Discussion Post 10

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One interesting aspect of the program is how it combines peace education with global
citizenship education. This approach aims to create global citizens who not only understand
global issues but also work towards peace and solving conflicts. By blending these
elements, the program shows how being aware of the world and promoting peace go hand in
hand. This view emphasizes the crucial role of education in shaping individuals who can
navigate and positively impact our interconnected world. It stresses the need to understand
global issues and promote peace for a better, more sustainable future.


Watching the Living on One Dollar video series made me realize how challenging it is for
people to access basic needs like clean water, healthy food, and healthcare. It showed me
the huge gap between those living in poverty and those with privileges we often overlook.
This reminded me of the urgent need for social justice. Seeing the resilience of the people in
the series also emphasized the importance of empowerment and community support in
fighting against unfair systems. It made me think about what I can do to advocate for equal
opportunities and contribute to creating a fairer, more caring society.


Watching the Living on One Dollar series made me realize how tough it is for people to get
basic needs. Seeing rural Guatemalan families struggle to survive on a dollar a day was eye-
opening. A big issue was getting basics like clean water and healthcare. Their struggles
show global inequalities and the need for change. The lack of clean water shows unfair
resource distribution, and limited healthcare access highlights injustice. These experiences
call for collective action for change. We must ensure everyone, no matter their income, can
get essentials like clean water and healthcare. The series reminds us of our duty to make
the world fairer and more equal. It also made me think about what I can do to advocate for
equal opportunities and contribute to creating a fairer, more caring society.

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