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iE NEE TACTICAL AREA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK aE : SYSTEM OUTLINE Tactical rea Cornmunications Networks providehigh capacity military communications between majorheadquartersfor ‘the command and control of deployed feld forces. These systoms a used mainly between Corpsand drigade tevels, bulmaybe extendeddown ‘oBattalien evel. ATactieal Area Commuynications Network provides abridge between the single-channelcombat radio netsand he stategc ‘communications infrastructure. It isavital medium forthe effective ‘commandof land forces, and a Drerequiste fo'the exchangeof dota amongst feld headquarters Using an astormatedCommand ‘and Contol information System. Moder digtal systems of this typeusualy are basedona meshed turk networkof circuit switchesat trunkncdes with ‘multichannel UHF radio links ‘conrecting thenodes together. The tunkenetwork shighiy ‘survivable through redundancy in ‘capacity end alternative routing oftretfc ound thenetwork, Subscribersin headquarters or Uuntsare multiplexed into groups, forconnestionto the networkat access ncdes. Headquarters may befree toconrect end disconnect witnoutdisrupting the network, Racalhas developed TACNET byprivate venture funding asa ‘aclical Aree Commuricatons, ‘Networs — asystem whichis, dstincty different rom ‘competitor systems. Racalhas ‘chosena modular design for ‘TACNET, based on small units (or “building blocks") which give remarkable versatility in scaling Upto the specificneeds ofthe Individual customer. ‘Thebasic buildingblock” isa digital sviteh ~ butasmatl ‘witch with separate subscriber interfaces. tprovidesa very flexiblearchitecture and ‘unveatable cost effectiveness RE Power Output ‘Switch Group Ports 5 Group Data Rates Channel Data Rates : Band — 220 to 400 Mi i Band2 610 to 960 MHz Band 3 — 1350 101850 MHz Band 1. 10mW to 10W and 2 — 10mW to 10” Band 3 — 3mW to 3W 256, 512 or 1024 kbit’s 16 or 32kbits ‘Subscriber Capacity Up to 6O.channels AnalogueiDigital Conversion (CVSO modulation ‘Subscriber interfaces ‘Anaiogue telephones and ‘exchanges Digital telephones Telegraph and data circults Power Supply 20.30 voc. Environmental Specification ‘MILSTDAI0C for Divisionatsize forces. witha capacity of extension{or larger forces, ‘TACNET can be configuredas cither anAreanotworkora Chain ‘of Command network. tean be used alsoforfxed-site or static, systems. ‘The primary elements of ‘TACNET are the UHF rade relay, ‘switch and associated subscriber interface units operatingto EUROCOM standards. They offer sigrificant advantages in over system costs andsimplicity of deploymentand operation. ‘The RR2710Radio Relay ‘operates in te military LHF ‘requency bands, giving link ranges of typically 30-50 miles. Itofters several advanced features, inclucing edaplive ‘power control and extensive BITE, made possible by ‘microprocessors. An ‘outstanding feature is the ability of a designated master station to change the opereting parameters of ether radio {terminals In the network by ‘selective remote control. However it is theLA 2732 Switch unit which provides the networking capability. Ths highly versatile 240 charnel unit can be used asa trunk ‘switch or an access switch. offers switched or dedicted channels ¢s required. Itsmajor ‘advantages lie in network flexibiity ability to maircain local communications when ‘separated from the trunk ‘network, small size and low cost. This outstanding urit, wth ‘associated subscriber interfaces, is in service with the Bitch Army with ful NATO codification asthe UK/TCCS30 system. Rocal has a range of other products to provide @ complete Tactical Area Communications Network, and the capabiity to supply these systems ona turnkey basis. RR2710 RADIO RELAY ‘The Racal RR2710 Radio Relays arnultichannel digitalradio of al solid-state design, and primary intended for tactical Use. There isno reason, however, ‘whyitshouldnotbe used ina fixed ste orstaticsystem The radiooperatosat EUROCOM cigitaldatarates up to 2048 kbit/s. Operation ie full duplex or vice, telegraph, focsimite end date valfic. TeRR2710 compiisestwo separate units: RF Heed and ‘Modem. There are three versions of the RF Headavallatie, with one read foreach of tiemilitary “UH frequency bands. ‘The Modemunit eperates ‘withaniyof the RFHead units, Channel spacing is125 Wz, and upto ‘32channelscanbepre- programmestor selection asrequied.Tuningis ‘utomaticon (MAJOR ELEMENTS OF TACNET ‘The RFoutput ofthe trensmitteris automaticaly variable, soasto use minimum ower consistent with good communications, with manual override frequired, ‘Amatched antenna is available for each band, all impedances are S0chmsand VSWRwilinotexceed 2:1 across the band. Aiploxer enables the lransmitterandrecelverto share one antenna, | ‘The Engineering OrderWire (€oW)feciitypermitsthenormel Creuitengineering functionsto ke place, Addtionaly allows, ‘ver treair"testingand emote contra of other stations and has selectvecaling ‘TheRRZ710iskeyboard Ccontrlled om the adem, whichiias@LED display Built Test Equipment (BITE) with ‘eitensivecapabiliyis provided sing Ure keyboard end displey ‘The R27 10canbe separated byupw2kn from usasseclated ‘Svitchby using Quaccable or, 3s ‘anopton, fore opticcable. Twoother units are available as options for Usewiththe RRO710 Radio Relay ‘Theseunitsore: 1 MA2731 Bulk EncryptionUnt providescommunications securityforali channelsin aradio link, andoperatesatEUROCOM groupdataratesus to 2oasndivs 1 LA2735 Multiple EON Unit — provides EOW moritoring ard ‘access for uptofourratiorelay terminals by one oneraior ata ‘networknode. 12732 swiTcH ‘TheLA2T32 Switch performs the functions oa combiner and. on-boocking digital circuit switch Theunithas five goup ports and can beused inelther ‘the tr nkoraccessreles. Whenthe unitisusedina ‘Tunk Switch node, four group ports canbe comected tomios linking to other tunk nodes ina network. 9 0 SUKENCRYPTORS su One port remahstree for either the connection o lca ‘subscribers or expansion of he ode capacity by connectionofa ssecondLA2732 switch The ‘capacityfor four trunk links is ‘adequate forDivisionalnetworks. ‘Altemativey, when treunit is used inan Access Switch node, twogroup portscen beusedto comectup to60 subsciber Channels anid twogroup ports con beusedfor radio Inks totwo trunknodes. The fth group port canbe used to expand he subscriber capacity to 120 channelsby connection of ‘second A2732 switchif required, This arrengementprovdes ‘anaccessnode ofhigh ccapacityandhigh ‘suravabalty Group ports comecied toradio links operateat data rates of256,5420" 1024kbis. Ports connected to subscriber groups operateat 1024 foils. Channel data ratesmay be 6 Kbivsor B2KbIvS, Asutsoriber may obtain switched connection toany other ‘subscriver —loca or external ~ byeutomaticdialing on acall by callbass. Each switchstoresa itectory fits own subscribers. 1A2734 SUBSCRIBER INTERFACE UNIT Usersofthe system gain access, tothe Switch througha Subseriver Interface Unit (SI), Upto 15 subscribers of any type canive connectedto one {A2734SiLland muttiplexedinto ‘loop goupwith channel data Fates of ISKol/s or 32kbiv. Two Sil's canbeconnectedin tandemto give 30 channets ‘connected taone group porton theLAZ732 Switch, Aiotal of four I Sl’ canbeconnected toone (A2732unit ‘Awide range of subscriber interfaces canbe provide Inthe SIU, These include ‘analogue telephones andexchenges, digital telephones, telegraph, facsimile andaata services, Subscriberintertace Units canbe separated fromthe Switch by upto 2km, using Quadcable. ‘This separation enables th ‘wide disporsal of headquarter staff cells, orprovidesaccess for ‘nearby supporting units. network tolocate other catled subscribers, Te LAZ732wil continue toactas a local PABX \whendisconnectedtromthe ‘tunknetwork forany reason. ‘Subscriberswhorequire dedicatedchannels toother subscriberscan be given fixed patches trough the Switch toan ‘ppropriateport, These patches sseLup wa a Keyboard or filegun socket ‘Operation of heLAZ732 is controlled from ts keyboard with LED display. BITE facies in this, Uunitand associated subscriber interface unitsare also exercised from the keyboard/disolay. Ane ¢ Q EXTERNAL INTERFACES ‘TACNET can include or be interfacedto tactical rearlinks which comectine deployed field forcewiththe rear headquarters orstrategic infrastructure. Selected nodes canbe equipped ‘withan interface to provide ‘exchangelinestothe civil TelecomPTT switched networkit required. ‘Combat NetRedio users inthe ‘combat urits are tkely te require ‘accessto TACNET via simplex radio, Tisaccesswouldbe provided through a Radio Access Point RAP) andCombat Net Radio Interface (CNR) connected toselected trunk/accessnoces, The facility may include automaticdialing for the CNR users ‘Agpropriatedata interfaces canbe provided toenabie use of ‘TACNET forthe transfer of data ‘associated with automated ?, EWandFire Control Systems. ‘SYSTEM CONTROL ‘System control of TACNET usually would employ a small ‘uagediged computer ata ral System Control Unit and steath major node ‘These computers store ard process the data bases for management of racio frequencies, subscriber profiles and network resources. Also, they can interrogate anc control ‘equipments throughout the ‘network by remote data ‘exchange with the equipments Via a dialled trffic channel. ‘This capability for remote interrogation and contro! extends toall switches, subscriber interface units and radio relays —to a degree unmatched by competitors’ spstems. A lower level of system control can be exercised by @ ‘nodaliequipment operator, using the Keyboards and displays on individual units. Higher levels of capability for network planning and path profiling can be added if required for large networks. ‘Thus, the custorer can ‘choose elther centralised or persed system contro, with ‘range of faciities and ‘capabilities. ‘TACNET makes system ‘contra so simile but so powerful. ach headquarters can have two access Inks fo the k network for added surdvablity Subsciber Interfaces con be widely clspersed Headquarters telephone switchboard is in-built ne type of five-port switch fs used for trunk and ‘access switching nodes ‘Automatic dialled access for combat radio users ‘Simple but powerful system control The facilities and services avallable to subscribers Include: ‘Switched calls with automatic search and call ‘connection eiorty and pre-eryption Dedicated user circuits Hotline Conference Call holditransteriforward ‘Camp on busy ‘Abbreviated dialling Operstor assistance Trunk barring we occerce WaY TACNET? Tactical Aree Communications ‘Network provide fel headquarters with thehigh- capacity communications they need foreffectivecommand and control.Also, suchasyster provides thevital means of ‘exchanging data between peadquarters/units for ‘sutomated C?, intelligence and \weapors control other words, amodemarriy cannotdowithoutone. Why uy TACNET rather than, ‘any competitor system? Put simply, TACNET offersthebest value for money. Racal hasleamed from the ‘exporience of others, and ‘designed a system which avolded ‘over specification, unused ‘capabiliy, and complexity.Our ‘system almed at thereat needs ‘of curpotential customers. The exceptional versatility of ‘theSwitch and Subscriber Interface units enables the corstnuctionof networks which provide all worthwhile featuresat surprisingly lw cost ~networks vwhichare simple to operateand ‘maintain ~end highly secure, ECM resistant, fully militarised ‘angmobile. And Facalputsit al together or youasa complete: tumn-keypackage. Whybuy TACNET? Becauseit's hebestinthe business! ENE INSTALLATION ‘Allequipments usedwithinthe ‘TACNET system are ruggecised, small andlightenough tote Installed nLandroversypeor similar wheeledvehictes, orin tracked vehicles. Thiscapatility gives TACNET an extremeiyhigh degree of mobiliy tomeetthe needs of mobile operations Ateratively the equipments ‘may be instaliedin buildings or _ transportable sheltersfor‘ixedor ‘semi-staticapplications. ‘Theconiigurations for Inavioual vehicle installavonss canbearrangedtomeet customer requirements. Atypical arrangement would comprise. ‘Switch Vehicle (1 Switcn, 2or ‘SIU, 2RadioRelay) RemoteAccess Vehicle (2 SU) Radio Vehicle (2 Radio Relay) RadioAocess Point Vehicle (4CNRI, ACHR) Racal Tacticomisan acknowledged expert inthe instalation of communications ‘equipmentin vehicles and Shelters tomeet military specifications. ETI HEAD OFFICE: Racal Radio Limited, P.O. Box 112, 472 Basingstoke Road, Reading, Rerkshiro, RG2 OOF, ‘Tel: Reading (0734) 875181. Telex: 84801 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATION The Radio Relay, Buk Encryption Unit, Swiich and Subsonber Interface units aredesignedand manufactured to comply with felovant clauses ofMILSTDB10C forclimati¢ and durability requirements, These yrtsaredesignegto operateintheambent ‘temperature range ~ 40° +10. EMPAENC protections built Intoeach unit FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Weinvteyourecustemer discuss yourawnspectc Fequirementswith ourmarksting ial, and toseekany uriher contact us RACAL-TACTICOM 22°" Picante $5949 FNZAOE ingland. ina Engen Fax: (0734) 986014

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