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Std.1st Half Yearly Assignment - 2020-21 Subject – EVS

Name – Roll No: -

Written exam syllabus – (Ch. 01 to 10)

Paper Pattern: Marks
Q.1 Tick the correct option 5
Q.2 Fill in blanks with correct options 5
Q.3 Write true or false 4
Q.4 Match the following 5
Q.5 Answer in one words 4
Q.6 Complete the missing letters 4
Q.7 Answer the following Question 6
Q.8 Identify the pictures and write their names 4
Q.9 Colour the picture and write the name 3
Total Marks 40

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Q.1 Chose the correct answer (M C Qs)
01. We have ___________ sense organs
a) Five b) Seven
02. We watch cartoons with our ___________
a) Eyes b) Ears
03. I have ___________ thumbs
a) One b) Two
04. I have ___________ head
a) Two b) One
05. We can write with our ___________
a) Hand b) Leg
06. I can kick the ball with my ___________
a) Foot b) Arms
07. We should wake up in the morning ___________
a) Late b) Early
08. A daily morning walk keeps us ___________
a) Healthy b) Unhealthy
09. We should take ___________ of our body
a) No care b) Good care
10. Which series relates to fruits ___________
a) Rice, wheat, maize b) Apple, mango orange
11. The meal taken in the morning is called ___________
a) Lunch b) Breakfast
12. We ___________ waste water
a) Should b) Shouldn’t
13. Plants will ___________ without water
a) Live b) Die
14. We should always ___________ water
a) Save b) Waste
15. Birds build ___________
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a) Coop b) Nest
16. We wear ___________ clothes in different seasons
a) Same b) Different
17. We wear ___________ in rainy season
a) Raincoat b) Muffler
18. We all live in a ___________
a) Garden b) Family
19. Our brother and our sister is our ___________
a) Siblings b) Friends
20. A family having five or more members is a ___________
a) Small b) Big
21. Who love protect and take good care of us ___________
a) Parents b) Cousins
21. ___________ works and earns money for the family
a) Child b) Father
23. We wear sweater in ___________ season
a) Winter b) Summer
24. We ___________ water when we feel thirsty
a) Eat b) Drink
25. We listen to music with our ___________
a) Ear b) Nose

Q.2 Fill in the Blanks by choosing the correct word from the box
01. We ____________________ at the night Sleep | Wake
02. Milk helps us to keep ____________________ Sick | Healthy
03. We must _____________________ daily. Exercise | Cleaning
04. We need food to ____________________ Grow | Stay
05. We eat ____________________ meals in a day. Three| Four
06. Food gives us ____________________ to work Energy | Stress
07. We should drink milk ____________________times in a day. Three | Two
08. ____________________ is the morning meal. Breakfast | Lunch
09. ____________________is the basic need of our life. Water | Earth

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10. Plants and ____________________ need water to live Tap | Animals
11. We use water to ____________________ fire. Put Out | Start
12. We ____________________in the kitchen. Bath | Cook
13. A dog is kept in a ____________________ Kennel | Coop
14. In the ____________________ I watch television there. Living room | Kitchen
15. ____________________ wear sari. Man | Women
16. Cotton clothes keep our body ____________________ Cool | Warm
17. A small family is a ____________________ Happy | Sad
18. My uncle’s wife is my ____________________ Aunt | Mother
19. My Father’s Father is my ____________________ Grandfather | Grandmother
20. I have ____________________ ears. One | Two

Q.3 Write (T) for True and (F) for False for the Following Statements: -
01. We should brush our teeth twice in a day ___________
02. We should not get up early in the morning ___________
03. We should exercise to keep our body fit ___________
04. We use water for putting out fire ___________
05. Plants and animals do not need water ___________
06. We should never waste water ___________
07. We should drink clean water ___________
08. I respect my elders ___________
09. My Father’s Brother is my Grandfather ___________
10. Members of a family have a common surname ___________
11. My aunt’s son is my cousin ___________
12. We should share our toys with our friends ___________
13. Our parents should play indoor and outdoor games with us ___________
14. We eat breakfast at night ___________
15. We wear cotton clothes in summer season ___________

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Q.4 Answer in One Word: - Answer
01. We smell with our?
02. How many toes do we have?
03. What help us to taste?
04. Our Father and Mother is our________
05. Our Mother’s sister is our________
06. Cotton clothes keep us________
07. Birds build on________
08. We sleep in the________
09. We eat in the________
10. In which village , city do you live________
11. Name the room used for sleeping________
12. Our uncle’s wife us our________
13. What do you drink in the morning?
14. Which parts of your body help you to catch the ball?

Q.5 Match the Following: - Group - A

Column –A Answers Column – B
01. Grapes a) Animal
02. Carrot b) Fruit
03. Egg c) Vegetable
04. Milk d) Honey bee
05. Honey e) Hen

01. Summer a) Woollen

02. Winter b) Raincoat
03. Monsoon c) Cotton
04. Utensils d) Living Room
05. Sofa e) kitchen

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Q.6 Answer the following questions.
01. What can we do with our hands?

02. What can we do with our legs?


03. Which sense organ help you to watch television?


04. Which sense organ helps you to know that the kettle is hot?

05. Why do we need food?


06. Name the three meals of the day?


07. Name two unhealthy food?


08. Name few rooms in a house?


09. Where does lion live?


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10. Where do we cook food?

11. Why do we need clothes?


12. What should we use to keep our body dry on a rainy day?

13. What do you wear in summer?


14. How many members are there in your family?


15. What kind of family has only parents and children?


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Q.7 Complete the missing leters.

1. A D

2. F T

3. H E D

4. N A

5. P O E T

6. C L A

7. M N Y

8. I D R

9. G R E

10. C I C S

11. M T H R

12. F T H R

13. S M M R

14. W N E R

15. B D R M

16. K T C H N

17. W T R

18. T N G E

19. S I N

20. F D

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Q.8 Identify the Picture and write their names:

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Drinking, Bathing, Cooking, Living Room, Kitchen, Dining Room,

Bedroom, Bucket, Toothbrush, Comb, Nail Clipper, Fruits, Vegetables

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Q. 9. Colour the following picture and write the name.

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