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1. The selection emphasizes the values of Physical Fitness

2. According to the selection, the knee joints lifts like a lever and swing like a hinge.
3. The word “jarring” bones means strong shaking of bones.
4. The selection communicates the theme of the importance of the knee.
5. What type of text is this selection? Scientific


1. The “eke” of living means to earn income

2. Based on the selection, what values seem to be missing in the families of street children? Solidarity
3. What is the most important factor that will equip rural people to survive in the city? Education
4. This selection is simple about factors why children live in the street
5. Based on the last, we can conclude that street children are helpless persons


1. What is the best title for the article? The difference between human and birds on travel
2. As used in the selection, the word “inedible” most likely means unfit to be eaten
3. Based on the selection, it can be concluded that the migration of birds and that of humans are very different

Richard Cory

1. What lesson in life can be best derived from the poem? One can be wealthy but still led unfulfilled with
his/her life
2. What is the mood of the selection? Ironic
3. What do you think was the main reason of Richard Cory for shooting himself? He got tired of living at
4. What is the sensory image of the following text the poem?
He was gentlemen from the sole to crown, clean favoured and imperially slim


1. The word “quarry” means target

2. Cats have acute hearing except with white cats with blue eyes which do not hear well
3. The sentence “the cat is the precision instrument” is a metaphor
4. The selection is mainly about the cat as a hunting machine
5. We can conclude from the selection that the cat is an animal which can survive on its own


1. From the line “I can hardly breathe or lie in bed without their chores in my head” we can infer that the writer
gets sick with rules
2. The line “but without rules… I couldn’t play” is an example of a/an irony
3. The word “dreary” means boring
4. The author includes examples of rules to signify the values of obedience
5. This poem is mainly about the importance of rules

1. What is the main idea of the article? Using MRI to lift depression of bipolar adults
2. In the article, the line “funny thing happened” means an unusual thing occurred
3. According to the article, depression among bipolar adults can be remedied by: putting them though an MRI
4. What did the doctors at Mclean Hospital do to confirm the results of the observation? They put more bipolar
adults through the MRI machine


1. According to the author, which of the following activates the divine laws of abundance? Giving thanks
2. Which of these statements from the selection expresses cause and effect relationship? When the
universe can see we are grateful for what we have, it is activated to shower us with more.
3. Why do we always have to be thankful in life? Being thankful attracts more blessing
4. What is the main idea of the selection? There is good that comes from being thankful


1. What is the main idea expressed in the poem? Whatever task we set to do, we must do it the best we
2. As used in the selection, the word “loom” means a machine for weaving
3. It can be concluded that the selection emphasizes pride in hard work
4. The idea of the author about his work is expressed through poetry
5. It can be inferred that the speaker is proud of the work he does.


1. What is the main idea of the sentence? The solar energy

2. What does the phrase “the sun is our life source” mean? The life of all living things proceeds from the
3. For mankind, the sun is the source of all heat
4. The largest part of the radiant energy directed towards the earth is absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere
5. All useful energy on the surface of the earth comes from the sun’s activity
6. The author presented the sun by enumerating details
7. “Let us get to the bottom” in the first paragraph means discover the basic facts or cause

Rosetta Stone

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