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Chapter 1


•A consumer is a person is the end user of the product
•A person buy the good for self-consumption not to resell it is a consumer
consumer satisfaction
“A consumer satisfaction is a business term of how the product and services supplied by a company meet and
surpass the consumer expectation. It is the key performance indicator within the business”
- Berlin asoon

Introduction of customer satisfaction:-

 Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services
supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.
 It is seen as a key performance indicator within business
 In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer
satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of
business strategy.
 However, the importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased
bargaining power.
Literature review
Ali Kara, (1995) The overall goal of the study is to determine whether the same fast food restaurants are
received similarly differently across the two countries and whether they are positioning can be improved careful
and selective promotion. It also reveals that the major trend in the USA and Canada and in most of the industrial
world is that more people are eating meals outside their home. Bahaudin G. Mujtaba(2007) This study reveals
about the McDonald’s system providing employment and growth opportunities to a vast number of minority
groups in the United States and people around the globe. Their commitment to opportunity also includes support
for their employee’s education. For example, McDonald’s Hong Kong offers employees free continuing
education courses in business. As a result of McDonald's efforts, today Hispanics represent 29.3 percent of its
workforce and 18 percent of its restaurant managers. Jing Han(2008) The study is about how McDonald’s applies
the strategies and how their strategies interact with their business structure and the external environment. It also
reveals about achieving their objectives, the McDonald’s strategy should be attract more new customers,
encourage existing customers to visit McDonald’s more often, build brand loyalty and, ultimately, create
enduring profitable growth for the company


•Repeat customers
Satisfied customers are likely to purchase from you again. One easy way is through survey Ask them to rate
their satisfaction levels on a scale of 1 to 10 and see who will be happy to purchase from you in the future.
Customers that rated you 7 or more are satisfied and are likely to engage with your business again. A score of 6 or
below is cause for concern; these customers are unhappy with you and are a huge attrition risk.
•Competitive discriminator
Customer satisfaction is the key to making or breaking brands. In a competitive with huge number of brands
world consumer satisfaction helps to build consumer strategy. No amount
Of camping and advertising will be successful if customer are not satisfied. Brand with low level of customer
satisfaction will have chance to die in future
•-Reduce customer churn
Contrary to popular belief, pricing is not the main reason for customer churn. Yup, you guessed it right; it’s
customer service. We know of several brands that have a huge customer base despite high prices. Poor customer
service quality will hurt you and cost you customers in the long term. Seek continuous customer feedback to track
your progress and routinely share it with your customer service representative .
•Decrease word of mouth
According to McKinsey’s research, an unhappy customer will tell about their experience to anywhere between 9-
15 people. Considering the number of dissatisfied customers you may have, that’s a lot of negative press. This
will directly impact your business revenue and brand reputation. This will in turn decrease the repeat customer
May lead to business churn
•To build customers loyalty
When your customers are satisfied, they believe in the brand and become loyal. They will give you repeat
customer which will also help to advertise the business. Also band loyalty help the business to grow .Adobe
report says 67 %more loyal customer than new ones

•Support pillars
Satisfied customers are more likely to stand by in times of crisis; they care for the brand and want to see it grow.
This has been observed in many cases for big brands such as McDonald’s, when there rumors of caterpillars in
their foods. They trust the brand and are understanding of any shortcomings or crisis that may fall them.
•Sale revenue
Brands focusing on customer satisfaction actively have healthy sales revenue. They do not lose old customers and
have a steady revenue stream from repeat business. Customer satisfaction and increased revenue are directly
correlated. Satisfied customers stay loyal to your brand, interact with it, buy often, and make recommendations to
their colleagues, friends, and family. Run online customer surveys to note which areas are impacting customer
satisfaction negatively and need improvement. This will help improve customer satisfaction and reduce customer
•Boost brand reputation and popularity
Customer satisfaction impacts brand reputation and popularity. See customer feedback and figure out which areas
could be improved and improve satisfaction. Is it accounts or customer service? Don’t be afraid to ask your
customers; honest feedback will help manage expectations and act accordingly. Famous brands have dedicated
teams and initiatives for improving customer satisfaction, which helps them achieve high sales figures.
• Reduce marketing expenses

Satisfied customers are your biggest advocates. Their positive word-of-mouth lends your brand credibility,
popularity, and helps acquire new customers. This saves brands a lot of money that they would spend on
marketing and promotional campaigns to acquire new customers.

The objective of the study can be laid down as

 To examine the factors influence to
purchase of McDonald’s..
 To understand the needs of the customer
of McDonald’s
 To identify the overall satisfaction
among the customers in McDonald’s.
Consumer satisfaction model

A consumer satisfaction is a set of equation that link the quality that costumer recognize, consumer own
perception product .This model which is the best to is based on American customer index (ACI )which best
solution for customer satisfaction measurements that is directly related to financial performance ACI is the
leading indicator consumer satisfaction with goods and service
Four level of customer satisfaction
• Level One: Meeting Customer Expectations
• Level Two: exceed Customer Expectations
• Level Three: Delighting your Customers
• Level Four: Amazing your Customers
Level 1 Meeting customer expectation
Every basic level is meeting your customer expectations. If you are not meeting their fundamental expectations,
most of the time, then you are unlikely to stay in business.
If you are meeting their basic expectations then your customers will be happy and satisfied. But you may not be
able to retain these customers if a competitor offers an appealing alternative that goes beyond meeting their basic
Level 2 Exceeding customer expectations
The next level up in this customer satisfaction hierarchy is exceeding your customer expectations. By surpassing
their basic expectations you will achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction.

For example, providing fast super-friendly and helpful service is one way to exceed basic expectations. Another
is to provide products and services which do more than your customers expect. By providing more than your

customers expect you will encourage loyalty towards your brand.

Level 3 Delighting your costumer
In order to delight your customers and make them smile you need to touch them on an emotional level. If you
give your customers a genuinely delightful experience you will make difficult for a competitor to attract them
away. To delight your customers you need to show that you really care about each of them. There are many ways
to delight customers such as rewarding loyalty with gifts, discounts, special offers or loyalty points.
Level 4 amazing your customer
For example, great new product features which go way beyond what they expected. Or maybe simple but
personal hand-written thank you notes. Free guarantees is another easily implemented way to potentially amaze
your customers. By regularly surveying your customers, getting to know their expectations and continuously
monitoring their customer satisfaction levels you can move your business up the customer satisfaction hierarchy,
drive brand loyalty and create a very high level of valuable customer retention.
Factors that influence customer satisfaction
4.Response Time
9.Reasonable Prices
11.Loyalty Programs

Factors that influence customer satisfaction

•Response Time
•Reasonable Prices
•Loyalty Programs
Ways to increase customer satisfaction
1. Understand the customer expectations
2.Experience the journey yourself
3.Connect with your agent
4.Treat your customer right
5.Train your team
6.Reduce wait time
7.Listen to your customer
Types of customer satisfaction
Net promoter score( NPS)
Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
Costumer effort score(CES)
Product market fit(PRF)
NPS measures customer loyalty on a scale of -100 to 100. The refined score from all of your survey responses
tells you how satisfied your customers are overall.
To calculate your NPS score, categorize responses in one of three categories:
•0-6 – Detractor, would not recommend your product
•7-8 – Passive, moderately satisfied with your product but wouldn’t go out of their way to recommend it
•9-10 – Promoter, very satisfied with your product, very likely to recommend it to others
The Customer Satisfaction score (CSAT) is an on-the-spot measurement of a customer’s experience and
satisfaction levels with a specific product, feature, or team interaction.
You should measure CSAT at different points in the user journey to understand the overall level of satisfaction
users have with your product.
Start by asking one of the following questions:
•How helpful was [this tech support session/this article/]?
•How satisfied were you with [the waiting time/the answer from costumer service /]


The customer effort score (CES) survey measures the users’ effort in using a feature or performing an action in
your product

Product-Market Fit (PMF) is a customer satisfaction survey that can give you an indication of whether product is
market fit or not

How to Measure customer satisfaction

1.Define your goals.
2.Outline a plan.
3.Choose a type of customer satisfaction survey.
4.Customize your survey's layout and questions.
5.Determine your survey's trigger.
6.Select your survey medium.
7.Analyze your survey data.
8.Make adjustments and repeat costumer
Literature review:
Ali Nasir,Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed, Iram Nazir, Huma Zafar, Zahra Zahid (2014) revealed that consumers
who go to restaurant for family celebration will often look for quality, environment, exceptional
employee service and security services. There is a possibility that consumers who go to restaurants for
family celebration will often ignore the high price of the restaurants, because they want high quality
and pleasurable environment for their celebration. Consumers who go to restaurants just because there
is no one to cook at home or they are far from their homes will often look for low price and they will
sacrifice the exceptional security and service and quality of food. The business people like family
celebration consumers will also focus more on quality and environment instead of low price
because they are business people and high quality is mostly in their budget. They can afford high
price for high quality.
In the study of Angelova.B, Zekiri.J (2011),
Customer satisfaction does have a positive effect on an organization’s profitability. Satisfied
customers form the foundation of any successful business because customer satisfaction leads to
repeat purchases, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. In the food services context, results of
many previous studies have revealed that service quality has a strong relationship with customer
satisfaction (e.g. Stevens et al., 1995; Andaleeb and Conway; 2006; Kim et al., 2009; Min and Min,
Khan (2012) has mentioned that customers are the most important part of any business and they are
the people who have significant influence and impact on the business, including fast-food
business. Customer satisfaction is the personal feelings about foods and services in the fast-food
business that has been considering as one the most important aspects within the business. Ha and Jang
(2010) investigated the effect of service quality and food quality in Korean ethnic restaurant concluded
that providing quality food is particularly critical for creating customer satisfaction. Similarly, Min
and Min (2011) examined service quality and customer satisfaction in fast food restaurant
franchises in the USA.
Mckinney (2012) has noted that according to American Consumer Satisfaction Index,
McDonald’s has the worst level of customer satisfaction and also noted that all McDonald’s
customers are not agreed with the business vision, i.e. I’m loving it’ of McDonald’s. Mckinney (2012)
has mentioned that it is worth noting that the company has made significant improvements since
2004. On the other hand, McDonald’s issued a statement in response: “At McDonald’s, customer
satisfaction has, and continues to be, a top priority. We take all customer feedback seriously. Through
restaurant evaluations and customer and employee feedback, we are continually evaluating our
performance. Our internal and third-party research shows that we continue to make progress in
satisfying our customers (McDonald’s, 2012). The company has been carrying out customer
satisfaction survey for the purpose of hearing from customer because customer satisfaction is
important to the business.Ali et al. (2010) found that improving customer
relationship could provide an edge for fast food retailers in India provided they are able to manage
and formulate new marketing tools and practice to facilitate greater customer satisfaction and better
overall experience. Burger King is second leading fast food business in the world. Burger King is
depending on repeat purchases from satisfied customers. The company has been focusing on
high-quality food, good value and dependable
service (Pride and Ferrell, 2012). They have mentioned that the company has been providing
different services with quality foods to increase number of customers through satisfying their needs
and demands in accordance with current trends and demand within the fast-food industry. Important
objective of corporate marketing strategies is satisfaction of customers so high level of
satisfaction can lead to high level of customer loyalty (Ryu et al., 2012; Suh and Yi, 2006). It can
also lead to trust and positive word of mouth (Jani
and Han, 2011; Pantelidis, 2010).Huang (2011) promotions is different form of
activities for attracting and getting attention of customer to purchase the product or service
through personal selling, public relations, sales promotions and advertising. According to
Kurniawan (2010) promotion of product or service helps in the best way to builds relationship with
customers, because everyone is looking for the best suitable deal for them. Nadia Farhana and Shohana
Islam (2011) this study reveals that the customers are interested to travel distances for their favorite
restaurants. In order to increase the customers’ satisfaction with regards to customer service, the
fast food restaurants must focus their strategies to
increase the attributes related to the quality.
Additionally, the study suggests that the people are loyal to their favorite fast food restaurants without
having any effect of price variance. Sandeep Singh Chib (2012) revealed that the demand for food is
on rise so is the spending of the customers. Food is the biggest consumption category in India with
spending amounting to about 21 percent of India’s GDP. Along with the strong fundamental growth of
the economy which provided a push to consumption, there was an increased market
penetration by domestic and international food players which resulted in availability of products
and provided the required impetus for consumption. Recent researchers reveal that out of
the total Indian consumer spending on food 26 percent is on tertiary value added processed
Jooyeon Ha and Soo Cheong Jang (2010) highlights the significance of the customer
perception of atmosphere on the success of the
ethnic restaurants. The study points out that the service and food quality has positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study suggests that employee service
and food quality are of immense importance for ethnic restaurants. Additionally, this study found
that employee service together with ideal restaurant atmosphere effectively increases the satisfaction
and loyalty of customers. The study makes important contribution towards understanding the
formation of satisfaction and loyalty. Form a practical prospective the quality of physical

environment is a critical tool for overall organization success.

Chapter 2
Company profile

The food industry is on a high as Indians continue to have a feast. Fuelled by what can be termed as a perfect ingr
edient for any industry - large disposable incomes - thefood sector has been witnessing a marked change in consu
mption patterns, especiallyin terms of food. An increasing number of international fast food chains rushing toIndi
a is because all of them see tremendous potential in for this type of business. Thelarge upwardly mobile populatio
n in the urban areas tend to eat out more often or business or for leisure.The various players operating in India are
the well established Indian chains like Nirula's, Haldiram's and multinational companies like McDonalds, Pizza h
ut,Domino's pizza, etc.In addition to these, apparently some of the best known international food chains arelookin
g at India. Among them are Great American Disaster, The Burger King,Mexican food chain Tacogrill, Move-n-
pick, etc. are some of them to name.At present all these players are fighting for a small pie, as fast food is really n
ot a bighabit with Indians, but they see a big potential.The players are fighting on products, pricing, positioning a
nd trying to convert theirfirst trials into regular purchase by providing delightful service quality. The focus ison pr
oduct quality and standardization on taste. Consistency is the key, as itsstandardization in fast food as the consum
er is short on time and wants to satisfy histaste buds with a consistent taste experience.Beyond this each player ha
s its own strategy to expand consumer base
Some feel that pricing is not the deciding factor since fast food is not pricesensitive market because it is not a sing
le diet of Indians.
Some others are competing on positioning which is surprisingly varied, givingthesmall size of the market.
For most, targeting children seems the right strategy.
Advertising is popular.


Globally this industry is witnessing erosion of customer base. This is due to the fact fast-food contain and excess
amount of fast food oils, cholesterol which increase the health problem the customers are becoming more and
more health conscious and are becoming more conscious in there food habits.
The customer ignore the above mention factors barring if you added to this people tendency to adopt westernized
customer has helped fast-
food MNC’s to increase their markets

The industry is estimated to grow at 9-12 per cent, on the basis of an estimated GDP growth rate of 6-8 per cent,
during the Tenth Five year plan period. Value addition of food is expected to increase from the current 8 per cent
to 35 per cent by the end of2025. Fruit and vegetable processing, which is currently around 2 per cent of total
production will increase to 10 per cent by 2010 and to 25 per cent by 2025.The popularity of food and agro
products is not surprising when the sector is now offering a growth of more than 150 per cent in sales. With such
promise in the sector, a number of foreign companies have joined the fray. While US brands such as McDonald’s,
Pizza hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken have become household names, more are on their way.
India among top 10 market for weekly fast food consumption, an online survey has found. Most of the countries
are from the Asia-pacific region, with the US being the exemption. According to an A C Neilson study of 28
markets across the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific, carried out through the internet in interviews with more than
14000consumers, Asians are the world's greatest fast food fans.
Competitors in market
Established in 1934, Nirula's today is a diversified group having a chain of elegant Business hotels, Waiter
service restaurants, Family style restaurants, Ice Cream parlours, pastry shops and food processing plants in India.
The chain with over 60 outlets operating in 5 states successfully caters to the Indian palate of over 50000 guests
every day or over 70 years. The restaurants serve a wide variety of multi-cuisine foods, both western and Indian
including pizzas, burgers, chana kulcha, saag-roti and much more! Ice cream parlors offers an extensive range of
exciting and innovative ice cream flavors with one new flavor added every month Nirula's pastry shops are a one-
stop shop for bakery and confectionary items
Pizza hut
In 1996 Pizza hut came to India with a dine in restaurant in Bangalore that has special vegetarian pizzas. In
addition to traditional Italian topping, it incorporates Indian favorites such as chicken tikkas, lamb korma, etc. In
its list of innovative toppings, along with pizzas the menu features appetizers like garlic bread and soups, fresh
salads, oven baked pastas and choice f/of ice-cream sundaes. In 1997 pizza hut opened a restaurant in the capital's
building bustling M-Block market in Greater Kailash-I, unlike the existing pizza hut at shanti niketan which is
delivery counter for just
Domino's pizza
It was incorporated in 1995 as the master franchise o Domino's pizza internationalinc. of USA. The first
Domino's pizza store in India opened in January 1996 at New Delhi. Today it has grown into a countrywide
network of over 104 outlets in 30 cities. Ever since it was established, Domino's Pizza India has maintained its
position of market leadership with its constant product innovation and maintenance of stringent service standards.
It has established a reputation for being a home delivery specialist capable of delivering pizzas within 30 minutes.
It was the first one to start this facility to customers. Domino’s constantly strives to develop products that suit the
tastes of its customers. Thus time and again Domino's has been innovating toppings suitable to taste buds of the
local populace and these have been very well accepted by the Indian market
Is to dominate the global food service industry. Global dominance means setting the performance standard for
customer satisfaction and increasing market share and profitability through successfully implementing
convenience value and exception strategies.

M.C. Donald’s franchises restaurants in many international markets, and decisions
Relating to the selection of candidates is made local by the management in the country where the restaurant is
McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast foodrestaurants, serving around 68 million
customers daily in 119 countries.Headquartered in the United States, the company began in 1940 as a barbecueres
taurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald; in 1948 they reorganizedtheir business as a hamburger stand
using production line principles. BusinessmanRay Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent in 1955. He subs
equently purchased the chain from the McDonald brothers and oversaw its worldwide growth.A McDonald's resta
urant is operated by a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporationitself. The corporation's revenues come from the r
ent, royalties and fees paid by thefranchises, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. McDonald's revenu
esgrew 27 percent over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9 percentgrowth in operating income t
o $3.9 billion. McDonald's primarily selling hamburgers,
cheeseburgers, chicken, frenchfries, breakfastitems, soft drinks, and
milkshakes anddesserts. In response to changing consumer tastes, the company has expanded itsmenu to include s
alads, wraps, smoothies and fruit.

History of mc Donald’s
McDonald’s, in full McDonald’s Corporation, American fast-food chain that is one of the largest in the world,
known for its hamburgers, especially Siblings Richard and Maurice McDonald opened the first McDonald's
at 1398 North E Street at West 14th Street in San Bernardino, California ), on May 15, 1940. The
brothers introduced the "Speeded Service System" in 1948, putting into expanded use the principles of
the modern fast-food restaurant that their predecessor White Castle had put into practice more than
two decades earlier. The original mascot of McDonald's was a chef hat on top of a hamburger that was
referred to as "Speeded". In 1962, the Golden Arches replaced Speeded as the universal mascot. The
mascot, clown Ronald McDonald, was introduced in 1965. He appeared in advertising to target their
audience of children Big Macs. Company headquarters are in Chicago.
On May 4, 1961, McDonald's first filed for a U.S. trademark on the name "McDonald's" with the
description "Drive-In Restaurant Services", which continues to be renewed. By September 13,
McDonald's, under the guidance of Ray Kroc, filed for a trademark on a new logo—an overlapping,
double-arched "M" symbol. But before the double arches, McDonald's used a single arch for the
architecture of their buildings. Although the "Golden Arches" logo appeared in various forms, the present version
was not used until November 18, 1968, when the company was favoured a U.S. trademark.
The present corporation credits its founding to franchised businessman Ray Kroc on April 15, 1955 This was in
fact the ninth opened McDonald's restaurant overall, although this location was destroyed and rebuilt in
1984.] Kroc was recorded as being an aggressive business partner, driving the McDonald brothers out of the
Kroc and the McDonald brothers fought for control of the business, as documented in Kroc's autobiography. In
1961, he purchased the McDonald brothers' equity in the company and began the company's worldwide
reach The sale cost Kroc $2.7 million, a huge sum during that time The San Bernardino restaurant was eventually
torn down in 1971, and the site was sold to the Juan Pollo chain in 1998. This area serves as headquarters for the
Juan Pollo chain, and a McDonald's and Route 66 museum With the expansion of McDonald's into many
international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of
life. Its prominence made province made

Chapter 3


The study has been undertaken to know the customer satisfaction of M.C. Donald’s in
Coimbatore city. This would help M.C. Donald’s to know the level of
Satisfaction and expectations of their customers, the impacts of different features of their service
and the ways to improve their service which would increase both sales and reputation

Limitation of the study

 The study is limited to the information given by only 120 respondents in Coimbatore city.

 It is possible that the information provided by the respondents may be incorrect.

The research methodology adopted for this is given as follows:

Research design:

The research design adopted for this study is descriptive research design. The descriptive
research design focuses on the accurate description of the variables present in the


Sampling allows concentrating upon a relatively smaller number of people and hence, to

Devote more energy that the information collected from them is accurate.


The total size of the sample is 100 respondents.


Data Analysis:

The analysis of the data collected through research has been done systematically. Simple

Percentage, bar diagram, pie charts, tables, were used to represent variety of data that fall in various categories.
The analysis has been done systematically and accurately so to get correct

And authentic results.

(a) Primary sources:

Primary data was collected to carry out the research project. The respondents were

Met personally and a direct interview method was conducted to collect through questionnaire.

(b) Secondary sources

The secondary sources can be classified as internal and external. The internal

Data collected for this is study from reports, and other miscellaneous records.

Type of data

Quantitative Data: Quantitative data is numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed.
Quantitative data measure uses different scales, which can be classified as nominal scale, ordinal

Scale, interval scale and ratio scale. Often (not always), such data includes measurements of
Something. Quantitative approaches address the ‘what’ of the program. They use a systematic
standardized approach and employ methods such as surveys and ask questions. Quantitative
approaches have the advantage that they are cheaper to implement, are standardized so
Comparisons can be easily made and the size of the effect can usually be measured. Quantitative
Approaches however are limited in their capacity for the investigation and explanation of similarities
And unexpected differences. It is important to note that for peer-based programs quantitative data
collection approaches often prove to be difficult to implement for agencies as lack of necessary
resources to ensure rigorous implementation of surveys and frequently experienced low
Participation and loss to follow up rates are commonly experienced factors.

The Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection
Instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. They produce
Results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. If the intent is to generalize from the
research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to
Select participants. Typical quantitative data gathering strategies include -
Experiments/clinical trials.
 Observing and recording well-defined events (e.g., counting the number of patients waiting in
Emergency at specified times of the day).
 Obtaining relevant data from management information systems.
 Administering surveys with closed-ended questions (e.g., face-to face and telephone interviews,
Questionnaires etc.).
 In quantitative research (survey research), interviews are more structured than in Qualitative
Research. In a structured interview, the researcher asks a standard set of questions and
Nothing more. Face -to -face interviews have a distinct advantage of enabling the researcher to
Establish rapport with potential participants and therefore gain their cooperation.
 Paper-pencil-questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the researcher
Time and money. People are more truthful while responding to the questionnaires regarding
Controversial issues in particular due to the fact that their responses are anonymous.

Quantitative Data: Quantitative data is numerical in nature and can be mathematically computed.
Quantitative data measure uses different scales, which can be classified as nominal scale, ordinal
Scale, interval scale and ratio scale. Often (not always), such data includes measurements of
Something. Quantitative approaches address the ‘what’ of the program. They use a systematic
standardized approach and employ methods such as surveys and ask questions. Quantitative
approaches have the advantage that they are cheaper to implement, are standardized so
Comparisons can be easily made and the size of the effect can usually be measured. Quantitative
approaches however are limited in their capacity for the investigation and explanation of similarities
and unexpected differences. It is important to note that for peer-based programs quantitative data

collection approaches often prove to be difficult to implement for agencies as lack of necessary
resources to ensure rigorous implementation of surveys and frequently experienced low
participation and loss to follow up rates are commonly experienced factors.

The Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data collection
instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. They produce
results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. If the intent is to generalize from the
research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to
select participants. Typical quantitative data gathering strategies include -
 Experiments/clinical trials.
 Observing and recording well-defined events (e.g., counting the number of patients waiting in
emergency at specified times of the day).
 Obtaining relevant data from management information systems.

Administering surveys with closed-ended questions (e.g., face-to face and telephone interviews,
questionnaires etc).
 In quantitative research (survey research), interviews are more structured than in Qualitative
research. In a structured interview, the researcher asks a standard set of questions and
nothing more. Face -to -face interviews have a distinct advantage of enabling the researcher to
establish rapport with potential participants and therefore gain their cooperation.
 Paper-pencil-questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the researcher
time and money. People are more truthful while responding to the questionnaires regarding
controversial issues in particular due to the fact that their responses are anonymous.

Mixed Methods: Mixed methods approach as design, combining both qualitative and quantitative
research data, techniques and methods within a single research framework. Mixed methods
approaches may mean a number of things, i.e. a number of different types of methods in a study
or at different points within a study or using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods.

methods encompass multifaceted approaches that combine to capitalize on strengths and reduce
weaknesses that stem from using a single research design. Using this approach to gather and
evaluate data may assist to increase the validity and reliability of the research. Some of the
common areas in which mixed-method approaches may be used include –
 Initiating, designing, developing and expanding interventions;
 Evaluation;
 Improving research design; and
 Corroborating findings, data triangulation or convergence.

Some of the challenges of using a mixed methods approach include –

 Delineating complementary qualitative and quantitative research questions;
 Time-intensive data collection and analysis; and
 Decisions regarding which research methods to combine.

Mixed methods are useful in highlighting complex research problems such as disparities in health
and can also be transformative in addressing issues for vulnerable or marginalized populations or
research which involves community participation. Using a mixed-methods approach is one way to
develop creative options to traditional or single design approaches to research and evaluation.

There are many ways of classifying data. A common classification is based upon who collected the

Data that has been collected from first-hand-experience is known as primary data. Primary data has
not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Primary data has not been
changed or altered by human beings; therefore its validity is greater than secondary data.

Importance of Primary Data: In statistical surveys it is necessary to get information from primary
sources and work on primary data. For example, the statistical records of female population in a
country cannot be based on newspaper, magazine and other printed sources. A research can be
conducted without secondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least reliable and
may have biases because secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings. One of such
sources is old and secondly they contain limited information as well as they can be misleading and

Sources of Primary Data:

Sources for primary data are limited and at times it becomes difficult to
obtain data from primary source because of either scarcity of population or lack of cooperation.
Following are some of the sources of primary data.

Experiments require an artificial or natural setting in which to perform logical study
to collect data. Experiments are more suitable for medicine, psychological studies, nutrition and for
other scientific studies. In experiments the experimenter has to keep control over the influence of
any extraneous variable on the results.
Survey is most commonly used method in social sciences, management, marketing and
psychology to some extent. Surveys can be conducted in different methods.
It is the most commonly used method in survey. Questionnaires are a list of
questions either open-ended or close-ended for which the respondents give answers. Questionnaire
can be conducted via telephone, mail, live in a public area, or in an institute, through electronic mail
or through fax and other methods.

Interview is a face-to-face conversation with the respondent. In interview the main
problem arises when the respondent deliberately hides information otherwise it is an in depth
source of information. The interviewer can not only record the statements the interviewee speaks
but he can observe the body language, expressions and other reactions to the questions too. This
enables the interviewer to draw conclusions easily.
Observation can be done while letting the observing person know that s/he is being
observed or without letting him know. Observations can also be made in natural settings as well as in
artificially created environment.

Advantages of Using Primary Data

 The investigator collects data specific to the problem under study.

 There is no doubt about the quality of the data collected (for the investigator).

 If required, it may be possible to obtain additional data during the study period.

Disadvantages of Using Primary Data

1. The investigator has to contend with all the hassles of data collection-

 deciding why, what, how, when to collect;

 getting the data collected (personally or through others);

 getting funding and dealing with funding agencies;

 ethical considerations (consent, permissions, etc.).

2. Ensuring the data collected is of a high standard-

 all desired data is obtained accurately, and in the format it is required in;
 there is no fake/ cooked up data;
 unnecessary/ useless data has not been included.

3. Cost of obtaining the data is often the major expense in studies.

Data collected from a source that has already been published in any form is called as secondary
data. The review of literature in any research is based on secondary data. It is collected by someone
else for some other purpose (but being utilized by the investigator for another purpose). For
examples, Census data being used to analyze the impact of education on career choice and earning.
Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, organizational records and
data collected through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. Secondary data is
essential, since it is impossible to conduct a new survey that can adequately capture past change
and/or developments.
Sources of Secondary Data:

The following are some ways of collecting secondary data –

 Books

 Records

 Biographies

 Newspapers

 Published censuses or other statistical data

 Data archives

 Internet articles

 Research articles by other researchers (journals)

 Databases, etc.

Importance of Secondary Data:

Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there.
Sometimes it is difficult to obtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary
sources is easier and possible. Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to
confine the research on secondary data. Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are
not willing to reveal it in such case too secondary data can suffice. For example, if the research is
on the psychology of transsexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second they may
not be willing to give information you want for your research, so you can collect data from books or
other published sources.

A clear benefit of using secondary data is that much of the background

work needed has already been carried out. For example, literature reviews, case studies might have
been carried out, published texts and statistics could have been already used elsewhere, media
promotion and personal contacts have also been utilized.
This wealth of background work means that
secondary data generally have a pre-established degree of validity and reliability which need not be
re-examined by the researcher who is re-using such data.

Furthermore, secondary data can also be

helpful in the research design of subsequent primary research and can provide a baseline with which
the collected primary data results can be compared to. Therefore, it is always wise to begin any
research activity with a review of the secondary data.

Advantages of Using Secondary Data

 No hassles of data collection.

 It is less expensive.

 The investigator is not personally responsible for the quality of data (‘I didn’t do it’).

Disadvantages of Using Secondary Data

 The data collected by the third party may not be a reliable party so the reliability and accuracy
of data go down.
 Data collected in one location may not be suitable for the other one due variable environmental
 With the passage of time the data becomes obsolete and very old.
 Secondary data collected can distort the results of the research. For using secondary data a
special care is required to amend or modify for use.

Secondary data can also raise issues of authenticity and copyright.

Keeping in view the advantages and disadvantages of sources of data requirement of the research
study and time factor, both sources of data i.e. primary and secondary data have been selected.
These are used in combination to give proper coverage to the topic.

Chapter 4
Data analysis and collection

QUESTION 1 How frequently you visit restaurant?

Interpretation :From the above Table it is found that number of respondents prefer to going to restaurant on Special Occasion. A holiday
is also second choice of respondents to visit restaurant .And there is lessnumber of respondant who want to visit restaurant Everyday.

Analysis : we can see from the graph that out of 100 respondents majority near about 46% they use to visit in restaurant only in special
occasion 32% respondent her preferring visit on the holidays

Question 2 Which restaurant you go to?

Interpretion: From the above table it as found the mostly large number of people likes to go Mc Donals so sharing in fast food
restaurant in high for mc donals

Analysis inside Delhi 39%people still preferring nirulas whereas 33% prefer mc donals 18% prefer Pizza Hut and rest of the 10% like
aggarwal dominos are preferred by people\

Ques 3 What drive to go this restaurant

Interpretation: this data shows that large number of order is booked in 2-3 mins MC Donlas take time to book customer order very
fast so order processing time is very less in MC Donal’s

Analysisin MC Donal’s the order placing time recommend by the is near about to 2-5 mins .Some of the people also said that less 2
mins .So from here we can say that order procession is very less is MC Donla’s

Ques 5 How much time they take to deliver your product

Interpretation: from the above table it is very clear that MC Donal’s order delivering time is very fast to their restaurant in 5 mins MC
Donald’s deliver no of order

Analysis: order delivering time in mc Donald’s is <5 mina and few of them also said that it take 5-10 mins it quite fast then other fast

Ques6 what is your view about the hospitality provided by the restaurant


Interpretation: from the above table it is very clear that the no of respondent is says that hospitality of MC Donald’s is good few of the
respondent says very good

Analysis: the hospitality of MC Donald’s is shown by authority of MC Donald’s is good 54% and said that 9%of the people said that
hospitality of MC Donald’s is excellent 31% said that hospitality is very good

Ques 7 what are the combination of factors which are vital while you select a particular fast food

Interpretation: from the above combination of factors in which service+price+location is widely accepted by the number of respondent
second respondent also prefer the combination of service+price+promotion

Analysis- out of 96spondant 50%of the people said they use to prefer they use prefer price and location is the combination of factors
which is very vital well selecting restaurant 39% also said price promotional scheme and location the factors which is very essential

Ques 8 why do you prefer mc Donald’s

Interpretation: from the above table it is very clear that number of respondent preferring MC Donald’s because of price some
respondent also preferring mc Donald’s because of product differentiation

Analysis : out of 32 respondent 17 said they prefer MC Donald’s because of price differentiation and product differentiation use to
come to MC Donald’s

Quews 10 have you visited other restaurant other than MC Donald’s

Interpretation: from the above table it is very it is very clear that 48 number of respondent visiting other restaurant frequently table also
shows that 340 respondent visit other restaurant occasionally

Analysis:52% of frequency visit the other restaurant were over 33 % of occasionally visit other restaurant 15% rarely visit other

Ques11 how do you evaluate at various aspect mc Donald’s pizza hut nirula’s

Interpretation: from the above the data score it is clear that pizza hut get maximum points is ambience score in comparison to other
restaurant MC Donald’s get second place in ambience score

Analysis: out 100 respondent from ambience point of view majority 33%said pizza hut has better than other fast food ambience score
are respectively 22nnirula’s 28% MC Donald’s

Chapter 5
finding and conclusion

• 87% responses are given by below 30 age group.

• 70% responses are given by male.

• 48% responses are given by graduate.

• Majority of respondents are aware about the various range of products provided by
MC DONALD’S watches through social media.

• Majority of the respondent used the MC DONALD’S watches for more than 18 month.
• Majority respondent are student.

• Majority of respondent are willing to spend 1000 2500 for MC DONALD’S watches.

• Majority of respondent are attract to special discount on watches.

• Majority are respondent are satisfied with the qualities of the MC DONLD’S.

• Majority respondent are think that the MC DONAL’S watch is affordable.

• Majority respondent opinion is looks of MC DONLD’S watches is unique.

• The respondent opinion about collection of Fastrack is good.

• Majority of respondent are satisfied with the Fastrack watches.

• Majority of respondent are satisfied with the quality of Fastrack watches.

• 47% responses are satisfied with the customer service Fastrack.

A consumer is satisfied in a restaurant only when he receives the products within these three aspects and they are
quality, price and healthy product. From this project we would like to conclude that most of the customers are
satisfied with the products offered and also with the quality of the products and also with prices of the products.
The customers also want McDonalds to improve its locations.
 McDonalds must provide waiter service instead of self service.
 McDonalds must bring in variety of products in their menu.
 McDonalds should reduce the prices of their products.
 McDonalds should improve its locations
 The sample size of 50 is too small to understand the consumer satisfaction in McDonald product.
 Consumer satisfaction needs specialized knowledge of area so there is a chance of interpretation error.
 There is a possibility that respondents might have filtered their response under testing condition

Chapter 6
Suggestion and recommendation

The consumers suggests that the improvement must be made on service and delivery.  The study suggested by
the consumers is that the price may be little bit reduced without compromising the quality of the product. 
Improvement can be made in serving the food faster and the customer must be cared at once he enter the
restaurant without any delay.
The company can reduce the price of the product so as the customers never go to some other brand/company. The
firm can offer any discounts, gifts, lucky draw. The warranty and guarantee period can be extended. Else,
servicing charge can be reduced according to service need by the customer. The better relationship with the
customer will help to enlarge the business and make as more reputed company. More over everything is good
with the customer and company relationship. To know the problems faced by the customers at the time of post
sale service should conduct free check up camps and collect the feedback of at the time of service
 McDonalds must provide waiter service instead of self service.
 McDonalds must bring in variety of products in their menu.
 McDonalds should reduce the prices of their products.
 McDonalds should improve its locations.

 McDonald’s should consider in making more varieties of food in addition to satisfy the consumer.
 Many more combos can be introduced for the customers who don’t have patience.


I, Riya Jain , the student of College Ideal Institute of Management and Technology, delhi
studying in BBA Sem-2. I am going to conduct a survey on "CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
TOWARDS MC DONLAD’S ” amongst the customer of new Delhi city. I would be grateful if
you provide me with some of your valuable time to answer a few questions. I assured that
responses & your identity will be kept secret.


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