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Submitted to fulfil the assignment of English course

Anugerah Krisnatalia Rahayu
NPM : 22420052
Group : 1-K2


Terjemahan :

Metode Prapenulisan

Ada beberapa cara yang siswa dapat lakukan di tahap prapenulisan dari proses menulis.
Berikut adalah beberapa metode dan strategi paling umum yang dapat digunakan siswa.

1. Brainstorming
Brainstorming adalah proses memunculkan ide sebanyak mungkin tentang suatu
topik tanpa khawatir tentang kelayakan atau apakah suatu ide itu realistis atau tidak.
Format daftar seringkali paling mudah diatur. Hal ini dapat dilakukan secara individu dan
kemudian dibagi dengan kelas atau dilakukan sebagai kelompok. Akses ke daftar ini
selama proses penulisan dapat membantu siswa membuat koneksi yang mungkin ingin
mereka gunakan nanti dalam tulisan mereka.
2. Menulis bebas
Strategi menulis bebas adalah ketika siswa Anda menulis apa pun yang terlintas
dalam pikiran mereka tentang topik yang sedang dibahas dalam jangka waktu tertentu,
misalnya 10 atau 15 menit. Dalam penulisan bebas, siswa tidak perlu khawatir tentang tata
bahasa, tanda baca, atau ejaan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus mencoba dan menghasilkan ide
sebanyak mungkin untuk membantu mereka ketika mereka sampai pada proses penulisan.
3. Peta Pikiran
Peta konsep atau pemetaan pikiran adalah strategi yang bagus untuk digunakan
selama tahap pra-penulisan. Keduanya adalah cara visual untuk menguraikan informasi.
Ada banyak jenis peta pikiran yang bisa sangat berguna saat siswa bekerja di tahap
prapenulisan. Anyaman adalah alat hebat yang membuat siswa menulis kata di tengah
selembar kertas. Kata atau frasa terkait kemudian dihubungkan dengan garis ke kata asli
ini di tengah. Mereka membangun ide sehingga pada akhirnya siswa memiliki kekayaan
ide yang berhubungan dengan ide sentral tersebut. Misalnya, jika topik makalah adalah
peran Presiden AS, siswa akan menulisnya di tengah makalah. Kemudian saat mereka
memikirkan setiap peran yang dijalankan oleh presiden, mereka dapat menuliskannya
dalam lingkaran yang dihubungkan dengan garis ke ide awal ini. Dari istilah-istilah ini,
siswa kemudian dapat menambahkan detail pendukung. Pada akhirnya, mereka akan
memiliki peta jalan yang bagus untuk esai tentang topik ini.
4. Menggambar/Mencorat-coret
Beberapa siswa merespon dengan baik gagasan untuk dapat menggabungkan kata-
kata dengan gambar saat mereka memikirkan tentang apa yang ingin mereka tulis pada
tahap prapenulisan. Ini dapat membuka jalur pemikiran kreatif.
5. Mengajukan Pertanyaan
Siswa sering kali memunculkan lebih banyak ide kreatif melalui penggunaan
pertanyaan. Misalnya, jika siswa harus menulis tentang peran Heathcliff di Wuthering
Heights, mereka dapat memulai dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan tentang dirinya
dan penyebab kebenciannya. Mereka mungkin bertanya bagaimana reaksi orang 'normal'
untuk lebih memahami kedalaman kejahatan Heathcliff. Intinya adalah bahwa pertanyaan-
pertanyaan ini dapat membantu siswa mengungkap pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang
topik tersebut sebelum mereka mulai menulis esai.
6. Menguraikan
Siswa dapat menggunakan garis besar tradisional untuk membantu mereka
mengatur pemikiran mereka dengan cara yang logis. Siswa akan mulai dengan topik
keseluruhan dan kemudian membuat daftar ide-ide mereka dengan detail pendukung.
Sangat membantu untuk menunjukkan kepada siswa bahwa semakin rinci garis besar
mereka sejak awal, semakin mudah bagi mereka untuk menulis makalah mereka.
Free Writing

I still remember what I was doing when the earthquake occurred on November 21st, 2022. I was in
my room playing on my phone alone. Then I was shocked cause I felt a vibration. I looked around
to make sure. It turned out that the wardrobe lock that was still hanging on the door moved quickly.
I also heard people around (neighbors) shouting the word earthquake. I got down from the second
floor and then went out and followed the people who were scattering from their house. We gather
in the open area. Not long back to their respective homes still talking about the incident. After
returning home, I check Twitter. It turned out that the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.6 Mw with
a depth of 10 km which occurred in Cianjur Regency, West Java, Indonesia at 1.21 pm. This
earthquake was felt in Bandung, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Rangkasbitung and Lampung. Then I
texted family and friends to make sure they were okay. The next day, I saw the latest news about
the Cianjur earthquake. I was shocked to see that the number of victims who had been identified
reached at least 329 people and the missing victims reached 11 people (December 1). Because of
the earthquake 58,000 people were forced to flee. Since the incident many organizations have
collected aid. Volunteers sprightly in handling this case. I am happy because there are still many
who care about others. Assistance in the form of diverse. Instant food, clothing, and medicine. In
addition, the government is also swift in responding to the victims. The government will distribute
compensation to the victim's house. There is a need for earthquake preparedness education. Public
must have awareness disaster can come at any time. Earthquake is one type of natural disaster that
often occurs in Indonesia. Indonesia is known as the ring of fire. Indonesia is a region prone to
earthquakes. There are several things that need to be done when an earthquake occurs. Protect the
head using a helmet or pillow, avoid items that easily fall, then run to an open place or a higher
place. In addition, it is necessary to prepare disaster preparedness bags in every home. Disaster
preparedness bag is a bag that is prepared in case of a disaster or emergency. Aims as preparation
for survival before help arrives. Standby bag makes it easier for people to carry out evacuation to
a safer place. The contents of the disaster preparedness bag must be made of waterproof material.
This bag should be able to sustain basic needs for three days.


I still remember what I was doing when the earthquake occurred on November 21 st, 2022.
At that time, I was in my room playing on my phone alone. When I laying down on my bed, I was
very shocked because I felt a fairly loud vibration. To make sure my feelings, I looked around the
room and I found the wardrobe key chain that was still hanging was swaying. It’s meaning that
this vibration is not just my feeling, but there really is an earthquake. At the same time, I heard
people around (neighbors) screaming from outside my house mentioning the word earthquake.
Because of panic, I just took my phone and ran down the stairs of my house from the second floor
to the outside of the house. Outside it turned out that there were already many people running
towards the open area, without thinking I followed their running direction and joined the gathering
in the open area. After a while and we no longer felt any vibrations, we returned to our homes. I
also entered the house and look at the twitter app to see news about this earthquake on the
application. It turned out that the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.6 Mw with a depth of 10 km
which occurred in Cianjur Regency, West Java, Indonesia at 1.21pm, so large this earthquake
could even be felt as far as Bandung, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Rangkasbitung and Lampung. After
seeing the news, I opened the chat app on my phone and sent several short messages to family and
friends to make sure they were okay.

A few days later, I saw the latest news about the Cianjur earthquake. I was shocked to see
that the number of victims who had been identified reached at least 329 people and the missing
victims reached 11 people (December 1st). The earthquake forced 58,000 people affected by the
Cianjur earthquake to flee because many houses were destroyed. Since that incident, many
organizations have collected aid, the volunteers have been swift in handling this case. I’m happy
because there are still many who care about others. The assistance provided varied according to
basic needs, from instant food, clothing to medicines. Besides that, the government is quite swift
in responding to the victims of this Cianjur earthquake. The government will distribute
compensation for the victims' houses, verified data from the damaged houses are currently around
60,000 units. The total number of damaged houses that have now been verified is 17,864 units,
both those that are categorized as severely damaged, moderately damaged, or slightly damaged.
President Joko Widodo promised that on December 5th, 2022 he would come to Cianjur to see the
handling of this earthquake.

Reflecting on this incident, education on earthquake preparedness is very important to

disseminate. people need awareness that disaster can come at any time. Moreover, earthquakes
are one of the types of natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia, and Indonesia is even called
the ring of fire because it is an area that is prone to earthquakes. There are a number of things that
need to be done when you feel the vibrations of an earthquake, namely, protect your head using a
helmet or pillow, avoid items that fall easily, then run to an open place or a higher place. Besides
that, at least every house can prepare a disaster preparedness bag. Emergency Preparedness Kit,
which is a bag containing a collection of basic necessities that are prepared before a disaster occurs
and are needed in an emergency. A disaster preparedness bag is required after an emergency occurs,
be prepared for the worst conditions to survive at least the 72 hours required in an emergency. To
prepare a disaster preparedness bag, it is necessary to store all necessary items in a waterproof
plastic bag and put it in a backpack. The minimum basic needs recommended by Badan Nasional
Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) to be included in the first disaster preparedness bag are
important documents such as photocopies of family cards, identification (KTP, SIM, passport),
insurance policies, savings books, and valuable letters/certificates with diplomas put in watertight

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