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RACAL COMMUNICATIONS RACAL ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 2500, S00W or 1000N Single Site or Separaie Tex Stes AUTOMATED HF FOR VOICE AND RADIO SYSTEM DATA nn real evaluation ‘Aconvertional HF communicalons syst s usualy equipped with sever roquances which an exporionced ratio operate wage to mayan communication as propagation and nterfesence 1 cendtons change, ish an edtpive system, he most appropeate operating treqvency's avomatcaly selected andthe eed laroveh exparancad opertoreis therefore ie Tigh ental isheent Ne skill rato op Mays tees bent avail ile chatuad BE Vive. data or fay working tint, ‘RACE isthe Racal adaptve HF communicaons . ith Brwoanpes ‘elation. Equpment rome 3700 Saas st ‘caves, ive unit. power anplives anda range ‘olentorras, susedto buid RACE systems toa umber elconiguiaiens whehmaela vival af ‘operational requirements RACE systems prowde hgh grade vee, cala and facsimile communications overa wide range of ddsiances, WW error fee data of fae © Vide Ene System Advantages No requrarrent fr the contruous atenbon of (quatined HFoperanis 5 fulomalicbes frequency secon ‘Automatic fequercy syretvensaon avids human error a Selecive caling Brity avoids commuois ‘momoring fer rac Ma era} of satel io cheanets slo toxin te repeate: sions [Salndependence ron thd partes Ranga entity System Features Si Aviorate 0; mansal nerconnecton wth PSTN. (Pub Suited Telepone tens) oc PBX (PavaieBrasch Exchange) fr wleghone sevces ca ntagnt 4 pe PABX agstancard (16 oF 22 Ine optional, 1200 tps medium speed dala transmission, CCIR Fee 4381. Advarced sapling AAD pretoca or RACAL ADAPTIVE error te copy COMMUNICATIONS ‘mOptoral nterconrecton to duplex VHF HE EQUIPMENT tase datos RACE Network AA BACE nowork consists of 2 ormare RACE stains shareg a common setol channel Frequensies ard each network hasan tent code Tomisinse cal setup lines, fe RACE salons are organised as a “Sr Network" m whch one sason, ‘he Supervisor statan cnttos the aocess of ‘Subordinate satons tothe common pool hanes, ‘Selocv callings achieved since each station as sown denty code Real Time Channel Evaluation (RTCE) [AACE zystem incorporates continous Rea Tmo Chanre! Evaationo ensure that the bes avaiable ‘fan is abays selected for comerunication. The quality fhe propagaton path ie assed in oth econ, wi ina selection based on short and ‘ong tem measurements of te chareet SNAD {(Sgnal'o Nose and Distorien| and BER (Bl Eroe Fate) vas a eac ste, Contnual assessmen’ of ‘tannelavalabty enables transient propagation Cendiens(su:h as Sport E mode} tobe used ‘wien aratabe, Automatic Link Establishment ALE) ‘The ALE protico; powdes at ne necessary procedyes fo the estabishment,mayonance ang sconnocion of excutsn the network. The corto us evor roteced ad tarsmniied wae due FSK 110 base medem. Slied adi eperaors ae unnecesary be:ause te sjstimaupratealy sects channa angcoy connecion, Ths 8a mapr advantage especialy in remote ovations where tat sneer to ‘rant fultme do porte Network Contro ‘nen te Suparvenstalon ot passing ae, ‘euunay ansmitschanre!evaluaten sounding ‘messages on each avalsbl edo chan thal s programmed or te nateak, The Sybordnala ‘ton Scanin syrchroisain withthe Supervsor ‘ton, measxing and slong the sana cuatly ot ‘each seunding gral inen wat j0 be passed between the Superior ‘ato anda Subordinate staten, or betwean 2 Subordnate tains, the tamnale conenrad exchange signal quay ilormation and astomatcaiy ste! he bee! araiata channel o be wed Voice Communications FRACE sions ar ites witha 4 Ine PABX card (SUA, as standard, (16 32 lin cards ontonal, This card pow tllintega telephone comecton ang eating facies. vnere conection to an ‘exleral PABX or othe PSTN i equred, a & ine Cental Otfee (COAL), cards fitedn place tho Sua, Telephone connection over a RACE nework's ‘estabishedby narmalelephone calling procure No operate intereniion is equ, A voice processing cats provided nthe RACE Contes which prondes 24 wire convrsion, ‘hating conversion and cil VOX operation The system is aso ited wit a Lrcanpex, Link gus {igi speech mecule Thi Linkae Compresssr Expander mosul hss bean ‘ncorporated because othe improvement it povioes lor speech quality under masginal HF propageton ‘2ondlons The improvement is de to two separate hencmena, Conpression atthe Fensniter resus ‘ma wavelom wih a peaktoRMS rato near unity. Thi slow the PS love athe tanemtart be smeressed tthe former peak evel Secendly, the action ofthe expander at herecsivr isto squetch noice ding periods of sence o* Iw avo spoech. 's during these instances when such noe is normaly mest nofceable and objectonabe othe Estoner Thus he us ofthe Lieompax Lrk-pus module enharces the RACE vias transmission by (2) Providing 12-1448 increase in sigrl to mise tale over HF radios nthonl voice pexessig (b) Hig ettiont rarsmutor bang {6) Vrualy ebmnating vaiable HF path osses (€)Autoslence- Autamatc slerce across the ‘ado tink whenno tansmssionisprosent resting in essentaly anoise ee ato rk. Tis makes ‘helink more palatable by rowing continuous telepnone ype quay, [AVHFUHF duplex base taion can be connected viaa sutabe rado telahone nteraceto one! the subsciber telephone ines ofthe wtegral SUA, 'PABX.Thisallows romsto VHF/UHF subozribors to communica over the HF radio system, Data Communications ‘Athaugh RACE statens canbe supped for leleghone worang on, the ul nei the RACE syalem i oaiaed when dais conmuneations rnojued, Data sentand received usng the SkyFax 1200 bps modem. Ths mademis fied into te system computer whieh san 1BNt-compatiie 386 PC. Faxes, ext messages, ASCII comptr fi ‘and even video mages are sont over HF rao wthout one (ei Faves ae sert and eceved using a standard ‘reup Siax machine “Ted messages can bo propated useg th eytem PC kaytoard [GIASCI cumputer fis are mpored ard exporied viatho csc dive ofthe system computa. ‘Ateratvly, a scand computer canbe cosnected tote remote port lhe system PC assume conta ‘waVideo mages can be sert as ASCH es The PICTOR PICTures Over Radio) syste enables ul eclour mages to be warsmined successtly wih high resaluton fo achosan

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