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BSTM 201

Choose one (1) on the given categories of Functions that we have discussed.
1. Task Functions
2. Maintenance Behavior
3. Self-interest Behavior
Create a scenario/situation were the function is being portrayed or demonstrated.

Envision a marketing team entrusted with introducing a new product for a technology
business. Market research analysts, creative designers, content writers, and project managers make
up the team's wide skill set. As the launch date approaches, the team holds a critical strategy
meeting to complete their marketing plan and coordinate their efforts. During the meeting, the
project manager takes on the role of outlining the important milestones, timeframes, and
deliverables necessary for a successful product launch. They develop a thorough timeline, breaking
down the project into digestible tasks and assigning duties depending on each team member's
strengths and talents. This task-oriented approach promotes clarity and accountability within the
team, establishing clear expectations for all members.

In the meantime, the market research experts investigate consumer trends, rivalry analysis, and the
demographics of the target audience, offering insightful information that guides the marketing
plan. They study market trends, collect data, and administer surveys in order to pinpoint
opportunities and possible obstacles to successfully presenting the new product. Creative designers
and content writers work together to create captivating graphics, branding components, and
convincing messaging that engage with the intended audience. They generate concepts, construct
mock-ups, and polish their designs based on team comments and market research findings. As the
team works hard on their assigned duties, they display task behavior by remaining focused,
organized, and goal-oriented. They prioritize deadlines, communicate effectively, and assist one
another to guarantee seamless coordination and alignment with the overall aim of a successful
product launch.

The marketing team releases their all-encompassing campaign on the day of the launch, utilizing
traditional marketing channels, social media, and digital platforms to create buzz and encourage
customer involvement. The result of their combined efforts demonstrates how task functions and
behaviors are helpful in accomplishing strategic goals and producing significant outcomes for the
company's new product.

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