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Indria Ayu Ningsih XI - E / 17
Personal letter is a personal communication written between two or
more individuals. This type of letter can contain various things, from
expressing feelings, sharing experiences, conveying
congratulations, or simply maintaining personal communication. In a
personal letter, the language used is usually more casual and less
formal than in official letters
Sender's Address: Your address should be placed at the top
right-hand corner of the page.
Date: The date should be written below your address, aligned
with the left margin.
Recipient's Address: The recipient's address should be written
below the date, aligned with the left margin.
Salutation (Greeting): Begin the letter with a salutation or greeting. For example,
"Dear [Recipient's Name],"
Body of the Letter This is where you write the main content of your letter. You
can share personal experiences, thoughts, feelings, or any other information you
want to communicate. Be sure to maintain a conversational tone
Closing: End the letter with a closing remark or statement, followed by a closing
salutation. Common closings include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours truly,"
followed by your name.
Signature: Sign your name below the closing salutation if you are sending a
physical letter. If it's an email or typed letter, you can simply type your name.
South Jakarta, 14th August 2022

Dear My Friend, Rizki Nugraha

I'm very glad to write this letter to you. How is your school bro? Here in South Jakarta, we are preparing for the Independence
Day celebrations.

First, we are going to have some sports competitions like soccer, volleyball and many more. The winning team will receive
some money as a prize. I'm going to play n the soccer competitions.

Then, I'm going to have a wayang show on the night before Independence Day. The dalang will perform all night long, that
sounds good right? Btw, have you ever seen a wayang show? It is very entertaining lho.

What are you plans for the Independence Day celebration? Please write back and tell me ya my bro!

Your bestie,

Jakarta Selatan, 14 Agustus 2022

Temanku, Rizki Nugraha

Aku sangat senang menulis surat ini kepada mu. Bagaimana sekolahmu bro? Di Jakarta Selatan, kami sedang mempersiapkan perayaan Hari

Pertama, kita mau mengadakan beberapa kompetisi olahraga seperti sepak bola, bola voli dan banyak lagi. Tim pemenang nanti akan dapat sejumlah
uang sebagai hadiah. Aku bakal ikut main lomba sepak bola.

Kemudian, aku bakal pergi melihat pertunjukan wayang di malam hari sebelum Hari Kemerdekaan. Dalangnya bakal tampil sepanjang malam,
kedengarannya bagus kan? Ngomong-ngomong, kamu udah pernah lihat pertunjukan wayang? Itu sangat menghibur lho.

Kalau kamu bakal merencanakan apa untuk perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan? Silakan menulis kembali dan memberitahu saya ya saudara saya!



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