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Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80

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Single European Sky and the functional airspace blocks: Will they
improve economic efficiency?
Kenneth Button, Rui Neiva*
School of Public Policy, George Mason University, Arlington, VA, USA

a b s t r a c t
Keywords: The paper examines the potential economic efficiency of on-going changes in the European air traffic
Air traffic control control system. Air navigation services in Europe are undergoing a process of consolidation and tech-
Single European Sky
nological changes known as the Single European Sky initiative. The ultimate aim is to shift the industry
Functional airspace blocks
from a paradigm based on national borders, to one where operational efficiency is the goal. One of the
key components of the movement toward this is the notion of functional airspace blocks (FABs) whereby
blocks of airspace are combined as a precursory to total unification of the system. To study the effects
that those changes might have on the economic efficiency of the system, a data envelopment analysis
framework is used. Although these FABs are not yet deployed, it is possible to simulate, ceteris paribus,
how these different systems would have ranked in terms of economic efficiency by using data for each
individual air navigation service provider.
 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction enhanced the efficiency of airline operations (Barbot et al., 2008).

Airports have also seen changes in many countries with moves to
Air navigation services (ANS) involve a complex network that remove them from excessive political control, open up new sources
handles the movement of aircraft at and around airports and in of finance, and to tie airport fees more closely with the costs of
their movement between those airports. Under the 1944 Chicago airport use (Barbot, 2004). This has involved changes in institu-
Convention, governments have sovereignty over their national air tional structures of the facilities, ranging from overall ownership
space, and thus each country has traditionally dealt with this issue and control, to outsourcing particular elements of service (Barbot,
by having its own air navigation service provider (ANSP) that 2012). There have also been considerations to link the operations
handles ANS and other related matters such as weather informa- of airlines and airports to enhance efficiency and encourage long-
tion services and flight planning. This has continually posed chal- term stability services (Barbot, 2011).
lenges of ensuring both the internal efficiency of individual There has been much less activity regarding the provision of
monopoly suppliers of ANS and the external efficiency of ensuring ANS. What has been done has largely been to change the institu-
optimal coordination of service between a series of network tional structure under which services are provided, moving away,
suppliers. except in the notable case of the US, from provision by a govern-
The economies of scale, scope, and density involved in ANS ment department to various forms of corporatized structure, and in
provision, together with the external economies associated with the case of the UK, public-private company (Button and McDougall,
each unit being a supplier in an interactive network makes not only 2006). Reforming air traffic control is, however, inherently more
the provision of optimal services difficult, but also the measure- difficult than deregulation of airlines and airports. The infrastruc-
ment of exactly what efficiency entails. This contrasts somewhat ture in long lived and highly integrated making piece-meal reforms
with the other two main elements in the air transportation supply difficult. There is the need for, if not complete standardization, at
chain; airlines and airports. Airlines have been the subject of eco- least the use of a common platform to allow aircraft to be passed
nomic deregulation, beginning in the US, for some 35 years, albeit it smoothly and safely from one control area to another. In contrast,
at various rates and forms in different countries. In general this has aircraft can vary considerably as can airports, and a wide variety of
varying technologies infrastructure can be used in both a compet-
itive and cooperative manner.
* Corresponding author. Some of these factors lead to a questioning of whether ANS are
E-mail addresses: (K. Button), (R. Neiva). being provided and used efficiently, and if there are issues, how

0969-6997/$ e see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
74 K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80

Table 1 damage, and flights that are, on average, 49 km longer that they
US and European Air Navigation Systems (2010). would need to be if the airspace was optimized and more modern
Europe US Difference: technologies were utilized.2 Specific analysis of the individual Eu-
US vs. Europe ropean ANSPs indicates that there are considerable disparities in
Area (million km2) 11.5 10.4 10% terms of the ways in which they function and are financed (Button
Number of air service navigation 38 1 and McDougall, 2006), and in terms of their economic efficiencies
providers (NERA, 2006; EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission,
Number of air traffic controllers 16,700 14,600 13%
2011; Button and Neiva, 2013, 2014).
Total staff 57,000 35.200 38%
Controlled flights (million) 9.5 15.9 þ67% It is against this background that the European Commission
Share of flights to/from top 66% 63% 5% created the Single European Sky initiative with the aim of treating
34 airports European airspace as a single entity, instead of being a patchwork of
Share of general air traffic 4% 23% x 5.5
all the different national systems. Because of the complexity of the
Flight-hours controlled (million) 13.8 23.4 þ70%
Relative density (flight- 1.2 2.2 x 1.8
systems, their diversity, and the inability to simply carry thorough a
hours per km2) “big bang” style reorganization, a phased approach to reform was
Average length of flight (within 557NM 493NM 11% initiated.
respective airspace) A major transitional component of this program is the notion of
Number of en-route centers 63 20 68%
functional airspace blocks (FABs), which are intended to aggregate
Number of airports with air >450 w509 þ13%
traffic control services several individual ANSPs into larger entities that would handle air
Number slot controlled airports >90 3 traffic as if they were a single ANSP. Strictly, a FAB is defined in the
Note: NM is nautical miles.
Single European Sky legislative package, namely Regulation (EC)
Source: EUROCONTROL and US Federal Aviation Administration (2012). No. 1070/2009 amending Regulation (EC) No. 549/2004, as an
airspace block based on operational requirements and established
could the system be improved. Aircraft, are mobile and if airlines regardless of State boundaries, where the provision of air naviga-
are unhappy with the local infrastructure or are competitively tion services and related functions is performance-driven and
unsuccessful in any market, they can rapidly be deployed else- optimized through enhanced cooperation among air navigation
where. While airports are certainly not mobile, there is consider- service providers or, when appropriate, an integrated provider
able competition amongst them for business, with large airlines in (European Commission, 2012b).
particular exercising countervailing power (Button, 2010). ANSPs in
contrast are institutional monopolies, and indeed given the scale
3. Single European Sky and the functional airspace blocks
effects involved also have significant features of natural
First muted by the European Commission in 1999, the SES has
Here we supplement the work of Barbot and others on the
been put into law in 2004.3 It made ANSs a responsibility of the
efficient supply of airline and airport services, by considering the
European Union, instead of its member states individually, and has
efficiency of ANSPs. The focus is on Europe, and in particular on the
the main goal of improving the efficiency and the capacity of ANSs
efforts to unify the ANS of the region. Other studies have pointed to
in Europe. A number of stipulations were put in place by legislation
the current levels of inefficiency that exist, and EUROCONTROL has
in both 2004 and 2009, including the creation of the FABs, the
for a number of years collected data and monitored the situation.
Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) technological initiative
Here we hone in on a particular aspect of the on-going efforts to
to modernize the ANS system, and the extension of competencies of
improve the European situation, by assessing the role that greater
the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to include air traffic
local coordination of ANSPs may play in the longer-term policies of
management and air navigation services (European Commission,
establishing a full Single European Sky (SES).
One of the fundamental aspects of the SES initiative are the
2. The current institutional situation
FABs, which have the goal of reducing the inefficiencies e in terms
of safety, capacity, and cost e that result from the fragmentation of
Unlike the US, which has just a single ANSP, the Federal Aviation
European airspace.4 FABs are seen as an explicit bottom-up
Administration (FAA), Europe has several dozen ANSPs to handle an
approximately area similar geographical area. Albeit similar in size,
the European system handles fewer flights, using more centers and 2
There is also a wide dispersion in the size of ANSPs, with the five largest Eu-
airports and is more labor intensive than the American system to ropean ANSPs handling 54% of the traffic and incurring 60% of the costs, with the
which it is often compared (Table 1).1 There are a number of remaining 46% of the traffic being handled by over 30 providers (EUROCONTROL
technical reasons that can explain the differences, including geog- Performance Review Commission, 2012).
raphy, but a particular issue is that lack of coordination across the Implementation involves a number of institutions and initiatives involving; the
European upper information region (EUIR), functional airspace blocks (FAB), flex-
European systems, and that the small scale of many of the national
ible use of airspace (FUA), National Supervisory Authorities (NSA), certification of
European systems prevents economies of scale from being ANSPs, ait traffic controllers licencing, interoperability, SESAME, and extensions to
exploited. 3rd party countries.
This fragmentation of the airspace, with its boundaries The criteria for the creation of FABs are strictly to do with:
mimicking the national borders on land and frequent handing-over
of traffic, is believed to have significant impacts on the overall ef-  safety;
 optimum use of airspace, taking into account air traffic flows;
ficiency of the system and its costs. This resulted in an estimated  overall added value, including optimal use of technical and human resources,
V4.0 billion in annual delay costs in 2011, significant environmental on the basis of cost benefit analyses;
 ensuring a fluent and flexible transfer of responsibility for air traffic control;
 ensuring compatibility between upper and lower airspace;
1  complying with regional agreements concluded within ICAO;
Gloaszewaki (2002) outlines the nature of the US air navigation system and
 respecting regional agreements, in particular those involving European third
gives a comparative analysis of the interactions between air navigation service
providers and airport regulations in the US and Europe.
K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80 75

approach to the ultimate integration of European airspace. They  DanisheSwedish FAB

seek to improve ANS for a number of agency airspaces by intro-  Baltic FAB (Lithuania, Poland)
ducing better coordination of their ANSPs. The underlying philos-  BLUE MED FAB (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta)
ophy being that, “each FAB is different an faces different political,  Danube FAB (Bulgaria, Romania)
operational, technical, and economic challenges. .FAB initiatives  FAB CE (Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic,
show wide differences in scope, timescales and approaches. It is Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia)
clear that a flexibility of approach needs to be maintained, as long  FABEC (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the
as improvements are delivered.” (EUROCONTROL Performance Netherlands and Switzerland)
Review Commission, 2008).  North European FAB (Estonia, Finland, Latvia, and Norway)
The concept was established in 2004 in the first SES legislative  South West FAB (Portugal, Spain).
package, and further developed in 2009 in the second legislative
package; the so-called SES II (European Commission, 2012a). The Fig. 1 shows the FABs in their geographical context, and Table 2
initial idea was that they were to be based on the experience of presents some basic statistics relating to the individual ANSP
States/ANSPs, with the European Commission developing binding aggregated at the FAB level.
general principles for establishment and modification of FABs. The Although the implementation of the FABs was supposed to be
extension of FABs to lower airspace below 28,500 feet was to be underway in late 2012 and start having practical results some time
studied by the Commission before the end of 2006, with the after that point, by that date the process was stalled, with the
Commission reviewing the functioning of the bottom-up approach agreements to form the FABs in place, but only two of them (DENe
by early 2009 and to propose additional measures, if necessary; SWE and UKeIRE) having been declared established and notified to
hence the 2009 legislative package. The aim was that by 24 June the European Commission, and the consolidation of air traffic
2012, the consultation material of all FABs shall be submitted to the control has yet to take place (European Commission, 2012a).
European Commission; a target that was not met. The efficiency concerns within Europe need to be taken in
The phasing in of the SES is almost inevitable, but there are context. The demand for ANS is derived from that for airline ser-
often issues when changes are made sequentially rather than as a vices, which in turn fluctuates considerably dependent on such
single, big bang.5 In particular, major changes often occur when things as the performance of the European macroeconomies. In
there is a crisis in the existing regime and a consensus, or at least recent years the average costs of ANS in Europe has tended to fall
a dominant coalition of interests emerge for change; it is also due to the economic recessions and, in particular, the Eurozone
useful to have what is seen as a more favorable alternative crisis, but the forecasts are that, with macroeconomic recovery the
available. A comprehensive, rapid change, while often painful to costs of ANS will rise, at least for a period (Fig. 2). One of the ob-
many parties in the short-term, yields subsequent large positive jectives of the SES is to counteract these latter trends by enhancing
results for the system as a whole. Gradual changes often affect the efficiency of the air traffic control system. The aggregate data
various groups differentially during the change, leading to reluc- also do not show the variations that exist between systems, one of
tance for some parties to move forward. Ex ante, those likely not the factors that prevent full system efficiency.
to be early winners are often reluctant participants. The SES
initiative inevitably entails differential changes by the various
ANSPs at different times, leading to the potential of simply 4. Methodology
moving from one sub-optimal situation to another and remaining
stuck there.6 The approach adopted here deploys standard data envelopment
With the FABs, operational concerns would supersede national analysis (DEA) with variable returns to scale. The approach is
boundaries in the handling of traffic. The rationale behind this is preferred over parametric techniques based on regression analysis
that it will lead to an optimized use of the airspace and will facil- because there is no need to explicitly specify the production or cost
itate the handing out of traffic between operators, thus reducing function in determining the relative efficiencies of the ASNPs that
the inefficiencies of the system. To be established, the proposed constitute the FABs. The technique also allows the consideration of
FABs have to report to the European Commission on a number of multiple inputs and outputs that are relevant in the ANS context
topics, including safety, consistency with European Union-wide and does not require them to be converted into monetary units.8 It
performance targets, and be justified by their overall added value, is appreciated that DEA is sensitive to such things as outliers and
on the basis of cost-benefit analyses (European Commission, that the number of “efficient firms” may expand with the number
2012a). of inputs and outputs considered, but these do not appear serious
Nine FABs have been proposed, but only the first two have been issues in this case.
declared established and notified to the European Commission7: The nonparametric nature of DEA requires bootstrapping to
allow statistical analysis of the results using Gaussian methods
 UKeIreland FAB (Simar and Wilson, 1998), and this is deployed here to gain insights
into factors that may affect the relative efficiency of the different
European future FABs. The procedure is widely used, but does pose
One can compare the different ways in which airline deregulation was some difficulties, and the approach pursued here is very much in
approached, with the US basically adopting a big bang approach, and the EU line with that advocated by Simar and Wilson (2007).
adopting the “three packages” staged approach over a decade (Button and Johnson, The data used largely comes from the annual ATM Cost-
effectiveness (ACE) Benchmarking Report that EUROCONTROL has
A similar situation is occurring with the NextGen technological initiative that
aims to improve ANS in the US. It is also been implemented in a staged approach,
and like in Europe many stakeholders (namely airlines) have also been reluctant to
jump in, fearing that the realized gains will take too long to materialize. This is somewhat different to the methodology underlying the ex ante study of
All the FABs produce periodic reviews of progress that contain quasi-cost the EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission (2008) that, although looking
benefit analysis of their activities, embracing some environmental as well as at a range of outputs in a quasi-cost benefit framework did not conduct a strict
operational performance assessments e.g. for the UKeIreland FAB, see Irish Aviation efficiency analysis. This study, across all the FABs, foresaw most of the benefits
Authority/NATS (2012). These contain performance data, but no rigorous assess- coming, not from savings in ANSPs’ costs, but from improvements in flight effi-
ment of economic efficiency. ciency and delays.
76 K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80

Fig. 1. The functional airspace blocks. Source:

been producing since 2003.9 In particular it provides measures of 4.1. Inputs

air traffic control operators’ (ATCO) hourly productivity, ATCO
employment costs, and support costs. All the data is reported for  Gate-to-gate air traffic management/communications, naviga-
individual ANSPs for 2002 through 2010, and it was then aggre- tion and surveillance (ATM/CNS) provision costs (V
gated10 at the FAB level to simulate the operation of the European million).12 These constitute the costs of providing air traffic
airspace under that paradigm. This is a very crude approximation management services and the Communication, Navigation and
of what a FAB will eventually constitute, because it is expected, for Surveillance infrastructure, including, staff costs, non-staff
example, that the number and boundaries of en-route sectors will operating costs (rentals, energy, insurance, etc.), capital
be adjusted to operate in a more rational manner, thus leading to related costs (depreciation and cost of capital), and exceptional
consolidation of facilities and adjustments on personnel levels, items.
but given the data that is available at the moment, it allows for a  Other gate-to-gate costs of non-control services (V million).
preliminary analysis on how the future FABs stand against each These embrace aeronautical meteorological costs, EURO-
other in terms of economic efficiency. CONTROL costs, payments for regulatory and supervisory ser-
The base DEA analysis involves considering two inputs to the vices, and payments to governmental authorities (e.g. for the
production of ANSs, both measured in financial terms for con- use of government-owned assets).
sistency, and three outputs. The later could have been “cut” in
several ways given the data available, but because of the possi-
bility that to many observations would lead to a large number of 4.2. Outputs
providers being on the frontier, a simple division between what
are generally taken as control inputs and service inputs is  Instrument flight rules (IFR) flight-hours controlled by ANSP
made.11 (thousands). This is variable reflects one of the scale of op-
erations of any ANSP; essentially it is the base, and generally
used, unrefined measure of the traffic handled by any
 IFR airport movements controlled by ANSP (thousands).
These carry basically the same name for the nine years they have been issued e EUROCONTROL does not control air traffic in any airports, thus
EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission (2012) is the most recent. they have a value of zero for this output.
 1/(Minutes of air traffic flow management delays exceeding
Except for Luxembourg e which upper space is controlled by the MUAC e and
Bosnia and Herzegovina, all the countries that constitute the nine FABs are included 15 min) (thousands). The variable is a reflection of the quality
in this dataset.
One output that is not considered is safety, a major policy consideration when
looking at ANSPs’ performance. The challenge is that actual events are very small in
number, tend to be context specific, and in any case, because of strict and uniform These are in current prices because they represent the relative values for any
institutional structures regarding safety there is little difference across the region. year and thus are indexed to a base of unity in the calculations.
K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80 77

Table 2
Basic statistics of the FABs (2010).

FAB Area IFR flight-hours IFR airport movements Staff Air traffic En-route Revenues Costs
(million km2) controlled (thousands) controlled (thousands) controllers sectors (V million) (V million)

BALTIC FAB 0.4 394 326 1994 486 10 172 171

BLUE MED 1.7 1751 1428 5141 1992 78 940 994
DANUBE 0.4 453 255 2800 635 14 265 250
DENeSWE 0.8 606 836 1825 728 28 295 333
FABCE 0.5 1016 807 3933 1063 43 589 586
FABEC 1.8 4581 5080 16,908 5370 242 3341 3115
NEFAB 0.7 431 686 1617 513 18 200 221
SW FAB 2.9 1598 2097 4859 2064 77 1191 1168
UKeIRE 1.3 1511 1911 5029 1608 82 925 846

Note: Luxembourg and Bosnia and Herzegovina are not included in the figures for their respective FABs. Airspace area does not include oceanic airspace.
Source: Adapted from EUROCONTROL Performance Review Commission (2012).

of service provided by an ANSP, with the 15-min delay factor To gain insights as to why some FABs will be more efficient in
being a widely used international measure. The use of a terms of the DEA analysis, the bootstrapped measures of FABs’
reciprocal is adopted to turn the variable into a positive scale relative efficiencies are related, using ordinary least squares, to a
for purposes of calculation. number of independent variables. A linear model is adopted
because there is no a priori expectation of functional form. A more
For estimation we make use of the variable returns to scale flexible form could have been used, such as a translog or quadratic,
model developed by Banker et al. (1984) to evaluate the efficiency but these still involve specification and interpretation issues when
of DMUo (o ¼ 1,.,n): there are dichotomous variables involved.
The effects of the following independent variables were tested.
minqB These involve measures related to the area of airspace served, staff
qB;l figures along with administrative overheads, and the ability to fully
Subject to : qB xo  X l ¼ 0 recover costs in a non-profit setting13:
Y l ¼ yo (1)
el ¼ 1  Year (YEAR). A linear time trend picks up any temporal effects
l ¼ 0 that exist in the provision of ANSs.
 Number of air traffic controllers in operation (ATCO). This is
where qB is a scalar 1; l is a column vector with the weights for all
intended to pick up scale effects but may also be an indicator of
firms; xo is input data (0) for DMUo; yo is output data (0) for
X-inefficiency if the level of ATCO is larger than optimal.
DMUo; X is the matrix of inputs; Y is the matrix of output and e is a
 Number of air traffic controllers in operation per thousands of
row vector with all elements equal to one. With observations (x1,
square kilometers (ATCOkm). This reflects the spatial coverage
y1), . (xk, yk) and Farrel efficiency measures E1,., Ek, bootstrapped
of coverage of each controller. It provides some indication of
DEA estimated efficiency scores can be obtained from (Simar and
the length of time a plane is the responsibility of a controller
Wilson, 1998):
and adds an extra dimension to the measurement of the
n   o complexity of the airspace covered.
Ek ¼ min q˛R qxk ; yk ˛ T ðk ¼ 1; .; nÞ (2)  Number of en-route sectors (SECTORS). The sign of this is not
intuitively clear. A large number of sectors may indicate the
where is the estimated technological set for the technology set T; possibility of congestion and the internalization of sector
transfer costs within one ANSP/FAB activities, but equally there
(  ) may be economies of scope and density in handling operations
k X
k X
b ¼
ðx; yÞx  l x ;y 
k k
l x ; y  0;
k k
l ¼ 1
(3) across a number of sectors.
k1 k1 k1  Size of controlled continental airspace in thousands of km2
(AREA). Again it is unclear exactly what the effects of this may
be, but it is possible that if the airspace under control is large
this may reduce the difficulties of handling heavily trafficked
corridors by limiting congestion.
60  Revenues/costs ratio (REV_COST). This is seen as a reflection of
58 the financial strength of the ANSP/FAB that may affect its ability
to invest in efficient technology. It is anticipated to be directly
related to the relative efficiency of the provider.
50 A variable for which there is good data, but is omitted is the amount of airspace
that is under military control. Military restrictions can affect the flight paths of
48 private aircraft, and thus impact on air navigation services costs. The variable is not
considered, however, because military airspace is often deliberately restricted to
46 areas where commercial air services would not go anyway and, perhaps more
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 importantly, each nation’s civil aviation authority, and ipso facto their ANSPs tends
forecast forecast forecast to interact differently with the military; some have strict delineations of flight
areas, but most have a variety of cooperative arrangements. A simple measure of
Fig. 2. Real en-route unit costs of European ANS (V2009). Source: EUROCONTROL military air space is likely a poor proxy for differences in the ways civil and military
Performance Review Commission (2013). flying co-exist.
Fig. 3. Longitudinal evolution of the relative efficiency of each FAB.
K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80 79

 Staff/air traffic controllers in operations ratio (STAFF_ATCO). Table 3

This captures differences in an ANSP/FAB’s handling of directly Regression results.

productive and overhead labor in their activities. Variable Model

1 2 3
5. Results
(Intercept) 11.26 (1.392) 8.85 (1.162) 9.75 (1.225)
YEAR 5.054e3 3.951e3 4.311e3
Fig. 3 provides visual detail of the DEA results for the nine FABs (1.255) (1.040) (1.087)
in the years of the dataset.14 The horizontal line in each figure ATCO 5.154 e5 e e
represents an arbitrary 80% threshold of relative efficiency. (1.030)
ATCOkm 1.998e1*** 1.134e1*** 1.819e1***
Because DEA only estimates relative levels of efficiency, a change (6.091) (4.168) (6.532)
in the value or ranking of any block does not means it has become SECTORS 1.621e3 1.960e3*** 2.415e3***
more or less efficient per se, but rather that its position relative to (1.929) (5.508) (7.225)
the most efficient FABs in that year has changed. DEA does not AREA 1.619e4*** 1.358e4*** 1.382e4***
(5.193) (6.007) (6.558)
produce absolute levels of efficiency, so it also cannot be concluded
REV_COST e 3.227e1* e
that these results are evidence that the creation of the FABs will (2.309)
lead to system-wide increases in efficiency, indeed it is quite STAFF_ATCO e 5.757e2* e
possible that the system could lead to efficiency being pulled down (2.398)
by the least efficient FABs.15 Adjusted 0.4055 0.4556 0.4363
What we do see from the figure is that with the exception of the
Danube and South west, FABs, all other blocks tend to consistently ***Significant at 0.001; ** significant at 0.05; *significant at 0.10.
Numbers in parentheses are the t-values.
stay above the 80% threshold or be very close to it. This consistency
contrasts with the more disaggregate findings of Button and Neiva
(2014), who analyzed each ANSP individually using the same The bootstrapped regression results show consistently high
dataset, and found evidence of wide dispersion in the relative levels levels of significance in both physical and operational variables. A
of efficiency that varied over time. In one sense, therefore, by greater number of en-route sectors is associated with higher levels
combining ANSP’s into FABS there is some evidence that there of relative efficiency, while both area of airspace controlled and
combinations would at least be consistent. Of the “established number of air traffic controllers per unit of area are associated with
blocks”, the UKeIreland and DanisheSwedish, one stayed above lower levels of relative efficiency.
the 80% threshold for the entire period, and the other for all but one These results would suggest that there may be some optimum
year; and very much above it for all but the exceptional year. Over level of sectors or air space that would maximize efficiency. The
time, one would expect some fluctuations in relative efficiency, and efforts of forming FABs can be considered as a first approximation
this may well explain what appears as an outlier 2010 result for the at achieving this. The difficulties, however, is that this information
DanisheSwedish FAB, but in fact the data is remarkably stable. One tells us little about the parameters of an optimal situation. The FABs
explanation for this could be the time it takes from ANSPs to change are combinations of national airspaces, each of which many well
their structures, but this is essentially speculation. If this were so it contain areas of efficient ANS provision and some inefficient areas.
could be a largely cyclical effect, with inflexible equipment needing They are in no way axiomatically optimal spaces, they are just
periodic upgrading,16 or it could be shorter term as a function politically determined “market areas”. Combining them may, thus
having to spread fixed costs over fluctuating demand patterns. increase efficiency over some parts of air space but equally reduce it
To get a better handle on factors that may be affecting the cross- over other areas; and this may be with countries of in areas that
sectional pattern of the programming results, and their changes overlap countries.
over time, the bias-corrected bootstrapped efficiencies obtained From a dynamic, incentive perspective, while the data analysis is
from the DEA and subsequent bootstrapping are regressed on a insightful in terms of tracking previous patterns of efficiency, it of-
number of parameters that seek to normalize the technical and fers little insight into whether the gradualist approach toward a
institutional conditions under which the air navigation services are Single European Sky via way stations of FABs is either optimal or
being provided. The results obtained (Table 3) present some ex- likely to succeed. While a big bang approach limits the opportunities
amples of alternative specifications examined, and they seem fairly for coalitions to capture a la Stigler (1971) any reform process during
robust to changes in the variables that are included. The specifi- transition, gradualism provides more opening. In the FAB case, the
cations reflect: (Model 1) an analysis of physical and operational less efficient blocks have limited incentive to move forward and can
characteristics; (Model 2) a comprehensive coverage of variables; either limit the full benefits that could come from an ultimately
and (Model 3) to reduce multicollinearity problems.17 completely integrated European ANS, or de facto demand “bribes” in
The results are relatively modest in terms of the overall fit to the the form of restructuring payments to move forward. By combining
data, but the individual coefficients offer some insight as to the in groupings of similar FABs, the bargaining position of any indi-
influence of the physical environments in which the grouped vidual ANSPs increases. The outcome of this is much less of a tech-
ANSPs function. The correlation matrix of bilateral relationships nical economic matter and much more to do with political economy.
indicates there is only limited multicollinearity between the inde-
pendent variables. 6. Conclusions

Although airspace is a common resource, air traffic management

Results for the DANUBE and BLUE MED FABs start at later dates because data for in Europe is still organized in a fragmented way. Every time a plane
one or more ANSPs was not available for the earlier years. enters the airspace of a Member State, it is serviced by a different
The data shows that over time the average cost of handling flights in Europe ANSP on the basis of different rules and operational requirements.
have fallen, but that this improvement was not spread evenly across ANSPs.
Each provider procures tailored equipment and most maintain
Given each FAB represents a collection group of ANSPs it is unlikely that all
would be upgrading their systems simultaneous.
their own training schools and all other support functions. This
There is quite a high degree of multicollinearity, 97.6%, between ATCO and fragmentation impacts on safety, limits capacity, and above all,
SECTORS and one reason for the specifications of Model 3. adds to cost. The move to a Single European Skies, however, has,
80 K. Button, R. Neiva / Journal of Air Transport Management 33 (2013) 73e80

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