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Exercise 1. Rearrange the words to make questions to the answers above.

Exercise 2. Use the prompts to create statements or questions. Write the full form.


I / from London (-) I am not from London

He / businessman (+
I / from Germany (-
They / designers (?
It / a big company (-
She / an accountant (?
We/bankers (+
You/a shop owner (?

He/ a new employee (+)

Exercise 3. Find mistakes in these sentences and correct them.

He be from England

Theyre at the hotel

You are from China

Yes, we’re

No, we’re aren’t

i’m twenty-three. How old are you

How are you? I fine, thanks

Is the teacher.

Exercise 4. Complete the questions and answers about the time.

Write one word in each space.

1 .
O i m Pre EO 2
I DE nt S НЯ s
ВЖ ent S

e se РЕН ИВ im
Pr ВО АН ple

вживання Present Simple

регулярні повторювальні дії

I always drink coffee in the morning.

загальновідомі факти
I live in the UK.

закони природи
alway Water boils at 100C.
розклад (наприклад транспорту)
The train to London leaves at 6pm.
ofte спортивні коментарі
John kicks the ball and passes it to Nick.
on Monday
every yea
once a week

е р и
а р к
в а - м P L E
л о
С sent S I M

Exercise 5. Complete the following questions about morning routines.

What time ________ you ________ in the morning? (wake up

________ you ________ breakfast? (eat
How ________ you ________ to school/work? (get
What ________ you usually ________ for breakfast? (eat
________ you ________ your teeth after breakfast? (brush
What time ________ you ________ the house for school/work? (leave
________ you ________ through Instagram

in the morning? (scroll

________ you usually ________ in the morning? (exercise

________ you _______ a shower in the morning

or at night? (take

What ________ you usually ________to work/school? (wear)

Exercise 6. Make questions, positives and negatives.

Example: get up / six Do you get up at six? / Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
get up / si
have breakfast / every da
go to work or school / eigh
get to work or school / nin
finish work or school / si
leave work or school / tire
have dinner / 7:3
go to bed / 10:45

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