11.17 CI403 Differentiation Artifact

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Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies

SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011

Page 1 oI 9

Instructional Strategy and Accommodations Selection:
Brainstorming for Differentiation/Universal Design/Accommodations

Student Ior whom plan is being made: X Diego or _____Marcus or 1enna or _______ Curtis

Brief Description of the lesson:
This lesson is about Hammurabi`s Code and the concept oI justice. Students will brainstorm and Ireewrite about school rules and share
them with the class. Background inIormation about Hammurabi and his Code will be presented to the class. Students will then work
alone or in pairs to complete a worksheet that asks students to make conclusions about Babylonian society based on some oI the rules
they have read in Hammurabi`s Code. To assess Ior student learning, the entire class will share inIerences about Babylonian society
with each other as the teacher leads the discussion.

Directions: Complete the Iollowing Iour charts in preparation oI your Iinal Accommodations assignment. There may be some overlap
between categories / charts. You may copy/paste and or indicate this by reIerencing the previous table (e.g. 'See table 1, row 3)
Type directly in the chart. You may add or delete rows in the charts as needed by clicking on any cell in the chart in the row where
you wish to add or delete rows and then going to 'Table in the top menu and then 'Insert or 'Delete.

Table One: Input
Consider the Iollowing Ior what is being taught (What YOU are doing / presenting / Iacilitating)

Aspect oI the lesson that may
need to be diIIerentiated or

Student characteristic(s) which
may necessitate changes to the
input oI the lesson:

Suggested DiIIerentiation /
Universal Design / Assistive
Technology / Accommodation

Explanation oI how the
previous suggestion will beneIit
the chosen student
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
Page 2 oI 9
Presentation oI background
Diego has diIIiculty reading, may
behave inappropriately
Teacher should read through the
inIormation slowly to help
students understand the content
As the teacher reads through the
inIormation, Diego will be able to
understand the inIormation Iaster
than iI he was reading it himselI.
Giving directions Diego may behave inappropriately Teacher should go through one
direction at a time with clear and
concise expectations.
With simpliIied directions
throughout the lesson, Diego will
be able to understand what is
expected oI students Ior the

Table Two: Output
Consider the Iollowing Ior what the STUDENT is being asked to do during the lesson

Aspect oI the lesson that may
need to be diIIerentiated /
accommodated or changed

Student characteristic(s) which
may necessitate changes to the
output oI the lesson:

Suggested DiIIerentiation /
Universal Design / Assistive
Technology / Accommodation

Explanation oI how the
previous suggestion will beneIit
the chosen student
Completing worksheet Diego has diIIiculty reading Teacher may read through all oI
the prompts on the worksheet with
the class
With the questions Iully
understood, Diego may be more
able to complete the worksheet.
Completing worksheet alone or in
Diego may display inappropriate
Teacher should set clear
expectations oI appropriate
behavior while walking around the
room as a preventative measure
With clear expectations oI
behavior and preventative
classroom management, Diego
may behave appropriately while
working with a partner.
Start oI class Diego may display inappropriate
Teacher should set clear
expectations oI appropriate
With expectations set,
preventative measures taken, and
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
Page 3 oI 9
behavior, preventative classroom
management, explanation oI how
this activity will be useIul Ior the
an understanding oI the activity,
Diego may behave more
appropriately Ior the during oI the

Table Three: Behavioral Support
Consider aspects oI the lesson that may aIIect student behavior (grouping / scheduling / timing / expectations / materials, etc.)

Aspect oI the lesson that may
need to be diIIerentiated /
accommodated or changed

Student characteristic(s) which
may necessitate changes to the
input oI the lesson:

Suggested DiIIerentiation /
Universal Design / Assistive
Technology / Accommodation

Explanation oI how the
previous suggestion will beneIit
the chosen student
Completing worksheet alone or in
Diego may display inappropriate
Teacher should set clear
expectations oI appropriate
behavior while walking around the
room as a preventative measure
With clear expectations oI
behavior and preventative
classroom management, Diego
may behave appropriately while
working with a partner.
Timing Ior worksheet completion
and assessment
Diego has diIIiculty reading Teacher may consider adding
more time to worksheet
completion and whole class
assessment while taking less time
to present background inIormation
With more time Ior worksheet
completion, Diego may Ieel more
comIortable reading through the
prompts and completing the

Table Four: Tests / Assessment / Evaluation
Consider the Iollowing Ior the evaluation aspect(s) oI the lesson

Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
Page 4 oI 9
Aspect oI the lesson that may
need to be diIIerentiated /
accommodated or changed
Student characteristic(s) which
may necessitate changes to the
input oI the lesson:
Suggested DiIIerentiation /
Universal Design / Assistive
Technology / Accommodation
Explanation oI how the
previous suggestion will beneIit
the chosen student
Completing worksheet Diego has diIIiculty reading Teacher may read through all oI
the prompts on the worksheet with
the class
With the questions Iully
understood, Diego may be more
able to complete the worksheet.
Whole class discussion oI
Diego may display inappropriate
Teacher may set clear
expectations Ior behavior and
With clear expectations oI
classroom behavior, Diego may
not act inappropriately Ior the
classroom discussion.

ammurabi`s Code

Name: Devin SchaIIer, Kevin Pluchar, Willam Walsh

Class/Subject: Ancient Civilizations

Date: 10/18/2011

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:

Students will examine examples oI laws Irom the Code oI Hammurabi and determine what we can learn about Babylonian society
based on those laws.

Content Standards:

16.B.1 (W) Explain the contributions oI individuals and groups who are Ieatured in biographies, legends, Iolklore and traditions.

16.B.2b (W) Describe the origins oI Western political ideas and institutions (e.g. Greek democracy, Roman republic, Magna Carta and Common
Law, the Enlightenment).

Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
Page 5 oI 9
14.C.1 IdentiIy concepts oI responsible citizenship including respect Ior the law, patriotism, civility and working with others.

18.A.5 Compare ways in which social systems are aIIected by political, environmental, economic and technological changes.


Hammurabi`s Code handout
Hammurabi`s Code PowerPoint

Teacher`s Goals:

Students will have a better understanding oI Babylonian society through their study oI Hammurabi`s code.

5 mins. Start of Class:

Students will write down, in one minute, as many school rules as they can
remember. When the minute is over, students will share their answers. Teachers
will ask the class what those rules tell about the school. For example, iI walking
on a certain side oI the hallway during passing periods is a rule, it might say that
saIety and order are important to the school.

5 min Introduction of Lesson:

Teachers will provide the Iollowing background on Hammurabi:

Hammurabi was a king oI Babylonia in southern Mesopotamia (the site oI
present-day Iraq). He probably ruled Ior about 40 years beginning in 1792 B.C.
Babylon was one oI several city-states in this area near the Tigris and Euphrates
Rivers. Hammurabi was a skilled military leader and under his leadership, Babylon
conquered the other city-states oI the area and united much oI Mesopotamia under
his authority. Hammurabi was also a skilled administrator. He is most Iamous Ior
his code oI laws. Many oI these laws came Irom the city-state oI Sumer, but they
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
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added a new concept that oI revenge instead oI just punishment. For example,
under Sumerian law, the punishment Ior crimes was oIten a Iine; under
Hammurabi`s law, the guideline was 'an eye Ior an eye. Punishment also
depended on who was wronged. II a person put out the eye oI a slave, he would
not lose his eye but would pay a Iine. II that person put out the eye oI a noble
man, he would lose his eye as punishment. Hammurabi had his laws posted
throughout Babylonia. They were written on stone slabs and placed in prominent
places Ior the people to see. There were 282 laws as Iar as we know.
Interestingly, there was no law number 13 it was an unlucky number even then.

15-20 min Lesson Instruction:

Teachers will hand out the worksheet with the laws Irom the Code oI Hammurabi ,
and instruct students to use those laws to make inIerences about Babylonian society.
Students may work alone or with a partner to complete this part oI the activity.

10-15 min Assessments/Checks for Understanding:

As a Iull class, students will share their inIerences about Babylonian society
regarding slavery, religion, jobs, marriage and the Iamily.

5 min Closure/Wrap-Up/Review:

Teacher will ask the class, 'From the laws that you studied today, which one do
you think is the best? Worst? Why? OI the laws we have, which do you think are
the best? Worst? Why?

Questions for Discussion:
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
Page 7 oI 9

Why do we have laws?

What makes law necessary? Why do we need them? What are they meant to

What would a society without laws look like? Would it have survived?

What would a school look like with no rules?

Were these laws fair? Should ~an eye for an eye still be in effect?

Are laws today more or less fair?

What laws do you think would help this country? your school?

Why would they help?

Pammurabl's Code WorksheeL
SLudy Lhese laws Lake from Lhe Code of Pammurabl and Lhen answer Lhe quesLlons below

1 lf a person accuses anoLher person of a crlme Lhe accused shall go Lo Lhe rlver and
[ump ln lf he drowns Lhe person who accused hlm may have Lhe accused persons
house lf Lhe accused doesnL drown Lhen Lhe 8lverCod has declded LhaL he ls
lnnocenL 1he person who made Lhe accusaLlon ls Lo be puL Lo deaLh and Lhe accused
shall Lake hls house

2 lf anyone opens hls dlLches Lo waLer hls crop buL ls careless and Lhe waLer floods Lhe
fleld of hls nelghbor Lhen he shall pay hls nelghbor corn for hls loss

3 lf he be noL able Lo replace Lhe corn Lhen he and hls possesslons shall be dlvlded
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
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among Lhe farmers whose corn he has flooded

4 lf a physlclan kllls a paLlenL or cuLs ouL a paLlenLs eye when Lrylng Lo remove a Lumor Lhe
physlclans hands wlll be cuL off

3 lf a bullder bullds a house and Lhe house collapses and kllls Lhe owner of Lhe house Lhe
bullder shall be puL Lo deaLh lf Lhe house collapses and kllls Lhe owners son Lhen Lhe
son of Lhe bullder shall be puL Lo deaLh

6 lf a son hlLs hls faLher hls hands shall be cuL off

7 lf a flre breaks ouL ln a house and a person who helps Lo puL ouL Lhe flre sLeals
someLhlng from Lhe house LhaL person shall be Lhrown lnLo Lhe flre

8 lf a man desLroys Lhe eye of anoLher man hls eye shall be desLroyed lf he breaks Lhe
bone of anoLher hls bone shall be broken

9 lf a mans wlfe who llves ln hls house wlshes Lo leave lL plunges lnLo debL Lrles Lo ruln
her house neglecLs her husband and ls found gullLy lf her husband offer her release
she may go on her way and he glves her noLhlng as a glfL of release lf her husband
does noL wlsh Lo release her and lf he Lake anoLher wlfe she shall remaln as a servanL
ln her husbands house

10 lf a man wlshes Lo dlvorce hls wlfe he musL reLurn her dowry and glve her Lhe use of
parL of hls fleld for farmlng and parL of hls properLy so LhaL she can provlde for her

11 lf a mans wlfe becomes slck Lhe husband may Lake a second wlfe buL musL conLlnue Lo
care for Lhe slck wlfe as long as she llves

12 lf a person sLeals from a Lemple or Lakes goods sLolen from Lhe Lemple he shall be puL Lo
Name: Will Walsh Content Area: Social Studies
SPED 405 Carty Fall 2011
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8ased on Lhese laws whaL can we learn abouL 8abylonlan socleLy? 8ecord your answers

8ellglon ____________________________________________________________________
Marrlage ____________________________________________________________________
Maklng a llvlng _______________________________________________________________
CLher aspecLs of 8abylonlan socleLy ______________________________________________

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