2008 REVIEW - A Reference Data Set For Retinal Vessel Profiles

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30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24, 2008

REVIEW - A Reference Data Set for Retinal Vessel Profiles

Bashir Al-Diri, Andrew Hunter, David Steel, Maged Habib, Taghread Hudaib and Simon Berry

Abstract— This paper describes REVIEW, a new retinal Manual methods are slower than automated methods, and
vessel reference dataset. This dataset includes 16 images with are usually limited to the pixel resolution of the displayed
193 vessel segments, demonstrating a variety of pathologies and image. Most of these methods are defined with respect to a
vessel types. The vessel edges are marked by three observers
using a special drawing tool. The paper also describes the algo- vascular profile, and side-step the problem of defining the
rithm used to process these segments to produce vessel profiles, “true” profile direction by requiring the user to nominate
against which vessel width measurement algorithms can be the profile; e.g. by indicating two points with a mouse-
assessed. Recommendations are given for use of the dataset driven tool [4]. A 1D intensity profile may be constructed
in performance assessment. REVIEW can be downloaded from between the indicated points using bilinear interpolation of
the pixels intersected by the line segment joining the two
I. INTRODUCTION points, and the width is defined with respect to this profile. In
the manual methods, the user nominates the perceived edges
This paper describes a new publicly-available reference of the vessel on this profile. This raises the question of the
data set, REVIEW (Retinal Vessel Image set for Estima- proper definition of the vessel edge, with respect to a profile.
tion of Widths). REVIEW is available for download at: Rassam et. al. [5] defines the edge as lying at the kick points
http://ReviewDB.lincoln.ac.uk. A number of authors have de- – the first skew points on the slopes of the intensity profiles,
veloped algorithms to estimate the width of retinal vessels, as which probably correspond to the widest lateral extent of the
these measurements may be of diagnostic value in a number blood column. However, kick points are not always visible –
of medical conditions, including arteriosclerosis, stroke and certainly not on smaller vessels or lower-resolution images –
diabetic retinopathy [1]. A large number of authors have also and so user intuition is more often relied on. One method to
developed algorithms to segment the retinal vasculature (i.e. improve reliability is to measure the width along a length of
to detect those pixels belonging to vessels), but without fol- the vessel. Chapman et. al. [4] uses five profiles parallel to
lowing this segmentation through to the actual extraction of the nominated one, spaced to either side along the vessel, and
vessel diameter measurements. There are excellent databases averages the results from these. This may compensate both
of retinal vessel pixel segmentations already in the public for user error and image noise. A number of semi-automated
domain (DRIVE [2] and STARE [3]), but none which include methods rely on the user to nominate the profile direction,
width measurements. The REVIEW dataset is intended to fill but then use an algorithm to determine the width along this
this gap. The dataset includes four subsets of images: high- profile. Examples include Gregson’s rectangular profile [6],
resolution, vascular disease, central light reflex and kick- the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) [7], the Gaussian
points, respectively. These are useful in presenting different function [8], The sliding linear regression filter (SLRF) [4],
kinds of challenge, and benchmarking opportunities. Images a double Gaussian [9] and a double Gaussian extruded in
were assessed by three independent experts, who marked the two-dimension [10].
vessel edges. We present and justify the manual mark-up
method used below, and discuss the implications for bench- III. METHODS
marking and comparison of vessel measurement algorithms. A. Edge Marking
The mark-up method used is accurate to a sub-pixel level, In this paper we introduce a new manual method to mark
which allows for very accurate analysis of algorithms. the vessel edges and derive the vessel width. The human
observer first marks the vessel edge positions by clicking
a series of points with a mouse-driven tool; see figure 1.
A variety of manual or semi-automatic retinal vessel The image can be zoomed to any desired level and the click
measurement methods have been presented in the literature. points are not limited to image pixel granularity, allowing
sub-pixel mark-up. The edge splines are then processed to
Bashir Al-Diri is with the Department of Computing and Informatics,
University of Lincoln, UK baldiri@lincoln.ac.uk
produce profiles, as follows:
Andrew Hunter is the Dean of Research, University of Lincoln, UK 1) A cubic spline is fit through the user-nominated edge
ahunter@lincoln.ac.uk points, and regularly sampled (at spacing 0.2 pixels).
David Steel is with Sunderland Eye Infirmary, a Consultant Ophthalmol-
ogist, UK 2) Choosing a point on one side as P1 , the nearest edge
Maged Habib is with Sunderland Eye Infirmary, a Specialist Registrar in point on the other side is found, and labelled P2 . Then,
Ophthalmology, UK the nearest point to P2 on the same side as P1 is located
Taghread Hudaib is with the Department of the Biological Sciences,
University of Lincoln, UK and labelled; see figure 2(a). The point P3 is often, but
Simon Berry is with Sunderland Eye Infirmary, an Optometrist, UK not always, the same as point P1 .

978-1-4244-1815-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE. 2262

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Fig. 1. An example of marking vessel edges by clicking on the edge.
Fig. 3. Examples of extracting vessel diameters from their marked edges.

3) The local segment direction (LSD) is calculated as the specialist. She received a training session in defining and
mean of the perpendicular vectors on vectors P2~P1 and marking retinal vascular segments before starting indepen-
P2~P3 ; see figure 2(b). dent marking of the selected segments for the experiment.
4) The vectors between P2 and a set of edge points from Her initial training set was reviewed and independently
the other side, including all the points between P1 and assessed by an ophthalmic consultant. The mean of the
P3 are calculated. The point P4 from that set with measured diameters from the three observers is used as the
a minimum deviation from π/2 is defined; see figure reference standard.
diagram 2(c).
5) The point P4 is shifted along a B-spline fitted to the C. Performance evaluation
edge points, to lie on a perpendicular profile with local As mentioned earlier, vessel diameter measurement algo-
segment direction (LSD); see figure 2(d). The distance rithms fall into two classes – semi-automated algorithms that
between point P2 and shifted P4 is the local diameter. work on defined profiles, and fully automated algorithms
The edge end points are not necessarily located on a per- that measure a full vessel. The reference dataset may be
pendicular profile to the segment direction, and one side is used to assess either class of algorithm. In the latter case, it
trimmed as necessary. See figure 3 for final results. is necessary to determine the diameter measurement of the
algorithm through each centre-point in the reference dataset.
B. Observers
If a width measurement algorithm has a consistent bias (non-
Human observers are subjective and prone to inter- zero mean error), this can be compensated for by subtraction
observer and intra-observer variability [11]. We thus provide or by multiplication of the bias, whereas fluctuations in the
results from three independent observers, each of whom error cannot be so-compensated. For this reason the mean
marks a set of randomly selected vascular segments. The first measurement error is ignored and the standard deviation of
observer is an ophthalmic specialist with research interests in the measurement error is used to assess the performance of
automated assessment of diabetic retinopathy and evaluation the algorithms. The width difference equals:
of retinal vascular geometry; he has five year experience
in retinal fundus images analysis. The second observer is χi = ωi − ψi ,
a specialist optometrist and a qualified secondary grader for
where ωi is the estimated width and ψi is the corresponding
diabetic retinopathy; he has been previously involved with
benchmark width. The standard deviation of the width dif-
different research projects involving handling and analysis of
ference, σχ , is a useful measure of algorithm performance.
digital images with tasks for defining vascular and non vas-
It is unaffected by correction for additive bias. After correct-
cular diabetic lesions. The third observer has a satisfactory
ing width for multiplicative bias, the width differences, ηi
basic medical background being an experienced laboratory
ηi = ωi (ψ̄/ω̄) − ψi .
The corresponding standard deviation, ση , characterizes
performance after correction for multiplication bias.
Images for the experiment were selected by a consultant
ophthalmologist from the fundus image database of the dia-
betic retinopathy clinic at Sunderland Eye Infirmary. Retinal
Fig. 2. The vessel width extraction algorithm; (a) shortest distances
from both edges are calculated to provide two or three edge points; (b)
photography was performed to all patients according to a
direction vectors at edge points and the local segment direction (LSD); (c) standardised protocol as part of their routine clinical care.
the perpendicular direction to the LSD where point P4 should be located; Mydriasis was induced using tropicamide (1%) eye drops.
(d) P2 and P4 form a perpendicular profile with the local segment direction,
located on the tangent of the largest circle inside the segment.
All digital fundus images were graded by a qualified diabetic
retinopathy grader using the developed system of assessment

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Image# Formal Grading Dataset Obs Mean Std Std 5% 95% Min Max
1 Level 3 = Severe Non-Proliferative Retinopathy Dev E
2 Level 2 = Moderate Non-Proliferative Retinopathy HRIS O 4.35 1.26 0.03 4.30 4.40 1.51 7.35
3 Level 3 = Severe Non-Proliferative Retinopathy O1 4.12 1.25 0.03 4.07 4.17 1.39 7.14
4 Level 1 = Minimal Non-Proliferative Retinopathy O2 4.35 1.35 0.03 4.30 4.41 1.21 7.61
O3 4.58 1.26 0.03 4.53 4.63 1.88 7.44
VDIS O 8.85 2.57 0.05 8.74 8.96 3.28 18.60
T HE DISEASE OF IMAGES IN THE HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE SET. O1 8.50 2.54 0.05 8.39 8.60 2.48 18.33
O2 8.91 2.69 0.06 8.79 9.02 3.12 19.30
O3 9.15 2.67 0.06 9.04 9.26 3.68 18.47
CLRIS O 13.80 4.12 0.24 13.32 14.28 6.85 21.73
O1 13.19 4.01 0.24 12.72 13.66 6.71 21.27
of the EURODIAB study based on the principles of the O2 13.69 4.22 0.25 13.19 14.18 6.50 22.10
Modified Airline House classification scheme as described O3 14.52 4.26 0.25 14.02 15.01 7.11 22.65
by Aldington and his co-workers [12]. Four image sets were KPIS O 7.40 0.36 0.03 7.34 7.45 6.41 8.38
chosen to assess the accuracy and precision of the vessel O1 7.74 0.63 0.05 7.64 7.84 5.49 9.10
O2 7.29 0.49 0.04 7.21 7.36 6.07 7.94
width measurement algorithms in the presence of pathology O3 7.17 0.37 0.03 7.11 7.23 6.21 8.22
and a central light reflex, and to compare the performance TABLE II
of the proposed algorithms with manual measurements with D ESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE PROFILE DIAMETERS .
accuracy up to 0.25 of a pixel. These image sets contain
5066 manually marked profiles. The descriptive statistics of
the manual segment width measurements for the image sets HRIS VDIS CLRIS KPIS
are summarized in Table II and the standard deviations of Err SD Err SD Err SD Err SD
σξ ση σξ ση σξ ση σξ ση
the width measurements are summarized in Table III. O1 0.288 0.303 0.543 0.560 0.567 0.573 0.417 0.394
O2 0.256 0.256 0.621 0.616 0.698 0.707 0.317 0.322
A. The high resolution image set (HRIS) O3 0.285 0.284 0.669 0.649 0.566 0.540 0.326 0.332
The HRIS consists of four images. They are 60 degrees TABLE III
field macula centred photographs captured by a Cannon S TANDARD DEVIATIONS OF THE MEASUREMENT METHODS .
60 U V film camera. The 35 mm slides produced were
then digitalised by scanning with an Epson Stylus photo
RX 700 scanner to develop digital images with a resolution
of (3584 × 2438 × 3) pixels. They represent different sever 50 degrees dilated fundus images were captured per eye
grades of diabetic retinopathy. Table I illustrates the formal using the same standardised protocol as above with the Zeiss
grading of the images. The use of HRIS supports an evalu- fundus camera and JVC 3CCD. The resolution of the image
ation to sub-pixel accuracy. This set consists of four images is (1360 × 1024 × 3) pixels. Six of the images illustrate
where 90 segments containing 2368 profiles are manually different type of diabetic retinopathy, as summarized in
marked. The images were subsequently down-sampled by table IV.
a lateral factor of four for submission to the measurement This set consists of eight images where 79 segments
algorithms, so that the vessels widths are known to ±0.25 containing 2249 profiles are manually marked; see figure 5.
of a pixel, discounting human error see figure 4. This set of images is very noisy and suffers from pathologies,
and this manifests in the greater variance of the observers.
B. The vascular disease image set (VDIS)
C. The central light reflex image set (CLRIS)
The VDIS consists of eight digital captured images. The The CLRIS consists of two digital images, containing
images were selected randomly from the database of images 21 marked segments with 285 profiles. They are captured
of patients attending the diabetic retinopathy outpatient clinic using a Zeiss FF 450 fundus camera connected to a digital
at Sunderland Eye Infirmary. Two-field (Nasal and Temporal) 3-CCD JVC camera. The capture angle is 50 degrees; the
photographs are macula centred. The resolution is (2160 ×
1440 × 3) pixels. They were selected to represent early

Image# Formal Grading

1 Arteriosclerotic Arterio-Vascular Changes
2 Level 5 = Proliferative Retinopathy
3 Level 1 = Minimal Non-Proliferative Retinopathy
4 Level 1 = Minimal Non-Proliferative Retinopathy
5 Level 2 = Moderate Non-Proliferative Retinopathy
6 Normal
7 Normal
8 Level 3 = Severe Non-Proliferative Retinopathy
Fig. 4. Marked segments in the high resolution image set.

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Fig. 7. Marked segments in the kick point image set.

We have briefly described a new standard dataset for
the evaluation of retinal vessel diameter measurement al-
gorithms. This dataset is intended to facilitate the develop-
ment and comparison of vessel measurement algorithms. It
includes a variety of normal and pathological images. The
dataset is marked up by three observers, using a specially-
developed tool to nominate points on the edges. These are
extrapolated, and an algorithm used to extract regularly-
spaced profiles, against which algorithms may be tested.
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[8] O. Chutatape, L. Zheng, and S. M. Krishman, “Retinal blood vessel
reflex) secondary to stiffness and changes in the vascular detection and tracking by matched gaussian and kalman filters,”
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of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 6, pp. 3144–
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D. The kick point image set (KPIS) [9] L. Zhou, M. S. Rzeszotarski, L. J. Singerman, and J. M. Chokreff,
“The detection and quantification of retinopathy using digital an-
The KPIS consists of two images, three segments with 164 giograms,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 13, no. 4,
gold standard widths, with a 60 degree field of view, and pp. 619–626, December 1994.
photographed using a Canon 60uv fundus camera. All 164 [10] J. A. Lowell, A. Hunter, D. Steel, A. Basu, R. Ryder, and R. L.
Kennedy, “Measurement of retinal vessel widths from fundus images
vessel widths were selected from large diameter non-tortuous based on 2-d modeling,” IEEE transactions on medical imaging,
vessel segments between bifurcations. The dimensions of the vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1196–1204, October 2004.
high-resolution images were 3300 × 2600 pixels, approxi- [11] J. S. Suri and S. Laxminarayan, Angiography And Plaque Imaging:
Advanced Segmentation Techniques, 2nd ed. CRC Press, 2003.
mately four times larger than the standard 760 × 570 lower [12] S.Aldington, E.Kohner, S.Meuer, R.Klein, A.Sjolie, and T. E. I. C. S.
resolution fundus counterparts used for evaluation. Profiles Group, “Methodology for retinal photography and assessment of
were identified by choosing profiles directions orthogonal to diabetic retinopathy: the eurodiab iddm complications study,” Dia-
betologia, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 437–444, April 1995.
the centre line direction recovered using the previous and [13] A. Hunter, J. A. Lowell, D. Steel, A. Basu, and R. Ryder, “Non-linear
next pixels from the centre line determined by the “tram- filtering for vascular segmentation and detection of venous beading,”
line”’ algorithm [13]; The three observers then identified Technical Report, 2003.
the kick-points. By down-sampling the images to a lower
resolution, these gold standard widths have higher accuracy
than expressed in the measured images so the measurements
can be assessed with sub-pixel accuracy. See figure 7. The
KPIS subset provides an alternative benchmarking method
to the edge-marked subsets.

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