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1.5 Chemical Formulae, Equations, Calculations

Question Paper

Course Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry

Section 1. Principles of Chemistry
Topic 1.5 Chemical Formulae, Equations, Calculations
Difficulty Medium

Time Allowed 80
Score /66
Percentage /100

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Question 1
A student wanted to make 15.0 g of zinc chloride. The equation for the reaction is:
ZnCO3 + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + CO2 + H2O
What mass of zinc carbonate should the student add to the hydrochloric acid to make 15.0 g of zinc chloride?
[Ar of C = 12; Zn = 65; O= 16; Cl = 35.5; H= 1]
☐ A 11.0 g
☐ B 13.8 g
☐ C 15.0 g
☐ D 22.0 g
[1 mark]

Question 2
How many moles are present in 9 kg of glucose, C6H12O6?
[Mr of C6H12O6 = 180 ]

☐ A 0.02 mol
☐ B 0.05 mol
☐ C 20 mol
☐ D 50 mol
[1 mark]

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Question 3a
The boxes show the displayed formulae of six organic compounds, P, Q, R, S, T and U.

Use the letters P, Q, R, S, T and U to answer these questions.

Each letter may be used once, more than once or not at all.

i) Give the letter of the compound that is not a hydrocarbon.

ii) Give the letters of the two compounds that have the same empirical formula.
iii) Give the letter of the compound that is used to manufacture poly(propene).
[3 marks]

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Question 3b
Describe a test that can be used to distinguish between compounds Q and T.

test ....................................................................................................

result with compound Q ....................................................................................................

result with compound T ....................................................................................................

[3 marks]

Question 3c
Compounds P, Q and R are members of the same homologous series.

Give two characteristics of a homologous series.

[2 marks]

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Question 3d
This is the displayed formula of an alkene, V.

i) Give the name of alkene V.

ii) Draw the displayed formula of another alkene that is an isomer of alkene V.
[2 marks]

Question 3e
An organic compound has the percentage composition by mass
C = 36.36% H = 6.06% F = 57.58%
i) Show that the empirical formula of the compound is CH2F
ii) The relative molecular mass (Mr) of the compound is 66.

Determine the molecular formula of the compound.

molecular formula = ......................................................................
[4 marks]

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Question 4
What is the mass of 0.25 moles of hydrated copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4.5H2O?
Relative formula mass (Mr): H2O = 18 CuSO4 = 160

☐ A 40.0 g
☐ B 44.5 g
☐ C 62.5 g
☐ D 1000 g
[1 mark]

Question 5a
Sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, forming a strongly alkaline solution.
Ammonia dissolves in water, forming a slightly less alkaline solution.
i) Identify the ion that makes the sodium hydroxide solution alkaline.


ii) What is a possible pH of ammonia solution?


A 3
B 6
C 11
D 14

[2 marks]

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Question 5b
When ammonia solution reacts with sulfuric acid, a neutralisation reaction occurs and ammonium sulfate forms.

i) How does the sulfuric acid act in this reaction?


A as a neutron donor
B as a neutron acceptor
C as a proton donor
D as a proton acceptor

ii) The diagram shows a beaker containing some ammonia solution and a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator.

Dilute sulfuric acid is added to the beaker until it is in excess.

What are the colours of the phenolphthalein indicator before and after adding excess sulfuric acid?


Before After
A orange red
B yellow red
C pink colourless
D colourless pink

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[2 marks]

Question 5c
Ammonium sulfate is used by gardeners as a fertiliser because it contains nitrogen.

i) Explain why the chemical formula of ammonium sulfate is (NH4)2SO4

Refer to the charges on the ions in your answer.


ii) Calculate the relative formula mass of ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4


relative formula mass = ..............................................................

iii) Calculate the mass, in grams, of nitrogen in 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate.


mass = .............................................................. g
[6 marks]

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Question 6
When zinc oxide reacts with dilute nitric acid, zinc nitrate is produced. The equation for the reaction is:
ZnO + 2HNO3 → Zn(NO3)2 + H2O
0.200 mol of nitric acid reacts with excess zinc oxide. A mass of 15.3 g of zinc nitrate is produced.
Calculate the percentage yield of zinc nitrate.
[Mr of zinc nitrate = 189]

☐ A 26.8%
☐ B 37.8%
☐ C 80.9%
☐ D 65.1%
[1 mark]

Question 7a
The diagram shows the displayed formula of the organic compound methanol, CH3OH

i) Determine the number of atoms in one molecule of methanol.


ii) State why methanol is not a hydrocarbon.

[2 marks]

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Question 7b
The atoms in methanol are held together by covalent bonds.
i) State what is meant by the term covalent bond.
ii) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the bonding in a molecule of methanol. Show only the outer electrons of
each atom.
[4 marks]

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Question 7c
Another organic compound has the percentage composition by mass

C = 38.7% H = 9.7% O = 51.6%

i) Calculate the empirical formula of this compound.

empirical formula = ..............................................................

ii) The relative molecular mass (Mr) of the compound is 62

Determine the molecular formula of the compound.


molecular formula = ........................................................

[5 marks]

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Question 8a
A piece of magnesium ribbon is ignited and placed in a gas jar of oxygen.

The equation for the reaction is

2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
i) Give two observations that would be made in this reaction.


ii) State why this is an oxidation reaction.
[3 marks]

Question 8b
A second piece of magnesium ribbon is ignited and placed in a gas jar of carbon dioxide. A very exothermic reaction
occurs, forming magnesium oxide and carbon.
i) State what is meant by the term exothermic.
ii) Give the chemical equation for this reaction.
iii) A fire starts in a warehouse where magnesium is stored. Suggest why it would not be suitable to use a carbon
dioxide fire extinguisher to put out this fire.
[3 marks]

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Question 8c
A student uses this apparatus to find the mass of magnesium oxide that forms when a known mass of magnesium is

This is his method.

find the mass of the crucible and lid
place some magnesium ribbon in the crucible
find the mass of the crucible, lid and magnesium
heat the crucible with the lid on for a few minutes
find the mass of the crucible, lid and magnesium oxide
Using this method, the mass of magnesium oxide formed is less than expected. Explain two changes that the student
should make to his method to obtain a mass of magnesium oxide closer to the expected mass.
[4 marks]

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Question 9
Halon 1301 is a compound used in some fire extinguishers.
Halon 1301 has the percentage composition by mass of 8.05% C, 53.69% Br and 38.26% F.
Calculate the empirical formula of Halon 1301.
[Ar of C = 12; Br = 80; F = 19]
☐ A CBrF
☐ B CBrF3
☐ C CBr3F
☐ D CBr2F2
[1 mark]

Question 10
Separate: Chemistry Only

What is the maximum volume, in dm3, of chlorine gas at rtp that can be obtained from 17.6 tonnes of molten potassium
[1 tonne = 106 g]
[Mr of KCl = 74.5]
[Assume that the molar volume of chlorine at rtp is 24 dm3/mol]

☐ A 2.83
☐ B 5.67
☐ C 2.83 x 106
☐ D 5.67 x 106
[1 mark]

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Question 11
Separate: Chemistry Only

Calculate the concentration, in mol / dm3, of a solution produced when 6.9 g of potassium carbonate, K2CO3, dissolves in
200 cm3 of water.
[Mr of K2CO3 = 138 ]

☐ A 0.05 mol / dm3

☐ B 0.20 mol / dm3
☐ C 0.25 mol / dm3
☐ D 0.50 mol / dm3
[1 mark]

Question 12a
The concentration of NaClO (aq) in a solution of bleach is found by reacting it with hydrochloric acid.

The equation for the reaction is

NaClO (aq) + 2HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + Cl2 (g)
An excess of dilute hydrochloric acid is added to 4.00 cm3 of bleach solution. 60.0 cm3 of chlorine gas is produced.

Explain a safety precaution that should be taken when doing this experiment.
[2 marks]

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Question 12b
i) Calculate the amount, in moles, of chlorine gas produced.

Assume one mole of chlorine gas occupies 24000 cm3

amount of chlorine = .............................................................. mol
ii) Determine the amount, in moles, of NaClO in 4.00 cm3 of bleach.
amount of NaClO = .............................................................. mol
iii) Calculate the concentration, in mol/dm3, of the bleach solution.

concentration = .............................................................. mol/dm3

[5 marks]

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Question 13a
Separate: Chemistry Only

A sample of a gaseous hydrocarbon, X, has a volume of 600 cm3 at room temperature and pressure (rtp).
Calculate the amount, in moles, of hydrocarbon X in the sample.

[molar volume of a gas = 24 000 cm3 at rtp]

amount of hydrocarbon X = .............................................................. mol

[2 marks]

Question 13b
The mass of the sample of hydrocarbon X is 1.45g. Show that the relative molecular mass (Mr) of X is 58
Mr = ..............................................................
[2 marks]

Question 13c
Hydrocarbon X is an alkane. Show that the molecular formula of X is C4H10
[1 mark]

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Question 13d
Give the displayed formula of the branched-chain isomer of hydrocarbon X.
[1 mark]

Question 14
The diagram shows the displayed formula of succinic acid.

What is the empirical formula for this compound?

☐ A C4H6O4
☐ B CH2O
☐ C C 2 H3 O 2
[1 mark]

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