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Year 8 Homework

Task 1:
Define what integers, strings and floats are in coding.
Integers are whole numbers.
Strings are a sequence.
Floats are a decimal number.

Task 2:
Define what a variable is in Python and give an example of one.
A variable is something that stores value
An example is:
Colour: pink
print (colour)

Task 3:
Circle the integers in this list: 20.61, 20.0, 20, 200, 200.0, 200.6
20 and 200

Task 4:
Define what casting is when referring to data types.
Casting is when one data type is converted to another
Task 5:
In this code, what does the “type” function do?

“type” function makes the number 3 typed out when the question is asked.

Task 6:
When using the print command in Python, name 2 or more things
that need to be done correctly for it to run without errors.
Make sure it doesn’t have a lowercase p and spell it correctly.

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