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 Farm Animals (Hewan Ternak)

Cow goat chicken turkey

= sapi = kambing = ayam = kalkun

Duck sheep horse

= bebek = domba = kuda

 Describing and Naming Animals (Menggambarkan dan Menamai

Look !
What’s this / that ? It has big eyes.
( Apakah ini / itu ? ) It’s black and white. It’s a cow.

Fur (Bulu) = Hewan berbulu banyak (kucing, anjing, dll).

Feather (Bulu) = Hewan yang bulunya satu-satu (burung, ayam, bebek, dll)

Vocabulary :
1. Tail = ekor
2. Claws = cakar
3. Whisker = kumis
4. Leg = kaki
5. Wings = sayap
6. Beak = paruh
7. Horn = tanduk
8. Beard = jenggot

Example :
1. A : What’s that ?
B : That is a chicken.
2. A : What’s this ?
B : This is a cat.
3. A : What’s those ?
B : Those are sheeps.
4. A : What’s these ?
B : These are turkeys.

Example :
1. It’s brown.
It has long legs, two horns, and beard.
What’s that ?
That is a goat.

2. It’s white.
It has two wings, tail, two legs, beak.
What’s that ?
That is a duck.

3. It’s white.
It has four legs, tail, fur, neck.
What’s that ?
That is a horse.

 Wild Animals (Hewan Liar)

Bat Crow skunk owl fox

= kelelawar = burung gagak = sigung = burung hantu = rubah

A, E, I, O, U = AN (Sebuah)
An apple = sebuah apel
An umbrella = sebuah payung

Example :
1. What is that ?
That is an owl.
2. What is this ?
This is a fox.
3. What is that ?
That is a bat.
4. What is this ?
This is a crow.
5. What is that ?
That is a skunk.

Terjemahkan !
1. Ada dua ekor burung hantu.
( These / those are two owls )
2. Ada seekor rubah.
( That / this is a fox )
3. Ada dua ekor rubah.
(These / those are two foxes )

What is this / that

1. It is green and small. Dia berwarna hijau dan kecil.
It has big eyes. Dia mempunyai mata besar.
It can jump. Dia bisa melompat.
What is that ? Apakah itu ?
That is a frog. Itu adalah kodok.

2. It is small and grey. Dia kecil dan berwarna abu-abu.
It has two wings. Dia mempunyai dua sayap.
What is this ? Apakah ini ?
This is a bat. Ini adalah kelelawar.

3. They are black and white. Mereka berwarna hitam dan putih.
They have tail. Mereka mempunyai ekor.
What are these ? Apakah mereka ini ?
These are skunks. Ini adalah sigung-sigung.

4. They are black and thin. Mereka berwarna hitam dan kurus.
They have tail and beak. Mereka mempunyai ekor dan paruh.
What are those ? Apakah mereka itu ?
Those are cows. Itu adalah sapi-sapi.

 Asking and Answering about What Animals Look Like

(Bertanya dan Menjawab tentang Ciri-ciri Hewan)

Look !
Is it small ? Is it a bat ? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Are the bats big ? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Example :
A : Is it a fox ? ( Apakah itu seekor rubah ? )
B : Yes, it is. ( Ya )

Exercise :
1. Is it a fox ?
Yes, it is. FOX
Is it big ?
Yes, it is.

2. Are the owls short ? OWLS

No, they are not.

3. Is it thin ?
No, it is not.
It is green ?
Yes, it is.

4. Are the bats grey ?

Yes, they are. FROG

Are the bats fat ?

No, they are not.

Read and Find. Then Write.

1. It’s brown. Dia coklat.
It’s awake at night. Dia terbangun malam hari.
It’s asleep in the day. Dia tertidur siang hari.
It’s a _______ Dia adalah _______

2. It has two legs and a big head. Dia mempunyai 2 kaki dan kepala
It’s awake at night.
It’s asleep in the day. Dia terbangun malam hari.
It’s an _______ Dia tertidur siang hari.
Dia adalah _______
3. It’s black and white. Dia warna hitam dan putih.
It’s awake in the day. Dia terbangun siang hari.
It’s asleep at night. Dia tertidur malam hari.
It’s a ________ Dia adalah _______

4. It has two legs. Dia mempunyai 2 kaki.

It’s awake in the day. Dia terbangun siang hari.
It’s asleep at night. Dia tertidur malam hari.
It’s a ________ Dia adalah _______

Vocabulary :
1. High = tinggi
2. Sigh = mengeluh
3. Light = terang
4. Right = benar
5. Boat = perahu
6. Coat = jas hujan
7. Soap = sabun
8. Goat = kambing

Animals Sound (Suara Hewan)

1. Duck : Quack !
2. Horse : Neigh !
3. Chicken : Cluck !
4. Sheep : Baa !
5. Cow : Moo !
6. Bee : Buzz !
7. Elephant : Rummmph

Exercise :
Change into English the sentence below for 1 – 3
1. Dia mempunyai bulu berwarna coklat.
( It has brown fur )

2. Dia besar dan mempunyai empat kaki.

( It is big and has four legs )

3. Dia mempunyai sayap.

( It has wings )

4. A : What are they ?
B : They’re five dogs.

5. Joe : What is that ?

Nela : It is a cow.

6. Jins : Apakah dia kecil ?

( Is it small ? )

7. A : Are the elephant big ?

B : Yes, they are.

8. It can fly.
It has two wings, it is black.
It like flower, it’s awake in the day.
It is a butterfly.

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