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First & Last Name

Your title

City, Country
Phone number
Email, LinkedIn (hyperlink URL)

Biography Summary - Keep it short and sweet, 2 to 4 lines should be enough to explain who you are, what you can offer and
what your goals are - Include some metrics here. PS: If you already have loads of experience you can skip the summary

● Skill 1 ● Skill 4 ● Skill 7
● Skill 2 ● Skill 5 ● Skill 8
● Skill 3 ● Skill 6 ● Skill 9

COMPANY NAME City, Country
Job Title Month year–Month, year
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created
a new training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in
less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

COMPANY NAME City, Country

Job Title Month year–Month, year
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created
a new training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in
less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

COMPANY NAME City, Country

Job Title Month year–Month, year
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created
a new training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in
less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Module studied, grade (1st, 2:1)

Add hard skills (Excel, Google Sheets, Salesforce) + Soft skills (data and reporting, data analysis, communication)
● Format: Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skil 4, Skill, 5, etc
City, Country • Phone number • Email • LinkedIn (hyperlink URL)

● Add hard skills (Excel, Google ● Skill 2 ● Some examples:
Sheets, Salesforce) + Soft skills ● Skill 3 ● Marketing Automation
(data and reporting, data ● Skill 4 ● CRM
analysis, communication) ● Skill 5 ● Facebook Ads

Company, City, Country Month Year – Present
Job title
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created a new training and
accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company, City, Country Month Year – Present

Job title
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created a new training and
accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company ,City, Country (For promotions within the same company) Month Year – Present
Job title
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created a new training and
accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Job title
● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Built a new training and
accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Module studied, grade (1st, 2nd, etc)


● List languages with proficiency level, ex: English (Advanced), French (Native)
● Volunteering work or any other relevant certifications. You can also add interests here.
- First & Last Name -
Use a strong headline. For example:
English & French speaking sales advisor: Retail & Manufacturing
5/5 customer satisfaction rating | +120% target | +£20K revenue generated at Company Name

City, Country • Phone number • Email • LinkedIn (hyperlink URL)

Biography Summary - Keep it short and sweet, 2 to 4 lines should be enough to explain who you are, what you can offer and
what your goals are - Include some metrics here. PS: If you already have loads of experience you can skip the summary


Company Name, Location • Job Title MM/YYYY - Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created a new
training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2
year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location • Job Title MM/YYYY - Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Led the first
A/B test on the company’s sales page to optimise for customer acquisition, resulting in a 8% increase in
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location • Job Title MM/YYYY - Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result.Example: Built a new
customer onboarding program in partnership with the sales team, decreasing time to launch from 30 to 15
● Add around 4 bullet points per role


University Name (Or last education plan), Location • Module studied Graduation Year (YYYY - Optional)

● Grade achieved (1st, 2nd etc…)

● Add academic achievements and extracurriculars (eg.Dean’s list, team captain etc…)
First & Last Name
City, Country • Phone number • Email • LinkedIn (hyperlink URL)

Biography Summary - Keep it short and sweet, 2 to 4 lines should be enough to explain who you are, what you
can offer and what your goals are - Include some metrics here. PS: If you already have loads of experience you
can skip the summary

Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5 | Skill 6

Work Experience
Company Name, Location
Job Title, MM/YYYY-Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example:
Created a new training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in
the region in less than 2 year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location

Job Title, MM/YYYY-Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Led
the first A/B test on the company’s sales page to optimise for customer acquisition, resulting in a
8% increase in conversions
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location

Job Title, MM/YYYY-Present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Built a
new customer onboarding program in partnership with the sales team, decreasing time to launch
from 30 to 15 days
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

University Name (Or last place of education), Location
Degree title, MM/YYYY-Present
● Grade achieved (1st, 2nd etc…)
● Add academic achievements and extracurriculars (eg.Dean’s list, team captain etc…)

Certifications & Achievements

● Insert the name of certifications you have completed (year)
● Add other distinctions
First & Last Name
City, Country • Phone number
Email • LinkedIn (hyperlink URL)

Biography Summary - Keep it short and sweet, 2 to 4 lines should be enough to explain who you are, what you can offer and
what your goals are - Include some metrics here. PS: If you already have loads of experience you can skip the summary

● Key skill - Brief description of the skill and how you use it, only add skills relevant to the job you are applying to
● Key skill - For management, you will be expected to have technical hard skills and interpersonal skills
● Key skill - Include hard skills that show off domain knowledge and expertise

Company Name, Location - Job Title (mm/yyyy) - present

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Created a new
training and accountability program that increased productivity from #10 to #3 in the region in less than 2
year period
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location - Job Title (mm/yyyy) - (mm/yyyy)

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Led the first A/B
test on the company’s sales page to optimise for customer acquisition, resulting in a 8% increase in
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Company Name, Location - Job Title (mm/yyyy) - (mm/yyyy)

● Format for the bullet points: Action verb + Task or Project + Metrics or Result. Example: Built a new
customer onboarding program in partnership with the sales team, decreasing time to launch from 30 to 15
● Add around 4 bullet points per role

Degree - College Name, Location Graduation Year (yyyy)

● Grade achieved (1st, 2nd etc…)

● Add academic achievements and extracurriculars (eg.Dean’s list, team captain etc…)

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