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Orientation Note

Which Part of the Syllabus is Covered in this Chapter?

In this chapter, we will be covering the following part of the syllabus (highlighted in green):

RBI Grade B exam syllabus -

SEBI Grade A exam syllabus -

What will you Study in this Chapter?

To cover the syllabus topic as given above, you will be studying the following things in this chapter -

• Motivation – Concept, type of motivation and process

• Motivation Theories – Content and process-based theories
• Different content-based theories of motivation.
• System view of motivation
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• Job Satisfaction

• Importance of motivation in an organization

➢ Difficulty Level – This chapter contains basic concepts of motivation that are easy to understand,
however some concepts can be time consuming, thereby multiple revisions is required.

How to approach this chapter for the objective component?

• Importance – The significance of this chapter is very important from the examination point of view.
Many questions have been asked from this chapter. For reference, you can check the document
containing the Previous Year Question (PYQs) of this chapter.
• Number of objective questions asked from this chapter are depicted in the following table

Examination Year RBI Grade B (Phase 2) SEBI Grade A (Phase 1) SEBI Grade A (Phase 2)

2016 2 Exam not held Exam not held

2017 1 Exam not held Exam not held

2018 1 0 1

2019 1 Exam not held Exam not held

2020-2021 0 1 0

2022 3 0 0

• Note – Focus on Keywords in the theory as it helps you to differentiate between the different
theories of motivation and all content-based theories are important. Do not leave any theory.
• Nature of Questions (Conceptual/Factual) – The chapter is very conceptual in nature and very high
chances are there that conceptual question will be asked in exam. However, factual questions can
also be asked.

For example:
Type of Question Question

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Conceptual There are various techniques which a leader or a manager might use, in
the same regard, identify the performance approach wherein rewards
and punishment are used by a manager to get the work done by an
employee ? SEBI Grade A - Phase 1 - 2020

B. Carrot and Stick Approach
C. Transformational Approach
D. Eclectic Motivation
E. None of the above

(Answer: Option B)

Factual In the general parlance of motivation, Alderfer has condensed 5 needs

of Maslow’s theory into 3 categories of human needs in which of the
following theory? RBI Grade B - Phase 2 - 2019

A. Expectancy Theory
B. Hygiene Theory
C. Reduction Theory
D. ERG Theory
E. None of the above

(Answer: Option D)

How to approach this chapter for the descriptive component?

• Note – The RBI Grade B examination had a descriptive pattern of examination from 2007-14. Later
on, the same was discontinued in 2015 and reintroduced in the year 2021. However, In the SEBI Grade
A examination, there is no descriptive pattern and entire paper is objective in nature.
• Importance – The significance of this chapter is very high from the examination point of view.
However, seeing the previous year trend, there are very less questions asked in the descriptive
component, but motivation chapter is very integral part of the RBI Grade B syllabus, and we are
expecting RBI to ask more questions from motivation, therefore we request you to practice multiple
descriptive questions from this chapter.
• Number of Descriptive questions asked from motivation (Part-1) chapter are depicted in the following

RBI Grade B Phase 2

2007-2014 0
2021 0
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2022 0

• Nature of Questions -
Type of Question Question

Static Discuss Herzberg’s theory of motivation and discuss the limitation

of Herzberg’s theory of motivation

Current Not Applicable

➢ Additional comments – For students targeting RBI Grade B exam.

Serial Different theories of motivation Part of RBI syllabus Remarks for student
1. Maslow Theory of Motivation Yes Must do for all the
2. Alderfer theory of motivation Yes Must do for all the
3. David McClelland Theory of Yes Must do for all the
motivation students
4. Herzberg Theory of motivation Yes Must do for all the
5. McGregor Theory X and Theory Y No If there is paucity of
And William Ouchi theory Z time, students can leave
this theory because this
theory is not mentioned
in the official syllabus of
RBI Grade B.
6. Instinctive Theory of Motivation No If there is paucity of
time, Students can leave
this theory because this
theory is not mentioned
in the official syllabus of
RBI Grade B

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➢ Ending Comments

If you are very short on time, then you can skip theories of motivation which are not a part of RBI Grade B
syllabus, however if you can devote some extra hours, then try to cover the concept notes page-by-page,
because entire reading of concept notes will help you to understand the concepts in the best holistic manner
as possible.

For example, if you are devoting some extra time towards the coverage of Alderfer Theory X and Theory Y,
then you are building a great base for the upcoming chapters. Like in chapter leadership, you will learn and
read about transactional leadership and there you again see the concept of theory X manager , which is
covered in the motivation chapter. Therefore, reading concept notes completely is very important for
conceptual clarity.

Moreover, there is very heavy linkage between different chapters of management and thereby, if you have
ample of time, then try to cover concept notes page-by-page.

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