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Title : The Most Preffered Leadership styles of the Philippine Presidents by

the First Year College Students of the Leyte Normal University, Academic
Year 2022-2023

Problem :

1. How students react or view to the leadership styles of the president.

.2. Percentage of knowledge of first year students about leadership style in


Objective :

1. To state or to learn what kind of leadership we have

2. To ensure that first year students will also develop what kind of leadership
they want.

Research Method

Number of Respondents : 150 Respondents

Data Collection Process : Stratified Sampling

Conclusion : The philippine is overall a great nation with also great leader. We
students and the first year students should be always nurture about what kind
of leadership we have.

Title : A Premilinary Research On Borongan City’s Sport Tourism: A

Framework for Economic Growth

Problem :

1. Impact between people and economic growth

2. Factors afffect social economic growth

Objective :

1. To observe and maintain the economic both socially growth of the

Borongan’s tourism.
2. To help people shape their city for other visitor from other nation.

Research Method

Number of Respondents : Borongan people probably 50% of the population

Data Collection Process : Simple Random Sampling

Conclusion : Social Toursim is important in our nation therfore our economic

growth will grow stronger and profitable like in Borongan it is important that we
have this/.
Title : Examining Communication Gaps in Distance Education: A Case Study


1. DIstance Learning
2. Pressure of having online classes for both student and instructors


1. What are the communication gaps that the students and the teacher
experience distance education
2. What are the factors resulting in communication gaps to distance education

Research Method

Number of Respondents : 30% Both Students and Teachers

Data Collection Process : Pre-survery Form

Conclusion : As a student having this type of problem is very crucial. I hope

with this kind of research will be able to solve the gaps of having distance

Title : Environmentally Sustainable Event Management Practice: An Event

Organizer’s Perspective


1. Conflict between Country and International Sustainability Management

2. Act of service


1. To Pertain and Manage the sustainable growth of the environment

2. To promote

Research Method:

Number of Respondents : 10 Participants

Data Collection Process : Purposive Sampling

Conclusion : To promote our environment internationally and globally to the

Title : Lexical Bundles in the Written Composition of ESL Teacher Education

Problem :

1. Education System and how it function.

2. Importance of this reasearch to the current learning education.


1. Create a Linguisic Language

2. Make more precise Lexical Bundles Written Composition for learning

Research Method

Number of Respondents : 50% of ESL Teachers

Data Collection Process : Narrative Sampling

Conclusion : Written Composition is important part of our learning style that it

should be improved.

Title : Danas ng mga Gurong Nagtuturo ng Filipino Bilang Out-of-Field

Problem :

1. Why filipino subject is in Out-of-field

2. How filipino is importance in the part of students learning


1. To give more precise knowledge about our filipino subject

2. To study the culture and characteristic we have in the idea of having filipino
subject back.

Method of Research:

Number of Respondents : 40% Of Filipino Teachers

Data Collection Process : Stratified Sampling / Survey Form

Conclusion : I belive that studying a filipino subject means that to study our
lovely nation withouth filipino subject we cannot learn how to become filipino
Title : Small Group Discussion: Reducing Grader-8 Students Math Anxiety
During the Limited Face-to-Face Classes

Problem :

1. The Math Anixety of grade 8 students and how to stop it

2. Causes of Grade 8 students math anxiety


1. To help Grade 8 students on their math anxiety and how to face it

2. How to avoid getting math anxiety

Method of Research

Number of Respondents: All Grade 8 students

Data Collection Process: Purposive Sampling

Conclusion : It is important that we should avoid math anxiety , Grade 8

students are also part of this. Also on how to handle math anixety and enjoy
math otherwise.

Title : Factors Affecting the Quality Service Delivery of RedDorrz Accredited

Hotels in Tacloban City

Problem :

1. Cause of quality service delivery of the said hotel


1. To help give solution to Reddorsz on how they can best quality service
2. To avoid the negative effects of poor service

Method of Research

Number of Respondents : 60 Management Staff

Data Collection Process : Survey Questionnaires

Title : Web Based E-Learning Sign Language Translator Game Using


Problem :

1. Figuring out and learning sign language for everyone how they approach

1. Design a user friendly for everyone

2. To translate the sign language

Method of Research

Number of Respondents : All Participants that would like to participate

Data Collection Process : Simple Random Sampling

Conclusion : The E-Learning Sign Language translator Game is helpful,

especially in this time of pandemic.

Opinion/Reaction :

For the Overall Research I would like the research entitled “ Examining
Communication Gaps in Distance Education: A Case Study “ it is very
informative and timely relavant. For me as a student I’am having trouble with
this kind of learning method or style. So I reflect this reasearch in my life. It is
really important to solve this kind of problem and discuss the problems we
face in this kind of leaning style.

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