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Development and Psychopathology 18 ~2006!

, 651–677
Copyright © 2006 Cambridge University Press
Printed in the United States of America
DOI: 10.10170S0954579406060330

Bringing basic research on early experience

and stress neurobiology to bear on
preventive interventions for neglected
and maltreated children


a Institute
of Child Development, University of Minnesota; and
b Oregon Social Learning Center

A major focus in developmental psychopathology is on understanding developmental mechanisms and, armed with
this information, intervening to improve children’s outcomes. Translational research attempts to bridge the distance
between understanding and intervention. In the collaborations that have formed the core of our research network on
early experience, stress, and prevention science, we have focused on translating basic research on early experiences
and stress neurobiology into preventive interventions for neglected and abused children. Our experiences in
attempting to move from bench to bedside have led us to recognize the many challenges that face translational
researchers. This review provides a brief synopsis of the animal model literature on early experience and stress
neurobiology from which we glean several key bridging issues. We then review what is currently known about the
impact of childhood neglect and abuse on stress neurobiology in human adults and children. Next, we describe how
this work has informed the evaluation of our preventive interventions with maltreated children. Finally, we discuss
several considerations that should facilitate a more complete integration of basic research on early experience and
stress neurobiology into preventive intervention strategies.

How do early care experiences shape develop- accumulate lists of all the ways in which early
ment, and to what extent can later experiences adversity may limit or impair children. Rather,
remediate the effects of early adverse care? the objectives have been to better understand
These questions have tremendous importance developmental mechanisms of early adversity
for our understanding of developmental psy- and, armed with this information, to intervene
chopathology ~Cicchetti, 1989!. The goals of to improve children’s outcomes. Unfortu-
research on early adversity have never been to nately, there is a large distance between em-
barking on the first objective and achieving
This paper reflects the work of the Early Experience, the second one. Bridging this distance is a
Stress and Prevention Science Network ~R21 MH65046!, primary goal of translational research ~Strau-
whose members are Mary Dozier, Philip Fisher, Nathan man & Merrill, 2004!.
Fox, Megan Gunnar, Seymour Levine, Charles Neal, Seth
In the collaborations that have formed
Pollak, Paul Plotsky, Mar Sanchez, and Delia Vazquez.
Preparation of this manuscript was supported by a Senior the core of our Early Experiences, Stress,
Scientist Award ~K05 MH66208! to Megan Gunnar, and and Prevention Science Research Network, we
by MH59780 and MH65046, NIMH, U.S. PHS; MH46690, have focused on one facet of this translational
NIMH and ORMH, U.S. PHS; and DA17592, NIDA, challenge: applying basic research on the de-
NIH, U.S. PHS to Philip Fisher.
velopmental neurobiology of stress to the un-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Megan
R. Gunnar, Institute of Child Development, 51 East River derstanding of how early neglect and abuse
Road, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; E-mail: shapes vulnerability to emotional and behav- ioral disorders and then using this information

652 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

to inform preventive interventions for mal- disorders ~e.g., Manly, Kim, Rogosch, & Cic-
treated children. Our experiences in attempt- chetti, 2001!. Although some children who
ing to move from bench to bedside have led us suffer maltreatment are resilient, becoming
to recognize the many challenges that face competent adults despite the odds ~Kinard,
translational researchers. These challenges will 1998!, many others suffer from a variety of
need to be overcome if we are to adequately clinical disorders in adulthood including
integrate basic neuroscience into developmen- substance abuse and affective and personality
tal psychopathology and effective preventive disorders ~e.g., Putnam, 2003!. Research ex-
treatments ~Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994!. In what amining why some individuals are resilient
follows, we will describe the paths we have has identified protective factors, but cannot
taken and some of the issues with which we wholly explain resilience among maltreated
have grappled. We wish that we could con- children ~e.g., Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1997; Ki-
clude by demonstrating that we have accom- nard, 1998!. Similarly, efforts to determine
plished the task we set ourselves, fully moving maltreatment factors associated with different
research on early experiences and stress neuro- types of disorders has examined such charac-
biology into effective preventive interven- teristics as the timing, dose, duration, and type
tions for children. However, at this stage, what of maltreatment ~e.g., Manly et al., 2001!.
we have to offer is a progress report on where These studies indicate that more severe, mul-
we are and the obstacles we and others have tiple, and prolonged maltreatment results in
encountered thus far. increased symptoms; however, a coherent
We begin this review by briefly summariz- and consistent model of the differential ef-
ing the data on behavioral outcomes of ne- fects of specific subtypes of maltreatment on
glected and abused children and the major specific symptom clusters or mental health
psychological orientations that have been ap- disorders does not appear to have emerged.
plied to explicate why these outcomes occur. Interestingly, one challenge to identifying
Next, we very briefly synopsize the vast liter- associations between the type and timing of
ature, spanning the last half-century, on early maltreatment and disordered outcomes may
experience and stress neurobiology using ro- be that outcomes vary over the course of de-
dent models. From this work we have distilled velopment. Externalizing problems appear to
key issues that provide a framework for our predominate during childhood, while sub-
translational efforts. We then review what is stance abuse and affective disorders are ob-
currently known about the impact of child- served in adulthood ~e.g., Tieman, van der
hood neglect and abuse on stress neurobiol- Ende, & Verhulst, 2005!. The developmental
ogy in human adults and children. Based on trajectories associated with these varied out-
similarities in primate and human develop- comes are at present not understood, due in
ment, we extend this review to nonhuman part to the complexity and cost of prospective
primate studies. Finally, we discuss how this longitudinal designs.
basic work has informed the evaluation of our Until recently, theoretical perspectives on
preventive interventions with neglected and maltreatment have been solely psycho-
maltreated children, and considerations that logical, reflecting two dominant lenses: the
may move the field forward to more fully in- developmental–organizational perspective, and
tegrate an understanding of stress neurobiol- the social learning theory perspective. From a
ogy into preventive intervention strategies. developmental–organizational perspective,
maltreatment disturbs resolution of stage-
salient developmental issues. If the experi-
Early Neglect and Abuse: Increased Risk ence occurs early in development, attachment
of Behavioral and Emotional Problems relationships are likely to be disturbed ~Page,
1999!. Studies have revealed that exposures
Decades of research have provided unequivo- to frightening or overwhelming behaviors from
cal evidence that childhood maltreatment in- the caregiver are associated with the develop-
creases the risk of psychological and behavioral ment of a disorganized0disoriented ~Type D!
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 653

attachment, characterized by freezing and dis- may affect brain development and heighten
sociative behavior and heightened risk for risk of psychological disorders ~see for re-
numerous poor outcomes in childhood and be- views, Bremner & Vermetten, 2001; De Bel-
yond ~Lyons-Ruth, 2003!. lis, 2005; Heim, Owen, Plotsky, & Nemeroff,
Through the lens of social learning theory, 1997; Shea, Walsh, Macmillan, & Steiner,
learning principles account for behaviors ex- 2005; Teicher, Andersen, Polcarri, Anderson,
hibited by neglected and abused children ~Reid & Navalta, 2002!. Neurobiological models may
& Kavanagh, 1985!. Behaviors on the part of hold keys to mechanisms through which psy-
the child that are less likely to elicit abusive chosocial interventions operate and to expla-
treatment may be adaptive in the context of nations of individual differences in response
abuse, but when generalized to other settings to treatment. These neurobiological models are
may disrupt the child’s relationships ~e.g., with largely based on animal studies of the effects
teachers, peers, and so on!. Indeed, poor peer of early life adversity on stress neurobiology
relations associated with a tendency to attribute and brain development. The largest body of
hostile intent to others has been noted for mal- such early experience research has been con-
treated children ~Price & Glad, 2003!. Mal- ducted on rodents, notably the rat.
adaptive social behavior may lead children into Over the past 50 years, rodent early expe-
antisocial peer groups, increasing the risk of rience studies have shown that early parental
conduct disorders, and substance abuse ~Pat- care profoundly influences brain develop-
terson, DeBaryshe, & Ramsey, 1989!. Mal- ment, regulates gene expression, and shapes
treated children have been consistently shown the neural systems that in humans are in-
to be at high risk for externalizing behavior, volved in vulnerability to affective disorders
conduct problems and substance abuse ~Ege- in response to later stressful life events ~e.g.,
land, Yates, Appleyard, & van Dulmen, 2002!. Levine, 2005a!. Recent studies also indicate
To date, preventive interventions for mal- that interventions in the postinfancy period
treated children also have been based almost may help ameliorate some, but not all, of the
exclusively on the two psychological perspec- impacts of early inadequate parental care ~Fran-
tives describe above. Early interventions based cis, Diorio, Plotsky, & Meaney, 2002!. From
on developmental–organizational perspec- the beginning, this rodent research was con-
tives have focused on attachment, attempting ducted to inform the understanding of human
to increase parental sensitivity, and responsive- development and psychopathology. Below we
ness to foster more secure parent–child rela- review the rodent literature and arrive at a
tionships and alter the child’s inner working core list of critical bridging themes. Thorough
models ~Cicchetti, 2005; Dozier, 2003!. Inter- understanding of these themes, however, re-
ventions based on social learning theory have quires a brief description of the neurobiology
attempted to avert child behavior problems by of stress.
training parents to use clear, consistent, non-
hostile guidance and discipline techniques
The Neurobiology of Stress
~Fisher, Burraston, & Pears, 2005!. The effec-
tiveness of these psychosocial interventions is Stress neurobiology is organized at three lev-
typically evaluated at the group level; how- els ~see Figure 1!: a corticolimbic level that or-
ever, there are always differences in effective- chestrates responses to anticipated threat, a
ness at the level of the individual. These hypothalamic–brainstem level that coordinates
psychosocial models often fall short of fully central and peripheral responses in response to
explicating why some individuals respond and corticolimbic input ~and also in response to less
others do not. processed input regarding threats to homeosta-
sis!, and a neural to adrenal gland level that ef-
fects increases in stress-sensitive hormones
Early Experience and Stress Neurobiology
~glucocorticoids and epinephrine; Herman &
Recently, researchers have turned to neurobi- Cullinan, 1997!. Corticotropin-releasing fac-
ological models to explain how maltreatment tor ~CRF! is a neuroactive peptide that oper-

Figure 1. The three levels of neurobiological organization of the stress system that are responsive to psychological stressors. The corticolimbic level of
organization involves the anterior cingulate ~ACC! and orbital frontal cortex ~OFC!, which relay information to subcortitical structures involved in the stress
response. The ACC and OFC are reciprocally interconnected with each other and with the amygdala, which has connections with the hippocampus and BNST.
The hypothalamic–brainstem level of organization involve the hippocampus and brainstem structures such as the locus coeruleus, which releases NE to brain
areas involved in alerting. The BNST provides pathways into the PVN of the hypothalamus, which produces corticotrophin-releasing hormone ~CRH! and
arginine vasopressin ~AVP!, whereas the hippocampus and regions in the medial frontal cortex ~e.g., ACC! maintain feedback control on the paraventricular
nucleus ~PVN!. Considering the neural to adrenal level of analysis, nuclei in the lateral hypothalamus activate highly interconnected nuclei in the brainstem,
including the parabrachial nuclei, that regulate the sympathetic ~NE and epinephrine, EPI! and parasympathetic ~acetylcholine, Ach! nervous systems via
pathways traveling through the spinal cord to preganglionic nuclei or to target organs ~e.g., the adrenal medulla!. The production of CRH and AVP by the PVN
regulates activity of the HPA axis and the production of glucocorticoids ~GCs! as depicted more fully in Figure 2. Adapted from Gunnar and Davis ~2003!.
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 655

ates at the first two levels to coordinate behav- The second CRF pathway involves CRF-
ioral, emotional, autonomic, and endocrine fac- producing neurons in the central nucleus of
ets of stress and defensive responding the amygdala ~CeA; Van Bockstaele, Colago,
~Heinrichs & Koob, 2004!. Two loosely cou- & Valentino, 1998!. The CeA receives infor-
pled CRF pathways are involved. One, termed mation through multiple pathways, many of
the hypothalamic CRF pathway, involves CRF- which involve cortical systems that support
producing neurons in the paraventricular nu- the integration of past and present experi-
clei of the hypothalamus ~PVN !, which ences, thereby allowing the anticipation of
regulates activity of the hypothalamic– threat ~see Figure 1!. Psychosocial stressors
pituitary–adrenocortical ~HPA! axis ~see Fig- operate through these pathways converging
ure 2!. CRF secreted from these neurons travels on the CeA to orchestrate behavioral, auto-
through a small blood connection to the ante- nomic, and neuroendocrine reactions in antici-
rior pituitary where it, along with other co- pation of threat ~Heinrichs & Koob, 2004!.
secretagogues ~e.g., arginine vasopressin, Efferent CeA–CRF pathways project indi-
AVP!, stimulates the production and release rectly to PVN–CRF neurons through the bed
of adrenocorticotropic hormone ~ACTH!. nucleus of the stria terminalis ~BNST! to stim-
ACTH released into general circulation stim- ulate the HPA axis, and directly to the locus
ulates cells in cortex of the adrenal glands to coeruleus to stimulate release of norepineph-
produce and release glucocorticoids. rine ~NE! into the terminal fields of the as-
Glucocorticoids ~predominantly cortisol in cending noradrenergic system, supporting
primates and corticosterone in rodents! are cognitive arousal and focusing, and behav-
steroid hormones that affect almost every or- ioral and emotional components of fight0fight0
gan and tissue of the body ~Sapolsky, Romero, freeze responses ~Van Bockstaele et al., 1998!.
& Munck, 2000!. In the brain, glucocorticoids Bidirectional connections of the amygdala and
operate through two types of receptors with regions in the medial prefrontal cortex ~mPFC;
distinct functions ~de Kloet, Vreugdenhil, Oitzl, orbital frontal cortex or OFC and anterior cin-
& Joels, 1998!. At basal levels glucocorti- gulate cortex or ACC! support the modulation
coids operate predominantly through Type I of behavior and cognition in relation to expec-
or mineralocorticoid receptors to maintain the tations of rewards and punishments. These cor-
sensitivity of neurons to their neurotransmit- ticolimbic pathways influences the balance
ters and maintain the capacity of the brain to between responding based on rapid, habitual,
respond to conditions that potentially threaten emotionally charged modes of acting and more
the organism’s viability. At elevated or stress nuanced, considered, and dispassionate modes
levels, glucocorticoids operate through Type II ~Sullivan & Gratton, 2002!. Notably, chronic
or glucocorticoid receptors ~GR! to counter- intravenous infusions of glucocorticoids tend
act the impact of other stress processes, sculpt to upregulate CeA–CRF activity, biasing func-
neural systems to retain information about tioning toward rapid, emotion-charged fight0
threats to well-being, and return the organism flight0freeze responses, while at the same time
to prestress levels of functioning. GR-mediated downregulating PVN–CRF, resulting in nor-
neurochemical events, if well timed, acute, mal to hyporesponsiveness of the HPA axis
and contained, support organism via- ~Schulkin, McEwen, & Gold, 1994!. In addi-
bility; however, these events are potentially tion, particularly during development, CRF
damaging if too frequent or too prolonged and glucocorticoids interact with other neuro-
~Sapolsky et al., 2000!. Multiple mechanisms peptides ~e.g., oxytocin! and neurotransmitter
operate in response to elevated glucocorti- systems ~e.g., serotonin and dopamine!, result-
coids to suppress or downregulate the HPA ing in widespread influences of frequent stress
system including negative feedback mecha- level activation of the CeA–CRF and PVN–
nisms that regulate acute responses and geno- CRF systems on emotional and cognitive de-
mic alterations at various levels of the system velopment ~Roceri et al., 2004!.
that affect the responsiveness following pro- Genetic variability appears to modify these
longed or frequent activation. effects. As only one example, individuals car-
656 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

Figure 2. The brain structures that are central to the activation and inhibition of the HPA endocrine
stress response: ~A! the main brain areas that participate in the regulation of the HPA axis and ~B! a
schematic representation of the HPA endocrine stress response initiated by the release of CRH0AVP
from the medial parvocellular region of the paraventricular nucleus ~mpPVN! in the hypothalamus.
Glucocorticoids inhibit this system acting at the level of the pituitary, hypothalamus, and hippocampus.
GABA, gamma aminobutyric acid; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone. From “Stress Neurobiology
and Developmental Psychopathology,” by M. Gunnar and D. M. Vazquez. In D. Cicchetti and D. Cohen
~Eds.!, Developmental Psychopathology: Developmental Neuroscience ~2nd ed., Vol. 2!, 2006, New
York: Wiley. Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

rying at least one short allele of the serotonin show larger cortisol responses to psycho-
transporter gene polymorphism exhibit larger social stressors ~Barr et al., 2004; Sanchez,
amygdala responses to threat stimuli ~Hariri Noble, et al., 2005!. They are also at higher
et al., 2002!. In addition, these individuals risk for depression following early experi-
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 657

ences of abuse and neglect ~Caspi et al., 2003; However, comparing brain development across
Kaufman et al., 2004!. mammalian species is difficult. Although the
general pattern of brain development is prob-
Key Translational Issues ably comparable across mammals, specifics
likely vary and specifics are required to trans-
Models derived from rodent studies of ad- late mechanisms of early experience effects.
verse early experience can be employed to For example, methylation of the GR gene
provide a biological level of explanation expressed in the hippocampus appears to be an
for the above noted association in children important mechanism through which early ex-
between early maltreatment and later height- periences in the rodent influence later stress
ened risk for emotional and behavioral disor- reactivity and vulnerability ~for review, see,
ders. At the most general level, the rodent Meaney & Szyf, 2005!. At birth, GR genes in
studies show that disturbances in early care the rodent hippocampus are heavily methyl-
exert a pervasive and lasting impact on the ated. This means that they are not available for
two neural pathways described above, and that transcription. The GR gene in the brain tran-
alterations in these systems has potential to scribes the proteins needed to produce the GR,
compromise subsequent development ~Meaney which, in turn, mediates many components of
& Szyf, 2005; Sanchez, Ladd, & Plotsky, the stress response, including negative feed-
2001!. However, if we are to move beyond back regulation of the HPA axis in response to
these broad generalities to inform specific in- psychosocial stressors. Maternal care in the in-
tervention strategies, we need to determine fant rodent determines patterns of GR gene de-
whether and how particular elements of the methylation with higher levels of maternal
rodent early experience models apply to hu- stimulation ~i.e., licking and grooming! being
man development. This, in turn, requires at- associated with more demethylation. Accord-
tention to the critical details of the rodent ingly, the offspring of high licking and groom-
findings. As we discuss in this section, we ing mothers have more operational GR genes
have identified four dimensions of the rodent in the brain and regulate stress more effec-
models that appear critical to building the trans- tively. These demethylations of the GR gene
lational bridge: occur most prominently during the first week
1. developmental timing of adversity, of life in the rat pup, consistent with evidence
2. the presence ~or absence! of a relative stress that manipulations that decrease maternal care
hyporesponsive period ~SHRP! during hu- have more profound effects if they are imposed
man development, beginning in the first rather than the second post-
3. parental or caregiver mediation of any natal week. Manipulations in the later peri-
SHRP, and pubertal period that reduce many of these early
4. the impact of caregiving that mediates the experiences effects do not affect GR methyl-
SHRP on the development of corticolim- ation, suggesting that this early experience ef-
bic stress response organization. fect is more or less permanent ~Francis et al.,
2002!. GR methylation can be affected in adult-
hood in the rat through pharmacological ma-
nipulations ~Weaver et al., 2005!. Importantly,
The effects of experiences on brain develop- pharmacological manipulations that demethyl-
ment depend on the maturity of the brain when ate the GR gene also result in changes in other
the events are experienced. Timing is critical. aspects of stress neurobiology, suggesting that
Rat pups are born young relative to human GR methylation is not only relatively perma-
infants; that is, birth occurs in the rodent when nent but also fairly critical to the evidence that
the brain is much less mature than the brain of early experiences in the rodent have lifelong
the full-term human infant. Indeed, the first consequences for adult stress vulnerability and
week of the rodent’s life are often equated resilience.
with development of the human infant during Translating the results of rodent GR gene
the last trimester of gestation ~Dobbing, 1981!. studies requires that we know when in human
658 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

development adult levels of central GR methyl- are observed in the first 2 weeks of the pup’s
ation are determined. As far as we know, this life. This roughly corresponds to a develop-
information simply is not available for hu- mental epoch in rodents that has been referred
mans or any other primate. Indeed, our level to as the relative stress hyporesponsive period
of knowledge of human developmental neuro- ~SHRP!. During the SHRP, the rat pup’s HPA
biology is sufficiently limited that in many axis ~the adrenal cortex in particular! shows
cases, even when basic studies provide a tar- very little reactivity when challenged by a va-
get for early experience effects, that knowl- riety of stressors ~Sapolsky & Meaney, 1986!.
edge does not help us pin point comparable The SHRP may have evolved to protect the
periods in the development of stress neurobi- rapidly developing brain from the impact of
ology in humans. Nonetheless, given the im- elevated glucocorticoids. Indeed, there is con-
portance of the first postnatal week in rodents siderable evidence that although basal activity
and its rough comparability to the last trimes- of the HPA axis is necessary for normal devel-
ter of gestation in humans, it is prudent to opment of the central nervous system, ele-
broaden our early experience-translational win- vated levels of glucocorticoids and CRH during
dow to include the prenatal period. this period in the rodent result in significant
Certainly there is abundant evidence that apoptosis ~cell death! and alter the develop-
many children who suffer adverse care during ment of brain regions that play critical roles in
postnatal development often are the products learning, memory, and stress resilience ~Sapol-
of high risk or stressed pregnancies ~Thomp- sky & Meaney, 1986!. In building a transla-
son et al., 1994!. There is increasing evidence tional bridge, therefore, we need to know
that maternal stress and anxiety during preg- whether there is a period in human develop-
nancy are associated with lower birth weight ment that is functionally comparable to the
infants, in part through increased maternal HPA SHRP in the rodent. That is, is there a period
activity, upregulation of placental CRH pro- during human development when it is diffi-
duction, with resulting decreases in birth weight cult to produce elevations in cortisol to stress-
and length of gestation ~Wadhwa, 2005!. Lower ors, and if so, when? Disturbances in care
birth weight is a known risk factor for poor de- during this time would be hypothesized to have
velopmental outcomes, many of which over- the greatest impact on the development of stress
lap with problems observed for neglected and neurobiology.
abused children ~e.g., Indredavikm, Vik, Hey- Evidence is accumulating that in human
erdahl, Kulseng, & Brubakk, 2005!. There is children there may be a roughly comparable
also increasing evidence that lower birth weight period that emerges in infancy and extends
is associated in adults with increased risk of throughout most of childhood ~see for review,
metabolic syndrome ~i.e., high blood pressure, Gunnar, 2003!. At birth, cortisol elevates
high cholesterol, abdominal fat, type II diabe- readily to a wide variety of stressors from
tes! and that elevated and poorly regulated glu- noninvasive stressors like a physical examina-
cocorticoids may mediate this risk ~Phillips tion to invasive stressors such as a heel lance.
et al., 2000!. Thus, as we proceed with our work The HPA system appears to remain highly re-
on postnatal maltreatment, we should keep in sponsive for several months postbirth, exhib-
mind that although the rodent findings appear iting elevations to physical examinations and
promising in explaining the impact of post- to childhood inoculations. However, over the
natal neglect and abuse in human children, some course of the first year it becomes increas-
of the mechanisms might actually translate more ingly difficult to produce elevations in corti-
directly to the impact of adversity on prenatal sol to acute stressors, including physical
human development. examinations, brief separations ~e.g., 3–5 min!,
inoculations, approach by strangers, and other
events that are capable of eliciting increases
Relative stress hyporesponsive period
in heart rate and behavioral distress.
In the rodent, the most profound effects pro- Although it seems fairly clear that the hu-
duced by systematically altering parental care man stress hyporesponsive period emerges
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 659

gradually over the first year, it is not as clear children when they are in full-day out-of-
how long it extends. Recent studies suggest home child care may provide some insight
that by puberty laboratory stressor tasks pro- ~for review, see Gunnar & Donzella, 2002!.
duce elevations in cortisol with increasing re- Although child care is not equivalent to the
sponse levels observed over the pubertal separation paradigms examined in the animal
transition ~reviewed in Gunnar & Vazquez, studies, child care often involves a reduction
2006!. Similar to the rodent, where corticoste- in individualized care. Comparable to the ro-
rone levels rise as the animal emerges out of dent findings, cortisol levels are not elevated
the SHRP, a rise in basal levels of cortisol has in the first few hours of the child care day;
been reported in human children around this however, by late afternoon, levels are higher
point in development ~see for review, Gunnar than are noted at home on nonchild care days.
& Vazquez, 2006!. An increase in basal activ- Increases over home levels are largest for tod-
ity of the axis and a corresponding increase in dlers, but are still significant in cross-sectional
HPA reactivity to stressors around the puber- studies until children are 5 or 6 years old.
tal transition would be consistent with pu- Similar to the rodent findings, children with
berty marking the close of a relative stress child care providers who engage them with
hyporesponsive period in human develop- focused attention and responsive stimulation
ment. If the HPA stress hyporesponsive period do not exhibit these elevated levels. Further
demarcates the period when stress neurobiol- evidence for caregiver mediation of the hu-
ogy is open to be shaped by experience, then man functional equivalent of the SHRP comes
in humans that period may extend throughout from studies of attachment in toddlers during
childhood. a fear-eliciting stress paradigm ~Nachmias,
Gunnar, Mangelsdorf, Parritz, & Buss, 1996!.
Toddlers in secure attachment relationships
Caregiving Mediation
show no elevations in cortisol, whereas tod-
In the rodent, the evidence is fairly conclusive dlers in insecure attachment relationships ex-
that the SHRP is maintained by maternal care. hibit significant cortisol elevations to events
Specifically, maternal licking and grooming that produce fearful behavior. If patterns of
and milk into the gut are the stimuli that buffer caregiving are important in maintaining the
the rat pup’s HPA axis ~Rosenfeld, Suchecki, relative hyporesponsiveness of the stress sys-
& Levine, 1992!. If these stimuli are removed tem early in development, then identifying the
for a number of hours, the buffering mecha- ingredients of stress buffering caregiving will
nism is disturbed and large increases in corti- be necessary to translate the basic research to
costerone, ACTH, and CRF can be observed. preventive interventions. Consistent with Do-
If there is a functionally equivalent SHRP in zier’s Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up
humans, are there comparable social stimuli intervention ~Dozier, Peloso, Sepulveda, et al.,
that help to maintain the HPA system in its in press!, we have examined whether the
relatively buffered state? In rodents, the role caregiver’s sensitivity and responsiveness af-
of maternal stimulation in maintaining the fects the development of stress neurobiology.
SHRP was identified by removing maternal Parents who were low in sensitivity and re-
stimulation for periods of time and then, for sponsiveness during medical exams when their
some pups, replacing elements of maternal care children were 2, 4, and 6 months of age had
during separation. Brief periods ~up to several children who as toddlers exhibited larger cor-
hours! of separation do not induce elevations tisol responses to childhood immunizations
in corticosterone or ACTH in rat pups, but ~Gunnar, Broderson, Nachmias, Buss, & Rig-
after 6- to 12-hr elevations are observed. Ar- atuso, 1996!. Recently, Hane and Fox ~in press!
tificially providing licking and grooming and extended these findings to include measures
milk maintain the SHRP ~Suchecki, Rosen- of frontal EEG asymmetry. Right frontal EEG
feld, & Levine, 1993!. Needless to say, there asymmetry is associated with withdrawal emo-
are challenges in examining parallel phenom- tions ~e.g., fear, sadness! and risk for anxiety
ena in humans; however, cortisol levels for and depression ~Davidson, 2002!. Hane and
660 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

Fox ~in press! found that mothers who were and prolonged glucocorticoid infusions re-
low responsive had infants who exhibited more model the dendrites of the mPFC ~Brown, Hen-
right frontal EEG asymmetry and were also ning, & Wellman, 2005!. As noted earlier, the
more fearful, whereas the infants of high re- mPFC plays a significant role in regulating
sponsive mothers exhibited a left frontal EEG behavioral, endocrine, and autonomic re-
pattern and were more bold. Studies with rhe- sponses to stressors ~Sullivan & Gratton, 2002!.
sus monkeys have demonstrated that greater Relatively few studies of maltreated chil-
right frontal EEG patterns are not only asso- dren have employed neurocognitive tests that
ciated with greater behavioral fearfulness, but can identify specific neurological deficits ~Pol-
also with higher cortisol reactions to psycho- lak, 2005!. General cognitive impairments have
social challenge ~Kalin, Larson, Shelton, & been associated with neglect, with abused chil-
Davidson, 1998!. Taken together, these find- dren sometimes performing more compe-
ings suggest that in early childhood, at least, tently than neglected children ~Pears & Fisher,
caregiver sensitivity and responsiveness may 2005!. Among abused children with posttrau-
play the role that maternal licking and groom- matic stress disorder ~PTSD!, both general def-
ing in rodents does to maintain a relatively icits and deficits in executive functions have
buffered or hyporesponsive neuroendocrine been noted ~De Bellis, 2005!. These deficits
stress system. are similar to ones reported for nonhuman pri-
mates and rats reared under conditions of so-
cial isolation ~see for review, Sanchez et al.,
Corticolimbic level of stress organization
2001!. Social, as opposed to stimulus, depri-
Although early experience research in rats fo- vation may underlie these effects, as only so-
cused initially on development of the HPA cial deprivation in rats has been shown to
axis ~Levine, 2005b!, recently there has also influence functions associated with the mPFC
been interest in the impact of early experi- ~Schrijver, Pallier, Brown, & Wurbel, 2004!.
ences on development of the mPFC and stress- Notably, few studies of maltreated children or
mediating corticolimbic circuits. Repeated nonhuman primates have observed problems
separations in rats that result in increased vul- in memory processes associated with hippo-
nerability to stress also affect the develop- campal functioning, problems frequently noted
ment of the mPFC. Rat pups exposed to in rodent studies of maternal deprivation and
disturbances in maternal care exhibit lower attributed to disturbances in regulation of the
levels of neurotrophins that support neural plas- HPA axis. Of particular note for abused and
ticity, with decreases most pronounced in the neglected children is evidence that early ad-
prefrontal cortex ~PFC; Roceri et al., 2004!. verse care increases the risk of inattention and
Maternally deprived pups also exhibit defi- overactivity ~Kreppner, O’Connor, & Rutter,
cient attention, particularly problems with set 2001!. These problems are associated with dis-
shifting tasks that are dependent on the mPFC turbances in frontostriatal circuitry ~Casey
~Lovic & Fleming, 2004!. In addition, they et al., 1997!. Problems on tasks subserved by
display alterations in the responsiveness of frontostriatal circuits are noted for children
mesocortical dopamine neurons to stress and neglected early in life even after, through im-
psychostimulants ~Brake, Zhang, Diorio, provements in care, the children’s general cog-
Meaney, & Gratton, 2004!. As with work on nitive functioning has returned to the normal
the HPA axis, these effects appear to be asso- range ~Bruce, Tarullo, & Gunnar, 2005!. Im-
ciated with maternal behavior, particularly ma- aging studies also tend to support impacts on
ternal licking and grooming. The co-occurrence the development of the PFC in maltreated chil-
of problems in mPFC function and stress re- dren. In addition to overall reductions in brain
sponsiveness likely reflect interactions be- volume, reduced white matter in the PFC and
tween neuroendocrine stress systems and corpus collosum have been noted ~see for re-
frontal functioning throughout development. view, De Bellis, 2005!. In at least one study,
The PFC is also a target of glucocorticoids, particularly marked disturbances were re-
and there is evidence that both chronic stress ported in the mPFC. Imaging studies of so-
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 661

Figure 3. The average amplitude ~ mV! of feedback negativity across correct and incorrect trials by
group: means and standard errors. Adapted from Fisher et al. ~2006!. ERPs assessed at Cz to a flanker
task for children in regular foster care ~RFC!, therapeutic foster care ~TFC!, and community compari-
son ~CC! conditions. Therapeutic foster care was the Early Intervention Foster Care Program ~Fisher
et al., 2005!.

cially deprived rhesus infants have reported ner & Petersen, 1990!, and is a component of
similar findings, particularly with regard to the mPFC network with extensive reciprocal
reduction in white matter volume in the fron- connections to the amygdala and hippocam-
tal and parietal cortices and corpus collosum pus and outflow pathways to the HPA and
~see for review, Sanchez et al., 2001!. sympathetic nervous system ~SNS!. Using a
What is not clear is whether disturbances flanker task, slowing of responses following
in mPFC functioning are produced by similar an error and an early negative component in
mechanisms to those producing disturbances the ERP in response to error feedback were
in behavioral, autonomic, and neuroendocrine examined in children who had been randomly
responses to stressors. What is apparent from assigned to treatment versus regular foster care.
the above studies is that translational research They were compared to a similar group of
should incorporate neurocognitive assess- lower income nonmaltreated children. The in-
ments of specific prefrontal regions into as- tervention involved supporting the foster
sessment protocols ~Pollak, 2005!. Consistent parent’s ability to manage the behavior prob-
with this suggestion are data from a small lems of their charges without hostility and in
pilot study using event-related potentials ways that allowed supportive relationships to
~ERPs! to examine the impact of a foster care be established between the foster parents and
intervention on activity of the ACC ~Fisher, child. Children who had lived in treatment
Martin, Bruce, & Fox, 2006; see also Dozier’s foster care, like the comparison children, ex-
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up Inter- hibited a significant error feedback-related neg-
vention Protocol, Dozier, Peloso, Sepulveda, ativity in their ERPs ~see Figure 3!. This was
et al., in press!. The ACC plays a critical role not noted among the regular foster care chil-
in effortful control of attention and action ~Pos- dren. These data suggest that treatment foster
662 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

care had helped normalize this aspect of mPFC Association of Adverse Early Care With
functioning in these maltreated, foster care Stress Responding in Adulthood
The rodent model demonstrates impacts of
early adverse care on stress neurobiology as-
Summary sessed in adulthood. If the rodent model is to
Four key bridging themes were identified: tim- help guide intervention work, then adverse
ing, the SHRP, caregiver mediation of the early care in humans should be associated with
SHRP, and impacts of caregiving on prefron- heightened adult stress responding. However,
tal functioning and corticolimbic levels of human studies are invariably difficult to inter-
stress organization. The timing of events rel- pret because they must be based on experi-
ative to brain development in the rodent and ments of nature and thus lack the rigor of the
human at birth suggests that the prenatal pe- animal research. Therefore, as a bridge to hu-
riod in humans should be included as a focus man development, we will first turn to nonhu-
of translational research on adversity and stress man primate studies.
neurobiology. In addition, consideration of data
on relative stress hyporesponsiveness sug- Nonhuman primate outcomes
gests that we should extend the lens beyond
infancy to include most if not all of childhood. In nonhuman primate research ~see for re-
Evidence that the long-term effects of adverse view, Levine, 2005b!, researchers have exam-
caregiving in the rodent reflect specific as- ined a number of different adverse early life
pects of parental care that buffer the HPA axis experiences, ranging from separating the in-
during early development encourages attempts fant from the mother ~and sometimes also the
to identify elements of parental or caregiver social group! to rearing the infant under con-
behavior that may serve similar buffering func- ditions in which it receives little of the care
tions during human development. Currently, typical of the species ~i.e., rearing on cloth
the best translation of these rodent findings surrogates or only with other infant mon-
appears to be in measures of parental sensitiv- keys!. Typically, outcome measures were ob-
ity and responsiveness; however, the lens on tained when the animals were older, but still
parenting behavior may widen as more stud- juveniles. These adverse early care experi-
ies are conducted that examine caregiving ences have been shown to impact behavior,
and the regulation of stress neurobiology in increasing fearfulness, reducing exploration
children. Finally, animal studies are begin- of novel environments, and decreasing social
ning to note the impact of early parental care status. Notably, relatively few consistent long-
on the development of prefrontal systems, in term impacts on activity of the HPA axis have
addition to their earlier focus on limbic– been reported. A few studies have shown long-
hypothalamic functions. These data are con- term increases in the production of ACTH or
sistent with studies with maltreated children cortisol; however, most studies have revealed
that have noted significant impacts on execu- normal to blunted activity of the HPA system.
tive functions, and imaging studies that have Moving to higher levels of the stress sys-
noted effects on development of the PFC. These tem, however, we find more evidence of hy-
data emphasize the value of including neuro- perresponsiveness following early adversity.
cognitive and imaging measures in preventive Specifically, there is evidence of increased
intervention work on early experiences and amygdala reactivity ~e.g., increased startle re-
stress in children ~see also Cicchetti, 1996; sponses! several years after repeated, unpre-
Curtis & Cicchetti, 2003!. We turn now to a dictable separations early in life ~Sanchez,
more focused examination of the extent to Noble, et al., 2005!. Disturbances in maternal
which human studies provide evidence that care in Bonnet macaques produces increased
early maltreatment has lasting impacts on the CRF in spinal fluid, sensitization of the NE
neurobiology of stress, and in particular on system, and behavioral sensitization to fear
activity of the HPA axis. stimuli, while resulting in normal to low cor-
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 663

tisol levels ~e.g., Rosenblum et al., 2002!. Ex- ports of childhood experiences, and often fail
treme disturbances in early care ~e.g., isolation to control for current life stress ~see review by
rearing! have also been shown to produce sub- Heim, Plotsky, & Nemeroff, 2004!. Nonethe-
tle changes in the primate hippocampus, which less, these studies provide some useful guid-
may reduce the resilience of the hippocampus ance. One of the clearest results from these
and increase the risk of hippocampal atrophy studies is that the association between child-
in response to later insults ~Siegel et al., 1993!. hood abuse and the neurobiology of stress in
There is also increasing evidence that early adulthood is a function of whether or not the
adverse care in primates influences the devel- abuse is associated with adult psychopathol-
opment of the PFC. Thus, monkeys reared in ogy. We will, thus, consider outcomes for adults
isolation exhibit problems with tasks that in- with and without psychological disorders pur-
volve ventromedial regions of the PFC ~see suant to their childhood maltreatment.
review, Sanchez et al., 2001!. As noted, me- Turning first to individuals without psycho-
dial and ventral regions of the PFC and ACC pathology, by definition, these individuals are
have rich bidirectional connections with the resilient ~Kinard, 1998!. Across the various
amygdala, and appear to be involved in regu- studies of resilient adults, we find evidence of
lating behavioral, autonomic, and neuro- reduced activity of stress neurobiology. The
endocrine responses to psychosocial stressors CRF challenge test produces elevations in
~Sullivan & Gratton, 2002!. Glucocorticoid ACTH and cortisol. The magnitude of the
overexposure impairs these regions, poten- ACTH response is inversely proportional to
tially reducing stress and emotion regulatory the pituitary’s chronic or traitlike exposure to
competence. Overall, the nonhuman primate CRF ~see for review, Heim et al., 2004!.
data are consistent with the idea that early Chronic, high CRF exposure from the hypo-
adverse care will have its largest impact on thalamic CRF system results in downregula-
systems that are still developing. The HPA tion of CRF receptors in the pituitary. Resilient
axis is relatively mature at birth in most pri- adult survivors of child abuse produce larger
mates, and thus may be relatively protected ACTH responses in the CRF challenge test
from permanent changes introduced through than do healthy adults with nonabusive child-
variations in experience ~e.g., Levine, 2005b!. hood ~Heim et al., 2004!. This suggests an
In contrast, higher levels of the stress system atypically low chronic CRF drive in these in-
~e.g., amygdala, mPFC! that mature for lon- dividuals. Resilient adult survivors also pro-
ger periods after birth in primates may be more duce larger ACTH responses to a psychosocial
significantly affected. These primate data sug- stressor than do healthy adults with nonabu-
gest that in studying human postnatal expo- sive childhood; however, their cortisol and car-
sure to adverse care we may need to focus on diac responses are normal to blunted ~e.g.,
the extrahypothalamic CRF system, fearful, Girdler et al., 2003!. This suggests reduced
anxious behavior orchestrated by circuits in- sensitivity of the adrenal to ACTH. This has
volving the amygdala, and potentially the de- been confirmed in ACTH challenge tests ~see
velopment of circuits in the PFC that are for review, Heim et al., 2004!. Thus, individ-
involved in modulating, containing, and ter- uals ~notably women! who experience sig-
minating fear and stress responses. nificant childhood maltreatment but do not
develop mental disorders show low neuroendo-
crine responsiveness to stressors, with evi-
Human adults
dence of traitlike low levels of hypothalamic
The animal models of early adverse care em- CRF.
phasize deprivation or neglect. In contrast, all Differences of opinion exist in whether to
of the adult human studies in this area have view this low level of activity as a risk factor.
examined the sequelae of physical and sexual Heim et al. ~2004! suggest that sensitization
abuse. Furthermore, most of these studies have of the pituitary and counterregulation at the
methodological limitations in that they focus level of the adrenal in these women may pre-
only on women, deal with retrospective re- dispose them to hypersecrete CRF, result-
664 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

ing in depression and CRF receptor down- of the sensitivity of the adrenal. Here, com-
regulation if they experience significant life pared to adults with depression without
stressors in adulthood. On the other hand, it childhood abuse who tend to escape from dexa-
is possible that low CRF and HPA reactivity methasone suppression, depressed adults with
may have preceded rather than followed their histories of child abuse tend ~like adults with
early life exposures, protecting these individ- PTSD! to supersuppress in response to the
uals from developing emotional disorders in low-dose dexamethasone test ~see for review,
response to their adverse childhood experi- Heim et al., 2004!. However, this supersup-
ences. Future studies involving longitudi- pression may reflect unmeasured PTSD in
nal work may be able to sort out these two these depressed, abused women ~Rinne et al.,
alternatives. 2002!. Overall, studies using pharmacological
Depression and PTSD are two of the se- challenges suggest that childhood abuse plus
quelae of childhood maltreatment that have either major depression or PSTD in adulthood
been explored most frequently in studies of is associated with supersuppression of the HPA
stress neurobiology. PTSD and depression ex- axis combined with hyperactivity of central
amined without reference to childhood abuse CRF.
appear to share hyperactivity of the central The results of studies using pharmacologi-
CRF system at hypothalamic and0or extra- cal challenge tests do not mirror results ob-
hypothalamic levels ~Bremner et al., 1997; tained when psychosocial stressors are used.
Heim et al., 2004!. Chronic CRF drive on the Rather than the blunted ACTH response ob-
pituitary in both depression and PTSD leads served in CRF challenge tests, for both child-
to counterregulatory downregulation at the hood abuse survivors with major depression
level of the pituitary, resulting in blunted ACTH ~Heim et al., 2000! and those with PTSD
responses to CRF challenge tests. However, ~Bremner et al., 1997!, hyperresponsiveness
these disorders differ in the sensitivity of feed- of ACTH and cortisol have been noted. The
back regulation of the HPA axis. Depression dissociation between the hyporesponsiveness
among adults is associated with reduced sen- when the pituitary is pharmacologically chal-
sitivity of negative feedback mechanisms, re- lenged with CRF, and hyperresponsiveness
sulting in larger cortisol responses to stressors, when psychosocial challenges are imposed
higher basal levels especially late in the day, clearly implies upregulation of the corticolim-
and reduced suppression of the axis in re- bic stress and emotion circuits in response to
sponse to dexamethasone ~Heim et al., 2004!. childhood abuse. As with the resilient adult
In contrast, PTSD is associated with increased survivors, we have a chicken and egg prob-
sensitivity of negative feedback mechanisms, lem. We do not know whether these findings
resulting in blunted cortisol responses to stress- reflect the effects of child abuse or explain
ors, lower basal cortisol levels especially late why these individuals developed affective pa-
in the day, and enhanced suppression of the thology in response to their early maltreat-
axis in response to dexamethasone ~Yehuda, ment. Again, longitudinal work with maltreated
2000!. The question is whether affective dis- children is needed to untangle the direction of
orders pursuant to childhood maltreatment fol- effects.
low these neuroendocrine patterns.
First, considering depressed women with a
Developmental Studies of Stress
history of childhood abuse, their patterns of
and Maltreatment
ACTH and cortisol responses to CRF chal-
lenge is comparable to those observed in Alterations in stress neurobiology observed
depression and PTSD without early abuse under conditions of adverse care may reflect
~Bremner et al., 1997; Heim et al., 2004!. Spe- transient adjustments that will remit to normal
cifically, blunted ACTH and normal to blunted functioning once the child’s care improves.
cortisol responses have been noted. This find- Transient adaptations that permit mainte-
ing is consistent with chronic CRF drive. nance of viability in response to adverse care
ACTH stimulation tests permit examination reflect allostasis or the maintenance of stabil-
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 665

ity ~homeostasis! through change ~McEwen, hypocortisolism is a likely consequence of

2000!. Even when these allostatic adjust- chronic stress ~Friese, Hesse, Hellhammer, &
ments remit under conditions of improved care, Hellhammer, 2005!. This view is consistent
the processes of neural development they in- with mounting evidence that children living
fluenced may impact the child’s subsequent under conditions of maltreatment tend to ex-
development. This can be considered a devel- hibit low early a.m. levels of cortisol and a
opmental version of the costs associated with relatively low pattern of cortisol production
allostasis ~McEwen, 2000!. In designing pre- over the day ~Gunnar & Vazquez, 2001!. In
ventive intervention research, thus, we need our research network, we have observed low
to consider both the patterning of stress re- early a.m. cortisol levels among young chil-
sponding observed for children during peri- dren living in an orphanage in Russia ~re-
ods of adverse care as well as patterns and viewed in Gunnar & Vazquez, 2001!, toddlers
sequelae noted for maltreated children follow- within a month of adoption from Russian and
ing improvements in their care. Chinese orphanages ~Bruce, Kroupina, Parker,
As in the adult work, more information is & Gunnar, 2000!, and both infants and pre-
available on children who have been physi- schoolers removed from their homes and
cally and sexually abused than on children placed in foster care ~Dozier, Pelsos, Gordon,
who have been neglected but not abused— et al., in press; Fisher, 2005!. Among the chil-
although many abused children also suffer ne- dren recently removed from conditions of ne-
glect ~De Bellis, 2005!. In addition, we have glect and abuse, between 35 and 40% exhibit
very few studies of children’s responses to these abnormally low a.m. levels ~see Fig-
psychosocial stressors and even fewer studies ure 4!. One of us ~Fisher! has examined the
that have used pharmacological probes. Most abuse histories that differentiate preschool-
of our information on children, therefore, aged children with low a.m. levels assessed
comes from measures of ambulatory cortisol within a month of foster placement. Neither
assessed at various points in the day at home physical nor sexual abuse predicted this pat-
or when the children are in group care set- tern; instead the best was “failure to provide,”
tings. Although some of the studies have spe- a measure of neglectful care. This finding is
cifically sampled children with depression or highly consist with evidence of low a.m. cor-
PTSD, others have selected children based tisol levels among institutionalized infants
solely on their maltreatment histories. Over- and toddlers, children whose care has been
all, the study of stress neurobiology in mal- described as “institutional neglect.”
treated children is a relatively new area, and As noted, it seems likely that these low a.m.
thus much is unknown or uncertain. Despite levels reflect a transient downregulation of
this, several themes appear to be emerging the axis in response to frequent or chronic
that may provide some guidance in preventive CRF drive and elevated glucocorticoids. Abuse
intervention designs. as well as neglect might have this effect. Two
studies with rhesus infants also tend to sup-
port this argument. Sanchez and colleagues
Low early a.m. cortisol may reflect ~McCormack, Maestripieri, Plotsky, & Sán-
ongoing neglect and abuse chez, 2003!, have studied the infants of rhesus
mothers who spontaneously abuse their off-
As described above, counterregulatory mech- spring. Abuse is most frequent in the first 2
anisms result in downregulation of hypotha- months of life, followed by rejection and ne-
lamic CRF in response to frequent elevations glect in subsequent months. During the first
in glucocorticoids ~Makino, Gold, & Schulkin, month of life, early a.m. cortisol levels are
1994! and downregulation of CRF receptors elevated in these infants relative to infants of
in the pituitary in response to chronic CRF supportive mothers; however, beginning in the
drive ~see for review, Heim et al., 2004!. Thus, second month a.m. levels are suppressed be-
although hyperresponsiveness of the axis is low those of typically reared rhesus infants. A
often viewed as synonymous with acute stress, similar pattern has been noted for rhesus in-
666 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

Figure 4. The percentage of neglected0abused children in three studies with extremely low early a.m.
cortisol levels. PI, postinstitutionalized infants and toddlers ~Bruce et al., 2000!; Fost-Inf, infants in
foster care and comparison infants ~Dozier, Peloso, Gordon, et al., in press!; Fost-Presch, preschoolers
in foster care and community comparison preschoolers ~Fisher, 2005!.

fants randomly assigned to a repeated, unpre- children ~Kaufman et al., 1997!. Consistent
dictable separation paradigm ~Sanchez, Lyon, with work on depressed adults, the research-
et al., 2005; Sanchez, Noble, et al., 2005!. ers anticipated a blunting of the ACTH re-
These infants experience separations lasting sponse to CRF among the depressed maltreated
between 30 min and 6 hr ~unpredictably!, mul- children. Instead, they noted large elevations.
tiple times per week from the time they are 3 Upon close examination, ACTH responses
to 6 months of age. These separations produce were bimodal, with no overlap between those
significant elevations in ACTH and cortisol. showing hyperactivation and normal to low
At 1 year of age, however, these infants ex- activation in response to CRF. What distin-
hibit low early a.m. cortisol levels that predict guished the two groups was ongoing and se-
larger responses to acoustic startle when they vere emotional maltreatment in the families of
are 2 years of age. However, these low a.m. the hyperresponders, including continuing ex-
levels seem to recover as the animals grow up. posure to violence, threats of abandonment
By 2 years of age differences in a.m. cortisol and physical harm, and rejection of the child’s
levels are not as robust as at earlier ages. Phar- attempts at emotional closeness.
macological probes of the HPA axis in these
two rhesus paradigms confirm pituitary down-
Low a.m. cortisol levels may remit
regulation. Both spontaneously maltreated
with improved care
infants and infants subjected to repeated, un-
predictable separations exhibit blunted re- Several findings point to the possibility that
sponses to CRF challenge, suggesting chronic with improved care, young children with
CRF drive and resulting downregulation of low a.m. cortisol levels will begin exhibiting
ACTH sensitivity to CRF. more normal patterns of diurnal cortisol pro-
These data raise the question of whether duction. First, although all young children ex-
children experiencing chronic stressors will amined in orphanages have thus far shown the
necessarily exhibit low cortisol levels. This blunted or suppressed pattern of early a.m.
seems unlikely. Rather, we might expect that cortisol production ~reviewed in Gunnar &
acute psychosocial stressors could still pro- Vazquez, 2001!, in two studies of orphanage-
duce large HPA axis responses in chronically reared children studied 3 or more years after
stressed maltreated children. This argument is adoption none of the children exhibit low a.m.
consistent with an analysis of ACTH re- cortisol levels ~Gunnar, Morison, Chisholm,
sponses of depressed abused 7- to 13-year-old & Schuder, 2001; Kertes, Gunnar, & Madsen,
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 667

Figure 5. The increase in the diurnal change in salivary cortisol ~ mg0dl! from wakeup to bedtime
between when children are first placed in supportive families and several months later: ~A! data on
children adopted internationally from institutions in Russia and China compared to children reared in
their birth families in the United States ~Bruce et al., 2000! and ~B! data on preschoolers placed in either
the intervention arm or regular foster care arm of the Early Intervention Foster Care Program compared
to children in the community comparison group ~Fisher, 2005!.

2006!. Furthermore, in a small study of childhood, removed from these maltreating en-
orphanage-reared toddlers studied first at 2 vironments, and assessed several years later
and then at 8 months postadoption, a.m. when they were between approximately 7 and
cortisol levels were low initially and the de- 13 years of age. In some, but not all of these
crease from a.m. to p.m. was small, but then studies, the children had chronic PTSD. Ex-
increased to approach the levels of family- amining children with PTSD, De Bellis, Baum,
reared toddlers ~Bruce et al., 2000; see Fig- et al. ~1999! reported elevated 24-hr urinary
ure 5A!. These data suggest that we may be cortisol and catecholamine levels. In a similar
able to use a.m. cortisol and the diurnal de- population, Carrion and colleagues ~2002!
crease from a.m. to p.m. to track the impact of noted elevated salivary cortisol levels. In both
interventions in neglected, abused children. cases the maltreated children were compared
Consistent with this possibility, Fisher ~2005! to low-risk, family-reared children. Further-
has shown that when children with low a.m. more, neither study included maltreated chil-
cortisol levels are placed in the treatment arm dren without behavioral or emotional problems.
of the Early Intervention Foster Care pro- In contrast, Cicchetti and Rogosch ~2001! col-
gram, they show increases in a.m. cortisol lev- lected salivary cortisol data on maltreated and
els and larger diurnal decreases in a.m. to p.m. control children during a 5-day summer camp.
cortisol concentrations over time ~see Fig- Overall, the maltreated and control children’s
ure 5B!. This was not observed for children cortisol levels did not differ. However, a sub-
placed in regular foster care. set of children with high ~.1 SD! cortisol
levels over the day were found. These chil-
dren were more likely to have been severely
Severe maltreatment may increase
and multiply abused. Severity of sexual abuse
cortisol set points
was also implicated. Studies of postinstitution-
There are now several studies of children who alized children also suggest elevated cortisol
were severely maltreated in infancy and early levels several years postplacement for chil-
668 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

dren exposed to extreme deprivation ~Gunnar need to be designed to identify intervention-

et al., 2001!, particularly those whose depri- associated changes and differentiate them from
vation produced severe growth retardation endogenous change-inducing processes. This
~Kertes et al., 2006!. may be extremely difficult to accomplish when
These studies of severely neglected and only one or a few indices of stress responding
abused children stand in marked contrast to are used. Psychosocial challenge tests as well
the data reviewed earlier on HPA axis activity as pharmacological probes ultimately may be
among adults who were maltreated as chil- needed.
dren. In the adult studies, if anything, baseline
levels of cortisol tend to be normal to low,
consistent with reports on adults who develop
PTSD following traumas experienced in adult- Although nonhuman primate studies have re-
hood ~Yehuda, 2000!. These are not the only vealed few consistent long-term effects of early
data on abused children that differ from those maternal deprivation on activity of the HPA
obtained for adults with PTSD. Based on ro- axis, studies of survivors of child abuse reveal
dent stress models, hippocampal atrophy is a number of alterations. The patterns noted
expected due to either chronic increases in depend on whether pharmacological chal-
CRF or glucocorticoids. Adults with PTSD lenges that act directly on the HPA axis or
have often been shown to have smaller hippo- psychosocial challenges that require cortico-
campal volumes than controls ~see for review, limbic input are employed. They also depend
Bremner, 2002!. This has also been noted for on whether abused children are studied in child-
adult women who experienced abuse as chil- hood or as adults, and they likely also depend
dren ~Bremner et al., 2003!. However, smaller on the degree of ongoing trauma in the
hippocampal volumes in these studies were individual’s life. Finally, they depend on the
restricted to abuse survivors who developed individual’s clinical status. Age, time since
either depression or PTSD. Notably, there is rescue, current life stressors0traumas, and cur-
no evidence of hippocampal volume reduc- rent and past psychopathology will need to be
tion in studies of maltreated children, even taken into account if preventive intervention
though all of the imaging studies have been researchers are to adequately incorporate stress-
conducted using maltreated children with sensitive neurobiological measures.
chronic PTSD ~Carrion et al., 2001; De Bellis,
Keshavan, et al., 1999; Teicher et al., 1997!.
Preventive Interventions
Similarly, rhesus monkeys reared in social iso-
lation during infancy and assessed as young Many of the evidence-based practices for
juveniles also failed to exhibit reduced hippo- maltreated children emerged out of the field
campal volumes relative to mother-reared rhe- of family-based prevention science. Pre-
sus juveniles despite marked disturbances in vention science, in turn, grew out of the rec-
behavior ~for a review, see Sanchez et al., ognition that probabilistic developmental
2001!. Several researchers have suggested that trajectories toward negative outcomes could
hypocortisolism and hippocampal atrophy may be effectively averted through systematic and
take a number of years to develop and thus well-timed intervention efforts ~Reid & Kava-
hypercortisolism in childhood and normal hip- nagh, 1985!. Parenting has been a major focus
pocampal volumes transition into hypocorti- of preventive intervention efforts because it is
solism and hippocampal atrophy only with time malleable and effective in altering outcomes
or perhaps at puberty ~De Bellis, 2001; Ye- for young children ~Reid & Eddy, 1997!. Al-
huda, Halligan, & Grossman, 2001!. This pos- though efficacy trials to evaluate parenting
sibility should alert researchers to look for interventions are beginning to include mea-
dynamic changes in stress neurobiology re- sures of stress neurobiology ~e.g., Dozier’s
lated to development and ongoing physio- Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up,
logical adaptations to previous disturbances. Dozier, Peloso, Sepulveda, et al., in press;
Any study of the impact of interventions will Fisher’s Early Intervention Foster Care, Fisher
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 669

et al., 2005!, the interventions themselves con- neurobiological systems may help to parse
tinue to be derived predominantly from psy- pathways through which successful interven-
chological theories. Given our limited state of tions have their effects. It is certainly possible
knowledge, moving beyond this point to use that by focusing on effective behavior man-
information on the impact of early experi- agement techniques, preventive interventions
ences on stress neurobiology to more com- based on social learning theory may reduce
pletely inform preventive interventions is noxious child behaviors, lead to reductions in
probably somewhat beyond our grasp at this hostile responses of parents and others to those
time. However, there are several approaches behaviors, reduce child exposures to social
that may be useful. threat, and prevent or ameliorate the develop-
ment of hyperreactive, defensive stress neuro-
biology. It is also possible that such behavior
Identifying therapeutic components of
management techniques, because they encour-
effective preventive interventions
age and reward self-control, may help to fos-
As discussed earlier, many of the evidence- ter more adequate corticolimbic pathways to
based interventions for high risk children fo- stress and emotion regulation. However, a third
cus on reducing externalizing problems through possibility is that once the parent is assured of
training caregivers, including birth, adoptive their competence in managing the child’s nox-
and foster parents, in effective behavior man- ious behaviors, this improves parent affect,
agement techniques ~e.g., Fisher et al., 2005!. including their warmth and sensitivity to the
Some, as noted earlier, are focused on devel- child, which in turn, promotes more a more
oping secure and supportive parent–child at- secure parent–child attachment that then can
tachment relationships through training parents serve as a better social regulator of the child’s
to be more accomplished at reading children’s stress neurobiology. It is also possible that all
signals and responding appropriately and sup- of these pathways operate but are differen-
portively to their needs ~e.g., Cicchetti, 2005; tially salient at different points in develop-
Dozier, 2003!. Although it would seem that ment or for different children.
the latter follow more directly from the early We have several preliminary pieces of ev-
experience-stress literature, there is evidence idence that suggest that changes in the neuro-
that both alter activity of stress-sensitive sys- biology of fear and stress may track reductions
tems ~Dozier, Peloso, Sepulveda, et al., in in anxiety and increases in secure attachment
press; Fisher, Gunnar, Chamberlain, & Reid, behavior among children placed in an inter-
2000!. From an organizational perspective, vention that has its roots in social learning
both approaches likely address needs of theory ~Fisher et al., 2005!. This intervention,
children at different points in development which focuses on foster parents of preschool-
~Dozier, Albus, Fisher, & Sepulveda, 2002!. aged children, is a comprehensive treatment
Establishing one or more secure attachment model. Although foster parents are certainly
relationships is a critical developmental task trained in effective behavior management tech-
of the infancy period, while learning to niques, they are also provided training in ap-
manage one’s behavior in relation to rules propriately and sensitively interpreting the
and norms becomes important in the toddler children’s behavior. Thus, although grounded
and preschool years. Nonetheless, the early in social learning theory, this intervention con-
experience-stress research would seem to sug- tains components that would also be found in
gest that social regulation of the HPA axis is interventions grounded in attachment and or-
dependent on parental care, with the best evi- ganizational approaches to preventive inter-
dence in humans suggesting that it is closely ventions. As noted, for children who enter
associated with sensitive, responsive care and foster care with low early a.m. cortisol levels,
relationship security. being assigned to the intervention as opposed
Tracing association between preventive in- to regular foster care arm of the study is asso-
terventions to changes in parenting behaviors, ciated with a normalization of the cortisol
child behaviors, and activity of stress-sensitive diurnal rhythm. More than that, however, im-
670 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

provements in the cortisol diurnal rhythm children and adolescents ~e.g., Nelson et al.,
among these children tracked decreases in anx- 2003!, but is not yet feasible with very young
ious, but not in externalizing behaviors. Fur- children. Structural imaging, including imag-
thermore, a pilot study of attachment behaviors ing of white matter tracts, may be feasible
displayed by the children over several months with young children, but typically it is diffi-
was conducted using a variant of the Stovall cult to get young children to lie still for long
and Dozier ~2000! attachment diary. Preschool- enough without medicating them, restricting
ers in the intervention arm of the study showed the use of imaging procedures for research
a reduction in avoidant and increase in secure purposes. Using imaging to examine changes
attachment behavior, while those in the regu- in corticolimbic networks involved in stress
lar foster care arm of the study, if anything, and emotions may however be highly useful
showed an increase in avoidant attachment in preventive interventions with older chil-
behavior. Nonmaltreated comparison children dren and adolescents.
showed stability in attachment patterns as Electroencephalogram ~EEG! measures are
would be expected as their family situation quite feasible with infants and young chil-
had not changed. dren, but are only beginning to be used
Of course, only home baseline cortisol lev- in preventive intervention designs. EEG
els were assessed in both the Fisher and Do- measures are being employed in a study of
zier preventive intervention studies. Improving orphanage-reared children randomly assigned
the child’s felt safety may reduce the chronic to continue in institutional versus move to ther-
CRF drive on the pituitary and thus allow nor- apeutic foster care ~Zeanah et al., 2003!. Con-
malization of the diurnal cortisol rhythm. How- sistent with evidence of reduced activity of
ever, without additional probes of the HPA regions in the PFC reported in a positron emis-
axis, this hypothesis cannot be verified. Fur- sion tomography study of postinstitutional-
thermore, these studies did not involve any ized children ~Chugani et al., 2001!, initial
attempt to assess higher levels of the stress reports on the orphanage-reared children de-
system, including higher levels of the HPA scribed underactivity in their EEGs compared
axis. Finally, such studies are only beginning to the EEGs of a family-reared comparison
to attempt assessment of corticolimbic path- group ~Marshall, Fox, & The Bucharest Early
ways that may be involved in fear and stress Intervention Project Core Group, 2004!. A sim-
regulation. It is certainly possible that differ- ilar alteration in power across the EEG spec-
ent levels of stress neurobiology are respon- trum was noted in a large sample of adults
sive to different experiences. This suggests who reported more early life stress ~McFar-
that examining pathways from preventive in- lane et al., 2005!. Although there have also
terventions to changes in stress neurobiology been studies of differences in hemispheric de-
should include measures that assess different velopment in abused children using EEG mea-
levels of organization of stress neurobiology sures ~Ito, Teicher, Glod, & Ackerman, 1998!,
~see also, Curtis & Cicchetti, 2003!. to our knowledge there have been no pub-
lished reports examining frontal EEG asym-
metry in maltreated children. Given that
Potential neurobiological targets
associations between low parental responsive-
One of the serious problems in studying the ness and right frontal EEG asymmetry have
neurobiology of stress in preventive interven- been reported ~Hane & Fox, in press!, EEG
tion designs with high-risk children involves asymmetry measures may be a useful tool for
ethical and practical limitations on the mea- preventive intervention researchers.
sures that can be employed. This is especially Fear-potentiated startle is another measure
true if one wants to focus on preventive inter- that may be used with even very young chil-
ventions with infants and young children. Func- dren, and could shed light on the development
tional imaging that allows assessment of of stress neurobiology. Under conditions of
corticolimbic pathways involved in process- threat, the eye-blink startle response is larger
ing threat stimuli is being employed with older than under neutral or positive conditions. Fear-
Stress neurobiology and prevention science 671

potentiated startle reflects activity of the amyg- Dissociation of the SAM and HPA systems may
dala and BNST ~Davis, Walker, & Lee, 1997!. be an index of adverse experience and increased
Increased activity of extrahypothalamic CRF internalizing problems ~Bauer, Quas, & Boyce,
amplifies fear-potentiated startle responses 2004!. Measures of cardiac preejection period
~Lee, Schulkin, & Davis, 1994!, and individ- ~PEP! can be used to assess sympathetic con-
uals who tend to show larger HPA responses tributions to heart rate ~Berntson, Cacioppo,
to stressors exhibit larger startle reactions ~Gril- Binkley, Uchino, & Quigley, 1994!, and these
lon et al., 2005!. measures are being employed in children ~Alkon
As noted, assessments of the HPA axis in et al., 2003!. It is also possible to indirectly mea-
maltreated children have relied almost en- sure sympathetic activity in saliva by assaying
tirely on measures of cortisol ~salivary or uri- for a-amylase ~AA; Granger et al., in press!.
nary!. Measures of ACTH that require blood AA is an enzyme produced locally in the oral
sampling have sometimes been collected, but mucosa that is sensitive to sympathetic stimu-
pharmacological challenge tests have not been lation. Increases in SNS ~predominantly NE
used with children prior to adolescents ~e.g., but perhaps also SAM! activity result in in-
De Bellis et al., 1994!. Being limited to mea- creased AA concentrations in saliva. Re-
sures of cortisol seriously restricts the re- cently, salivary AA has been shown to be
searcher’s ability to assess changes in HPA responsive to psychosocial stressors ~i.e., the
axis activity. Combining assessments of Trier Social Stress Test! in adults ~Nater et al.,
cortisol with measures of other stress-sensitive 2005! and children ~Kivlighan, Wewerka, Gun-
systems, however, may provide useful in- nar, & Granger, 2006!.
formation. There is increasing interest in ex- There are more measures available than
amining the role of dehydoepiandrosterone have been employed in studies of maltreated
~DHEA! in buffering or modulating effects children and in the context of preventive in-
of cortisol. DHEA and its sulfated version tervention designs. Nonetheless, without theo-
DHEA-S are androgens produced by the adre- ries about the effects that would be expected,
nal cortex that tend to have effects that oppose a multisystems approach to measurement is
the actions of cortisol. The ratio of cortisol to not likely to provide clarity. This is especially
DHEA may index the extent to which altered true for developmental research as for many
cortisol levels may affect physical and neuro- of these measures we have little normative
biological development ~Granger, Schwartz, developmental data. However, incorporated
Booth, Curran, & Zakaria, 1999!. Recently, judiciously into preventive intervention de-
there has been increased evidence that low signs, patterns of relations among measures
DHEA to cortisol ratios are associated with ~e.g., changes in DHEA to cortisol ratios;
heightened fear-potentiated startle responses changes in frontal EEG asymmetry; alter-
in adults ~Grillon et al., 2005! and increased ations in cortisol and PEP or increased
probability of developing depression in ado- sympathetic–cortisol coregulation to psycho-
lescents ~Goodyer, Park, Netherton, & Her- social stressors! may help elaborate changes
bert, 2001!. in neurobiology that support or perhaps her-
The relation of cortisol responses to re- ald improvement in child functioning.
sponses of the SNS may also be relevant. The
HPA axis and the sympathetic adrenomedul-
Nonresponders and targeted interventions
lary ~SAM! system are the two major arms of
the stress system operating in the periphery of Even preventive interventions with solid track
the body ~Palkovits, 1987!. Under conditions records do not help all children. One hope for
of threat, increases in both HPA and SAM a psychoneurobiological approach to the ef-
activity are anticipated. Chronic stress may fects of maltreatment and intervention effi-
affect these systems differently. For example, cacy is to develop models of children who do
in PTSD increased heart rate and sympathetic not respond to intervention efforts and to de-
outflow are typically noted, whereas cortisol sign interventions that are more effective for
levels are normal or suppressed ~Yehuda, 2000!. them. PTSD is challenging to diagnose in young
672 M. R. Gunnar, P. A. Fisher, and The Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network

children and few meet DSM-IV criteria for di- increase the risk of psychopathology. Species
agnosis ~Scheeringa, Zeanah, Myers, & Put- differences and variations in the nature of ad-
nam, 2005!. Yet, traumatized children display verse early experiences studied in animals and
high rates of functional impairment and re- humans preclude direct translation of the ani-
spond poorly to interventions available in the mal studies to the human case. This, in turn,
community ~Cicchetti, 2005; Scheeringa et al., limits our ability to translate basic research on
2005!. PTSD may reduce responsiveness to pre- early experiences and stress into more effec-
ventive interventions that do not specifically tive preventive intervention designs for mal-
address their disturbances in functioning. This treated children. However, despite the great
is one place where the addition of neurobio- deal that is yet unknown, there appear to be
logical measures of stress and emotion may aid striking continuities between the animal and
in improving preventive intervention designs. human literatures. The most notable differ-
In addition, children who are hyper- or hypo- ence may reflect, at least partially, the timing
responsive to threat stimuli may require dif- of insults relative to neural maturity. In hu-
ferent types of intervention to improve their mans, it seems likely that experiences begin-
functioning. At least one study of children with ning in the prenatal period and extending
disruptive behavior disorders has shown that through most of childhood may shape the de-
those with low cortisol responsiveness to threat velopment of stress neurobiology and risk for
respond poorly to psychosocial intervention ~van psychopathology. However, because the neuro-
de Wiel, van Goozen, Matthys, Snoek, & van biology of stress is more mature in the human
Engeland, 2004!. Studies of typically develop- than rodent at birth, it also seems likely that
ing children have also shown that those with postnatal experiences will have their most long-
low sympathetic tone respond poorly to author- term impacts on extrahypothalamic levels of
itative patterns of parenting, requiring a close stress system function, particularly networks
and secure relationship with the parent to de- involving corticolimbic pathways. Used alone,
velop patterns of moral or conscientious be- it is unlikely that noninvasive measures such
havior ~Fowles & Kochanska, 2000!. Children as levels of salivary cortisol will be able to
who are hyperresponsive to threat, in contrast, provide sufficient insight into the impacts of
may appear to be responding to treatments aimed maltreatment and the efficacy of preventive
at managing externalizing behavior problems, intervention to be of much use. However, when
but the treatment may not be addressing their combined with measures of other stress-
vulnerability to stress and risk of anxiety or responsive neural systems in designs that test
depressive disorders ~van Goozen, Matthys, specific hypotheses, assessments of stress
Cohen-Kettenis, Buittelaar, & van Engeland, neurobiology may prove to be useful tools in
2000!. identifying ~a! characteristics of maltreating
and therapeutic environments that alter stress
and defensive responding, ~b! children who
Summary and Conclusions
may benefit from different types of interven-
Animal models of early experience and stress tions, and ~c! windows of opportunity to alter
neurobiology are frequently invoked in discus- the developmental course of children sub-
sions of how early abuse and neglect may jected to abuse and neglect early in life.

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