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languages (Sorry, I
don't speak
deserts (the Sahara Desert)
continents French.) rivers (the Thames)
countries (Great Britain) seas (the North Sea)
states(Iowa) oceans (the Pacific)
lakes (Lake
Geneva) canals (theSuez Canal)
mountains(Mount of structures (theCity
of London)
towns (NewYork, planets (theEarth)
streets, parks,
squares, etc.
plural names (the Alps, the Netherlands)
most of (Hyde Park)
bridges (Tower Republic, Kingdom, etc... (the United Kingdom,
place-name • Bridge)
Airport, Station,
the Czech Republic)
University, Palace, Cathedral, large areas of the world (theFar East)
Castle, School
Airport,Cambridge (Oxford most names of buildings (the Globe Theatre,
name University..) the Eiffel Tower, the London Eye, the
possessive 's(Mc Donald's) British
Museum, the Taj Mahal,the Hilton Hotel, the
Odeon, etc..)
Match the names
of places with
Put in the or nothing (Ø).
1Itgoes from the Red
2Poland Seato the
is on editerranean.
this sea. 1
American English 2 Asia 3
3This bridge crosses the Vltava Egypt
River in Prague. 4 Gobi Desert 5 Rocky Mountains
4 Itjoinsthe Atlantic and the Pacific 6
5 Bulgaria Oceans. Metropolitan Museum 7 Moon
and Turkey are
on its coasts. 8 Hudson River 9 Bank of Scotland
6 Itis a famous Russian
river. 10 Middle East 11
7It runs through Vienna, London University
Bratislava, Budapest and 12 University of London 13 Severn
Bridge 14 Aunt Elizabeth 15
8 This bridge is a famous Australian landmark. Paris
16 Regent Street 17 Atlantic Ocean
a) the River Danube b)
Sydney Harbour Bridge
c) the Suez Canal d) the Black Sea e) the Baltic 18 Nelson's Column 19 Plaza Hotel
f) the River Volga 9) the Panama 20 Birmingham Airport 21 Florida
Canal h) Charles

Circle the correct answers.

Complete the text with the or nothing ().
1Ionce went on a boat on the Rhine / Lake Victoria. We had a great weekend in London last month. We
2 We're going to drive right across Europe /Sahara stayed at Regent's Hotel. That's in. Regent
Street., of course. On Saturday morning, we went
3 My sister works Netherlands / Denmark. Oxford Street.It was a beautiful
shopping day
4 Here's a photo of Max in USA / Trafalgar Square. so we had a picnic in Hyde Park. Then we took a
5 I'd like to learn Japanese /the Japanese. bus across River Thames to Globe Theatre
6 We have friends in Ireland / Republic of Ireland.
and watched a performance of a Shakespeare play.
7There are lot of Spanish-speaking people in the We saw Tower of London from the bus. The next
USA / America.
day it was raining so we went to a big cinema
8 Alan lives in a small town near the Barcelona / Leicester Square.After the film, we walked to
Piccadilly Circus and saw Statue of Eros.

O197 JaffBuoching

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