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 Using the readings for this unit as a guide, discuss what you see as the

role of ethics as it pertains to management and managers. Does

management, in your view, help shape the values and ethics of an
organization? What about an organization’s sustainability efforts and
commitment? On whom does the responsibility to consider sustainability
fall? Is employee behavior, ethical or not, a by-product of the
organization's ethical climate? What ideally is the manager's role in
helping to create and maintain organizational integrity?

 discuss what you see as the role of ethics as it pertains to management

and managers

The standard of societal norms, morals, justice, and truth that a manager accepts when
making decisions is known as managerial ethics. A moral code or standard society defines
an individual's ethics establishes. Regarding management and managers, ethics serves as a
set of standards that regulate behavior. Whether expressed in paper or not, ethics are "
reflected within the values, hones, and approaches that shape the choices made by
decision-makers for the sake of their organizations."(Sujan,2023) Managers often set
ethical guidelines to give employees a moral representation of "right" and "wrong" in their
respective professional sectors.

 Does management, in your view, help shape the values and ethics of an
A company's managers influence ethics. A company's top managers typically set the
ethical tone for the organization by embracing and disseminating particular ideologies that
either uphold or reject widely accepted ethical standards. These executives also support
the fundamental moral principles that shape the corporate culture. Top executives
influence the people they lead and the frontline managers they oversee.

 ? What about an organization’s sustainability efforts and commitment? On

whom does the responsibility to consider sustainability fall? Is employee
behavior, ethical or not, a by-product of the organization's ethical climate?
What ideally is the manager's role in helping to create and maintain
organizational integrity?

Additionally, managers are in charge of the company's sustainability commitment and

initiatives. Everyone in the company, from the executives to the workers, must consider
sustainability. The company's ethical climate influences employee behavior, and it is the
manager's responsibility to create and uphold integrity in the workplace. Honest managers
have a favorable effect on the community, staff, and the organization. A manager who
places a high priority on sustainability, for example, can lessen the organization's
environmental effect, improve its reputation, and draw and keep brilliant employees
(HORTON, 2023). On the other hand, a manager who disregards ethics can cause harm to
the community, staff, and the company. For instance, acting unethically can adversely
affect the organization's reputation, impair employee morale, and have financial and legal
repercussions (Schroeder, 2021).

Using your professional experience as a backdrop, provide examples of

managers who have demonstrated ethical behavior (or not) and discuss how this
affected the organization, the employees, etc. You might actively consider and
incorporate sustainability-related efforts and behaviors in your analysis and reply I
have worked with two Companies that had opposite ethics

The primary company I have been favored to have worked with is a moral company that
endeavors to actualize viable sharpens and make the exchange show intelligent. An
extraordinary illustration of a chief who illustrated ethical behavior was my past CEO. This
chief was mindful of the staff and, as a result, built a trusting relationship. The benefits of
working for someone you believe is unending are that you have to show up and work and
perform your best, not to let them down.

The other company's CEO was cash-driven. It would prioritize choice-making based on
money-related pickup, creating an environment that required validity and reason. This
particular person made all choices based on numbers and had no care for viable sharpens
or making choices based on ethics.

What is
Sujan, (2023,june 8).
Managerial Ethics? Definition,
and Importance in the

HORTON, M. (2023, August 30). Investopedia. Retrieved from Investopedia:

Schroeder, K. (2021, OCTOBER 5). Redlands. Retrieved from Redlands:

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