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" Tiltups Inn " ; and a barn close to it was young Andrew's position, and made him her
" Tiltups barn," beside the Bath road (1820). heir, bequeathing to him the whole of her
Q. V. property.
It is thus evident that the lady who was
T BSSONS IN RHYME (clvii. 424, 465; drowned was not the mother of Cyriack Skin-

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^ clviii. 16, 49, 150). — Under the title ner; but she may have been his sister, as
' Rhymes for Youthful Historians,' one there are strong reasons for believing that
remembers a cloth-bound volume published Mrs. Skinner was related to Cyriack.
by T. J. Allman. Knowledge of history For this matter I am indebted to ' Kings-
was thus imparted to boys attending a pri- toniana,' by John Symons (1889).
vate school fully fifty years ago. Every
page had portraits of English kings. I H. ASKEW.
should like to know who was the author. In-
formation on the point would be esteemed if S PRING, BEAUTIFUL SPBING" (clviii.
189).—" Spring, Spring, Beautiful Spring "
was composed by Jules Prudence Riviere (words
of song by Planche), and was sung at Covent
Garden in Boucicault's and Planche's ' Babil
fiYRIACK SKINNER (clviii. 167). - I and Bijou,' produced on Aug. 29, 1872. The
song brought Riviere a large sum in royalties.
^ think that W. E. V. is mistaken in the Ho cleared .£2,000 by this simple melody of
statement that Cyriack Skinner's mother was thirty-two bars. The copyright for France was
drowned in the Humber. sold to Chaudens for ,£40.
The boat accident referred to was the one Riviere was conductor of a series of prome-
in which Andrew Marvell's father, the Rev. nade concerts at Covent Garden. He had a band
Andrew Marvell, lost his life. According at Cremorne, later he was at the Alhambra, both
before and after the fire in December, 1882, and
to the somewhat vague reports of this fatal- I remember him at Blackpool, Llandudno, and
ity, it is related that the reverend gentleman Colwyn Bay in the 'eighties. He died in 1900,
had become very friendly with a lady named and is buried in St. Trillo's churchyard, near
Skinner, who lived at Barrow-on-Humber Colwyn Bay. On his memorial stone is in-
on the opposite side of the estuary from Hull, scribed, " Music, when soft voices die, vibrates
in the memory." Riviere wrote an interesting
where he was a lecturer at the Trinity book of recollections which I shall be pleased
Church and master of the Charterhouse. to lend your correspondent.
Mrs. Skinner had an only daughter, of whom T. W. A. LINOAHD.
she was intensely fond, so much so that she
would scarcely allow her out of her sight. The song " Spring, Spring, Beautiful (query,
At the request of Blarvell she allowed her gentle) Spring " was sung by a choir of boys in
daughter to go to Hull to stand godmother Dion Boucicault's production of ' Babil and
Bijou' at Covent Garden Theatre. It obtained an
to one of his children, but with strict injunc- encore every evening. I regret I cannot giv©1
tions that she be allowed to return on the the date.
following day. The young lady accordingly W. M. C.
went to Hull, and the ceremony was per- Jules Riviere, band master of " Riviere'tv
formed. When she went down to the water- Band," wrote " Spring, Spring, Beautiful
side in order to return home, she found the Spring" about 1870, very popular in the
wind very high and the water so turbulent 'seventies, and sung everywhere. He conducted
that the boatmen endeavoured to persuade his band at Llandudno and built a large con-
her not to cross then, but to wait till the con- cert hall for his band on the front and was
ditions were more favourable. She, how- very well known in Birmingham and the Mid-
ever, persisted in crossing as she had made a G. GRAINGEB WILKINSON.
definite promise to her mother. With much
difficulty Marvell induced some of the boat- This lyric was sung by a strong youthful
men to attempt the crossing, and volunteered chorus (armed with gardening tools, watering-
cans with rose spouts, rakes, etc.), in the fairy
to go with them. As he was stepping into opera ' Babil and Bijou/ first produced at
the boat he is reported to have exclaimed, Covent Garden Theatre in 1872 or 3. The opera
Ho! for Heaven." He threw his gold- was also remarkable for the first appearances
headed cane on shore desiring his friends, if of Joseph Maas, the tenor vocalist; and Helen
he did not survive the crossing, to give it to Barry, who led the Amazon Army. Mr. and
his son and request him to remember his Mrs. Howard Paul, and Lionel Brough, who
played Auricomus, were also in the caste. The
father. The boat capsized soon after putting opera was revived about ten years later at the
off, and all its occupants were drowned. The Alhambra, when " Spring" was song in a
story continues to the effect that Mrs. Skin- Grand Ballet of the Seasons, premiire dauseuse,
ner, inconsolable at her loss, reflected on Palladino.

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