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Name: John Dharell Asdilla

Web-Based E-Learning Sign Language Translator Game Using Mediapipe: Bridging
Communication Gaps

The foundation of human contact is communication, and acquiring this distinctive language
might be difficult for individuals who use sign language to communicate. This study explores
the creation of a Mediapipe-based web-based e-learning sign language translator game with
the goal of offering an inclusive and approachable remedy to the difficulties encountered by
those learning sign language.
Problem Statement:
The main problem this study attempts to solve is how hard it is for people to understand and
acquire sign language. Conventional approaches frequently lack adaptability and don't take
different learning styles into account. The goal of this project is to remove these obstacles
and increase accessibility to sign language instruction for everybody.

1. Design a User-Friendly Platform:

It is critical to provide an intuitive and user-friendly learning environment. The goal is to
create a platform that can be used by users who are not all that tech-savvy. The intention is
to make sign language instruction accessible to a wide range of users by guaranteeing
simplicity and ease of navigation.
2. Translate Sign Language:
The second goal is to use Mediapipe, a powerful piece of technology, to build a reliable
sign language translation system. By converting sign language movements into legible text or
speech, this system will help those who are not familiar with sign language communicate
with others by lowering communication barriers.
Method of Research:

Number of Respondents: Everyone who is willing to participate in the study will be included
in this research. The objective is to compile opinions from a wide range of people, including
those from various demographic groups, cultural backgrounds, and technological skill levels.

Data Collection Process: To make sure the sample is representative, simple random
sampling will be used. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be gathered through
surveys, interviews, and usability testing. The goal of this strategy is to offer a thorough
grasp of user preferences, experiences, and the efficiency of the E-Learning Sign Language
Translator Game.

The need for creative solutions in education has been highlighted by the global epidemic,
and the E-Learning Sign Language Translator Game using Mediapipe offers a timely solution
to the difficulties faced by people who are learning sign language. Through the development
of an approachable platform and the utilization of technology for translation, this solution
not only solves existing problems but also gets people ready for a future in which technology
will be a major component of education.
To sum up, the E-Learning Sign Language Translator Game is a great tool for removing
obstacles to communication and acts as a beacon of inclusivity. The significance of these
innovations is highlighted by the world's exceptional circumstances. With the help of this
research, a more inclusive society will be possible in the future when learning sign language
is not only accessible but also enjoyable and engaging for all.
Opinion/Reaction :
For the Overall Research I would like the research entitled “ Examining Communication Gaps
in Distance Education: A Case Study “ it is very informative and timely relavant. For me as a
student I’am having trouble with this kind of learning method or style. So I reflect this
reasearch in my life. It is really important to solve this kind of problem and discuss the
problems we face in this kind of leaning style.

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