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Q.1What is the basic purpose of communication with respect to meaning?

To share
information.2) To build relationships.3) To influence others.4) To create meaning.
Q4.Write in details about ingredients of Group Presentations. 1)Clarity of purpose
2)Clarity of roles 3)Clarity of message 4)Cohesion 5)Practice 6)Audience awareness
7)Visual aids 8)Delivery 9) Here are some additional tips for group presentations:
1)Start early 2)Brainstorm ideas 3) Do your research 4) Divide and conquer 5) Collaborate
6) Get feedback 7) Practice. Q5.Explain the way of scientific and technical research
article writing. Here is a brief explanation of the steps involved in scientific and
technical research art icle writing: 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Results 4.
Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. References 7. Abstract 8. Revision and Proofreading
Q7.What is note taking? Comment on it. Note-taking is the practice of recording
important information, ideas, or key points during lec tures, meetings, or while studying.
It involves actively listening or reading, identifying relevant information, and summarizing
it in a concise and organized manner. Here are some com ments on note-taking: 1.
Enhanced Learning 2. Organization and Structure 3. Personalized Format 4. Review and
Reinforcement 5. Active Engagement 6. Personalized Interpretation 7. Retention of
Important Details 8. Adaptability. Q8.Write down the characteristics of good writing
and field diary. Here are the characteristics of good writing and a field diary:
Characteristics of Good Writing: 1. Clarity 2. Coherence 3. Conciseness 4. Grammar
and Mechanics 5. Audience Awareness 6. Purposeful 7. Research and Evidence 8.
Creativity. Characteristics of a Field Diary: 1. Accuracy 2. Detail-Oriented 3. Objectivity
4. Organization 5. Reflective 6. Authenticity 7. Note-Taking Skills 8. Flexibility.
Q9.Discuss the importance of indexing and bibliographic procedures. 1. Information
Retrieval 2. Accessibility and Navigation 3. Enhanced Discoverability 4. Research and
Scholarship 5. Standardization and Interoperability 6. Preservation and Long-Term
Access. Q10.Give the idea of types of impromptu speeches. Here is a brief
explanation of the types of impromptu speeches: 1. Extemporaneous Speech 2. Table
Topics Speech 3. Panel Discussion 4. Debate Rebuttal 5. Q&A Session 6. Job Interview
Q12.Describe different types of communication. Here are brief descriptions of
different types of communication: 1. Verbal Communication 2. Nonverbal
Communication 3. Written Communication 4. Visual Communication 5. Formal
Communication 6. Informal Communication 7. Interpersonal Communication 8. Group
Communication 9. Mass Communication 10. Cross-cultural Communication Q15.Write
down the steps to improve your Writing Here are the steps to improve your writing in
detail: 1. Read Widely 2. Plan and Outline 3. Practice Regularly 4. Expand Vocabulary 5.
Grammar and Punctuation 6. Seek Feedback 7. Edit and Revise 8. Proofread Carefully 9.
Learn from Mistakes 10. Seek Writing Resources Q16.Explain process of
communication The process of communication involves the following key points: 1.
Sender 2. Message 3. Encoding 4. Channel 5. Receiver 6. Decoding 7. Feedback 8. Noise
9. Context 10. Purpose Q17.Explain guidelines for effective listening. Guidelines for
effective listening include: 1. Paying Attention 2. Being Open-Minded 3. Avoiding
Interruptions 4. Active Engagement 5.ReflectiveListening 6.AskingQuestions 7.
Managing Distractions and InternalDialogue 8. Suspending Judgment9.Providing
Feedback 10. Practicing Empathy. Q18.Write down the guidelines for keeping the
laboratory record. Here are the guidelines for keeping a laboratory record: 1. Clear
and Accurate Recording 2. Organized Format 3. Detailed Documentation 4. Data and
Results 5. Observations and Analysis 6. Signature and Date 7. Neatness and Legibility 8.
Compliance with Policies and Regulations Q20.Explain phases towards improving
your oral presentation Skills. Here are the phases towards improving your oral
presentation skills: 1. Preparation 2. Practice 3. Delivery 4. Reflection and Improvement
Q19Explains Do's and Don't in group discussion. Do's and Don'ts in a group
discussion include: Do's: 1. Prepare and research the topic beforehand to have a good
understanding. 2. Listen actively and attentively to other participants. 3. Express your
thoughts and opinions clearly and confidently. 4. Support your points with relevant
examples or evidence. 5. Collaborate and build upon the ideas of others. 6. Maintain a
respectful and professional demeanor. 7. Follow the established guidelines and time
limits. 8. Summarize or conclude the discussion effectively. Don'ts: 1. Interrupt or speak
over others. 2. Dominate the discussion and prevent others from participating. 3. Engage
in personal attacks or disrespectful behaviour. 4. Make assumptions or generalize
without sufficient evidence. 5. Ignore or dismiss the ideas and opinions of others. 6.
Ramble or go off-topic without adding value to the discussion. 7. Overuse jargon or
technical language that may confuse others. 8. Ignore the time limits or monopolize the
speaking time. Q11. Define the following. 1) Encoding:- Encoding refers to the process
of converting information or data into a specific format or representation that can be
stored, transmitted, or interpreted by a receiver. In the context of communication,
encoding involves transforming thoughts, ideas, or messages into a suitable form, such
as language, symbols, or gestures, to convey meaning to the intended audience. 2)
Manual:- Manual refers to something that is done or operated by hand, without the use
of machinery or automation. It can also refer to a book or guide containing instructions
or inform ation about how to perform a task or use a device. 3) Adjective:- An adjective
is a word or a part of speech that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun, providing
more information about its qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Adject ives typically
convey properties such as size, color, shape, condition, or origin. 4) Inflections:- In
linguistics, inflections refer to the changes made to a word's form to indic ate
grammatical categories, such as tense, number, gender, case, or person. These changes
typically occur at the end of a word and can alter its meaning or grammatical function
within a sentence. communication. 3. Types of Non-Verbal Communication: a. Facial
Expressions b. Body Language c. Proxemics d. Paralanguage e. Eye Contact f. Touch g.

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