History 8 - WWII Before The War Guide

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Chapter 6:

Nazi Party in the early years:

a- Highlight Nazi’s key ideas.
b- State the function of the SA and the failure of the Munich March
Hitler comes to power/Hitler gains power:
a- Which factors helped Hitler rise to power? (economic, political, opposition lack of unity,
political alliances, Hitler’s techniques)
Chapter 7:
a- Mention the steps which turned Germany into a dictatorship and Hitler into the Fuhrer.
b-Explain the function of propaganda and the role of women and children in Nazi Germany.
Chapter 8:
a-Explain the purpose of the ‘five-year plans’.
b-Explain the purpose of ‘collectivisation’ and its impact on farmers in general and the kulaks
in particular.
c-What did Stalin’s dictatorship mean for opponents?
Who suffered Stalin’s purges and why?
Chapter 11:
a-Which factors led to the failure of the League of Nations?
b -Locarno Pact:
1-Hostility towards Germany was lessened. Germany promised to-----------------------
Which was a threat for -------------------------and clearly implied France and Britain were
ignoring ---------------------------and opening a door for future German expansion.
2-Kellogg Pact meant------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-This period is known as ‘Locarno Honeymoon’ because--------------------------------
1-Japanese expansion was an open transgression against the Washington Naval
Conference. Justify
d-Ethiopean incident and German rearmament were clear examples of the weakness of the
League of Nations. Justify.
Chapter 12:
a-Which places did Hitler invade and why?
b-German rearmament wasn’t condemned. Justify.
c-What was the policy of appeasement? Why did it fail?
d-Nazi-Soviet Pact: meant to be long-lasting?

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