Who Is God?

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Spoken word poetry by Simon Simbarashe

Mysteries and scripture

Where was God…!!?
Speaker 1: Now I know. I am here because I believe in a God who lied to me about His power. I
spent my whole life believing in every word preached by pastors claiming they speak to a God
who keeps quiet because his false, wrong and unjust.
They worst time explaining God who is far and to old to answer prayer, the sudden cry of His
children. Or is He too busy to see the seas of tears that proceeds exceedingly from my cheeks.!
I have tried everything… praying and fasting hoping that things would work for my good but it
seems nothing is working. I believe I’m a false witness that there is God.
Speaker 2: are you trying to justify your state of mind by blaming God who is just enough to
justify the adjustments
Speaker 1: Are you talking about a God who’s just careless about His own works… !!!
Speaker 2: watch your tongue my dear.
Speaker 1: Or I burn in flames
Speaker 2: you wrong God by trying to paint Him black and at the same time you do yourself
wrong by being a coward…
Speaker 1: me a coward..!!!??
Speaker 2: Yes cause only cowards run away from battle
Speaker 1: but I’m tired of runninng…
Speaker 2: stand still and firm swallow your pride, put the full armor of God and fight
Speaker 1: fight… !!? I do fight
Speaker 2: Then step aside and watch God fight for you…
Speaker 1: Step aside… !? Step aside and watch God who cannot fight for himself fight for
me!?...... You must be joker.
Speaker 2: the greatest joker in life is a man who thinks that God is a joke.
Speaker 1:but where was God when my son was dying..?
Speaker 2: the same place He was when His begotten son died.
You see God is not a man who lies.
Speaker 1: but He lied to me
Speaker 2: No… !! You are wrong. God does not lie, your feelings lied to you. For God is not
concerned about your feelings, His concerned about your intert.
Speaker 1: Then let me just end this life am tired of it, at least I will rest away from all this
Speaker 2: With or without you God is still God. But without you your children will be orphans
and your wife a widow. So you think you want to rest away from this drama not knowing that
you are opening doors of sadness to the younger generation.
Speaker 1: Then why is God not taking good care of me...!?
Speaker 2: leave God out of this, for what you are today was a reflection of yesterday and what
you do today determines what you gonna be tomorrow.
Speaker 1: you are just trying to defend God.
Speaker 2: how can I defend a God who defends all… !
Speaker 1: leave me alone am tired of believing in God.
Speaker 2: but God never gets tired of believing in you.
Speaker 1: Last last God must come down , sometimes I feel embarrassed to call Him God
because I look down on him
Speaker 2: you look down on God because you like the color of the shoes. Let me talk to you
just in time.
Speaker 1 : Have we not being talking..? Or maybe you want to run away to the fact that I just
defended your coward of your God.
Speaker 2: Wait. Where were you before you were born?
Speaker 1: I… ..!?
Speaker 2: Yes!!!
Speaker 1: I was in my father’s sperms billions of them release to fertilize my mother’s eggs,
but only I …. Only I made it!!!!
Speaker 2: wow what a miracle. So you mean out of a billions sperms only you made it … ?
Speaker 1: yes the father of the fetus.
Speaker 2: But don’t you know that there is God behind your birth?
Speaker 1: haha, No! My birth is scientifically proven. Religious sentimentalist, spiritual
confusion is making humans believe that there is God at the center of existance.
Speaker 2: Really!? What is science?
Speaker 1: science is the discovery of nature made by man.
Speaker 2: who made man?
Speaker 1: man ! Humans are proven that nature is the automatic entity which encompasses
Speaker 2: So you mean human is a product of nature?
Speaker 1: yes!! … … Nature is beautiful look at the trees mountains and seas the oxygen we
breath all comes from nature.
Speaker 2: But what is nature?
Speaker 1: aaah.., why do you ask like you are suffering from brain cancer.
Speaker 2: forget about my cancer question is to answer
Speaker 1: well first law of thermal dynamics states and I quote “ Energy, Energy can never be
destroyed nor created”. So you see nature can never be created nor destroyed but it can be
transformed from one form to another… that is from nature to human.
Speaker 2: Newton’s first law of motion states and I quote, “ The body at rest will continue
staying at rest unless an external force is applied that’s when it can start moving.
Speaker 1: Meaning?
Speaker 2: Meaning that in the beginning there was a word and the word was with God and the
word was God. So listen bro…. Even before the beginning begun There was a word which was
God and God Created the heaven and the Earth which you now call nature.
Speaker 1: but what you are telling me doesn’t make sense…
Speaker 2: it doesn’t have to make sense for it to be true. Our Rev. can bare me witness that
wisdom is not in multiple senses but in the wholeness of truth.
Speaker 1: But can’t you see that am suffering
Speaker 2: pray
Speaker 1: what if it doesn’t work?
Speaker 2: pray more
Speaker 1: What if it refuses to work ?
Speaker 2: pray hard !!!
Speaker 1: But to who!?
Speaker 2: to God!!!
Speaker 1: There is no God!
Speaker 2: it’s a slogan of fools
Speaker 1: Eeeeh!!!
Speaker 2: Eeeeh!!!
Speaker 1: Rev. Lemmy Jongani
Speaker 2: sees them
Speaker 1: pastor Gloria mwale
Speaker 2: sees them
Speaker 1: senior Bishop muzoka
Speaker 2: sees them
Speaker 1: pastor Charles phiri
Speaker 2: sees them
Speaker 1: Why all these people are standing out?
Speaker 2: Because Grace made Mercy in their lives. These people are fearfully, beautifully and
wonderfully made in the image of God
Speaker 1: But does God still bless man?
Speaker 2: Yes!! Rev Lemmy Jongani is the evidence
Speaker 1: Does God still bless man?
Speaker 2: Pst Gloria Mwale is the evidence.
Speaker 1: Does God still bless man?
Speaker 2: senior Bishop muzoka is the evidence
Speaker 1: But does God still bless man?
Speaker 2: Pst Charles Phiri is the evidence.
All: God bless you.

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