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Question 1:

The topic of the CNN article written by Deidre McPhillips and titled "Mental health struggles are driving
more college students to consider dropping out" focused on the challenges that college students face in
terms of their mental health, as well as the growing number of students who are contemplating
dropping out of school because of emotional stress and personal mental health problems. The
conclusions are mostly based on the results of a study that was carried out by Gallup and the Lumina
Foundation. The poll requested responses from 12,000 people who had completed high school but had
not yet completed an associate or bachelor’s degree.

Among the article's most important points are the following:

1. Emotional stress is something that affects a big fraction of college students, particularly female
students, on a regular basis when they are enrolled in college.
2. Over 40% of students currently enrolled in undergraduate programs have considered the idea of
withdrawing from their studies, describing the principal causes as emotional stress and problems
with their own mental health.
3. 3. The sensitivity of young adults who are already enrolled in college to mental health problems
is underlined, and it is noted that the transfer to college frequently makes these difficulties

It is possible that the author arrived at these findings by doing an analysis of the data obtained from the
poll, including personal tales such as Isabel's experience, and quoting the observations of mental health
doctors and other experts in the area.

The following are some more possible strategies for gathering, arranging, and summarizing material of a
similar nature:

1. Conducting in-depth interviews with a varied group of college students to collect first-hand
stories of their mental health issues and experiences while on campus.
2. Comparative Studies: Examining the similarities and differences between the collected data
from other colleges and universities to determine the frequency of mental health issues in a
variety of settings and areas.
3. 3. Analysis of Existing Academic Research and Literature: This step involves doing an analysis
of the existing academic research and literature related to the mental health of college
students to give a larger context and a better knowledge of the problem.
4. 4. Mental Health Data Analytics: Utilizing data analytics technologies to track and evaluate
patterns in student well-being and data pertaining to mental health over the course of time.
5. 5. Support Program Evaluations: Evaluating the efficacy of current mental health support
programs and efforts put in place by colleges and universities to assist students who are
having difficulty.

These new approaches would assist provide an in-depth and diverse picture of the mental health
difficulties experienced by college students and would make it easier for educational institutions to
establish assistance programs that are more focused and effective.
Article Referenced Link:

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