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Al-Oruba International Schools

Social Studies Department 2023-2024

Grade 8 - Term (3) – Quiz (2) Revision Sheet
Based on:- League of Nations + The United Nations
A) Complete the following table:-

Country Role
……………………………….. Acted as a simple organization that would meet during emergencies.

Acted as A world parliament where representatives would meet
regularly to decide on matter which affected all of them.

……………………………….. A strong League capable of enforcing decisions with its own army.

Write the country name beside its role in the League of Nations

B) Answer the following questions:-

1. When was the United Nations drafted?
2. What does the General Assembly of the UN look like?
3. What is the main purpose of the United Nations?
4. What are the Principles of the United Nations?







5. Mention the Major Organs of the United Nations as signed in San Francisco on 26 June 1945

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

6. What is the General Assembly of the UN?


7. Write short note about The International Court of Justice.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. What are the five permanent members of the Security Council? Mention four.

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

9. Mention the official languages used at the United Nations

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

C) Fill-in to complete the sentences:

1. In January 1920, the first Council meeting of League of Nations took place in ………………………………..
………………….. . (Country/city)
2. The League of Nations aimed to promote open, just and honorable relations between ………………..…….. .
3. Establish a system of international …………………………….. was one of the League of Nations' objectives.

4. During 1920s, The League of Nations succeeded to Helped over 400,000 ……………………………………..
of war return home.
5. The ………………………………………….. Commission of the League of Nations brought about the freeing of
over 200, 000 slaves in British-owned Sierra-Leone.
6. Americans wanted to stay out of conflicts like the carnage of ……………………………………………….. .
7. Some Americans were anti-French or ………………………………………….. , fearing their dominance in the
League of Nations.
8. Britain and France, the most powerful members, were not enthusiastic about involvement in disputes not
affecting ……………………………………………….. Europe.
9. As ………………………………………………….. started, the League of Nations failed in its main goal of
maintaining peace.
10. The Economic and Social Council Members are selected for …………………………….. -year terms by the
General Assembly.(Number)
11. Referring to the Principles of the United Nations, Countries must try to settle their differences by
……………………………………………….. means.
12. During the 1920s, the Health Committee worked hard to defeat leprosy and malaria. It later became the
World ……………………………………………….. Organization.
13. ………………………………………………….. President Woodrow Wilson supported the League of Nations to
prevent wars. (Country)
14. The United Nations members meet in the ……………………………………………….., which is the closest
thing to a world parliament.
15. The Security Council members are elected by the General Assembly for …………………….. -year terms.

D) Put (√) or (X):

1. United States President Woodrow did not want to prevent a repeat of
the First World War's bloodshed. ( )
2. The League of Nations aimed to promote international cooperation, peace, and
security by avoiding war. ( )
3. The League of Nations succeeded to settle the territorial disputes between Finland
and Sweden in 1921. ( )
4. The League of Nations did not succeed to settle the territorial
disputes between Greece and Bulgaria in 1925. ( )
5. Several big powers, including the U.S., Germany, and Russia, strongly supported
the League of Nations. ( )
6. The League of Nations had its own military power. ( )
7. Many Americans wanted to avoid the economic cost of joining the League of
Nations. ( )

8. One of the reasons led to the collapse of the League of Nations is that the two most
influential members, Britain and France, had endured significant financial and
military hardships during the war. ( )
9. Germany and Russia were allowed to join the League of Nations in 1919
due to their roles in the war and political systems. ( )
10. President Franklin D Roosevelt playing a key role in the United Nations creation. ( )
11. In 1945, representatives of 15 countries met in San Francisco at the United
Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations
Charter. ( )
12. There are currently 193 Members of the United Nations. ( )
13. The United Nations Headquarters is in Washington City, but the land
and buildings are international territory. ( )
14. There are seven official languages are used at the United Nations. ( )
15. The UN Charter outlines its purposes, emphasizing international peace,
cooperation, and addressing global issues. ( )
16. The term "United Nations" originated during World War I to describe the
alliance against the Axis powers. ( )
17. Each United Nations member has a single vote. ( )
18. The UN may not interfere in the domestic affairs of any country. ( )
19. The United Nations has its own post office and its own postage stamps but has no
flag. ( )
20. The UN promotes respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. ( )

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