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A Note on the Banality of Evil

Author(s): Stephen Miller

Source: The Wilson Quarterly (1976-), Vol. 22, No. 4 (Autumn, 1998), pp. 54-59
Published by: Wilson Quarterly
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A Note on the
Banality 01 Evil
The Holocaust, the Soviet purges, and other enormities of the 20th century cry out
for explanation. The only answer the century has yet produced now appears misbegotten.

by Stephen Miller

Hannah Arendt (1906-75) leaves

no other intellectual legacy, her
notion of "the banality of evil" seems
certain to ensure her a place in the his-
tory of Western thought. The idea,
emblazoned in the subtitle of her con-
troversial 1963 book, Eichmann in
Jerusalem, impressed many people as a
fundamental insight into a new and dis-
tinctly modern kind of evil. Adolf Eich-
mann had been a leading official in
Nazi Germany's SS, one of the key fig-
ures in the implementation of the Final
Solution, and he had managed to
remain in hiding in Argentina until
Israeli agents captured him in 1960. In
her critical account of his 1961 trial for
crimes against the Jewish people and
humanity, Arendt argued that Eich-
mann, far from being a "monster," as
the Israeli prosecutor insisted, was noth- Adolf Eichmann
ing more than a thoughtless bureaucrat,
passionate only in his desire to please
his superiors. Eichmann, the unthinking deeds are the product of strong passions-
functionary capable of enormous evil, pride, ambition, envy, hatred. During the
revealed the dark potential of modern Enlightenment and into the 19th century,
bureaucratic man. many Western thinkers suggested that evil
This idea of evil was almost entirely new. grew less out of man's dark passions than
Before the Enlightenment, most theological from unjust social conditions, and many
and philosophical thinking about the nature assumed that it would eventually be eradi-
of evil rested on the assumption that evil cated through social and political transfor-

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mation. By Arendfs time, that confi-
dence had been shattered by the terrors
of Nazi-occupied Europe, Japanese-
occupied China, and the Soviet Union.
Secular intellectuals were left groping
for new explanations, and to many it
appeared that Arendt had found one.
The killing fields of Cambodia,
Rwanda, and Bosnia have kept the ques-
tion-and Arendfs answer- very much
alive. "We have a sense of evil," Susan
Sontag has said, but we no longer have
"the religious or philosophical language
to talk intelligently about evil."
Hannah Arendt in 1 963
Arendfs thesis about Eichmann was
attacked in the popular press and ques-
tioned by historians of the Nazi era, but
many intellectuals have staunchly support- Banal is not a word that one would nor-
ed her. The novelist Leslie Epstein, writing mally associate with evil. Its modern mean-
in 1987, argued that "the outrage . . . that ing-commonplace, trivial, without origi-
greeted Arendfs thesis when applied to nality-did not arise until the 19th century.
Adolf Eichmann indicates the depth of our In feudal times, banal referred to land or
need to think of that bureaucrat as different property held in common, or property that
from ourselves, to respond to him, indeed, feudal tenants were required to use, such as
as a typical character in Holocaust fiction- a "bannal-mill." By the 1830s, the neutral
a beast, a pervert, a monster." Epstein's point word signifying what was held in common
is that modern bureaucratic man, unthink- had become a pejorative signifying ideas-
ingly going about his daily routine, whatev- often concerning scientific and commercial
er it is, is always a potential Eichmann. progress- that were popular with the rising
middle class. In France, where the term had
\ Y /hile the controversy over Arendfs much the same career, the novelist Gustave
VV idea has continued, the phrase Flaubert complained in 1862 that his coun-
banality of evil has slipped easily into the try had become a place where "the banal,
language, becoming a commonplace, the facile, and the foolish are invariably
almost a banality itself. Journalists and oth- applauded, adopted, and adored"- a devel-
ers freely apply it as an all-purpose expla- opment he blamed largely on the increasing
nation-for the racist treatment of African popularity of that most modern creation, the
Americans, the terror of Saddam Hussein's newspaper. "The banality of life," he
rule in Iraq, and even, in the case of one declared in another letter, "must make one
theater critic, the betrayal of Sir Thomas vomit with sadness when one considers it
More in A Man for All Seasons. In the closely." His Madame Bovary (1857) can be
intellectual world, it remains an idea of seen as a portrait of a woman with profound
consequence. Bernard Williams, Britain's longings that she can express only in banal
pre-eminent moral philosopher, cites language.
Arendt in declaring that "the modern It is a long way from Emma Bovary to
world ... has made evil, like other things, Adolf Eichmann, but the Eichmann
a collective enterprise." It is remarkable described by Arendt has one thing in com-
how much enthusiasm has been aroused mon with Flaubert's protagonist: he was, she
by an idea that is so deeply flawed. writes, "genuinely incapable of uttering a

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single sentence that was not a cliché." Even mitted by the Nazis: "The point is that this
on the day he was to be hanged, Eichmann evil, not evil per se, is banal."
spoke in clichés. "It was as though in those Banal was a curious word choice. It is an
last minutes he was summing up the lesson aesthetic term, not a moral one. It applies
that this long course in human wickedness more to ideas, as Flaubert used it, than to
had taught us- the lesson of the fearsome, deeds. One could perhaps speak of the
word-and-thought-defying banality of evil banality of an evil act if one were engaged in
[emphasis in original]." the dubious task of judging how inventive a
TTiis startling conclusion is given without particular evil deed was, as Thomas De
further explanation, but Arendt had been Quincey jokingly pretends to do in his 1854
brooding about the nature of evil for at least essay "Murder Considered as One of the
two decades. In 1945, she wrote that "the Fine Arts." Were the murderous deeds com-
problem of evil will be the fundamental mitted by the Nazis banal? The question
question of postwar intellectual life in makes no sense. Evil acts, it seems clear, are
Europe." She knew something of the "prob- neither banal nor not banal. The term
lem" from personal experience, having fled banality does not apply to evil, just as it does
Germany for Paris when the Nazis came to not apply to goodness.
power in 1933, then taking refuge in the
United States in 1941. A student of the makes sense to use the term banal
philosophers Karl Jaspers and Martin when talking about ideas, but are the
Heidegger during her years in Germany, she ideas that motivated the leading Nazis
eventually made her way onto the faculty of banal? The pseudoscientific categorization
the New School for Social Research in New of millions of people as less than human
York City. and therefore worthy of extermination is a
repulsive idea, but it is not a banal or "com-
Glimmerings of her banality thesis monplace" idea. As historian Saul Fried-
appeared in The Origins of Totali- lander says in Nazi Germany and the Jews
tarianism (1951), her first book, in which (1997), "Nazi persecutions and extermina-
she argued that the rise of totalitarianism tions were perpetrated by ordinary people
had pointed to the existence of a new kind who lived and acted within a modern soci-
of evil: "absolute evil," which, she says ety not unlike our own; the goals of these
"could no longer be understood and actions, however, were formulated by a
explained by the evil motives of self-inter- regime, an ideology, and a political culture
est, greed, covetousness, resentment, thirst that were anything but commonplace."
for power, and cowardice." She often said Angered by the attacks on Eichmann in
that traditional understandings of evil were Jersualem, Arendt claimed that her book
of no help in coming to grips with this had nothing to do with ideas. "As I see it,"
modern variant, and she may have wanted she said to McCarthy, "there are no 'ideas'
to attend the Eichmann trial, which she in this Report, there are only facts with a
covered for the New Yorker, in order to few conclusions. . . . My point would be
confront it and clarify her ideas. that what the whole fiiror is about are facts,
Arendt must have thought that the and neither theories nor ideas." In a post-
meaning of her phrase was obvious, since script written for the paperback edition,
she did not explain it, but even some of her she makes a similar point: "When I speak
friends were puzzled. The novelist Mary of the banality of evil, I do so only on the
McCarthy told her that their mutual friend strictly factual level, pointing to a phe-
Nicolo Chiaramonte "thinks he agrees nomenon which stared one in the face at
with what you are saying but he is not sure the trial." Indeed, the book's subtitle is A
he has understood you." And Karl Jaspers Report on the Banality of Evil.
suggested that she needed to make clear But the banality of evil cannot be regard-
that she was referring to the evil acts com- ed as a fact. Even Arendt implied as much

> STEPHEN MiLLER's essays have appeared in many magazines, including Commentary, The American Scholar, and
Partisan Review. Copyright © 1998 by Stephen Miller.

56 WQ Autumn 1998

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Banality of Evil/Struthof (1989), by Judy Chicago. In the background is the Natzweiller
concentration camp, in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France.

in a letter to McCarthy: "The very phrase, much less influenced by ideology than I
'the banality of evil/ stands in contrast to the assumed in the book on totalitarianism."
phrase I used in the totalitarianism book
[The Origins of Totalitarianism], 'radical V \f /as Arendt right about Eichmann?
evil/ This is too difficult a subject to be dealt W She was right to say that it made no
with here, but it is important." In another sense to call Eichmann, as the Israeli prose-
letter to McCarthy, she seems to admit that cutor would have it, "a perverted sadist."
she has conflated two different questions: And she was right to say that "with the best
the nature of evil and the nature of the man will in the world one cannot extract any dia-
who committed the evil. "My 'basic notion' bolical or demonic profundity from
of the ordinariness of Eichmann is much Eichmann" (though no serious thinker has
less a notion than a faithful description of a suggested that evil people are necessarily
phenomenon. I am sure that there can be diabolic or demonic). But she was wrong to
drawn many conclusions from this phenom- conclude that because Eichmann was not a
enon and the most general I drew is indicat- fanatical anti-Semite he therefore wasn't a
ed: 'banality of evil/ 1 may sometime want to fanatic. She herself admits that he was a
write about this, and then I would write fanatical believer in Hitler; she speaks of
about the nature of evil/' "his genuine, 'boundless and immoderate
According to Arendt, then, she wasn't admiration for Hitler' (as one of the defense
writing about the nature of evil when she witnesses called it)," and she implies that he
spoke of the banality of evil. She was only subscribed to the Nazi formulation of
writing about the nature of Eichmann, Kant's categorical imperative: "Act in such
whom she regarded as a banal man - a way that the Fuhrer, if he knew your
banal insofar as he was an ordinary bureau- action, would approve it." Eichmann's
crat who "except for an extraordinary dili- fanatical devotion to Hitler led him to reject
gence in looking out for his personal Heinrich Himmler's orders in the last year
advancement . . . had no motives at all." of the war to stop the Final Solution. Eich-
Her point is that Eichmann, though a mann was not a Nazi fanatic but a Hitler
high-level Nazi official, was not strongly fanatic- a distinction without a difference,
influenced by Nazi ideas. As she wrote to since Hitler was a fanatical anti-Semite. To
McCarthy, "One sees that Eichmann was be sure, if Hitler had changed his mind and

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said that all Jews should be given apart- machinery out of men, and thus to dehu-
ments on the Riviera, Eichmann would manize them." In her view, Eichmann was
have zealously carried out those orders as so much the bureaucratic man that he
well. "never realized what he was doing [emphasis
in original]."
was so preoccupied with prov- Arendt strongly implies that the essence
ing that Eichmann was an unfanat- of totalitarianism is bureaucratization, or
ical bureaucrat that she refused to take that there is a high degree of correlation
seriously the speech he gave before he between the two, even though in the 20th
went to the gallows, in which he made it century the democracies have become
clear that he still believed in the glories of increasingly bureaucratic states without
Hitler's fallen Third Reich. Describing embracing totalitarianism. Moreover, as
Eichmann's final speech, she says: "He many scholars have pointed out, the Ger-
began by stating emphatically that he was man state bureaucracy at times hindered
a Gottglâubiger, to express in common the Nazi Party's effort to destroy the Jews.
Nazi fashion that he was no Christian and What distinguishes Nazi Germany from
did not believe in life after death." In other other regimes is not its bureaucratic nature
words, he was still a good Nazi who but its racial ideas. These ideas were what
believed in the Germanic gods; he was not led to the murder of millions, not only in
a Christian. Then she quotes Eichmann as concentration camps administered by
saying: "After a short while, gentlemen, we impersonal bureaucracies but by wide-
shall all meet again. Such is the fate of all ranging special forces who rounded up
men. Long live Germany, long live Argen- Jews and shot them after forcing them to
tina, long live Austria. I shall not forget dig their own graves.
them" Arendt dismisses these remarks as so In her earlier writings, Arendt put more
much "grotesque silliness." They are not emphasis on the ideology of totalitarian
completely coherent, but the main point is regimes than on their bureaucratic nature.
clear: Eichmann is paying homage to the In 1963, however, she told McCarthy that
"ideal" Germany of Hitler; he is looking she had overestimated the impact of ideolo-
back nostalgically to the glorious days gy. What was most disturbing about totali-
when men like himself were in power. tarian regimes, she often suggested in the
Perhaps Arendt was so insistent that last decade of her life, was their production
Eichmann was an ordinary bureaucrat of "ordinary" bureaucratic men who lead
because she thought the key to the evils of compartmentalized lives- dutifully and
the modern world was the increasing power even eagerly obeying orders to kill and tor-
of bureaucracies. In The Human Condition ture people during the day while remaining
(1958), she argued that bureaucracy, which good family men at night. This notion of a
she defined as "rule by nobody," is "not nec- motiveless, thoughtless bureaucratic man
essarily no-rule; it may indeed, under cer- was what she meant by the "banality of evil."
tain circumstances, even turn out to be one Arendt never changed her view of
of its crudest and most tyrannical versions." Eichmann. In the introduction to
In this she was influenced by the great soci- Thinking, which she wrote in the early
ologist Max Weber ( 1 864-1 920), who spoke 1970s, she says: "The deeds [of Eichmann]
in despairing terms about the rise of were monstrous, but the doer . . . was
bureaucratic man. "It is horrible to think," quite ordinary, commonplace, and neither
he declared, ''that the world could one day demonic nor monstrous. There was no
be filled with nothing but those little cogs, sign in him of firm ideological convictions
little men clinging to their jobs and striving or of specific evil motives." And she repeats
towards bigger ones." Arendt, in the post- what she said in the earlier book's post-
script to Eichmann in Jerusalem, strongly script: Eichmann's main characteristic was
echoes Weber: "The essence of totalitarian thoughtlessness, which is not- she says-
government, and perhaps the nature of the same thing as stupidity.
every bureaucracy, is to make functionaries In Thinking she decides to make even
and mere cogs in the administrative greater claims for her thesis by saying that

58 WQ Autumn 1998

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she was not describing a modern kind of evil unpleasant product of nationalism." But
but attempting to clarify the nature of evil in even though in the postwar years Arendt
general. "Is evil-doing . . . possible in default renewed her friendship with Heidegger, she
of not just 'base motives' . . . but of any grew increasingly critical of his ideas.
motives whatever? ... Is wickedness, how- Perhaps her treatment of Eichmann was
ever we may define it ... not a necessary influenced by her loyalty to Heidegger, but
condition for evil-doing? Might the problem the main idea that shaped her thinking was
of good and evil, our faculty for telling right Weber's notion of bureaucratization.
from wrong, be connected with our faculty From banality to thoughtlessness, there is
of thought?" a common denominator in Arendt's at-
Given the roll call of "thoughtful" people tempts to clarify the nature of evil, which is
who have supported evil regimes, it seems that evil is less a choice than the outcome of
odd to blame "thoughtlessness." One of certain circumstances. Arendt's seeming
them- at least during the early days of embrace of determinism bothered McCar-
Hitler's triumph- was Martin Heidegger thy: "One cannot help feeling that this men-
(1889-1976), Arendt's mentor (and one- tal oblivion [of Eichmann's] is chosen, by
time-lover), who declared in 1933 that "the the heart or the moral will- an active pref-
Fiihrer alone personifies German reality erence." She said that Arendt was creating a
and German laws, now and in the future." monster of her own. "Perhaps I'm dull-wit-
Heidegger can hardly be called "thought- ted, but it seems to me that what you are say-
less," unless we say that anyone who has a ing is that Eichmann lacks an inherent
foolish political idea is thoughtless. Hei- human quality: the capacity for thought,
degger found in Nazism an antidote to the consciousness- conscience. But then isn't
evils of modernity- bureaucraticization, he a monster simply? If you allow him a
industrialism, materialism, scientism - wicked heart, then you leave him some free-
which, in his view, deprived human beings dom, which permits our condemnation."
of their authenticity, and cost them a loss of Thus, even Arendt's closest friend and
Being. Looking at Hitler from the mountain strongest defender had grave doubts about
peaks of German philosophical thought, her explanation of Eichmann.
Heidegger may not have noticed that racial
anti-Semitism was at the heart of his think- she grappled for decades with
ing-but this is giving Heidegger the bene- the question of evil, Arendt never
fit of the doubt. seriously considered the objections of her
Some critics have suggested that there is a critics. It seems not to have occurred to
connection between Arendt's depiction of her that her own attempts to analyze evil
Eichmann as "thoughtless" and her defense were a muddle. No doubt she was fortified
of the "thoughtful" Heidegger, with whom by the continuing support for her views in
she maintained a friendship until the end of intellectual circles. Writing only recently
her life, visiting him on numerous occasions in the New York Review of Books, the Is-
even though his wife was intensely jealous of raeli journalist Amos Elon rehearsed
her. In the Times Literary Supplement many of the old arguments again, suggest-
recently, novelist and screenwriter Frederic ing that those who were unable to accept
Raphael suggested that "Arendt's 'under- Arendt's view of Eichmann as an evildoer
standing' of Eichmann might have been a devoid of evil qualities were led astray by
function of her unspoken desire to exempt their repugnance toward his crimes.
her Nazi lover . . . from the damnation he Arendt, Elon said, "made many small
deserved." There is no question that Arendt errors . . . but she also got many of the big
tried to play down Heidegger's connection things right, and for this she deserves to be
with the Nazis, saying to the philosopher J. remembered." Not so. She got two very
Glenn Gray that Heidegger's pro-Hitler big things wrong: the nature of Eichmann
1933 speech was "not Nazi . . . [but] a very and the nature of evil.

Banality of Evil 59

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