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Change the following sentences from active to passive !

1. The dentist pulled out my tooth.

My tooth by the dentist.

2. Who delivered that parcel ?

Who that parcel by ?

3. The police are questioning him now.

He now by the police

4. The waitress serves breakfast at 7 o’clock.

Breakfast at 7 o’clock by the waitress.

5. Who did they give the prize to?

Who the prize to ?

6. The news seemed to have shocked him.

He seemed by the news.

7. You should take these tablets before meals.

These tablets before meals.

8. The teacher has sent him out of the classroom.

He out of the classroom by the teacher.

9. You must wash coloured clothes separately.

Coloured clothes separately.

10. The mayor will open the new sports centre next month.

The new sports centre by the mayor next month.

11. Many parents influence their children strongly.

Children strongly by most parents.

12. They were pulling down the building when I walked by.

The building down when I walked by.

13. Somebody has stolen Jack's car recently.

Jack’s car recently.

14. He expects people to show him more respect.

He expects more respect.

15. Has anyone collected the rubbish yet ?

the rubbish yet ?

16. Nobody has seen the Queen since July.

The Queen since July.

1. They kill elephants for ivory.

Elephants for ivory.

2. People cut down a lot of trees every year.

A lot of trees every year.

3. The government will introduce new measures against crime.

New measures against crime by the government.

4. She offered me a cup of tea.

I a cup of tea.
5. I didn’t go to the party because they had not invited me.

I didn’t go to the party because I .

6. Someone has stolen Michael’s bike.

Michael’s bike .
7. Someone should help the old woman across the street.

The old woman across the street.

8. They are building the bridge at the moment.

The bridge at the moment.

9. Someone has broken into Anne’s house.

Anne’s house .
10. When would you like me to deliver the new bed?

When would you like the new bed ?

11. Scientists might discover a new cure for cancer.

A new cure for cancer by scientists.

12. I didn’t leave the restaurant until I had paid the bill.

I didn’t leave the restaurant until the bill .

13. Bad weather may delay your flight.

Your flight because of bad weather.

14. The police might have arrested the burglar.

The burglar by the police.

15. Workers were setting up a road block when I passed through.

A road block up when I passed through.

16. The president will give a speech next Monday.

A speech by the President next Monday.

17. You must repair this car.

This car .
18. They do not allow taking pictures here.

Taking pictures here .

1. The window . (OPEN - present perfect simple)

2. Her room when the roof fell in. (PAINT - past progressive)

3. She to the airport. (TAKE - past simple)

4. The bike . (REPAIR - present progressive)

5. The cat every morning. (FEED - present simple)

6. The novel a hundred years ago. (WRITE - past simple)

7. The new shop next week. (OPEN - future )

8. The food into the fridge. (MUST PUT - present simple)

9. The shoes yet. (NOT CLEAN - present perfect simple)

10. Most of the thieves . (CATCH - past perfect simple)

11. My sister a new job. (OFFER - future)

12. The tourist a map by the tour guide. (GIVE - past simple)
13. All home work in by next Friday. (SHOULD HAND - present simple)

14. The ceremony when we came . (ORGANIZE - past progressive)

1. The secretary opens the mail every morning.

The mail by the secretary every morning.

2. A gardener is watering the flowers.

The flowers by a gardener.

3. Jimmy walks the dogs every day.

The dogs by Jimmy every day.

4. Heavy rain had caused the flood.

The flood by heavy rain.

5. Police officers were examining the evidence.

The evidence by police officers.

6. A spokesman gave an interview to the reporters.

The reporters an interview by a spokesperson.

7. A guide will take you to your seat.

You to your seat by a guide.

8. We are going to announce the results on Friday.

The results on Friday.

9. The new manager has made some changes.

Some changes by the new manager.

10. The students are making arrangements for the party.

Arrangements for the party.

11. They clean the windows every week.

The windows every week.

12. They had invited him to the cinema.

He to the cinema.
1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.

40 million hamburgers every day.

2. People speak English all over the world.

English all over the world.

3. Where did they invent gun powder ?

Where gun powder ?

4. The police didn't find the missing girl last weekend.

The missing girl last weekend.

5. Tourists don't visit this museum very often.

This museum very often.

6. Workers are building a new fun park in town.

A new fun park in town.

7. When did they translate this book into English ?

When this book into English ?

8. Women send thousands of emails to the star every month.

Thousands of emails to the star every month.

9. Sally brought me some fresh grapes.

I some fresh grapes by Sally.

10. Some dangerous looking men were following me the whole evening.

I the whole evening by some dangerous looking men.

11. George told me about the incident at dinner.

I about the incident at dinner.

12. They are holding the election next week.

The election next week.

13. The cleaning lady has watered the plants.

The plants by the cleaning lady.

14. You must put coins into the slot machine.

Coins into the slot machine.

15. Sharon will meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel.

You at the airport and to the hotel by Sharon.

16. Have they delivered the new music system yet ?

the new music system yet ?

17. You can obtain further information at the desk.

Further information at the desk.

18. You should send your children to a good school.

Your children to a good school.

19. They won't take a decision until the next meeting.

A decision until the next meeting.

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