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Umbrella Review

Association between dietary patterns and depression: an

umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies and
intervention trials
Vincenza Gianfredi , Monica Dinu, Daniele Nucci , Simone J.P.M. Eussen, Andrea Amerio,
Miranda T. Schram, Nicolaas Schaper, and Anna Odone

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Context: Depression is the most common causes of disease burden worldwide
(GBD 2017 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators. Global, re-
gional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354
diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic
analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet. 2018;392:1789–
1858). Objective: An umbrella review has been performed to assess the strength
and validity of the available observational and trial evidence for the association be-
tween a variety of dietary patterns and depression. Data Sources: MEDLINE/
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Database were
searched. Data Extraction: The Joanna Briggs Institute Umbrella Review
Methodology was used. Data Analysis: The review included 19 articles, covering a
relatively wide range of dietary patterns: healthy dietary patterns (n ¼ 8),
Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) (n ¼ 6), Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) (n ¼ 5),
Western diet (n ¼ 4), Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) (n ¼ 2), veg-
etarian diets (n ¼ 4), and other dietary interventions (n ¼ 2). The methodological
quality of the included meta-analyses was generally low or critically low. The
strength of the evidence was generally weak, although convincing or suggestive ev-
idence was found for an inverse relationship between MedDiet/DII and depression.
Higher adherence to the MedDiet and lower DII score were significantly associated
with lower risk of depression. Conclusion: Considering the generally high

Affiliations: V. Gianfredi, S.J.P.M. Eussen, and N. Schaper are with the Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI), Maastricht
University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. V. Gianfredi, S.J.P.M. Eussen, M.T. Schram, and N. Schaper are with the CARIM School for
Cardiovascular Diseases, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. V. Gianfredi is with the Department of Biomedical Sciences for
Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. M. Dinu is with the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence,
Florence, Italy. D. Nucci is with the Nutritional Support Unit, Veneto Institute of Oncology IOV-IRCCS, Padua, Italy. S.J.P.M. Eussen is with
the Department of Epidemiology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. A. Amerio is with the Department of Neuroscience,
Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health (DINOGMI), Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy. A.
Amerio is with the IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Italy. A. Amerio is with the Department of Psychiatry, Tufts University,
Boston, MA, USA. M.T. Schram and N. Schaper are with the Department of Internal Medicine, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The
Netherlands. M.T. Schram is with the MHeNS School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The
Netherlands. M.T. Schram is with the Heart and Vascular Center, Maastricht University Medical Centerþ, Maastricht, The Netherlands. A.
Odone is with the Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
Correspondence: Vincenza Gianfredi, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, via Pascal, 36 20133 Milan, Italy. E-
Key words: depression, diet, meta-analysis, review, umbrella review.
C The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail:
346 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359
heterogeneity and low quality of the available evidence, further studies adopting
more coherent and uniform methodologies are needed.
Systematic Review Registration: PROSPERO registration no. CRD42020223376.

INTRODUCTION between various dietary factors (foods, nutrients, and

diets) and depression, finding high heterogeneity. The
Depression is estimated to affect more than 300 million aim of the present umbrella review was to focus only on
people worldwide and, according to the World Health dietary patterns (as a whole), including all available evi-
Organization (WHO), is one of the leading causes of

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dence from existing meta-analyses of both observational
disability.1 On average, it more frequently affects (prospective cohort and cross-sectional studies) and in-
women than men, and it first appears during the late tervention studies; a set of predefined criteria was ap-
teens to mid-20s.2 Depression is a psychiatric disorder plied to assessment of the strength and validity of the
that goes beyond the normal human experiences of sad- evidence, thus enabling development of an overview of
ness, including a broad range of symptoms such as feel- the validity of the potential associations studied and
ing worthless, losing interest in most or all activities, assessing possible hints of bias.
having thoughts of suicide, experiencing a significant
reduction or increase in appetite or sleep, and having METHODS
difficulty concentrating.3 Depressive symptoms are of-
ten distressing to the individual and can lead to an in- The current umbrella review was registered in the
ability to function normally, such as at work or in PROSPERO International Prospective Register of
maintaining relationships.4 Systematic Reviews database (ID number:
Although scientists agree in considering that de- CRD42020223376, at
pression is the result of a complex interaction of social, This umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational
psychological, and biological factors, due to the clinical studies and randomized clinical trials was conducted
and etiological heterogeneity it is difficult to clarify its according to the methods recommended by the
pathophysiology.5 An increasing body of scientific evi- Cochrane Collaboration17 (the Preferred Reporting
dence suggests a relationship between dietary patterns Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
and depression,6–8 and many meta-analyses9–11 have PRISMA guidelines),18 and the process and results were
found that adherence to healthy diets is associated with documented in accordance with the methodology de-
lower risk of depression and less severe depressive veloped by The Joanna Briggs Institute Umbrella
symptoms. These findings could be important for the Review Methodology.15 It was designed to answer the
prevention and treatment of depression, but the quality, following question: “What is the strength and validity of
the precision, and the strength of the evidence need im- the existing evidence assessing the association between
provement.12 In fact, meta-analyses are powerful tools, dietary patterns and depression among adults (from
but they have a possible bias associated with variation both observational research and RCTs)?”. This specific
in quality and empirical validation. It has been reported research question was developed according to the
that more than half of all published meta-analyses are PICOS (Participants, Interventions, Control, Outcomes,
flawed or useless, and that the production of poor qual- Study Design) principle, and the details are reported in
ity and redundant meta-analyses may contribute to the Table 1. Studies that did not report quantitative effect
spread of misleading dietary concepts.13,14 size estimates (effect size and 95% confidence intervals
Assessment of the quality and credibility of the [CIs]) were excluded.
existing evidence for a relationship between dietary pat-
terns and depression may have implications for both Search strategy
clinical practice and public health. An umbrella review
is a review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that A systematic electronic literature search was indepen-
provides a comprehensive and systematic assessment of dently carried out by 2 authors (V.G. and M.D.) using
the available scientific literature for a specific research the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus,
topic and offers insight into the strength of the evidence Web of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and the
and the extent of potential bias.15 Recently, Xu et al16 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (from data-
conducted an umbrella review of meta-analyses of pro- base inception to February 2022). The references of the
spective cohort studies that investigated the association identified articles were manually checked to find any

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Table 1 PICOS criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies
Parameter Inclusion criterion Exclusion criterion
Population Adults (>18 y) without comorbidities Children/adolescents and pregnant women (post-par-
tum depression)
Intervention All diets or dietary patterns/dietary interventions Study assessing the effect of single food components
Comparison No intervention or any diet or dietary patterns/di-
etary interventions
Outcome Depressive symptoms, depression, depressed Other outcomes or data combined for depression and
mood, consumption of anti-depressant medica- other outcomes (for instance depression and anxiety
tions, depressive feeling combined)
Study design Meta-analyses of original studies (both random- Meta-analyses not published as peer-reviewed meta-
ized controlled trials and observational studies) analyses in international scientific journals (book,
book chapter, thesis). No full-text papers (abstract,

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conference paper, letter, commentary, note), system-
atic review without quantitative analysis, meta-analy-
sis not reporting comprehensive data (eg, effect size
and 95% confidence intervals)

additional eligible studies. Search terms (both MeSH extraction spreadsheet to systematically record qualita-
and text), including diet (and its variants), depression tive and quantitative data extracted from the included
(and its variants), and systematic review/meta-analysis meta-analyses. The spreadsheet was elaborated in
(and their variants) were combined using Boolean oper- Microsoft ExcelV for Windows (Redmond, WA, USA,
ators. A more exhaustive/comprehensive search strategy 2007) and was pre-piloted, on 5 randomly selected
list, for each database, is provided in Table S1 in the papers, to ensure methodological concordance among
Supporting Information online. Only English articles the authors. The following data were extracted: first au-
published in peer-reviewed journals were included. thor and year of publication, number and type of in-
Adherence to any dietary patterns/dietary interventions cluded studies, comparison, number of subjects
were eligible. Since the focus of this review was to assess assigned to each group, study population, outcomes of
the available evidence for an association between de- interest, maximally adjusted effect size measurements
pression and whole-of-diet, rather than individual foods (that is, relative risk/hazard ratio, odds ratio, mean dif-
or nutrients, studies focusing only on a single food ference) along with the corresponding 95% CIs, and the
component (eg, only fish or fruit and vegetables) were quality of the studies included in each meta-analysis.
not included. Regarding the outcome, all definitions of Data were grouped according to the type of dietary in-
depression and all methods used to diagnose depression tervention or dietary patterns studied in observational
were considered eligible (depressive symptoms, inci-
studies. Any discordances between the 3 authors were
dent/prevalent depression, use of anti-depressant medi-
resolved through discussion; if disagreement persisted,
cations, and depressive feeling). Relevant articles were
a senior author was consulted (A.O.). Two authors
obtained in full and assessed against the inclusion/ex-
(V.G. and D.N.) independently evaluated the methodo-
clusion criteria. If an article presented meta-analyses for
logical quality of the included meta-analyses.
more than 1 dietary pattern/dietary intervention, each
Disagreements were resolved by discussion with a third
of these was included separately.
investigator (M.D.). The “A MeaSurement Tool to
Assess systematic Reviews 2” (AMSTAR-2) question-
Data extraction and quality assessment
naire was used to identify the quality of the meta-
A 2-step process was adopted to identify relevant analyses. The AMSTAR-2 tool has 16 items in total,
articles. First, 2 authors (V.G. and M.D.) independently with an overall rating based on weaknesses in critical
screened the titles and abstracts of the retrieved studies domains. Critical domains were as follows: definition of
in order to identify potentially eligible studies. Second, the PICO components (item 1), adequacy of the litera-
full texts of only the potentially eligible studies were re- ture search (items 4 and 5), risk of bias from individual
trieved and independently assessed for eligibility by 3 studies being included in the review (item 9), appropri-
review team members (V.G., D.N., and M.D.). Any dis- ateness of meta-analytical methods (item 11), consider-
agreements between them over the eligibility of particu- ation of risk of bias when presenting the results of the
lar studies were resolved through discussion with a review (item 12), assessment of presence of publication
senior reviewer (A.O.). Data were independently bias (item 15).19 The overall confidence rate ranged be-
extracted from each identified meta-analysis by 2 tween high (if no or only 1 noncritical weakness), mod-
authors (V.G. and D.N.), using a standard data erate (if more than 1 noncritical weakness), low (if 1

348 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

critical weakness), and critically low (if more than 1 No-evidence: significance threshold not reached
critical weakness).19 (P > .05).

Strengths of evidence assessment and data analysis RESULTS

All statistical analyses were conducted using Review Search results

Manager (RevMan, version 5.3 for Macintosh; The
Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark) and Figure 1 shows the flow diagram, reporting the selection
the statistical package PASW 20.0 for Macintosh (SPSS process. The electronic searches identified 1799 articles
Inc., Chicago, IL). For each included meta-analysis, the in total, of which 313 were identified in the PubMed/
following calculations were performed. Pooled effect Medline, 376 in Scopus, 203 in Web of Science, 702 in

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sizes and their 95% CIs were estimated using both EMBASE, 21 in PsychINFO, and 184 in the Cochrane
fixed-effects and random-effects models. For the sum- Collaboration database. A total of 921 articles were re-
mary random-effects, the 95% prediction interval (PIs) moved because of duplicates, leaving 878 articles. Of
were estimated, which further accounted for the degree these publications, 848 were excluded on the basis of
of between-study heterogeneity and gave a range for the title and abstract. Out of 30 potentially eligible
which there was 95% confidence that the effect in a new articles, 11 were removed after the full-text assess-
study examining the same association lay within. ment.27–37 The reasons for exclusion are shown in
Statistical heterogeneity between studies was evaluated Table S2 in the Supporting Information online.27–37 At
using the I2 statistic20; where I2 exceeded 50% or 75%, the end of the screening process, 19 articles met the in-
the heterogeneity was considered substantial or consid- clusion criteria and were included in the analysis.9–
erable, respectively.21 To detect any evidence of small- 11,38–53

study effects, the Egger’s regression asymmetry test was

performed, and the standard error (SE) of the effect size Characteristics and methodological quality of the
(under random effects) for the largest study of each included meta-analyses
meta-analysis was calculated.22 The largest study was
defined on the basis of the smallest SE. If the P-value Table 2 9–11,38–53 reports the characteristics and method-
for Egger’s test was <.10 and the largest study had a ological quality of the included meta-analyses. Out of
smaller effect size than the summary effect size, both the 19 included meta-analyses, 16 were meta-analysis of
criteria for existence of small-study effects were ful- observational studies, 2 were meta-analysis of RCTs,
filled.23 As previously proposed,24–26 in each meta- and 1 meta-analysis included both observational studies
analysis observed, associations were categorized as con- and RCTs. The following dietary patterns were ana-
vincing or not, by using the following criteria: signifi- lyzed: healthy dietary patterns (n ¼ 8), Mediterranean
cance at P  .05 and P  .001; inclusion of >500 or diet (MedDiet) (n ¼ 6), Dietary Approaches to Stop
>1000 cases for binary outcomes (>2500 or >5000 to- Hypertension (DASH) (n ¼ 2), vegetarian (n ¼ 4),
tal participants if the metric was continuous); absence Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) (n ¼ 5); Western diet
of considerable heterogeneity (I2 < 75%); 95% PI ex- (n ¼ 4), different types of dietary interventions, includ-
cluding the null value and absence of small-study ing very low-calorie diet (VLCD, ie, <800 kcal/d), re-
effects. Five categories were identified: (i) Convincing ducing fat (below 30%) and diets inducing weight loss.
evidence: significance threshold reached at P  .001 for The total number of diets covered was higher than the
both random- and fixed-effects calculation; >1000 cases total number of included articles because some of them
(or >5000 total participants if the metric was continu- assessed the association between several types of diets
ous); no large heterogeneity between studies (I2 < 50%); and depression. One article performed a harmonized
95% PI excluding the null value; no evidence of small- meta-analysis.46 In that case, the authors performed a
study effects. (ii) Highly suggestive evidence: significance consortium study (MooDFOOD project) including 5
threshold reached at P  .001 for both random- and different cohort studies (the Invecchiare in Chianti
fixed-effects calculation; >1000 cases (or >5000 total study [InCHIANTI]); the Longitudinal Aging Study
participants if the metric was continuous); not consid- Amsterdam (LASA); Netherlands Study of Depression
erable heterogeneity between studies (I2 ¼ 50–75%). and Anxiety (NESDA); Healthy Life in an Urban
(iii) Suggestive evidence: significance threshold reached Setting (HELIUS); the Whitehall II study; and an exter-
at P  .001 for random-effect calculation; 500–1000 nal cohort, the Australian Longitudinal Study on
cases (or 2500–5000 total participants if the metric was Women’s Health (ALSWH)]. Starting from the respec-
continuous). (iv) Weak evidence: significance threshold tive food frequency questionnaires adopted in each co-
reached at P  .05 for random-effects calculation. (v) hort, authors estimated adherence to Mediterranean

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Identification of studies via databases and registers

Records identified from:

Cochrane (n = 184)
EMBASE (n = 702)
Records removed before screening:
PubMed/MEDLINE (n = 313) Duplicate records removed (n = 921)
Scopus (n = 376)
Web of Science (n = 203)
PsycINFO (n = 21)

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Records screened Records excluded
(n = 878) (n = 848)

Reports sought for retrieval Reports not retrieved

(n = 30) (n = 0)

Reports assessed for eligibility Reports excluded (n = 11):

(n = 30) Not meta-analysis (n = 1)
Celiac patients (n = 2)
Only abstract/erratum/commentary (n = 7)
No diet as a whole (n = 1)

Studies included in review

(n = 19)

Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram of the literature selection process.

diet using a unique scale (Mediterranean Diet Score). A on the methods used for the assessment. In this respect,
similar approach was used in this meta-analysis also for a great heterogeneity was found for diagnostic methods
the DASH and Alternative Healthy Eating Index (validated tools, clinical interview, self-reported diagno-
(AHEI-2010). sis, consultation of medical records, or antidepressant
A great variability was observed in the included drug use). Regarding dietary patterns, in all except 4
studies in the definitions of specific dietary patterns or meta-analyses,38,40,42,43 the authors compared the high-
dietary interventions. For instance, both healthy dietary est vs lowest adherence (or vice versa in 2 studies50,51).
patterns and Western diet were defined based on an a In these 4 meta-analyses, 3 compared different dietary
priori or a posteriori factor, on cluster or principal com- patterns (eg, pre- vs post-dietary intervention, no inter-
ponents analysis. Similarly, adherence to the MedDiet vention vs intervention, and vegetarian vs omnivorous),
was quantified by means of a variety of MedDiet scales; whereas another compared depressed vs no depressed
and of the 4 meta-analyses of vegetarian diets, 1 consid- subjects. Table S3 in the Supporting Information on-
ered vegans and vegetarians diets together,38 while the line9–11,38–53 further details the characteristics of the in-
others differentiated between the 2.41,43,47 On the other cluded meta-analyses, reporting pooled effect sizes,
hand, very low or no heterogeneity was found when prediction intervals, heterogeneity, and P-values.
DASH or DII were considered, since in both cases a The largest population (>100 000 subjects) was ob-
univocal diet scale is in place. Regarding depression, it served in observational studies, particularly in meta-
was generally defined as diagnosis of depressive disor- analyses of the vegetarian diet,38,41 healthy dietary pat-
ders or depressive symptoms, without any restriction terns,11 and DII.50 In contrast, the smallest population

350 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Table 2. Characteristics and quantitative synthesis of meta-analyses reporting associations between dietary patterns and depression
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Reference n of studies/ study Comparison Diet assessment Outcome Outcome Study population Quality/risk of bias n events N total AMSTAR-2 Strength of
design measurement (age  18 y) assessment evidence

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Healthy dietary patterns
Lai et al, 20149 13/9 CS, 4 C High vs low Validated FFQ Depression CES-D, HADS, self- M/F ADA 2833e 83 226 Moderate Suggestive
adherencea and 24h-DR reported clinical

diagnosis or
ADs, ICD-10,
Clinical Interview
for DSM 4th
Lassale et al, 6/3 CS, 3 C High vs low 24h-DR, Depressive BDI, CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 4643 51 716 Moderate Weak
201910 adherence DQES, FFQ outcomes HADS, K10, PHQ-
(HEI/aHEI) 9, self-reported
Li et al, 201744 21/6 CS, 11 C, High vs low FFQ Depression NA M/F NOS 9100 62 138 Critically low Suggestive
4 CC adherence
Matison et al, 7C High vs low 24h-DR, Depression GDS, CES-D M/F NOS 7980c 75 963 High No evidence
202145 adherence DQES, FFQ
Molendijk et al, 12 C High vs low 24h-DR, Depression/ ADs, CES–D, EPDS, M/F Criteria set by NA 105 494 Low Weak
201811 i adherence DQES, FFQ depressive GDS, K10, self- authors
symptoms diagnosis
Nicolaou et al, 6 CS High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-Self M/F None 4932 23 107 Critically low Weak
201946 adherence symptoms Report, PHQ-9
Nicolaou et al, 3C High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-Self M/F None 2966 13 295 Critically low No evidence
201946 adherence symptoms Report, PHQ-9
Wu et al, 202052 18/11 CS, 6 C, High vs low FFQ, 24h-DR, Depression NA Elderly M/F JBI CAC NA 45 972 Critically low Weak
1 RCT adherence diet-history (65 y)
Wu et al, 202053 8/6 CS, 2 C High vs low FFQ, 24h-DR Depression CES-D, HADS, BDI, M/F ADA NA NA Low Weak
adherence Self-reported
(aHEI) physician diag-
nosis þ ADs
Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet)
Lassale et al, 6/2 CS, 4 C High vs low MDS, rMED, Depressive BDI, CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 1954d 41 289 Moderate Highly suggestive
201910 adherence aMED outcomes HADS, K10, PHQ-
9, self-reported
Matison et al, 3C High vs low 24h-DR, FFQ Depression GDS, CES-D M/F NOS 1219 10 343 High No evidence
202145 adherence
Molendijk et al, 5C High vs low 24h-DR, DQES, Depression/ ADs, CES–D, EPDS, M/F Criteria set by NA 38 366 Low Weak
201811 i adherence FFQ depressive GDS, K10, self- authors
symptoms diagnosis
Nicolaou et al, 6 CS High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-Self M/F None 4932 23 107 Critically low Convincing
201946 adherence symptoms Report, PHQ-9
Nicolaou et al, 3C High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-Self M/F None 2966 13 295 Critically low Highly suggestive
201946 adherence symptoms Report, PHQ-9
Psaltopoulou et 9/8 C, 1 CC High vs low A variety of Depression ZDRS, interview, M/F NOS 2203 17 064 Critically low Weak
al, 201348 adherence scores HADS, CES-D,
converted GDS, diagnosis

to 0–9 range þ ADs

of the MDS

Table 2. Continued

Reference n of studies/ study Comparison Diet assessment Outcome Outcome Study population Quality/risk of bias n events N total AMSTAR-2 Strength of
design measurement (age  18 y) assessment evidence

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Shafiei et al, 4C High vs low 9-component Depression CES-D, GDS, M/F NOS 903c 31 746 Low No evidence
201949 adherence MedDiet pattern, HADS, ZDRS,
11-component diagnosis þ
MedDiet pattern, ADs
and 14-item
Shafiei et al, 9 CS High vs low 9-component Depression CES-D, GDS, M/F NOS NA 9409 Low Weak
201949 adherence MedDiet pattern, HADS, ZDRS,
11-component diagnosis þ
MedDiet pattern, ADs
and 14-item
Lassale et al, 4/3 CS, 1 C High vs low 24h-DR, DQES, Depressive BDI, CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 587c 20 472 Moderate No evidence
201910 adherence FFQ outcomes HADS, K10,
PHQ-9, self-
Nicolaou et al, 6 CS High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-self M/F None 4932 23 107 Critically low No evidence
201946 adherence symptoms report, PHQ-9
Nicolaou et al, 3C High vs low FFQ Depressive CES-D, IDS-Self M/F None 2966 13 295 Critically low Weak
201946 adherence symptoms Report, PHQ-9
Vegetarian diets
Askari et al, 10/6 CS, 4 C Depression vs no FFQ, customized Depression M-CIDI, HADS, M/F vegetarians NOS NA 122 391 Low No evidence
202038 depression questionnaires CES-D, EPDA,
Fazelian et al, 6 CS Semi-vegetarian 24h-DR, FFQ, brief Depression GDS, CES-D, DSM, M/F NOS NA 106 004 Moderate Weak
202241 vs omnivore questions HADS, EPDS,
about regular DASS, CIDI
Fazelian et al, 2 CS Vegan vs FFQ about regular Depression DASS, CES-D M/F NOS NA 91 272 Moderate No evidence
202241 omnivore diet
Iguacel et al, 2 CS Vegetarian/ NA Depression DASS, SF-36, M/F NHBLI 1168 8486 Moderate Weak
202043 vegan vs CES-D
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Iguacel et al, 5/3 CS, 1 C, 1 RCT Vegan vs NA Depression DASS, SF-36, M/F NHBLI NA 3127 Moderate Weak
202043 omnivores CES-D
Iguacel et al, 7/5 CS, 1 C, 1 RCT Vegetarian vs NA Depression DASS, SF-36, M/F NHBLI NA 3607 Moderate No evidence
202043 omnivores CES-D
Ocklenburg and NA Vegetarian vs NA Depression/ DASS, SF-36, M/F NOS 8057 41 832 Critically low Weak
Borawski, omnivores Depressive CES-D,

symptoms PHQ-9
Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII)
Chen et al, 8 CS High vs low DII FFQ, 24h-DR Depression/ CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 6432b 52 360 Low Highly suggestive
202239 depressive PHQ-9, HADS,
symptoms BDI

Table 2. Continued
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

Reference n of studies/ study Comparison Diet assessment Outcome Outcome Study population Quality/risk of bias n events N total AMSTAR-2 Strength of
design measurement (age  18 y) assessment evidence

Downloaded from by guest on 05 December 2023

Chen et al, 5C High vs low DII FFQ, 24h-DR Depression/ CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 5854 55 392 Low Highly suggestive
202239 depressive PHQ-9, HADS,
symptoms BDI

Lassale et al, 9/5 C, 4 CS Low vs high DII 24h-DR, DQES, Depressive BDI, CES-D, DASS, M/F NOS 6152 65 666 Moderate Highly suggestive
201910 FFQ outcomes HADS, K10, PHQ-
9, self-reported
Matison et al, 3C High vs low DII 24h-DR, FFQ Depression GDS, CES-D, self- M/F NOS 1244b 7826 High Weak
202145 reported
Tolkien et al, 11/7 C, 4 CS High vs low DIIf FFQ Depression/ CES-D, PHQ-9, M/F NOS NA 101 950 Low Weak
201950 depressive HADS, DASS, di-
symptoms agnosis þ ADs,
self-reported þ
Wang et al, 6/4 C, 2 CS High vs low DII FFQ, 24h-DR Depression CES-D, PHQ-9, self- M/F STROBE 4864b 49 584 Critically low Convincing
201951 reported
Western diet
Lai et al, 20149 4/2 CS, 2 C High vs low Validated FFQ Depression CES-D, HADS, self- M/F ADA 1000b 60 868 Moderate No evidence
adherence and 24h-DR reported clinical
diagnosis or
ADs, ICD-10,
Clinical Interview
for DSM 4th
Li et al, 201744 17/5 CS, 9 C, High vs low FFQ Depression NA M/F NOS 7331 40 975 Critically low Weak
3 CC adherence
Matison et al, 7C High vs low 24h-DR, FFQ Depression GDS, CES-D, self- M/F NOS 4956c 79 917 High Weak
202145 adherence reported
Molendijk et al, 10 C High vs low 24h-DR, DQES, Depression/ ADs, CES–D, EPDS, M/F Criteria set by NA 84 870 Low No evidence
201811 i adherence FFQ depressive GDS, K10, self- authors
symptoms diagnosis
Other diets
Ein et al, 201940 9 RCT Pre vs post VLCD 6 studies Depressive BDI, POMS, SM-D, M/F Criteria set by 345 345 Critically low Weak
intervention performed a symptoms HADS authors
long interven-
tion (range
8–16 wk), 3 a
short interven-
tion (range
6 d–8 wk)

Table 2. Continued

Reference n of studies/ study Comparison Diet assessment Outcome Outcome Study population Quality/risk of bias n events N total AMSTAR-2 Strength of
design measurement (age  18 y) assessment evidence

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Firth et al, 201942 16 RCT No dietary Diets aimed to Depressive SF-36, CES-D, HADS, M/F ADA 18 746 27 080 Moderate Weak
intervention improve nutri- symptoms GDS, BSI, BDI,
vs dietary tion were POMS
intervention based on
tions. Diets
aimed to reduce
% of fat intake
focused on re-
ducing fat con-
sumption. Diets
aimed to induce
weight loss were
based on caloric
ranged between
10 d and 3 y.
This meta-analysis included studies assessing adherence to a healthy diet defined a posteriori, and adherence to the MedDiet measured using different scores.
1 included study did not report n of events.
2 included studies did not report n of events.
3 included studies did not report n of events.
4 included studies did not report n of events.
2 included studies assessed inflammation using the blood level of interleukins.
The meta-analysis did not provide adequate data to estimate the summary effect size; the random-effects summary effect size as presented by the authors of the original meta-analysis were reported.
Abbreviations: ADs, antidepressant drugs; ADA, American Dietetic Association quality assessment tool; aHEI, alternative healthy eating index; aMED, alternate Mediterranean Diet scale; AMSTAR-2, A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic
Reviews 2; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BSI, Brief Symptoms Inventory; C, cohort; CC, case–control; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CIDI, composite international diagnostic interview; CS, cross-sectional; DASS,
Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale; DII, dietary inflammatory index; DQES, dietary questionnaire for epidemiological studies; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; EPDS, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale; FFQ, Food
Frequency Questionnaire; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HEI, healthy eating index; ICD, Composite International Diagnostic; IDS, Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology; K10, Kessler
Psychological Distress Scale; M-CIDI, Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview; MDS, Mediterranean Diet score; JBI CAC, Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist; NA, not available; NOS, Newcastle–Ottawa Scale; NHBLI,
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute quality assessment tool; PCA, principal component analysis; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item depression module; POMS, profile of mood – Depression Scale; RCT, randomized controlled trial;
rMED, relative Mediterranean Diet scale; SF-36, Short-Form 36 Health survey; SM-D, subject mood – depression; STROBE, STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology; STROBE, STrengthening the Reporting of
OBservational studies in Epidemiology; VLCD, very-low-calorie diet; ZDRS, Zung self-rating depression scale; 24h-DR, 24-hour dietary recall
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359
n of Reference n of events (cases)/ Odds ratio Odds ratio Strength
Study studies design total (controls) Comparison (95% CI) (95% CI) of evidence

Healthy diets
Lai et al, 2014 13 9 CS, 4 C 2833/83 226 high vs low 0.84 (0.76; 0.92)
Lassale et al, 201910 6 3 CS, 3 C 4643/51 716 high vs low 0.65 (0.50; 0.84)
Li et al., 2017 21 6 CS, 11 C, 4 CC 9100/62 138 high vs low 0.64 (0.57; 0.72)
Matison et al, 2021 7 7C 7980/75 963 high vs low 0.97 (0.95; 1.00)
Molendijk et al, 2018 12 12 C NA/105 494 high vs low 0.77 (0.67; 0.89)
Nicolaou et al, 2019 6 6 CS 4932/23 107 high vs low 0.93 (0.88; 0.98)
Nicolaou et al, 2019 3 3C 2966/13 295 high vs low 0.95 (0.84; 1.06)
Wu et al, 202052 18 11 CS, 6 C, 1 RCT NA/45 972 high vs low 0.85 (0.78; 0.92)
Wu et al, 202053 8 6 CS, 4 C NA high vs low 0.70 (0.56; 0.86)

Mediterranean diet
Lassale et al, 201910 6 2 CS, 4 C 61 954/41 289 high vs low 0.69 (0.59; 0.82)
Matison et al, 2021 3 3C 1219/10 343 high vs low 0.93 (0.81; 1.04)
Molendijk et al, 2018 5 5C NA/38 366 high vs low 0.75 (0.67; 0.84)

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Nicolaou et al, 2019 6 6 CS 4932/23 107 high vs low 0.87 (0.84; 0.91)
Nicolaou et al, 2019 3 3C 2966/13 295 high vs low 0.88 (0.80; 0.96)
Psaltopoulou et al, 2013 9 8 C, 1 CS 2203/17 064 high vs low 0.68 (0.54; 0.86)
Shafiei et al, 2019 4 4C 903/31 746 high vs low 0.95 (0.79; 1.16)
Shafiei et al, 2019 9 9 CS NA/9409 high vs low 0.72 (0.60; 0.87)

Lassale et al, 201910 4 3 CS, 1 C 587/20 472 high vs low 0.90 (0.73; 1.12)
Nicolaou et al, 2019 6 6 CS 4932/23 107 high vs low 0.94 (0.87; 1.01)
Nicolaou et al, 2019 3 3C 2966/13 295 high vs low 0.90 (0.84; 0.97)

Vegetarian diets
Askari et al, 2020 10 6 CS, 4 C NA/122 391 depression vs no depression 1.02 (0.84; 1.25)
Fazelian et al, 2022 6 6 CS NA/106 004 semiveget vs omnivores 1.86 (1.42; 2.44)
Fazelian et al, 2022 2 2 CS NA/91 272 vegan vs omnivores 0.93 (0.37; 2.29)
Iguacel et al, 2020 2 2 CS 1168/8486 veget/vegan vs omnivores 2.14 (1.11; 4.15)

Dietary Inflammatory Index

Chen et al, 2021 8 8 CS 6432/52 360 high DII vs low DII 1.26 (1.17; 1.37)
Chen et al, 2021 5 5C 5854/55 392 high DII vs low DII 1.21 (1.12; 1.32)
Lassale et al, 2019 9 5 C, 4 CS 6152/65 666 low DII vs high DII 0.71 (0.60; 0.84)
Matison et al, 2021 3 3C 1244/7826 high DII vs low DII 1.33 (1.04; 1.70)
Tolkien et al, 2019 11 7 C, 4 CS NA/101 950 high DII vs low DII 1.40 (1.21; 1.62)
Wang et al, 2019 6 4 C, 2 CS 4864/49 584 high DII vs low DII 1.23 (1.12; 1.35)

Western diet
Lai et al, 2014 4 2 CS, 2 C 1000/60 868 high vs low 1.17 (0.97, 1.41)
Li et al, 2017 17 5 CS, 9 C, 3 CC 7331/40 975 high vs low 1.18 (1.05; 1.34)
Matison et al, 2021 7 7C 4956/79 917 high vs low 1.15 (1.04; 1.26)
Molendijk et al, 2018 10 10 C NA/84 870 high vs low 1.05 (0.99; 1.12)

0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2

n of Reference n of events (cases)/ Mean difference Mean difference Strength

Study studies design total (controls) Comparison (95% CI) (95% CI) of evidence

Iguacel et al, 2020 5 3 CS, 1 C, 1 RCT NA/3127 vegan vs omnivores –1.94 (–5.49; 1.61)
Iguacel et al, 2020 7 5 CS, 1 C, 1 RCT NA/3607 veget vs omnivores –0.07 (–1.62; 1.49)
Ein et al, 2019 9 9 RCT 345/345 pre vs post VLCD –0.73 (–1.20; –0.25)
Firth et al, 2019 16 16 RCT 18 746/27 080 no dietary intervention vs 0.27 (0.10; 0.45)
all dietary interventions
Ocklenburg and 0.21 (0.06; 0.36)
13 13 NA 8057/41 832 veget vs omnivores
Borawski, 2021

–4 –2 0 2 4

Figure 2 Summary and strength of evidence of all meta-analyses reporting association betweendietary patterns and depression in
adults. Dark green 5 convincing evidence; light green 5 highly suggestive evidence; orange 5 suggestive evidence; yellow 5 weak evi-
dence; gray 5 no evidence. Abbreviations: C, cohort; CC, case–control; CS, cross-sectional; DII, Dietary Inflammatory Index; NA, not available;
RCT, randomized controlled trial; veget, vegetarian; VLCD, very-low calorie diet

was observed in a very-low-calorie diet intervention 9 out of 19 of them did not account for risk of bias
meta-analysis (n ¼ 345 subjects).40 All but 211,15 of the when interpreting/discussing the results of the meta-
meta-analyses assessed the quality of the included origi- analysis (see Table S4 in the Supporting Information
nal studies with a validated scale. In the harmonized online9–11,38–53).
meta-analysis of Nicolaou et al,46 a quality score was The methodological quality of the included meta-
not used, since the data were obtained from a consor- analyses, determined by the AMSTAR-2 questionnaire,
tium project and not from a systematic review. was high-to-moderate in 6 articles, low in 6, and criti-
However, 17 out of 19 studies used validated tools, and cally low in 7 articles (see Table 2). For each included

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

meta-analysis, the complete AMSTAR-2 evaluation is DISCUSSION
reported in detail in Table S4 in the Supporting
Information online.9–11,38–53 The current umbrella review provides an overview and
assesses the quality and strength of the available meta-
Strength of evidence analytic evidence on the association between dietary
patterns and risk of depression. The overall analysis
Figure 2, 9–11,38–53 shows the strength of evidence for comprised 19 meta-analyses of both observational stud-
each meta-analysis, estimated on the basis of the follow- ies and RCTs. Approximately 70% (13 out 19) of the in-
ing criteria: level of significance for both random- and cluded meta-analyses had low methodological quality,
fixed-effect calculations, sample size, heterogeneity, and therefore the strength of evidence in these studies,
95% PI, and the presence of small study effects. Detailed assessed using evidence classification criteria, was weak.
Among all the dietary patterns/dietary interventions an-

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information on the assessment of the strength of the ev-
idence is reported in Tables S5 and S6 in the Supporting alyzed, the largest number of meta-analyses was found
Information online.9–11,38–53 for healthy dietary patterns (as a whole), followed by
Among all the dietary patterns evaluated, a higher MedDiet. The most consistent evidence was reported
adherence to the MedDiet and lower DII (indicating a for MedDiet and DII, with convincing evidence that a
lower adherence to an inflammatory diet) were associ- MedDiet or a diet with a low pro-inflammatory score is
ated with a lower risk of depression with the highest associated with a reduced risk of depression. Regarding
level of evidence (see Figure 2 9–11,38–53). Looking at the healthy dietary patterns, highly suggestive evidence was
MedDiet, 1 meta-analysis, which only included cross- also found, but these results should be interpreted with
sectional data, found convincing evidence46 (random caution, since a high heterogeneity was detected, both
effect size: .87 [95% CI; .84; .91)], while 210,46 found in the definition of “healthy”, and in the dietary patterns
highly suggestive evidence. The first 1 only included included in each meta-analysis. Finally, weak or no evi-
prospective data (.88 [95% CI; .80; .96)], whereas the dence was reported for the DASH, vegetarian, and
second pooled both cross-sectional and prospective Western diets, as well as for the meta-analyses of RCTs
data (0.69 [95% CI; 0.59; 0.82]). As for the DII, it was on VLCD and other dietary interventions.
found that a pro-inflammatory diet as estimated by a The MedDiet is a dietary pattern mainly based on
higher DII score was associated with an increased risk limited intake of red and processed meat and high con-
of depression in a meta-analysis that included both sumption of fruit and vegetables, legumes, fish, whole
cross-sectional and cohort studies; furthermore, highly grains, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts,54 whereas the
suggestive evidence was found that higher DII score is DII is a validated measure of the inflammatory potential
associated with an increased risk of prevalent (1.26 of the overall diet.55 The protective effects of higher ad-
[95% CI; 1.17; 1.37]) and incident depression (1.21 herence to the MedDiet and a low DII score for risk of
[95% CI; 1.12; 1.32]) in a meta-analysis that estimated depression may be explained by their anti-
the risk stratified by study design.39 Moreover, highly inflammatory effects; indeed, previous evidence sug-
suggestive evidence was also found that a lower DII gests a proinflammatory status in subjects with depres-
score is associated with lower incidence of depression sion.56,57 Their potential anti-inflammatory effect can
(.71 [95% CI; .60; .84]).10 be due to the high content of antioxidants, such as B-
The relationship between healthy dietary patterns carotene and polyphenols, contained in fruit and vege-
and risk of depression was assessed in 8 articles, for a tables, and olive oil. In particular, a high content of pol-
total of 9 unique meta-analyses (1 article reported sepa- yphenols seem to have direct neuroprotective effects.58
rately the effect size for cross-sectional and prospective Fruit and vegetables are also rich in folate, which is in-
cohort studies). Of these, 29,44 reported suggestive evi- volved in the synthesis of some neurotransmitters, such
dence for an association between healthy dietary pat- as dopamine and serotonin, which are both associated
terns and depression (.84 [95% CI; .76; .92] and .64 with mood regulation.59 Actually, a deficiency of folates
[95% CI; .57; .72], respectively), while the other 7 may be associated with an increased level of homocyste-
reported weak or no evidence. Regarding DASH, vege- ine, which in turn is associated with lower concentra-
tarian and Western diets, the strength of evidence was tion of S-adenosylmethionine, the universal methyl
graded as weak. In addition, in the meta-analysis on the donor involved in the synthesis of several neurotrans-
vegetarian diet,43 both observational data and RCTs mitters, including dopamine and serotonin.59
were included in the pooled analysis, and this may have Moreover, fruit and vegetables are high in fibre, which
biased the results. Weak evidence was also found for the plays an important role in the well-being of the gut
2 meta-analyses of RCTs on VLCD,40 and all dietary microbiota60 and the interconnection between gut and
interventions vs no intervention.42 brain.57,61 It seems that an alteration of this microbiota

356 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

(dysbiosis) increases the release of lipopolysaccharides depression), with detailed reporting of interventions,
from bacteria, which in turn activate an anti- participant characteristics, sample sizes, and outcome
inflammatory reaction.62 In this context, a growing data. This approach would allow a more precise quanti-
number of studies suggests a beneficial association be- fication of the relationship between dietary patterns and
tween probiotics supplementation and the treatment of depression. In spite of the above-mentioned weakness
depression among depressed patients.63,64 The anti- of the included meta-analyses, the most consistent find-
inflammatory effect might also be due to the long-chain ings were that a higher adherence to a Mediterranean
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of fish and nuts, diet or a low pro-inflammatory diet were associated
which might play a role in reducing the level of inflam- with a lower risk of depression. None of the included
mation and improving the neurotransmission, through meta-analyses found that dietary patterns had a detri-
improved fluidity of the cellular membranes.65 mental effect in terms of depression, except for the

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Preliminary evidence has suggested that depressed sub- Western diet.9,11,44
jects supplemented with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids potentially showed a reduction in plasma nor- Limitations and strengths
adrenaline and cortisol stimulated by mental stress.66
On the other hand, the pro-inflammatory properties of This study has several strengths and limitations. First,
foods included in the Western diet (eg, red and proc- since an umbrella review is a systematic review of meta-
essed meat, refined grains, sweets, and ultra-processed analyses, it depends on the quality of the included
foods) may explain the detrimental effect of this dietary meta-analyses and cannot correct for potential omis-
pattern.57,67–70 However, even if most of the available sions or overlapping of original studies, as with any
evidence explored the association between single other systematic review. In addition, as in all umbrella
nutrients or food groups and depression,71–75 in real reviews, it is possible that very recent individual studies
life, people consume meals composed of a combination were not part of the meta-analyses included. Second,
of many foods and nutrients that interact with one an- based on the same assumption, the quality of this um-
other. Thus, even though discussing potential beneficial
brella review and its corresponding conclusions might
or detrimental effects of individual food components is
be affected by the limitations of the meta-analyses in-
useful for better understanding of the biological mecha-
cluded; these meta-analyses were heterogeneous in
nisms, it is also important to consider that there is likely
terms of framing the question and definition of criteria,
no 1 food/nutrient that is responsible for the final effect.
comparisons, and populations. Dietary exposure was
Instead, the dietary pattern as a whole is what should be
heterogeneously measured in the original studies, and
considered, particularly because it is considered 1 of the
the included meta-analyses did not differentiate be-
lifestyle factors.
tween the several possible methods available for assess-
This umbrella review highlights several critical
ing dietary patterns (they had different questionnaires
aspects in the literature. First, the total number of avail-
for the same dietary patterns, or different analytical
able review articles is relatively low, probably indicating
that this is a relatively new research topic that needs approaches, eg, a priori or a posteriori analysis).
more studies. The second critical aspect is that approxi- Moreover, dietary research is intrinsically affected by
mately half of the included articles had low quality in several methodological challenges, which include mea-
the current assessment. Third, the inclusion/exclusion surement and quantification of dietary intakes, but also
criteria set by most of the included meta-analyses were recall bias, misreporting, misclassification, and mea-
not well defined, resulting in high heterogeneity of the surement error. Third, the current umbrella review was
dietary patterns considered. Also, depression was very limited by the relatively low number of available meta-
heterogeneously defined: many different scales were analyses, particularly referring to meta-analyses of
used, and in some cases these were not validated. Last, RCTs. Fourth, due to the relatively low number of ob-
the cut-offs used for assessing both dietary pattern ad- servational meta-analyses available and the absence of
herence and depression might have led to misclassifica- specific subgroup meta-analysis, it was not possible to
tion of subjects. In future studies, the methods for specifically assess the association between dietary pat-
assessing adherence to various dietary patterns need terns and different depressive outcomes (eg, separating
standardization, as do the assessment and definition of early-onset or later-life depression, depressive disorder,
depression: the development of international recom- depressive symptoms, or antidepressant drugs use).
mendations for future research is needed. Based on the Despite these limitations, there are some strengths. All
data retrieved and their analysis, it can be affirmed that possible dietary patterns or diet interventions in associ-
future studies need a more coherent and uniform meth- ation with depression were included, offering a compre-
odology (both in assessing diet and in the diagnosis of hensive and systematic overview of the available

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359

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Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 81(3):346–359


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