Idioms S Z

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Scare Out of One's Wits To be very frightened or worried.

Scare the Daylights Out If something scares the (living) daylights out of you, it terrifies you.
Scared Stiff Someone who is scared stiff is so frightened that they are unable to move.
have no
Scrape the Bottom of the Using the worst or the least satisfactory ideas, things or people because you
Barrel choice.
Scratch the Surface To deal with only a smallpart of problem.
Scream Blue Murder Tocomplain very loudly as if something very serious has happerned.
Second a Motion To formally agree with a proposal.
Second Nature To
Easy and natural for someone.
Second To None Better than everything.
See Eye To Eye With
Someone About Toview something in the same way.
See Someone Home To accompany someone home.

See Something Through To follow through on something until it is completed.

See the Last of Someone
To see someone or something for the last time.
Or Something after a long period of
See the Light at the End To foresee an end to something, such as a problem or a task
of the Tunnel time.
See the Light of Day To come to the end of a very busy time.
See Which Way the Wind
To determine what is the most expedient thing tÍ do.
is Biowing
Sell Down the River If yousell someone down the river, youbetray a person who trusts you.
Sell Like Hot Cakes Things that sell like hot cakes sell quickly or in large quantities.
Send a Shiver Down Your Feeling anxious or nervous.
Separate Sheep From which are not.
To examine a group of people and decide which are suitable and
Serve Notice To announce (something).
Set in Stone When something is set in stone, it is permanent and cannot be changed in any way.
Set Something Up To put something together.
Set the Pecords Straight Ifyou set the records straight, you provide facts or an explanation.
Set You Back The sum of money something sets you back is the amount it costs you.
Settle a Score To settle a score is to retaliate against someone or take revenge.
Settle On Something To decide on something.
Sew Something Up To complete something.
Shake Like a Leaf If youshake like a leaf, you tremble with fear or nervousness.
Shake Someone off Toget rid of someone.
Shake Someone Up To shock or upset someone.
Shape of Things To Come If something, such as a trend or fashion, is the shape of things to come, it is a sign of
what is likely to be used or enjoyed by manypeople in the future.
Shed Crocodile Tears To shed false tears.
Shed Some Light On To reveal something about
chance and who are unlikely
Ships That Pass In the People who meet each other briefly by tomeet again.
Someone is experiencing what they used to make others experience,
Shoe Is On theOther foot negative things. normally-
Shoot One's Mouth off To boast or talktoo much.
Shoot Yourself In the
Todo or say something which is against one's own interests.
Shot In the Arm A boost.
Show Orne's True Colours When a person reveals their real nature, with their qualities andfor weaknesses
Shut the Stable Door
When the Horse Has To prevent something bad from happening when it is already too late.
Sick and Tired of
Disgusted and annoyed with someone orsomething.
Someone OrSomething
Sign On the Dotted Line To place one's signature on a contract or other inmportant paper.
Significant Other Aspouse, partner or lover, with whomyou have a long term relationship.
Silver Lining Asilver lining refers tothe good or pleasant side effects of an unpleasant situation.
Sing a Different Tune To changeopinion about something.
Sink One's Differences To forget disagreements.
Sink Your Teeth into if you sink your teeth into something, you doit with alotof energy and enthusiasm.
Sit On Someone Or
Tohold something or someone back.
Sit On the Fence Someone who does not want to choose or make adecision.
Sit Through Something To witness or endure all of something.
Sitting Duck Asitting duck is an easytarget, a person who is easy to deceive.
Sitting Pretty Living in comfort or luxury.
Six of One and Half a
About the same one way or another.
Dozen of the Other
Skip Out On Someone Or
Tosneak away from someone.
Slap In the Face An insult; An act thatcauses disappointment or discouragement.
Slap On the Wrist To receive mild punishment.
Sleep On Something To think about something overnight.
Slip of the Tongue An error in speaking
Slip Through Someone's
Toget away from someone.
SmallPrint The part of a document that is not easily noticed.
Smoke and Mirrors An attempt to conceal or distort the truth (like a magician) in order to confuse
Smoke Like aChimney Someone who smokes a large amount of tobacco on aregular basis.
Snake ln the Grass Alowand deceitful person,
Snatch Victory From the If you manage to win something such as a match or a contest, when you are on the
Jaws of Defeat verge of losing.
So Be lt This is the way it will be.
So Far, So Good All is going weill so far.
So Much For Someone Or
That is the last of someone or something.
Social Butterfly person who has alot of friends and
A acquaintances.
Something To Spare With extra left Over.
Sound Like a Broken
Someone who says the same thing again and again.
Sour Grapes To make others believe that something they cannot have is of no importance.

SowSeeds of Suspicion If someone's behaviour, or something they say, sows the seeds of suspicion, it leads
people to suspect that they are guilty.
Spanner In the Works To do something that causes problems and prevents the success of a plan or event.
Speak For Itself and
Speak For Themselves
Tohave an obvious meaning.
Speak ll of Someone Ifyou speakill ofsomeone, you say bador unkind things about them.
Speak of the Devil This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives.
Speak Out of Turn To say something unwise or imprudent.
Speak Same Language Having similar opinions or ideas.
Speak With a Forked
To tel! lies.
Spick And Span Very clean.
Spill the Beans If you spill the beans, you reveal asecret or talk about something private.
Spin a Yarn Telling a story with distorted truths.
Spiral Out of Control
When difficulties or costs spiralout of control, they get worse or increase
continuously, creating asituation that becomes difficult to manage.
Spit In Someone's Eye If youspit in someone's eye, you treat that person with disrespect or contempt.
Sponge off Someone Accepting hospitality without sharing the costs ordoing something in return.
Sporting Chance A reasonably good chance.
Spruce Something Up To make someone or something clean and orderly.
Square Deal Atransaction that is fair and honest, or an equitable arrangement, is called a square
Square Peg In a Round
Hole A misfit.
Stab Someone In the
Back To betray someone.
Stand On Own TwO Feet To be independent.
Stand One's Ground
To maintain ones position/opinion.
Start From Scratch To start from the beginning.
Start off On the
Foot Wrong
To begin [something] by doing something wrong.
Start off Witha Clean
To start out fresh again.
Start the Ball Rolling To begin an activity in which other people will join.
State of the Art The most technologically advanced model currently available.
Steal a March On
Someone To get some sort of an advantage over somneone without being noticed
Steal Someone's Thunder To take the creditfor something someone else did.
Steer Clear of Someone
Or Something To avoid someone or something.
Step Into Someone's
Shoes Understanding the perspective of the other person
Step On Someone's Toes If youannoy or irritate someone by intervening in a situation that is their
Step On theGas To accelerate oror to get something done quíckly.
Stick One's Neck Out For
To take a risk.
Someone Or Something
Stick Out Like aSore
Thumb To be veryprominent or unsightly.
Stick To One's Guns To remain firm in one's convictions.
Stick To Your Guns If you stick to your guns, you show determination when faced with opposition.
Stick in The Mud Someone who is stubbornly old fashioned.
Stiff Upper Lip B Hiding ones emotions.
Stir Up a Hornet's Nest To do something which causes acommotion and provokes criticism and anger.
Stoop To Doing
To degrade oneself.
Stop Dead In One's Tracks When youstop suddenly because youare frightened or totally surprised.
Stop Short of Doing
Not to go as far as doing something.
Stop, Look, and Listen To exercise caution.
Straight From the Horse's From an authoritative or dependable source.
Strange Bedfellows Unlikelyassociation of two or more people, companies or states.
Strike a Balance Between To find a satisfactory compromise between tWo extremes.
Two Things
Strike a Bargain To reach an agreement on aprice for something.
Strike a False Note If you strike a false note, you do something wrong or
Strike Gold If you strike gold, you find exactly what you need: satisfaction, wealth, happiness
Strike Pay Dirt To be lucky and suddenly successful in money making situation.
Strike the Right Note To achieve the desired effect.
Strike While the Iron Is
Hot Todo something at the best possible time.
String Along With
To accompany someone
Struggle Tothe Death Abitter struggle to the end.
Stubborn as a Mule Avery obstinate person unwilling to listen to reason.
Stumbling Block
Aproblem or obstacle that prevents youfrom achieving something is astumbling
Such as It Is In the imperfect state that one sees it.
Sugar the Pill To make some unpleasant news more acceptable.
Suit Every Pocket The price youcan afford.
Survivalof the Fittest The most able, or thosebest capable of adapting to particular conditions, will survive.
Swallow One's Pride Youaccept something humiliating or embarrassing.
Swallow Something, To believe something completely.
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Swallow the Bait Youcompletely accept something,especially an offer that is a trick or way of getting
something from you.
Swallow Your Words Admitting that you were wrong.
Swear By Something To have complete faith and confidence in something.
Sweep Something Under
To try to hide something unpleasant,shameful from attention of others.
the Carpet /Rug
Sweet Nothings Pleasant but unimportant words that lovers say to each other.
SweetTooth Enjoying eatingsweet things like sugar, pastries, chocolate, etc.
Sweetheart Deal An abnormally lucrative arrangement between two parties.
Swift and Sure Fast and certain.
Swim Against the Tide To do the opposite of everyone else.
Tail Wagging the Dog Asituation where asmall part is controlling thewhole thing.
Take a Chance To try something where failure or bad fortune is likely.
Take a Digat Someone To insult someone.
Take a Dim View If you take a dim view of something, you dislike or disapprove of it.
Take a Leaf Out of
To behave or to dosomething in the way that someone else would.
Someone's Book
Take a Powder To leave (aplace).
Take a Spill To have afall, Totip.over.
Take Advantage of
Someone Tocheat or deceive someone.
Take Heed To be cautious.
Take It Or Leave It To accept something or forget it.
Take Kindly To Something To be agreeable to something.
Take Leave of One's
Senses To become irrational.
Take Liberties With
Someone To use or abuse someone,
Take One's Medicine
To accept the punishment that one deserves.
Take Sides Tochoose one side of an argument.
Take Someone For a
Ride Totrick or deceive someone.
Take Someone To the To fleece, abuse.
Take Someone's Breath beauty or grandeur.
To overwhelm someone with
Take Sormething at Face appears to be.
Value To accept something exactly the way it
Take Something In Stride To accept something as natural or
Take Something lying back.
Down Toendure something unpleasant without fighting
Take Stock of a Situation Assessing allthe aspects in orderto form an opinion.
Take the Bitter With the
Sweet Toaccept the bad things along with the good things.
Take the Bull 8ythe
Horns Tomeet achallenge directly.
Take the Edge off
To remove the power,essence of something.
Take the Law Into One's If, instead of calling the police, you act personally against someone who has done
Own Hands something wrong.
Take the Lid off
To begin to deal with a problem.
Take the Rap Youaccept blame or punishment, even if you have not done it.
Take the Rough With the To accept what is unpleasant or difficult as wel! as what is pieasant or easy.
Take the Starch Out of
To make someone tired and weak.
Take the Wind Out ofs
Someone's Sails To challenge someone's boasting or arrogance.
Take To One's Heels To run away.
Take With Pinch of Salt The information may not be accurate or true.
Take Your Courage In
Do something very brave.
Both Hands
Taken Aback Surprised and confused.
Talk In Circles Totalk in aconfusing or roundabout manner.
Talk Nineteen To the Someone who talks nineteen to the dozen speaks very quickly.
Talk Someone Down To winout over someone in an argument.
Talk Someone Out of
To convince someone not to do something.
Doing Something
Talk Someone's Head off To speak too much.
Talk Something Over To discuss something.
Talk Through One's Hat To talk nonsense.
Talk Until One ls Blue In
To talk untilone is exhausted.
the Face
Taste of Your Own Means that something happens toyou, or is done to you, that youhave done to
Medicine Someone else.

Teach Someone aLesson To get even with someone for bad behaviour.
Tear One's Hair Out To be anxious, frustrated.
In a Teapot An uproar about practically nothing.
That Makes Two of Us. The same is true for mne.
That Ship Has Sailed Aparticular opportunity has passed by and now it's too late.
That's the Way the Ball
Things don't always work out as planned, and there's nothing we can do about it.
That's the Way the Things don't always turn out the way we want.
Cookie Crumbles
The Apple of Your Eye To have great affection for someone.
The Bottom Line The result; The final outcome.
The Bubble Has Burst The success of an idea, a product or a situation has suddenly stopped.
The Jury is Still Out Adecision has not been reached on someone or something.
The Last Straw! -Last unpleasant event and that cannot be tolerated.
The Party's Over. A happy or fortunate time hascome to an end.
The Plot Thickens. Things are becoming more complicated or interesting.
The Poirnt of No Return The point at which itis too late toturn back.
The World Is Your Oyster Enjoying pleasures and opportunities that life has to offer.
There ArePlenty of Other There are other choices.
Fish in theSea.
There's More Than One
There ic more than one way to do something.
Way To Skin aCat.
Think On One's Feet Making good decisions without prior thinking or planning.
Think Out Loud To say one's thoughts aloud.
Think Twice Before Doing
To consider carefully whether one should do something.
Throw a Monkey Wrench To cause problems for someone's plans.
Into the Works
Throw CautionTo the
To become very careless.
Throw Down the
Gauntlet To Challenge To challenge someone to an argument or to combat.
Throw Good Money After Someone who spends additional money on something that was already considered a
Bad bad investment.
Throw One's Hands Up In
To give up.
Throw One's Weight
To attempt to boss people around.
Throw Someone off the
Track To cause someone to lose the trail.

Throw Someone's Name

Around To impress people by saying you know a famous or influential person.
Throw Something Into
the Bargain Toinclude something in adeal.
Throw the Baby Out With
the Bath Water Todispose of the good while trying to get rid of the bad.
Throw the Book at as many crimes as is possible.
Tocharge or convict someone with
Thrust and Pary To enter into verbal combat.
Tide Someone Over To last until someone can get somne more.
Tie Someone Up In Knots To become anxious or upset?
Tighten One's Belt To manage to spend less money.
Tillthe Cows Come Home To do it for a long time.
Time Is Money Time is valuable, so don't waste it.
Tip Someone Off to give soneone ahint; To warn someone.
To a Great Extent Mainly; Largely.
To Have To Get Even
Have a SCore to settle (with someone).
With Someone
To One's Heart's Content As much as one wants.
To Put lt Mildly To understatesomething.
Tothe Best of One's
As well as one is able.
To the Letter Do exactly as is told or written.
Tothe Nth Degree To the maximum amount.
Toe the Line Obeying the rules and accepting the principles,
Too Big For One's Boots Aperson behaving as if they were more important than they really are.
Too Many Cooks Spoil the
Too many people trying to manage something simply spoil it.
Toot One's Own Horn To boast or praise oneself.
Top Something off To add to the difficulty of something. TONAL VICES
Touch and Go Very uncertain.
Touch Base With To talk to someone.
Trade On Something To use a fact or a situation to one's advantage.
Trip Down Memory Lane Remembering pleasant things that happened in the past.
Try Someone's Patience To do something annoying that may cause someone to lose patience.
Turn a Blind Eye To Toignore someone orsomething.
Someone Or Something
Turn a Deaf Ear Not paying attention to a request or a complaint.
Turn Over a New Leaf Tostart again with the intention of doing better.
Turn Over In One's Grave For a dead person to be shocked and horrified.
Twist Someone's Arm To force or persuade someone.
Under Close Scrutiny Being watched or examined carefully.
Under One's Belt To acquireexperience or satisfactorily achieving something.
Under Your Own Steam Without any help from others.
UpInArms Rising up in anger.
Up To One's Neck In
Very much involved in something.
UpTo the Hilt To do completely or to the maximum degree.
Up/Down Your Alley The sort of thing that will suit your tastes or abilities.
UpperHand To take control over a situation.
Ups and Downs Good fortune and bad fortune.
Upset theApplecart Ifyou upset (or Overturn) the applecart, youspoil a satisfactory plan or situation.
Use Every Trick In the
To use every method possible.
Use One's Head TO use one's own intelligence.
Use Sonmeone Or
To blame someone or something for a failure.
Something as an Excuse
Waiting In the Wings Preparedto over someone else's job or position.
Walk a Tightrope To be in a situation where one must be very cautious.
Walk AlN Over Someone To treat someone badly.
Walk On Eggshells To be careful to not hurt or offend anyone.
Walik Out On Someone To abandon some
Wash One's Dirty Linen In
To discuss private or embarrassing matters in public.
Wash One's Hands of
Someone Or Something To end one's association withsomething or someone.
Wash Your Hands Of If youwash your hands of aproblem or situation, you refuse to deal with it any longer.
Waste One's Breath. LO Waste one'Ss time talking.
Watch One's Step To act with care and caution.
Water Something Down To dilute something.
Water Under the Bridge Sormething past and forgotten.
Wear More Than
T One Hat To hold more thanone office.
Wet Behind the Ears Young and inexperienced.
Wet Blanket Someone who spoils other people's fun.
When In Rome, Do as the
Romans Do One should behave in the way of local traditions.
When the Chips Are
Down When things really become difficult.
When the Going Gets
Tough When things reallybecome extremely difficult.
Where the Shoe Pinches An area that is often asourceof problems ordifficulties.
Where There's Smoke
There's Fire Evidence of aproblem probably indicates that there really is a problem.
White Lie Lying to protect someone or to avoid hurting any feelings.
Whole Nine Yards Everything; All of it.
Why Keep aDog and
Bark If someone can do atask for you, there's no reason to do it yourself
Wide of the Mark
little chances of being tound.
Wild GoOse Chase Looking for something that has
actually purchasing anything
Window Shopping Looking at things in shop windows, without
With Bells On Delighted and eager to go.
With Flying Colours Todo something very successfully.
With One's Eves Open Being fully awareof what one is doing.
Without Batting An Eye Without showing alarm or response.
himself/ herself as innocent.
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Athreatening person disguising
Won't Hold Water To be inadequate, insubstantial, or ill
Work Fingers To Bone Extremely hardworking person.
Work One's Way Into To squeeze into something.
Work One's Way Up Toadvance in one's job or position.
Worlds Apart When two people are very different, they are said to be worlds
To squeeze or wiggle out of aproblem or a responsibility.
Wouldn't Touch
Something With aTen To avoid something at all costs; To refuse to associate with something.
foot Pole
WriteSomething off To absorb adebt or loss.
Year In, Year Out Year after year; All year long.
Yoke Around One's NeckAn obligation, commitment or restraint that becomes an oppressive burden.
You Can SayThat Again That is true, You are cotrect.
You Can't Judge a Book
You should not form an opinionabout something from its appearance.
By lts Cover
You Can't Please
It is not possible tomake everyone happy.
You Can't Teach An Old
old people cannot learn anything new.
Dog New Tricks.
YouDon't Know the Half
Toemphasize that someone knows some of the facts but not howbad the situation IS
of It
Your Guess ls as Good as
To haveno idea, do notknowthe answer to a question.
Your Wish Is My
Willingness to do whatever the other person asks.
Zero In On Something To aim or focus directly
Zero Tolerance No toleration for breaking the rules.

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