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Date of Publication: 05/11/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

*There are hundreds of Work Papers which are published on blog pages of my blog authored over the past few years but published on older
pages which reflect the original date and time of the draft or outline conceptualization of the
particular paper.

Legal and Political Tenets of Hemispheric and Continental (and Global) Trans-constitutionalism
(not referencing any gender, sexual orientation, or identity term) with respect to the Order of


Segment 1:

Legal and Political Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) There shall no be purpose or rule of trans-constitutionalism, meaning the interpretation

of constitutional law in studying the various levels or intra-jurisdictions of law, in
complementing, empowering, and validating constitutional principles and compliant
statutes toward the proper ends of social, political, and/or economic Justice (instantially)
as conceived judicially, which relegates any state or province to depravities, illicit
discrimination, and/or unfair dispositions,
(2) There shall be no Member State of the Organization of American States (OAS), the
pending Free Trade and Economic Area of the Americas (EAA), or any other regional or
hemispheric convention or Union (or political and/or economic concept within) which
shall decide any predominance, any mandated lead, or any instruction for asserting itself
or any other Member State (protocol or conventional) in the interpretation of hemispheric
law in utilizing trans-constitutionalism,
(3) There shall be no organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Free Trade
and Economic Area of the Americas (EAA), or any other regional or hemispheric
convention or Union (or political and/or economic concept within) which shall decide any
predominance, any mandated lead, or any instruction for asserting itself or any other
organ or Member (conventional or protocol) in the interpretation of hemispheric law in
utilizing trans-constitutionalism,
(4) Any and all Member State(s) of the Americas (OAS with the pending EAA in mind) shall
refrain from investing in the laws of non-Members in asserting precedent, in asserting
procedural accuracy, and in asserting legal and authorized customs to be decided upon
the articulation of the future Union of the Americas (UA) with the pending Supreme
Tribunal of the Americas (STA) at consideration; the laws and statutes (and juridical
interpretations) of other countries not membered in the Americas shall not be prohibited
from being influential in communicating scientific logic, human opinion, and legal
(5) There shall be no procedure of relation or of any other matter nominal to hemispheric
Government (“Governance”) devised by any government or organ membered or
operative within the OAS or its future form as Union (or any materialized and
incorporated concept, the EAA or otherwise) which shall be hidden from the public or
which shall be utilized under form(s) not decipherable as being of standard per the
ordinary and prudent understanding of the general public as a class,
(6) There shall be no power or protocol of any Official, Officer, Office, council, committee, or
other space of government or Civil Society procedure, operation, or function which shall
serve to decide unusual or peculiar powers to any jurisprudence, judicature, or jurist in
the interpretation of law per trans-constitutional activism and process(es),
(7) There shall be no power or Office (or position) invented or devised, of any emergency or
standard operation, which shall establish powers toward emancipating any Office (or
office holder) for enacting the prohibition of any fundamental prerogative of integration
and/or an orderly, functional, proficient, genius, and organized Union including its
pre-political predecessor (the OAS and the pending EAA as of one system); the
judicature of the Americas, meaning the Supreme Tribunal of the Americas (including its
sub-forums) shall respect this reality and fundamental principle supporting both scientific
theory and accepted application as affirmative to its competence,
(8) There ought to be no directive or dissolution of any office which shall denigrate or
depreciate (including intently resulting in the denigration or depreciation) of any
fundamental or essential organ or prerogative of the Member States of the Americas
(OAS and its Union successor) including the jurisprudential philosophy protecting
trans-constitutionalism as legitimate and even inalienable to competent and progressive
supranationalism, and
(9) There shall be no mechanism, procedural or otherwise, [whether] devised or instructed,
which shall result in any orchestration or sabotage articulated toward ending any
fundamental organ or principle or the constitutional design of any nation or territory in
emancipating trans-constitutionalism as operable and as a fundamental operative of
supranationalism in the Americas; the future Constitution of the Americas, as the
Supreme Law of the Americas as a unitary and political State of continental stature, may
not be precluded, superseded, negated, or trumped by any lower interpretation of or
employment of constitutional principle or tenet, including those of national/federal
Constitutions, in applying trans-constitutional theory, per enacted authorization, when
addressing issues contractual to the operation of the political and economic
Governance of the Americas.

Segment 2:

(1) Trans-constitutionalism shall apply to regional integration models in the same manner as
that detailed above per United Nations (UN) sanction (affirmative sanction, common
(2) The regional construct of respect, in applying any trans-constitutional theory within its
judicature and any corresponding mediation system, shall respect that the regional
tribunal of correspondence may only utilize or incorporate trans-constitutional ethos in
constrictively addressing contracted matters of the regional and constitutional Treaty for
orderly purposes,
(3) There shall be no power, prerogative, directive, or policy (or its protective or root law),
which shall denigrate the constitutional Powers of the five (5) continental Unions already
decided per the globe’s negotiations within the United Nations (UN) General Assembly
(UNGA) under emergency,
(4) The Caribbean Regional Government, upon its inception within a decade or so, shall be
allowed to adopt supplemental trans-constitutional theor(ies) which never allow for
superseding or precluding the superior power of regional law on matters detailed within
the respective Government Treaty and the constitutional principles protecting its
persistence and civility,
(5) The use of trans-constitutional theories in domestic systems, including the United States,
only allows for influence, argumentation, and supplementation in protecting their nominal
and superior stature of constitutional law and compliant statute without ever supposing,
unlike on the continental and global levels, serving to communicate the parallel intent of
supreme law, provisions within specifically (with respect to the national Constitution of
relation or, at times, the provincial constitution-at-issue as subordinate),
(6) There shall be no assumption of any policy or future condition predicted or negotiated
which shall rebuke the refining Government under its lawful but contemporary condition
of competent law and order not yet protected further by higher Authority (under Union) at
the particular time of assessment preceding Constitutional Treaty; however, no current
condition shall trump, supersede, or preclude the diplomatic treaties emancipating a
greater humanist culture detonating continentalism and globalism as the most competent
form of integrated society, that which has already been negotiated as detailed
consistently within this series of Work Papers and Reports (alongside the legal article
Americana: The New Societies - Concepts and [Political] Apperceptions of an Eastern
Caribbean model of Commonality as philosophical foundation),
(7) There shall be no consultation of any kind, government or otherwise, of affluence or of a
minority perspective, which shall preclude the lawful jurisprudence of any domestic,
regional, continental, or global State (nation-state or otherwise) as the nominal and apex
consultant to all jurists, fundamental legal practitioners (lawyers of all kinds and
accreditation brands) and licensed judges alike,
(8) There are no operation(s) of any domestic or international Agency or other
entity/individual which shall deny any government an opportunity to mitigate problem(s)
authentic to the focus of human development, to contract with if constitutional law allows
for doing so though without breaching [ethical] sovereignty and/or [humanist]
independence at any instance, and
(9) There are no powers affordable or accorded to any private entity or other actor which
shall serve as an alternate to Government, national or otherwise, in harnessing,
superintending, mediating, protecting, and nurturing judicial forums, judicial procedures,
and the limits and allowances which shall decide, by standard, the reach of
trans-constitutional qualities; arbitration forums are only active and employable per
public court orders and/or the legalist prescriptions of constitutional principles,
statute-based provisions, and judicial interpretations allowing for their niche and minority

Segment 3:

(1) On the global level, with respect to the future United Nations World Government (the
global Government to be enacted in 2044 officially and popularly), trans-constitutionalism
shall be employed in a variated form, specifically in a manner which allows continental
laws to be applied proficiently and even procedurally in argumentation toward gaining
United Nations (UN) General Assembly (“World Congress”) and Supreme Tribunal of the
World (“World Court”) affirmation if perceptible (meaning perceived) victory is won,
(2) There shall be no act of World Congress (or the Executive or Judicial branch or any
other organ of nation State or, per implication, the respective global Union) which shall
warrant the dissolution of the Supreme Tribunal of the World (“Global Court” or “World
Court”) which is being prepared for as consolidatory purposes per the request of the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC),
(3) There shall be no power or protocol of Government or Civil Society, faith-based or not,
global or otherwise, which shall serve to communicate religious rights and tribal
protections as illusory in the interpretation and judgment of any and all laws and cases,
(4) There shall exist no procedure or applied concept which shall refute the future and
inceptive Constitution of the World as the Supreme Law of the planet though all laws and
policies shall respect the right of Member States to contest judicial, legislative, and
executive application of the respective laws-at-issue (instance by instance) without
defrauding, negating, or subverting the due procedures presented as standardized and
formal within processes protected as inalienable (the operable model detailed
consistently within the Work Papers of correspondence),
(5) There shall be no principle or accord created by government or Civil Society which
allows for any ascension of lower or external law and/or policy, as policy is always
implied as compliant to constitutional tenets and statutes constitutional in effect within
the respective jurisdiction,
(6) There shall be no provision of law or protocol, policy or decree, which shall serve to
empower any tribunal or other political, social, cultural, professional, or economic organ
on the planet, of any makeup, incorporation style, or exclusionary status, to argue that
the future Tribunal of the World (“Global Tribunal”, “Global Court”, or “World Court”) is
subordinate to any emergency or non-emergency panel, forum, tribunal, court, or such,
war related or not, whether nationally or regionally accredited; the World Court shall
reign as supreme in hearing continental judicial debates and in ensuring that
national/federal judgments and other decisions, enacted or appointed, are compliant with
the chartering documents of the United Nations (UN) including, as most superior, the
future Constitution of the World (Government) (“World Constitution”) which shall protect
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter,
(7) Any and all conditions of advocacy, professional or social in nature or effect, pro bono or
compensatory, shall respect the right of Government and Civil Society to dissent to
arguments victorious in court without assenting to, affirming, promoting, or accepting any
breach of the law or proven (or evident) ethics; the principle of civil disobedience and
such shall never be allowed to approach unethical activism but shall be allowed its
stance when merely humanitarian,
(8) All options made available to petitioning parties, criminal or civil (in nature or effect), shall
respect the right of trans-constitutionalism toward mitigating problems addressed,
meaning toward deterring future violations of law or breach of private rights (contractual
terms or protections under torts) and toward (a) removing the induced depravity or (b)
making the injured or harmed party whole again (or compensated toward communicating
social, economic, and/or political Justice if needed for deterring, removing, and rectifying
the instantial or pathological breach or violation of relation), and
(9) No priority of government, [whether] collectively or separate, shall cancel or dissolve the
continental, regional, nation-state, and/or local Judiciaries.

CIA/INTERPOL Partnership File Number:


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