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Paula Margarina
NIM 195300058




Sunmitted in partial fulfilment of the requrements for completing the Bachelor

Degree in the Department of English Education

Reg. No. 195300058




Name: Paula Margarina

NIM: 195300058
Title: Student’s Perception On Character Building In The English
Textbook “Think Globally Act Locally”
Place: Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Surabaya, 9 February 2023

Acknowledged by:
Head of English Language Advisor
Education Department

Fajar Susanto, S.S., M.Pd. Rahmad Hidayat, S.S., M.A.

NIDN 0702027802 NIDN. 0708037604

Kampus I : Jl. Ngagel Dadi III-B/37 Telp. (031)5053127, 5041097 Fax. (031)5662804 Surabaya 60234
Kampus II :MjL. Dukuh Menanggal XII Telp. (031) 8281181, 8281182, 8281183 Surabaya 60234.


This is to certify that the undergraduate thesis entitled “ STUDENT’S PERCEPTION ON

ACT LOCALLY” by Paula Margarina (Reg. No. 195300058) has been approved by the Board of
Examiners on 9th February 2023.

The Board of Examiners:

1. Chairperson :
Dr. Sunu Catur Budiyono, M.Hum.

2. Secretary :
Drs. Suparman, S.Pd., M.Pd.

3. Secretary :

4. Member :


This is to certify that I, the undersigned below:
Name : Paula Margarina
Student Registration Number : 195300058
Department : English Education Department
Faculty : Social Sciences and Humanities

Justify that this Undergraduate Thesis is my original work. I do not plagarize other people’s
works, except the legal quotations. If if can be proved someday that this thesis is a
plagiarism, I am to bear the consequences of my deed.

Surabaya, 9th February 2023

The researcher

Paula Margarina
NIM 195300058


Margarina, Paula. 2023. Student’s Perception On Character Building In The English

Textbook “Think Globally Act Locally”. Undergraduate Thesis. English Education
Department. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. University of PGRI Adi
Buana Surabaya. Advisor Rahmad Hidayat, S.S., M.A.
Keywords: Character Building, Students’ Perceptions, English Text Book
Textbook is one of media or tools that the characters education can be integrated. So,
the objectives of this research are to find out character building values entitled
“Think Globally Act Locally” for Grade IX of Junior High School published by the
Ministry of Education and Culture. The objective of the research were to identify the
character education values based on 2013 curriculum that appear in texts or
sentences of an English textbook entitled “Think Globally Act Locally” for the
Ninth Grade Junior High School, to describe how the students’ perceptions characters
building implemented in the texts or sentences. The study used qualitative research.
The character building in the text book used as the focus in this study. The data was
taken form the students of SMP PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. The data were collected
by observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed using
descriptive analysis. The results of the study revealed that regarding the students’
perception on character building in english text book, the students agrred that
character building is important and needed. Apreciative, Social character, and
responsible is the highest rate. This result showed that the author seemed wanted to
make it easy for students in comprehension the character building values in the texts
or sentences.


Margarina, Paula. 2023. Persepsi Siswa Tentang Pembentukan Karakter Dalam Buku Teks
Bahasa Inggris “Think Globally Act Locally”. Tesis Sarjana. Departemen Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora. Universitas PGRI Adi Buana
Surabaya. Pembimbing Rahmad Hidayat, S.S., M.A.

Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Karakter, Persepsi Siswa, Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris

Buku teks merupakan salah satu media atau alat yang dapat mengintegrasikan pendidikan
karakter. Maka dari itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai
pembentukan karakter yang berjudul “Think Globally Act Locally” untuk siswa kelas IX
SMP terbitan Kemendikbud. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi nilai-
nilai pendidikan karakter berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 yang muncul dalam teks atau kalimat
dari buku teks berbahasa Inggris berjudul “Think Globally Act Locally” untuk SMP Kelas
Sembilan, untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap karakter. bangunan
yang diimplementasikan dalam teks atau kalimat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian
kualitatif. Pembangunan karakter dalam buku teks digunakan sebagai fokus dalam
penelitian ini. Data diambil dari siswa SMP PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan
menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mengenai
persepsi siswa tentang pembentukan karakter dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris, siswa setuju
bahwa pembentukan karakter itu penting dan sangat dibutuhkan. Apresiatif, berwatak
sosial, dan bertanggung jawab adalah tingkatan tertinggi. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa
penulis seolah ingin memudahkan siswa dalam memahami nilai-nilai pembentukan karakter
dalam teks atau kalimat.


""Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you
that is greater than any obstacle"


This thesis is dedication to all of the families and the relatives with all of humility and
1. My Lord Tuhan Yang Maha Esa who has given strength, health and reason to
complete this thesis.
2. My beloved parents: Nur Istiyah and Benyamin Lukas who always support me
though their endless love and prayers.
3. My brothers in law and sisters who always cheer me up, May God always give them
health and always take care of them.
4. My Support system from Physical Education 2018, Ignatius Oktavian Palopez who
always accompanies me and give me best support to finish this thesis.
5. My beloved best friend since Junior High school Ayu Yohana Merina who always
support me when I’m down.
6. My Beloved Best Partner At Work Ni Luh Ika Who always support me when I’m
down and Who always accompanies me when I'm sad, complements me anywhere
and anytime until this thesis is finished.
7. My friends who always fight together from semester 1 st to the end of "The Healing".
There are three people like Sri siahaan, Syarifah, Ivan Khalif. Who always
accompanies me when I'm sad, complements me anywhere and anytime until this
thesis is finished.
8. All my family at English Language Education Department batch 2019


In the name of Allah, the most compassionate and merciful, the kings of the universe
and space. Praise to Allah who has given grace and gifts, so that researcher would work
until completing this undergraduate thesis entitled “Student’s Perception On Character
Building In The English Textbook “Think Globally Act Locally” properly and without
any big problem.
This Undergraduate Thesis is written as partial fulfillment of the requirements for
award of Bachelor Degree of Education. Moreover, it could be a source of knowledge,
especially in the literature because this is what is discussed in this study.
This thesis would not be completed without the support, guidance and assistance from
individuals and institutions. Therefore, I would like to extend a special thanks to:
1. Dr. M. Subandowo, M.S. as the rector of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya University.
2. Dr. Drs. Sunu Catur Budiyono, M.Hum. as The Dean of Faculty Social Science and
Humanities of PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya.
3. Fajar Susanto, S.S., M.Pd. as a Head of English Education Department of PGRI Adi
Buana University Surabaya.
4. Rahmad Hidayat, S.S., M.A. as The Advisor.
5. My parents, my future husband, my family and my best friends for the help, support
and prayer.
6. All my family at English Language Education Department batch 2019 especially E
For the perfection of this undergraduate thesis, the researcher expect some
constructive critics and suggestion from the readers to make another better
research. Hopefully, this undergraduate thesis could be a beneficial source of
leaning for all the readers.

Surabaya, 9th February 2023

The Researcher,

Paula Margarina

APPROVAL SHEET.....................................................................................4
Buku teks merupakan salah satu media atau alat yang dapat
mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter. Maka dari itu tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pembentukan karakter yang berjudul
“Think Globally Act Locally” untuk siswa kelas IX SMP terbitan
Kemendikbud. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi
nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter berdasarkan kurikulum 2013 yang muncul
dalam teks atau kalimat dari buku teks berbahasa Inggris berjudul “Think
Globally Act Locally” untuk SMP Kelas Sembilan, untuk mendeskripsikan
bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap karakter. bangunan yang
diimplementasikan dalam teks atau kalimat. Penelitian ini menggunakan
penelitian kualitatif. Pembangunan karakter dalam buku teks digunakan
sebagai fokus dalam penelitian ini. Data diambil dari siswa SMP PGRI 1
Buduran Sidoarjo. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi,
wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis
deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mengenai persepsi siswa
tentang pembentukan karakter dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris, siswa setuju
bahwa pembentukan karakter itu penting dan sangat dibutuhkan. Apresiatif,
berwatak sosial, dan bertanggung jawab adalah tingkatan tertinggi. Hasil ini
menunjukkan bahwa penulis seolah ingin memudahkan siswa dalam
memahami nilai-nilai pembentukan karakter dalam teks atau kalimat..........7
CHAPTER I.................................................................................................13
A. Background of the study......................................................................13
B. Research Questions..............................................................................15
C. Objectives of the Study........................................................................15
D. Significance of the Study.....................................................................15
E. The Scope of the Research...................................................................16
F. Definition of the Key Terms................................................................16
CHAPTER II................................................................................................17
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................17
A. THE ORETICAL BASIS..............................................................17
1. Definition of Character Building.............................................................17
2. Values of Character Building..................................................................18

3. The Definition of Perception...................................................................19
4. Textbook/English Textbook....................................................................20
5. Student Perception in English Text Book...............................................20
A. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS RELATED STUDY...........................21
B. Conceptual Framework..................................................................23
C. Assumption....................................................................................24
CHAPTER III...............................................................................................25
RESEARCH METHOD...............................................................................25
A. APPROACH OF THE STUDY.....................................................25
B. DATA AND SOURCE DATA......................................................25
C. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE..........................................26
D. DATA ANALISYS TECHNIQUE...............................................26
CHAPTER IV...............................................................................................27
FINDING AND DISCUSSION...................................................................27
A. Result Of The Study......................................................................27
1. Observation...........................................................................................30
2 . Interview..............................................................................................32
B. Discussion......................................................................................39
CHAPTER V................................................................................................41
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION........................................................41
A. Conclusion.....................................................................................41
B. Suggestion.....................................................................................42
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS.........................................................................45
OBSERVATIONS SHEET..........................................................................46
TABLE RESULT OF OBSERVATION......................................................48
INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT AND TRANSLATE....................................49
Interview Transcript With The Student 1.................................................49
Interview Transcript With The Student 2.................................................50



In this chapter, there are some explanations for the introduction of the
research; Background of the research, research questions, objective of the study,
Significance of the study, and scope of the research.
Education is one of solution to strengthen the character of a nation as the
goal of education itself is not only make a smart people but also have good
character Lickona (2013). Similar, Sharma and Prasad (2009) state that the goal of
education is to form character building. As the second education center, school
has an important role in building character process.
Character building is an important part in education field which has to be
integrated into all subject and skill. As cited in Ramly (2010) virtues of characters
building are developed by three ways, those are integration with the subject, self-
development, and school culture. Therefore, all of the subject materials in English
classes had to convey the qualities of characters building based on Indonesian
Ministry of Education. Character building is the effort to help soul development
of the children in the matter of inner self and outer world. Character building
education is the effort to sprout of and develop good values to the child based on
the prevail moral.
Moreover, building learners‟ character is responsibility of all element in
our circumstance. However, the character education in Indonesia focuses more on
improving the quality within and between individuals, and seems to neglect the
characters, which shows relationship with environment.
Textbook is one of the element that used by teachers in learning resources
that greatly supports the success of teaching and learning activities, also it is very
useful as a main source to guide the teacher in building students character. The
influences of character education programs can have profound effects on
numerous problems that schools are facing today including increased drug or
alcohol use, aggresion, low school attendance, fights and suspensions, vandalism,
and low academic achievement.

Character building values that can be found in texts and dialogs of English
textbook “Bahasa Inggris” for Grade IX Junior High School are described in this
part by providing the example and explanation from the data. Those are the
character building values religious, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work,
creative, autonomy, democratic, curious, nationalist, patriotic, respect for the
achievement, communicative, peaceful, love to read, environmental care, social
cares, and responsible that is described by Kemendiknas, while the other
characters are gratitude, humble, confidence, cooperative, respect, healthy,
courage and optimist that aren’t described by Kemendiknas.
The importance of students to help good Character education and building
to helps students to develop important human qualities such as justice, diligence,
compassion, respect, and courage, and to understand why it is important to live by
them. It develops a positive and moral climate by engaging the participation of
students, teachers and staff, parents, and communities.
In reference to the above explanation, the researcher is motivated to
conduct a research to observe character values integrated in the content of English
textbook for grade IX of Junior high school particularly in form of texts. English
textbooks for grade IX Junior high school is chosen because the students in
Junior high school who are in the transitional process.
Furthermore, as what has been explained earlier, the data show that most
of misbehavior acts are performed by the students who are in the senior high
school. Therefore, the students need to get a good foundation of character values
as early as possible to prevent them from doing such misbehavior acts.
Meanwhile, the textbook to be evaluated is entitled Pathway to English for nine
grade of junior high school. The researcher used eighteen character values as the
substance to apply national character education based on the Ministry of National
Education. This, the title of this research is An Analysis of Character Values in
the Texts of English Textbook Entitled Pathway to English for Grade IX of Junior
High School.
Based on explanations above, the researcher is interested this study
intended to identify how the eighteen character building values represented in
English textbook “Bahasa Inggris” for Nine Grade IX Junior High School, and the

research question is what are the character building values that can be found in
Students’ perceptions Character Building in English textbook Bahasa Inggris for
Grade IX Junior High School. The objective of this study is to analysis character
building values that can be found in English textbook for Grade IX Junior High
The limitation of the Study focuses on students’ perceptions on Character
Building in the text book in SMP PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo.
What are the students’ perceptions about character building in the text book?
Based on the research objectives, this research has significance related to
the findings. So, the significance can be written as below:
1. For the students :
The researcher hopes that this research can improve students knowledge
and provide positive good attitudes towards learning English text book.
2. For the teacher
For the researcher hopes that this research can expand For English teacher
‘knowledge about students’ perceptions on character building in the
English text book
3. For the researcher
The result of the study is expected to give input to the research I
contributing in more research about student’s percepion.
1. Character building values
Character building education is the effort to sprout of and develop good
values to the child based on the prevail moral (Deni: 2014).
2. English Textbook
Texts are any of a wide variety of types of genres of linguistic forms. Text
can be spoken or written. Among written texts, the range of possibilities
extends from labels and forms and chart to essays and manuals and books.
Textbooks are one type of text, a book for use in an educational

3. Perceptions
We human beings have five senses through which we the world around us;
sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Perceptions is the process by
which individuals select, organize, store, and in interpret the information
gathered from these sense (Wagner&Hollentbeck,1995:136)



In this chapter, there are some explanations of research literature;

Theoritical basis, Review of literature, Conceptual framework, and Assumption.
A. THEORETICAL BASIS website states, that the topical theory serves as the theoretical basis.
If a theoretical basis for the topic cannot be discovered, its history should be
documented and a theory should be developed. Its scope and content are
determined by the methodology employed as well as the depth of the
phenomenon's research.
They also tell as a consequence of the author's investigatio, the theoretical
basis is synthesized using the data that is already available. The theoretical basis is
built by the author using previous research, literature, professional experience,
and intuition. It is possible to share earlier data and conclusions along with an
explanation of their validity, significance, and applicability to the author's current
project. Through comparisons and a summary of the results, research data are
handled critically. The theoretical section of the report defines concepts that are
essential to the issue, while other concepts are described in the context in which
they are used.
1. Definition of Character Building
Character based on Foester in Soetarjo(2012: 77) is something that
qualified ones. Character become identities, distinctive feature, constant
characteristic, that contend contingent experience that is always change. So,
character is set of values that become habitual life and become constant
characteristic inside the ones. For example work hard, never give up, honest,
simple, and others. Within character, individual quality is measured. Whereas,
the aim of character education is materialized essential unity of the subject with
behaviorism and attitude/value of life that is possessed. Character building is the
effort to help soul development of the children in the matter of inner self and
outer world. Character building education is the effort to sprout of and develop

good values to the child based on the prevailing moral (Deni: 2014). Daniel
Goleman in Soetarjo (2012; 79) mention that character education is value
education, that covers nine principles of value such as; responsibility, respect,
fairness, courage, honestly, citizenship, self discipline, caring, and perseverance.
He also argues that if this nine principles of value can be internalize to the
student, it can build good character. Based on his research, the success of
individual life is 80% established by his character, and only 20% is established
by his intellectual intelligent. The same result of the research is also cited by the
research that is done by Hardvard University of US (Muslich: 2011).
From some definitions above, it can be conclded that character is character
building is the real and different nature exhibited by individuals and it is a
feeling appeared about how to focus on how to apply the value of goodness in
the form of action or behavior.
2. Values of Character Building
Values education will help the student realize, experience, and put it in an
integral manner to their life (Deni, 2014). Values education covered character,
values, norm, and morals. Character is the result of inner character. Inner
character based on moral (Muslih,2011). As the God creation that have right of
free, in moral human have freedom to choose the value and norm become an
orientation of act and behave to their life together with others. So, it is very clear
the correlation between character, values, norm and moral. The value taken is
higher value, glorious, noble, holy, and honest. The norm taken gets close to the
God. Moral gives direction, consideration, and demand to act responsibility as
well as value, the chosen norm. Furthermore, learning character is also learning
value, norm, and moral.
Hill in Muslich(2012) assume that character determines someone’s private
thoughts and someone’s action done. Good character is the inward motivation to
do what is right, according to the highest standard of behavior, in every situation.
Daniel Goleman in Soetarjo (2012; 79) mention that character education is value
education, that covers nine principles of value such as; responsibility, respect,
fairness, courage, honestly, citizenship, self discipline, caring, and perseverance.
He also argues that if this nine principles of value can be internalize to the student,

it can build good character. Based on his research, the success of individual life is
80% established by his character, and only 20% is established by his intellectual
intelligent. Poerwati (2013) argued that nation character building can be done by
making student accustomed with moral values and make them habitual with
nation character. In case of emphasizing character education, Pusat Kurikulum on
Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Budaya & Karakter Bangsa: Pedoman Sekolah
year 2009 identified eighteen values that sources from religion, Pancasila, culture,
and the goal of national education (Puskurbuk: 2011). The eighteen character
values are mentioned below (Dawadi, 2020):
1. Religious 11. Love fatherland
2. Honestly 12. Bear mutual respect with achievement
3. Tolerance 13. Communicative
4. Discipline 14. Peaceful
5. Work hard 15. Fond of read
6. Creative 16. Cares of natural surrounding
7. Autonomy 17. Social cares
8. Democratic 18. Responsible
9. Willingness
10. Nation mentality
3. The Definition of Perception
Perception is the process of human thinking about certain phenomenon. As
cited in (Walgito, 2010: 87), perception is started from the sense of the organ.
This process is related to the acceptance of massage or information by human
brain. In this process, a person interact with his/ her environments using five
sense. Those are vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. People interact with the
environment use these sense, then the stimuli will be registered by brain and send
them to the nervous system. Furthermore, this process is called as a sensation,
sensation is a part of perception. Koenjtaningrat as cited in Sahal (2010: 7)
explained that perception is the realization of human brain process and it appears
as a view without phenomenon. In summary, perception is a process of human
thinking about certain phenomenon after they get sensation from the environment
through the sense of organ. The students‟ perception can be one of students‟

evaluations for the teacher. Through the perception, the teacher will be able to
know what students perceptions in character building need in learning. The study
about perception is useful for lecturer more efficient in teaching.
4. Textbook/English Textbook
According to Islam (2000) presence of a textbook is necessary to support
teaching-learning process. Millions of copies are sold every year and numerous
aid projects have been set up to produce those in (various) countries. Textbook is
the most used and something overused source for determining the students should
learn. Textbook is important resource for teachers in assisting students to learn
(Mayasari et al, 2015). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that
textbook is instrument of school instruction and the primary source of information
for teachers and students.
5. Student Perception in English Text Book
Student preception in English Text Book Students claimed that character
education is related to an attitude and character education is essential in
strengthening their characters. Acording to (Osih & Singh, 2020, art. 22) materials
are anything that can be used to facilitate the language learning. Textbook,
dictionaries, electronic translators, flashcards, and link to online course are some
of the examples of course materials. They believe that through character education
they will be able to choose what is good and right for themselves. In essence,
students could learn character values everywhere, but learning in school will
possible since students spent more than half day in school. All students realized
toward the existence of character values inside the textbooks that they were using.
It can be concluded that students understood and could give example about the
character values on it. It can be seen from their opinion which claimed that they
could find values Related to Self, Others, and Environment. Even though, it
confirmed that students knew about character values in the textbooks but it still
needs to guide students to forge characters that they have know become a habit.

It is important to know about the previous research related to know student
preception character building in english text book . There are some previous
studies related to character building including:
The first study was a study conducted by Ary Setya Budhi Ningrum
(2012) entitled Teaching English language with Character Building. This study
showed that character building concept was perceived by 77% University students
of Yogyakarta. However there were some teachers who were still in doubt in
implementing character building in their teaching and learning processes.
Character building was still a problem for some teachers regarding to the
technique applied in EFL classrooms. Since they only had two hours in a week to
teach as the 2013 curriculum.
The second study was a study conducted by Lestari Setyowati (2013)
entitle Integrating Character Building into Teaching to Enhance the Students
Environmental Awareness. Similar to the first previous study, the result revealed
that 30 vocational secondary school EFL teachers perceived character building
concept with the overall percentage of 78, 35%. It indicate that almost all
teachers‟ knowledge about character building is appropriately with the concept of
character building. Even though the concept of character building has quite
satisfactory, many teachers still complained on government policy toward
reductionof lesson hour for English subject in the class. They also claimed that
they needed more training of implementing character building in the classroom.
The third previous research was done by Somia Salsabila (2018) with the
title “Character Education Values in English Textbook Entitled “Forward An
English” for the Tenth Grade of Vocational High School”. The topic is about an
anlysis the character education of materials in that book with implementation of
curriculum 2013. The aim of that research was to measure the character education
values that appear in English textbook whether it is appropriate with the 18
characters education of 2013 curriculum which emphasized by the government or
not and how to the character education values are implemented in the content of

English textbook “Forward An English.” The researcher used qualitative research
with content analysis as the design. The researcher used documents, journals,
article and books as references. The researcher used English textbook entitled
Forward an English for the Tenth grade of Vocational High School as the main
source of her research. The result of this research have shown that the researcher
only found 15 character education from 29 texts or sentences
The fourth study was research by Nur Faiziyah (2018) with the title is The
Implementation of Character Building in English Subject at Junior High School 3
Malang. The research aimed to describe the way of the teachers develop and
implement character building in English subject. The study was conducted in
Junior High School 3 Malang. This research used descriptive qualitative method.
The data of this study was collected through observation, interview, and document
study. The result of this research showed that form 6 teacher’s lesson plan, there
were 12 characters values written in special sub titled. Then 2 of three teachers
elaborated the values in teaching and learning activities. As the observation result,
one of the teacher taught character directly by using statements, and another
teacher tended to integrate teaching values in the activities. The similarities are the
researcher use descriptive qualitative method and for collecting the data, the
researcher uses observation and interview.
The last study was a study conducted by Styabudi Indartono (2011)
entitled The Effect Of E-Learning on Character Building Proposition for
Organizational Behaviour Course. It showed that university students of
Yogyakarta practiced of character building well. Lecturers perceived the purpose
of character building well. Moreover they also properly practiced character
building concept and technique although some of the technique unfamiliar for
them. Nonetheless, character building remained a burden for some lecturers due to
the limited time to teach in 2013 curriculum.
From the studies above, it can be concluded that basically the concept of
character building was implemented in English text book. However the problem is
in the case of time. The reduction of lesson hour as recommended in 2013
curriculum. Furthermore it gives an obstacle for the lecturers and teachers in
implementing character building in teaching and learning process.


This part contains the framework of how this research works. The details can be
seen as follows to make it simple to read. The conceptual framework of the research
can be illustrated below:

English Text Book

Junior High School

Character Buiding Student Perceptions

How Their Perceptions and

opinion about Character
Building Values

Observation Interview And


Result and Finding

Figure 1.1 Conceptual framework

In this research the writer has a concept for completing the research this
concept to describe how the Student’s perception on character building in the
text book for the nine grade Junior High School.


Character building in the classroom gives students‟ opportunities in

implementing character building aspect well. Moreover, if the teacher had
implemented well in their teaching and learning process. It leads students to have
more attention to their own attitudes. This research was aimed to investigate
students’ perception character building in English text book . By knowing this, the
perception given by the students can be in positive or negative. If the students
give negative perception, it means that they do not known well about character
building or they do not comfortable during teaching and learning process.




This research used qualitative research. Cresswell (2016:4) stated that

qualitative research is a research method used to explore and understand the
meaning of problems or sociality or human done by some individuals or groups.
Meanwhile, Joko Nurkamto (2004:3) qualitative research is research method
based on post-positivism and naturalist paradigm. It has some characteristics: 1)
the object observed are process and value, 2) most of data are words, 3) when
collecting data, the researcher actively interact with the data sources, 4) the data
are analyzed inductively, 5) the result of the research cannot be generalized, 6) the
research is subjective and related value.
The researcher wants to analyzed character building in the text book.
Because character building is very important, the construction of good character
values will affect the habits and attitudes of students. Good attitude, good
character, and good morals will be self- reflection. In this study, the role of the
teacher is very important to builds student character when in the school
environment, especially in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it can be
concluded in this study focus on the character building of student Junior High
School character in English text book


In collecting data for this study came from questionnaire and interview
with participants about their perceptions of character building in the text book to
make the analysis easier, the researcher needed to used data and data sources. As
secondary data the researcher used documentation to document all research
activities from start to finish to give perceptions in english text book. The
particpants. The source data in this study were 28 students from the class XI D in
the academic year 2022/2023 of Junior High School, who were chosen by they
english teacher based on their give perceptions character building in the text book.


In this section, researcher implemented the data collection tecniques.

There were some steps to collect the data.
For the data collection, researcher used open-ended qoestions and semi
structure interview. The interviews are conducted face to face while
questionnaries and shared through Google Form. The researcher used open-ended
questions to optain specific responses from participants while the interview is
semi-stuctured because the questions could be developed based on the participants
responses. The Likert instrument appears in a journal of Archives of Psychology
entitled Technigue for Measurement of Attitudes.It’s designed by Linkert Rensis
to measure social attitudes. Two data collection methods are employed in this
research:1) questionnaire which adapted from a user- friendly 139-items five-
Likert scales of AbdelWahab(2013) textbook evaluation checklist with coefficient
alpha ranged from .78 to .79 which indicated a high estimate of realibility based
on the main inter-rater correlation, and 2) interview. The procedure of analyzing
data are: first, specifying the phenomenon to be investigated. Second, finding out
a suitable checklist of textbook evaluation. Third, distributing the questionnaire to
the sample of the study. Fourth, collecting the questionnaires from the
participants.Moreover, Fifth the documentations is needed to make the data
1. Explanation about students perceptions character building in the english text
2. Designing the instruments of the research. Focusing questionnaire, interview,
and documentation.
3. Interviewing. The researcher interviewed the students. Topics of interview were
about how the students perceptions in the text book. Object of inteviews was
students at state Junior High school PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo.
4. Transcribing the interview. After interviewing students, the researcher doing
transcribed the results of the students interviews.


The data has been obtained is processed using collected using thematic

analysis to pintpoint key themes in the data. First and foremost, data analysis is
the process of examining collected data provide an explanation and understanding
of the individuals and phenomena that were under investigation.
Thematic analysis is a method of data analysis that concentrates on finding,


To validity the data taken in the rese arch, triangulation is used to drive it
all right. (Noble & Heale, 2019) discuss, triangulation is a method used to
increase the credibility and validity of research findings. The triangulation
consolidates three methods used in the research. To make I simple, just take a
look at the below diagram. This research used data triangulation to check the
creadibility of the data by using different techniques. They were observation, and


Interview Documentation

Figure 2.2 Data Validity

The figure shows how the researcher used data triangulation of questionnaire
interviews, and documentation.(Osih & Singh, 2020).



A. Result Of The Study

In This chapter the researcher presents the result and discussion. The first
section is about results analysis and the second section is about the discussion.
To obtain data, the researcher surveyed students' perceptions of the textbook
entitled "Think Globally Act Locally" published by the Indonesian Ministry of
Education and Culture and used by 9th grade students in Junior High School.
The English text book focuses on character building education values based on
the 2013 curriculum. “Presidential Decree No.87 of 2017 on Strengthening
Character Education”, it mentioned character education values in, there are :
(1) Religious, (2) Honesty, (3) Tolerance, (4) Discipline, (5) Hard- working,
(6) Creative, (7) Independent, (8)Democratic, (9) Curious, (10) Patriotism, (11)
Nationalism, (12) appreciative, (13)Friendly/Communicative, (14) peace-
loving, (15) Keen of reading, (16) Environment care, (17) Social care and (18)
Responsible. After analyzing the texts and sentences of the English textbook,
the researcher found that only three character building that only three were
found in the textbook. The research also found that character-building activities
that are applied in everyday life. Before explaining the result, the researcher
explores the content of the book containing of character building. There are
three character buildings namely appreciative, social care, and responsible.
In addition, character education implemented in the texts or sentences .
Explanation. Before explaining the result, the researcher explores the content
of the book containing of character building.

1. Questionnaries
The questionnaries was conducted in order to add more information in
relation to the students’ perceptions toward character building in English text
book in SMP PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. The questionnaries from Google Form.

Table 1. Response Instruments

No. Questions Respon Note


1. Do you think that the Agree √ The students very

material delivered agree to be involved
by the teacher in the in the lesson of give
class? opinion and give
some questions
2. Does the teacher Agree √ The students agree
conduct question and and give example
answer activities about and opinion about
the learning character building.
material character
building in the text
book ?
3. Do you ask the teacher Strong √ The students already
when you give agree good in
perceptions and opinion understanding the
about apreciative, social lesson of opinion and
care and responsible? making and
presenting their and
dialogue in the text
4. Do you agree that it Agree √ The students were so
reflects character happy on having give
building in your daily example and opinion
life? about character
building in the text
5. Do you agree that Agree √ The researcher given
character building the motivation and
apreciative very another example good
important in daily your character bulding in
life? daily life.
6. Do you agree that Agree √ The students were so
character building agree on having the
responsible very whole class activities
important in daily your until the end of the

subject of opinion and

7. Do you agree that Agree

character building
social care very
important in daily your
8. Do you agree that Agree
character building
social care very
important in daily your

2 . Interview

The interview was held on 12th December 2022 with 3 students. From 28
students the number of classes selected was only ranked 1 untill 3. The interview
was conducted to find perceptions on character building in the text book in SMP
PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo. There were three questions that asked to students, but
in order to find out students’ perceptions on character building.

Table 1 Appreciative Interview
From the students responses above regarding the students’ perceptions of
character building in the English text book. The students though that character
building very was process mental to make character building that very important.
First is about appreciative they give perceptions. The sudent 1 stated "the picture
shows a conversation talking well to a friend who win the competition. Student
state “activities that show concern for one's every effort, which will make them
imitate to also care for their friends and of course to be more sensitive to the
environment around them”, moreever student 3 stated “I agree that this attitude
really fosters the character of a sensitive attitude towards others”.
Table 2 Social Care Interview

From the students responses above regarding the students’ perceptions of
character building in the English text book. The students though that character
building very was process mental to make character building that very important.
First is about social care they give perceptions. The sudent 1 stated In my opinion,
the picture in the textbook is a sense of empathy and concern for a friend get a
sick. The student 2 “I think the picture gives a sense of concern for a friend get a
sick” and also the student 3 state “I think the picture shows sensitivity towards
when get a sick”.

Table 3 Responsible Interview

From the students responses above regarding the students’ perceptions of

character building in the English text book. The students though that character
building very was process mental to make character building that very important.
First is about Responsible they give perceptions. The sudent 1 stated In my
opinion the picture shows a sense of care or respect for a friend). Student 2 state
“the picture shows An attitude of respon for others” and more ever the student 3
in my opinion the picture shows the sensitivity activity that occurs in an
unexpected activity”.

The Result Of Interview
Table 4.1

From the students responses’ above the results about students’ perception
that the students give opinion and give axample what should they do. The students
were applied in everyday life.

B. Discussion
The finding of this study is based on the research problems that are stated in
the statement of the problem.
1. The character education values that appear in English textbook entitled
“Think Globally Act Locally”
From the result analysis, in English textbook found character education
values. From the data shows character education values appear in English
textbook entitled “Think Globally Act Locally” there are three character values
that appearing in the textbook. The researcher was found only 3 character building
education is appreciative, social care, and responsible. Based on the regulation of
Ministry of National Education number 20/2003 about National Education
System, the function of Indonesia education is to develop the capability, character,
and civilization of the nation for enhancing its intellectual capacity, and is aimed
at developing learners‟ potentials so that they become persons imbued with
human values who are faithful and pious to one and only God; who possess
morals and noble character; who are healthy, knowledge able, competent,
creative, independent; and as citizens, are democratic and responsible. Related to
that, the main programs of Ministry of Education to develop students„ character
education for the sake of improving national education quality. In short, the author
of the book should be include all character values is to help students to learn not
only knowledge but also educational character for them.
2. Students’ Perception about Character building in the Textbooks
Students claimed that character education is related to an attitude and character
education is essential in strengthening their characters. They believe that through
character education they will be able to choose what is good and right for
themselves. In essence, students could learn character values everywhere, but
learning in school will possible since students spent more than half day in school.
All students realized toward the existence of character values inside the textbooks
that they were using. It can be concluded that students understood and could give
example about the character values on it. It can be seen from their opinion which
claimed that they could find values Related to Self, Others, and Environment.
Even though, it confirmed that students knew about character values in the

textbooks but it still needs to guide students to forge characters that they have
know become a habit. The main goal of character education is not enough just
knowing. As Lickona (2012a) said that character education is about knowing,
feeling and acting. Again, in this case it should be underlined that character
education really depends on how teachers guide students in attaching character
values in teaching and learning process.



This chapter draws conclusions from this research and provides some
recommendations for everyone who is directly connected with the English
textbooks, teachers, students and for other researchers.
A. Conclusion
This study was a descriptive research conducted at Junior High School PGRI
1 Buduran Sidoarjo. This study aimed to examine the students’ perception on
character building in English textbook. According to the research results that have
been discussed before it can be concluded that regarding the students’ perceptions
on character building in the text book. The students agreed that character building
important and also found that character-building activities that are applied in
everyday life.
The present is nine grade students‟ English textbook for Junior high
school contain character education in the 2013 Curriculum and how those
character education values are represented in the textbook. The finding shows that
three elements of character education values represented in the textbook through
textual information with the limitation in categories, instructions, reading texts,
dialogue texts, and quotes. Those are character educations values are appreciative,
social care, and responsibility, social care as one of the elements in character
education, is found in two categories of textual information or written texts.
Responsibility and Social care, the second and the third elements of
character education, are found in all four categories of textual information or
written texts, instructions, reading texts, dialogue texts and quotes. Responsible,
as the third element of character education, is found in instructions, reading texts
and quotes as 3 categories in textual information. Above all, the sudents felt were
enthusiastic with the lesson. The students were give preceptions and opinion from
character building about appreciative, social care, and responsible.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusions above the researcher gives, some suggestions as
1. For teachers: Teacher as facilitator and also a major figure in the learning
process is expected to use a character education curriculum designed, and
can also adapt to the environmental conditions where teaching. For
perfection of the application of this curriculum teachers are also expected to
consult with colleagues in order to develop the curriculum effectively.
2. For students: They are expected to be able to implement or apply the
character values they learn in school into their daily lives.
3. For researchers: They should really know the limitation of the study to make
the analysis clear and avoided the ambiguity. Then, they should support
their arguments with expert statement from journals or books.

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Students’ perceptions 1 “Appreciative”

1.Apa Pendapat anda tentang gambar itu ? (What do you think about the picture?)
2. Apa pendapat Anda tentang persepsi apresiatif dalam buku inggris teks
(What do you think of appreciative perception in textbooks?)
3. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa itu mencerminkan Pembangunan Karakter?
(Do yo agree that it reflects Character Building?)

Students’Perceptions 2 “Social Care”

1. Apa Pendapat anda tentang gambar itu ? (What do you think about the
2. Apa pendapat Anda tentang persepsi kepedulian sosial dalam buku teks
(What do you think of social care perception in textbooks?
3. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa itu mencerminkan Pembangunan Karakter?
(Do yo agree that it reflects Character Building?)

Students’Perceptions 3 “Responsible”
1. Apa Pendapat anda tentang gambar itu ? (What do you think about the
2. Apa pendapat Anda tentang rasa tangung jawab dalam buku teks tersebut?
(What do you think of responsible perception in textbooks?
3. Apakah Anda setuju bahwa itu mencerminkan Pembangunan Karakter?
(Do yo agree that it reflects Character Building?)



No. List of Observation Activ Passive Note

1. Students Reaction And Enthusiastic √ The students

Response looked very
understanding of the enthusiastic
material about to be
Appreciative, Social involved in
Care, and Responsible the lesson of
From The English Text give opinion
Book. and give
Figure Observation 1.2 questions

Interested √ The students

give example
and opinion.

Figure Observation 1.2

2. Student understanding Enthusiastic √ The students

of the text given by the already good
teacher in
the lesson of
opinion and
making and
their and
Figure Observation 1.3 dialogue in
the text book.

Interested √ The students
were so
happy on
having give
example and
opinion about
Figure Observation 1.4 building in
the text book.
3. Emphasis on assessing Enthusiastic √ The
students’ understanding researcher
given the
and another
example good
bulding in
daily life.
Figure Observation 1.5

4. Students have desire, Interested √ The students

courage and are active were so
in the learning process excited on
having the
whole class
until the end
of the subject
Figure Observation 1.5 of opinion
and thoughts.


No. Object of observation Observation Note

Yes No
1. Does the students bring the textbook to √
2. Does the students use the same √
with the teacher?
3. Do all the students have the textbook? √
4. Does the students follow all of √
instruction and response questions
from the textbook?
5. Does the teacher ask the students to do √ Students give
all perceptions more
Activities and give another example? example about
building values
from the text


Interview Transcript With The Student 1

N Character Education Question Teacher Students respondens
1. Social care 1.What is your reaction
“Sure, I will Give someone in
textbook that you knowneeds, and give suggestion go to
your friends get a sick
see the docter when my friend get
in the classroom? a sick”
“Yes, I will same do with Lina
2. what will you do when ask Dayu show her attention
when you know your by asking Dayu to see the doctor.
(Sama dengan lina saya akan
meyarankan teman saya untuk
pergi berobat ke dokter) “
2. Apreciative 1. what will you do “tentunya saya akan mengucapkan
when you know your selamat kepada teman saya ketika
friends win a memenangkan kompetisi, yaitu
competition? degan mengucapkan
“Congratulations winner of
Badminton competition !!!”

2. How about you from “ percakapn tersebut menujukan

based on the sikap apresisasi dan ucpan
conversation from edo selamat”
and lina? Bagaimana (the conversation shows an attitude
tanggapan mu tentang of appreciation and
percakapan edo dengan congratulations")
3. Responsible 1.What is your response “respon saya Ketika melihat
from the dialogue dayu gambar tersebut saya akan
and siti ? melakukan hal yang sama seperti
(Apa respon anda yang dilakukan siri terhadap edo
Ketika melihat situasi memberikan bantuan Ketika teman
seperti dialog kita terjadi sesuatu”
percakapan antara dayu ( My response and my opinion is
dan siti?) when I see the picture I will do the
2.How about your same thing Siri did to Edo to help
response when you see when something happens to our
dayu and siti friend)

Interview Transcript With The Student 2

N Character Education Question Teacher Students respondens

1. Social care 1.What is your reaction
“Sure, I will Give someone in
textbook that you knowneeds, and give suggestion go to
your friends get a sick
see the docter when my friend get
in the classroom? a sick”
“Yes, I will same do with Lina
when ask Dayu show her attention
by asking Dayu to see the doctor.
(Sama dengan lina saya akan
meyarankan teman saya untuk
pergi berobat ke dokter)”
2. Apreciative 1. what will you do “tentunya saya akan mengucapkan
when you know your selamat kepada teman saya ketika
friends win a memenangkan kompetisi, yaitu
competition? degan mengucapkan
“Congratulations winner of
Badminton competition !!!”
(“of course I will congratulate my
friend when he wins the
competition, namely by saying
“Congratulations winner of
Badminton competition !!!”)

3. Responsible 1.Apa respon anda “respon saya Ketika melihat

Ketika melihat situasi gambar tersebut saya akan
seperti dialog melakukan hal yang sama seperti
percakapan antara dayu yang dilakukan siri terhadap edo
dan siti? memberikan bantuan Ketika teman
How about your kita terjadi sesuatu”
response when you see ( My response and my opinion is
dayu and siti? when I see the picture I will do the
same thing Siri did to Edo to help
when something happens to our

Interview Transcript With The Student 3

N Character Education Question Teacher Students respondens

1. Social care 1.What is your reaction “Sure, I will Give someone in
textbook that you know needs, and give suggestion go to
your friends get a sick see the docter when my friend get
in the classroom? a sick”

2. what will you do “Yes, I will same do with Lina

when you know your when ask Dayu show her attention
friends win a by asking Dayu to see the doctor.
competition? (Sama dengan lina saya akan
meyarankan teman saya untuk
pergi berobat ke dokter)”

2. Apreciative 1.what will you do “tentunya saya akan mengucapkan

when you know your selamat kepada teman saya ketika
friends win a memenangkan kompetisi, yaitu
competition? degan mengucapkan
“Congratulations winner of
Badminton competition !!!”
2. How about you from “sangat mencerminkan sikap rasa
based on the bangga terhadap sesama”
conversation from “it make reflects the attitude of
edo and lina? pride towards others”

3. Responsible 1. What is your “respon saya Ketika melihat

response from the gambar tersebut saya akan
dialogue dayu and melakukan hal yang sama seperti
siti? (Apa respon yang dilakukan siri terhadap edo
anda Ketika melihat memberikan bantuan Ketika teman
situasi seperti dialog kita terjadi sesuatu”
percakapan antara ( My response and my opinion is
dayu dan siti?) when I see the picture I will do the
2. How about your same thing Siri did to Edo to help
response when you see when something happens to our
dayu and siti? friend)


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