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Claim of Fact expecting another person’s response to his or

her earlier assertion. However, the

other person has not given any response.

-argues whether a statement is true or untrue.

- objective
I-language assertion – This expresses negative
feelings. It describes the person’s
Claim of Value
feelings toward a particular negative behavior
-argues that a statement is good or bad, right and states what he or she desires to

or wrong, ethical or unethical, or just or unjust. happen.

-subjective, logical, personal

Counterclaims are an essential statement in
argumentative writing as it expresses the
Claim of Policy
other side of the argument.
-argues that an action should be undertaken
to solve a particular problem. - statement that goes against or disagrees with
a stated claim.
-This claim uses signal words such as should,
ought to, and must. -The purpose of such counterclaims is to show
all the sides of the issue at hand.

Types of Assertions
-The Subject is the main topic of the author’s
An assertion is a statement or declaration work.
made regarding an idea, a topic, or an issue. It

expresses a person’s opinion, feelings, or belief.

-Implicit claims and counterclaims are usually
Below are some types of assertions: found in Argumentative texts
Basic assertion – This is a simple and direct
expression of one’s opinion, feelings, or
A review refers to a writer’s evaluation of a
belief. specific work of art in a general context. He
Empathic assertion – This shows sympathy to or she examines how a part contributes to the
another person. It is an totality of a material. Just like a critique, it is
acknowledgment of the other person’s feelings argumentative in nature. However, unlike the
or situation and, at the same time, a critique, a review is made for a general
show of support for the person's rights. audience.
Positive assertion – This expresses positive
feelings or emotions. To make this assertion,
one gives a reason or an explanation for a Book Review
good feeling or opinion.
1. A book review aims to inform the reader
about the content of the book

Confrontive assertion – This states three closely (highlighting its merits and demerits).
related actions:
2. It also aims to provide an evaluation that
a. an action that was supposed to be done, gives your judgment as book reviewer of

b. the actual action, and the book’s quality.

c. the action that the speaker wants to be

- making an outline of a review list all the major

Escalating assertion – This is a firm but

respectful statement made by a person
-Presenting both the strengths and weaknesses
of a particular work would make the review

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