf of Enzu < amar + Enzu, another name of the moon God Nanna < en lord + zu wisdom.
Amarezen ♂ ♀ calf of the festival < amar + ezen festival, feast.
Amarkish ♂ ♀ calf of Kish < amar + Kish, the name of a Sumerian city < kiš totality and entire world.
Amarsin ♂ ♀ calf of Sin < amar + Sin, another name of the moon God Nanna.
Ambar marsh; reeds, canebrake
Anbir noon, midday
Anki universe
Anna tin, yes
Anur horizon
Anurash heaven and earth; universe < an sky + uraš earth, loincloth and secret
Anusan evening < an sky + usan evening
Ara praise, glory, to shine, to blaze; bright, clear, polished; way, road; times
Aradegi ♂ servant of the princess < arad servant + egi princess.
Aradlugal ♂ servant of the king < arad servant + lugal king.
Arala, Arali the Otherworld < hara to pulverize + la youthful freshness, beauty
Aria district, desert, waste
Asa myrtle, cage, fetter, bear
Ash what one needs
Asha eld; area
Ashera lamentation
Ashme sparkle, glimmer, sundisk, star symbol, rosette < aš unique + me function, power
Ashte need, necessity, desirable/beloved object < áš to speak + te to approach
Asila, Asilal joy, gladness
Babbar bright, white, the rising sun
fate has been decreed for the king < bara ruler, throne dais, dwelling + nam… tar to decree the
Baranamtarra ♂♀
fate + su x ra.
Barbarra ames
Barzil (meteoric) iron < bar to shine + zil to cut, to peel

Bau is a favorite lady < Bau + nin lady + sheg(a) favorite. Bau is one of the names of the
Godess Ninisina lady of (the city) Isin. She is also known as Ninkarrak, Gula and Ninnibru. She
Bauninsheg ♀
is a healing Goddess, with strong associations with dogs – hinting perhaps that the Sumerians
held the common folk-belief throughout the ages that dog saliva had healing properties.
Biluda worship
Dagrim elds, precinct
Dana road-length measure
Dara belt, sash; dark, dim, high
Dari long-lasting, enduring, eternal
Daria driven (animal)
Darishe forever < Dari + šè towards
Didi young, small; to play an instrument
Didila very small, young
Eanna sanctuary < é house + an sky + su x -a
Ebla watery type of beer; light beer
steppe, plain, grazing land between the two long rivers, back, spine (NB) this could well be the
Eden, Edin
source of the biblical Eden)
Elutil ♀ the temple (which gives) life to man < é house and temple + lú man + tìl life.
Emma, Imma variant of enmen thirst < en time + mun salt
Enkara weapon
Ensi ♂ dream-interpreter; city ruler < en lord + si plowland
man, servant, soldier, troops, army, gang of workers, people, folk; enemy, destruction; cedar;
Erin, Eren ♂
balance scale
Erish queen, lady
Esha emmer wheat our
Eshda ceremony, type of vessel, goblet < eš shrine + da with, to be near
Eshkar daily task
Esina, Isina stalk of barley
the temple into distant days (i.e. may the temple last for a very, very long time!) < é temple +
Eulli ♂♀
ul-lí distant days.
Ezen festival, feast
Gansis darkness, the netherworld, eclipse
Ganzer darkness; the netherworld
Garadin, Karadin pile of sheaves, shock
Garanda bearing fruit
Garash decision, oracle, military camp, catastrophe, straw, supply master
Garza customs, rights, duties
Gashan ♀ lady (Emesal)
Gaz powder, break, fracture, war
Gazi spice, speci cally, cassia < Akkadian kasu let it breath
Gazimbi pole, stake
Gemekala ♀ strong woman < géme woman + kala strong and swift.
woman of Nanna < géme woman + Nanna. Nanna is a God of the Moon, and father of great
Gemenanna ♀
Goddess Ishtar.
Gemeshega ♀ favorite woman < géme woman + sheg(a) favorite.
Gianna at night
Gidri sta , sceptre

Gil, Gili, Gilim reed bundle; dancer; bride crown
Gilninda measuring reed
Gina, Gena,
constant, regular, small; the planet Saturn; consent
Ginna, Genna
Girin pure, spotless
Gishimmar date palm
Gishkim omen, sign
Gitlam lover, husband, spouse
Gizila torch < gi reeds + izi re + lá to hold up
Gizzal intelligence
Gula ♀ large, great another name of the Goddess Bau
Hada dry, white, to shine brightly < hé let it become + dág brilliant
Hala share, lot
Halba frost, freezing
Harran road
Hashur cypress
Hazi axe
Hedu decoration
Henbur reed shoots, stalks
Hili beautiful
Hilimaz beauty
Hirin spikenard shoots
Hulla very happy, joyful
Hurin eagle
Ida river, main canal, water course
Inda ower; bushel; pure-bred breeding bull; ancestors; sh-roe; funnel, hopper of the seed plough
Izi waves; re
Izila torch, to purify with re < izi re + lá to hold up
Izzi house wall; re; current, ood
Kal, Kala strong, swift; to repair, mend
Kara to encircle, besiege, accuse, shine, be bright
Kash beer; urine; speed, runner, courier, messenger, quick, uent
Kashbar decision
Keshda knot, taboo, inhibition; to bind, wrap, tie, harness; weir < ki place + šita to bind
Kim willow-tree
Kirashi emmer wheat used for making beer
nose, muzzle, hyena; orchard, garden, palm grove; groom < ki place + ru to send forth shoots,
buds or blossoms
Kirizal prosperity, splendor, splendid, wonderful; joy, prosperity < Kiri + zal to shine
Kishar horizon
Kisher enclosure
Kizah a sacred locality < ki place + zàh to hide
Kizurra sharp edge
Kuliana friend of heaven; dragon y < kuli friend + an sky + su x -a
Kushla leather-cord

Lagar a temple servant who pronounces invocations
Lal honey, date-syrup; light, de cient, to be high, to diminish
Lala joy, appeal, charms, abundance, vigor
Lama awe-inspiring quality < la abundance + me function, power
Lamma, Lama ♀ a female spirit of good fortune, tutelary genius < lam to make to grow luxuriantly + su x –a
Lil wind, breath, spirit, infection
Liliz drum
Lilla spirit of a place
Lillan stalk with ripe ear of grain
Lu ♂ man
Ludari ♂ eternal man < lú man + darí eternal.
a name taken from an incantation: lugal me galgal sag an šè the king lifted up the great
Lugalme ♂♀
decrees unto heaven.
Lunanna ♂ man of Nanna < lú man + Nanna.
Luninni ♂ man of Ninni < lú man + Ninni. Ninni is another name of the Goddess Ishtar.
Lusilim ♂ perfect man < lu man + silim good, healthy
Lusua friend; acquaintance
Madala a thick bundle of reeds used to build a raft
Mageshgetil ♂ may he live for my sake.
Malah sailor, captain
Mashda gazelle, commoner
Mashdaria, o ering
Maur ravine, gorge
Maz, Maraz ♀ exuberant, joyful, a female dancer
oracle of Anu < me oracle + Anu. Anu is the Sumerian sky-God, the supreme deity of the
Meania ♂♀
Sumerian pantheon.
oracle of Duranki. Duranki was a sacred precinct of the city of Nippur. Its name was also
Meduranki ♂♀
Sumerian < dur bond, amulet and umbilical cord + an sky + ki earth.
Meli voice, throat
Mendalla beaming crown
Mesharra, all the oaths, duties
battle, war < mè battle + šen copper implement
Mezem support, maintenance
Mia how? The similar Mea means where?
Mina, Mana partner, companion, equal, two
Minesh a calendar month
Minussa bride
Miri variant of mer storm wind, violent storm, north wind; encircling snake
Miu ewe lamb
Mul star, constellation, planet, meteor
Mumu always being reborn (such as the moon) < mu to ignite/sprout
Mungazi powdered spices < mun salt + gazi cassia
Munzur bitter plants
Muru fog, mist, haze < mi to be dark + ru to ow

Musa to name, to give as a name
Musarra inscription of the king
Mushen bird
Namazu medical arts
Namen lordship < pre x nam + en lord
Namenzida true lordship < Namen + zid true + su x -a
Namerin solemn oath, curse < pre x nam + érin enemy, destruction
Namkuzu wisdom, cleverness
Namluh puri cation
Namshita prayer
Namtar fate, destiny
Namtilla life
Narua dedicatory stone
Nemur glowing coals, re
Nia by itself
Nigba present, gift
Nigbau ♀ lioness of Bau < nig lioness and bitch + Bau.
Niggina truth, justice
Nigkalla precious < níg thing + kal to value, to esteem + su x -a
Nigmah a lot, too much
to inspire awe, to raise oneself < ní self + íla raise; to diminish/humiliate oneself < ní self + lá
the queen is an everlasting dwelling < nin lady and queen + bara ruler, throne dais, dwelling +
Ninbaradari ♀
darí everlasting; another name from an incantation.
Ninda bread
Ninedinni ♀ the queen [has gone] to the plain of her own < nin lady and queen + edin plain + ní of her own.
owl < nin lady + su x -a | it has been suggested that the round, ghostly human-like face of the
Ninna ♀
owl might be the origin of myths surrounding the female spirit lilitu | the Lilith of later times
Ninninna ♀ owl < nin lady + Ninna
Ninniursag ♀ Ninni is a heroine < Ninni + ur-sag hero and warrior.
queen clean hands < nin + šu hand + el clean; this is another name taken from a phrase in an
Ninshuel ♀
Nintuda ♀ child-bearing lady < nin lady + tu child + da to beget.
Ninurisa ♀ lady, sweetheart < nin lady + ur… sa to be/make happy
Nirgal noble
Nissa, Nisi greens, vegetables
Nita ♂ male, manly
Nuesh knife bearer
Nura not stamped with a seal
Nurma pomegranate tree
Nusa not good
Penzer hearth tender, leather worker
Sagar advisor, counsellor
Saghaza to attach securely
Sagma bow of a boat

Sagmi slave girl
Sal uterus, vulva
Sali a type of lyre
Sam equivalent (barter) purchase, sale price, merchandise
Samana skin disease; a grain disease, such as rust
Santana herbalist, horticulturist, date, orchard, administrator also Shandana and Shandan.
Shabra, Shapra temple administrator
Shada voluntarily
Shagina true heart; ones nature < šà true + gin to strengthen, to make rm
Shahulla delight < šà heart + húl to rejoice + su x -a
Shakir, Shakira butter tub, churn, churning, pitcher; henbane
Shala to engorge, to stu
Shanesha supplications
Shar totality, all, world, horizon, numerous, inumerable
Sharan, Sharin tick, bedbug
Sharra, Shara numerous; to dry up, to wither
Sheba barley rations distributed by the administration of the temple/palace; to be careless/negligent
Sheli pine/juniper seeds
Shem herb, aromatic wood, resin, spice, fragrance, perfume, fragrant; tambourine
Shembi kohl, antimony
Shemush bitter grain
Shen verdigris, clear, pure, polished, shiny, copper pan, vessel, mirror
Shena swallow
Shenbar wild boar
Shennur quince or medlar
Shenshen combat, strife
Sher to shine brightly; shine, light, glimmer; decision
Sherda punishment, crime, blame
Sheriga gleaming grain
Sherzi shine, light, glimmer < šér to shine brightly
Shesa roasted barley
Sheshkala ♂ the brother is strong < shesh brother + kala strong and swift.
Shezilzilla to dehusk barley
Shimim aromatic substance
Shimsusa perfume
Shuba agate
Shuhalla open hand
Shuhaza to hold in the hand
Shuilla prayer < šu hand íl to raise + su x -a
Shul, Sul ♂ young man, warrior, invader, strong, heroic, proud, splendid
Shula entrusted < šu hands + lá hold + nominative; paralyzed, idle < šu hands + lá to bind, diminish
Shuluh ritual cleansing, puri cation ritual
Shulzi ♂ worthy young man < Shul + zi true
Shuna pestle
Shuri one half
Shushana one third (part)

Shusi nger
Sim kettledrum
Simush shining horns
Sisi horse
Sisig whirlwind
Siskur, Sizkur o ering, sacri ce with entreaties, prayers, rites < isiš to weep + kur to bring, deliver
Suagina regular/daily o ering < šu hand + gin to strengthen, to make rm + su x -a
Suen/Suena the moon < su knowledge + en time
Sumur erceness
Sun wildcow, beerwort; modesty; quarrel, discord
Sura far-reaching
Suzi terror
Tabira metal worker
Tam polished, shiny, re ective, pure, reliable
Temen foundation
Tibira merchant, tradesman, metal worker
Tigi harp < ti life + gi restore
Tila life
Tilhar cloud
Tilmun distinguished
Tin life, wine
Tina strongly
Tukumbi please, certainly
Tutu incantations
Uanna light of the heavens < u light + an sky + su x -a
Uanna light of the heavens
Uga raven
Uli herbs
Ulsharra jubilation ul joy + šár to multiply + su x –a
Ulushin emmer beer
Uma, Una victory, triumph
Umma ♀ crone/witch < um old woman + ma to bind
Urash earth, secret
Urbarra wolf
Urbau ♂ ♀ dog of Bau < ur dog + Bau – a Sumerian Goddess (see Baunisheg).
Urda to be mindful, to care
Uri, Urin eagle, standard, emblem, banner; blood
Uria in those (far remote) days
Urmah lion
Urnina ♂ ♀ dog of Nina < ur + Nina, a Sumerian Goddess identi ed with Ishtar.
Ursa to be/make comfortable/happy.
Urtur pet dog, puppy
Urusilim ♂ ♀ city of peace < uru city + silim peace.
Usan evening
Ushar companion

Ushera reed bundle
Usun wild cow
Uten, Utena morning, daylight
Utur, Uturra early in the day
Uzalla day, morning, dawn < u day + zal to ow, elapse + su x –a
Zabar bronze
Zagin lapis lazuli
Zal light, brightness; light before dawn, early morning, to shine, to purify
Zami hymn of praise; lyre
Zana caterpillar
Zara to spin, twine, to roll up; pole, shaft of chariots, etc
Zena palm-frond
Zibin chrysalis
Zidmilla coarse our
Zigan rudder, oar
Zimah legitimate, lofty
Zimu ♂ ♀ my breath of life < zi breath of life, soul + mu my.
Zimuandagal ♂ ♀ my soul is with Anu < zi breath of life and soul + mu my + an Anu + da-gal to be with.
Ziz moth, emmer
Ziza calendar month
Zizi subtraction; to rebel
Zua acquaintance


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