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Qatar History

and Citizenship

The 7th Grade


Private Schools
Educational Supervision Department
Curriculum and Learning Resources Department
Educational and Academic Experiences from Schools

Scientific and Educational Review and Audit

Team of Educational Experts
Curriculum and Learning Resources Department

Copyright © - Ministry of Education and Higher Education - State of Qatar

And pray,
“My Lord! Increase
me in knowledge
Taha, Verse (114)
His Highness

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

The Amir of State of Qatar

Qatari National Anthem

Swearing by God who raised the sky
Swearing by God who spread the light
Qatar will always be free, be the spirit of the loyal
Travel the high rood, Advance with the guiding light of the prophets
In my heart, Qatar is an epic of our forefather’s glory.
Qatar is the land of the foremost men who protect us in times of distress
Doves of peace, warriors of sacrifice

1 Lesson 1 Qatar and Arab Issues ............................................................... 9

2 Lesson 2 Qatar and Global Issues ........................................................... 19

3 Lesson 3 Rights and Duties ..................................................................... 29
4 Lesson 4 Citizenship ................................................................................ 43
5 Lesson 5 Civil Liberties .............................................................................. 53
6 Lesson 6 Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar ................................ 63
7 Lesson 7 National Security and Its Dimensions .................................. 75
8 Lesson 8 The Components of National Security and its Institutions .. 85
9 Lesson 9 Tourism in The State of Qatar .................................................. 97
10 Lesson 10 Trade in the State of Qatar......................................................... 107

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master
Muhammad and all his family and companions.
Preparing the Qatari History and Citizenship book for all private schools is in order to
acquaint students with the historical and civilizational achievements of the State of Qatar
through the different Historical Eras, and to emphasize the role of grandparents and fathers
in making this history through the harmony between the leadership and the people on the
one hand, and the role of the leaders of the state and their efforts in building the modern
State of Qatar and its renaissance in all fields on the other hand. As well as such book
aims to enhance students’ understanding of their current and future roles in preserving the
Qatari identity and building on these achievements.
Qatari History and Citizenship books included integration between the fields of history
and citizenship, so as to enhance a range of values based on affiliation, loyalty, moderation,
the rights and duties under active citizenship, and the firming the principles of co-existence
up so as to deepen national unity. It has been relying to put topics on the balance between
the cognitive, skills and emotional aspects derived from document of Standards for Social
Studies in the State of Qatar, and taking into account the chronological order of events
away from the unnecessary words and repetition and verbosity, and so as to enhance
aspects of critical and creative thinking and problem solving through a variety of exercises
and activities to meet the different learning styles for students.
The 7th Grade book includes ten lessons are as follows:
Qatar and the Arab Issues, Qatar and Global Issues, Rights and Duties, Citizenship, Civil
Liberties, Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar, National Security and Its Dimensions,
The Components of National Security and its Institutions, Tourism in The State of Qatar,
Trade in the State of Qatar.
We hope that the students will interact positively with the contents of the book in order to
acquire knowledge and skills, build positive intellectual trends, and understand your roles
and responsibilities towards your State, Qatar, and the entire world.

God grants success

‫ً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬
Lesson 1:

Qatar and Arab Issues

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Appreciate the importance of Qatar’s participation in Arab and Islamic issues.
Analyze some of the political crises that his country has faced, expressing his
opinion on them.
Concepts I learn: Values I learn:
- Foreign Policy - Being proud of country’s
political stand towards Arab
and international issues based
on the principle of moderation.
Lesson 1

Qatar and the Arab Issues

Qatar›s moderate positions towards Arab and global issues have been manifested in the
role it plays in settling many disputes, and addressing political crises by peaceful means. This
approach comes in fulfillment of the principles of the State of Qatar›s foreign policy, which are
derived from the Constitution of Qatar. These principles are represented in:

The Foreign Policy Principles for the State of Qatar

Defending the Respecting Consolidation Defending public

Maintaining identity of the international of international and private
sovereignty and Arab and Islamic conventions and peace and freedoms, and
independence Countries agreements security human rights

First: The Palestinian Cause

The Palestinian Cause is one of the most prominent issues on the Arab and international
level, and is defended by most Arab and Islamic Countries.
The Role of the State of Qatar in supporting the Palestinian Cause:
The State of Qatar has made many efforts to support the Palestinian Cause and stand by the
Palestinian people, including:
- The State of Qatar has always supported reconciliation efforts between Palestinian factions.
- Through diplomatic efforts, the State of Qatar succeeded in stopping the aggression launched
by Israeli Occupation on the Gaza Strip.
- Supporting Palestinian educational institutions, advocating institutions that support women
and children, and providing help.
- The historic visit of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to break the blockade imposed on the
Gaza Strip in 2012.

Qatar and Arab Issues

Read the following text from the speech of His Highness Sheikh Tamim
bin Hamad Al Thani before the United Nations General Assembly on
19/ 09/ 2017 and answer the following questions:
(The international community must give high priority to the
resumption of peace negotiations on the basis of ending the Israeli
Think and Discuss occupation of the Arab territories within a specified time frame and
reaching a just, comprehensive and final settlement in accordance
with the two-state solution agreed upon by the international
community, based on the resolutions of international legitimacy
and the Arab Peace initiative This will only be achieved through the
establishment of an independent Palestinian State on the basis of
1967 borders, with Jerusalem as its capital.)
- Summarize the demands of His Highness Amir to the United
Nations General Assembly regarding the Palestinian Cause.


-What the values can be extracted from the text?



Second: The Gulf Cooperation Council Crisis and the

blockade against Qatar (Qatar diplomatic crisis):
On June 2017 ,5, the State of Qatar was subjected to a blockade and cutting of relations by four
brotherly Arab states, which are: (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates - Kingdom
of Bahrain - Arab Republic of Egypt) The blockade against the State of Qatar went through
a series of events, as follows:
1. The cyberattack on the Qatar News Agency (QNA), and false statements were published
attributed to His Highness, Amir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
2. The four Arab countries announced a number of measures, including air, land and sea blockade
against the State of Qatar.
Gather information that demonstrates the illegality of the measures taken
by the blockading countries against the State of Qatar.

Search and Learn ............................................................................................................................

Lesson 1

Positive effects of the blockade against the State of Qatar:

The Gulf Cooperation Council Crisis (the blockade of the State of Qatar) has shown many
positive effects, the most important of which are the following:
1. Increasing societal political awareness and participation in facing crises.
2. To highlight the cohesion of the Qatari people, and to rally-around their wise leadership for
the interest of the country.
3. The state has taken great steps towards the self-sufficiency of food.
4. Following an economic strategy helped by the opening of Hamad Port to enhance the trade
service sector, and facilitate import and export.
5. The development of the industry, especially the food and pharmaceutical industries, and the
increase in the number of companies, raising the slogan: “Made in Qatar”
6. The emergence of a new spirit of motivation among citizens and residents to actively
contribute to building the Country.
7. The Qatari people maintain the respect of all countries for them; because preserved his
values and morals.
7. Becouse the Qatari people clinged to Aeir values and movals ,they gained the respect all
Read the speech of His Highness Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al
Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar, and then answer the following questions:
“Brothers and sisters,
This crisis has driven Qatari society not only to explore its human
Analyze and Answer values as I have indicated, but also to draw on its sources of strength that
lie in its unity, will and determination. Further, the efficiency with which
the government, with its various ministries and other state institutions,
dealt with the crisis to cater for all the needs of the population, has
ensured that the people did not feel any difference in their daily lives. The
same qualified persons in technical, administrative, political and media
fields who dealt with the situation rationally, calmly and with resolve, are
capable of building our economic independence, protecting our national
security and strengthening our bilateral relations with States in this world.
We are called upon to open our economy to investments and initiatives
so that we produce our own food and medicine, diversify our sources of
The speech of His Highness income, achieve our economic independence through bilateral relations
Amir Sheikh Tamim bin of cooperation with other countries, in our geographical environment and
Hamad Al Thani
worldwide, and on the basis of mutual interests and mutual respect. We
also call upon ourselves to develop our educational, research and media
institutions, as well as our sources of soft power at the international level
and with the interaction of the best national, Arab and foreign expertise.
All of this of course will be in cooperation with the residents in our country
who work, contribute and live with us, and who stood with us throughout
this crisis.
Qatar and Arab Issues

On numerous occasions I have directed our institutions to pursue the

a policy of economic openness toward inrestment and diversification.
At this stage, this is no longer a matter of luxury for us, but a binding and
inevitable course of action, leaving no room for complacency. This is the
responsibility of all of us, government and business community alike.
This crisis has helped us identify the shortcomings and obstacles
in determining Qatar’s national, political, economic and independent
identity and in deciding to overcome and surpass these obstacles.”

1 -The speech is considered a road map that His Highness Sheikh

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani sets for the state to reduce the negative
effects of the blockade, clarify?
2 - Demonstrate the government’s success with the Qatari people in
implementing the directives of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin
Hamad Al Thani.

By analyzing the previous speech of His Highness Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, we notice
that he has drawn a road map for the state’s policy in facing the blockade, which included a set of direc-
tions, as follows:
- Diversify sources of income and remove obstacles to investment.
- Lack of dependence, laziness, slackness, and self-reliance in various fields.
- Paying attention to academic achievement in all disciplines, diligence, creativity and independent
thinking, and providing constructive initiatives.
We can say: The State of Qatar is keen to complete the process of development and construction, and
this was evident from the speech of His Highness Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, which he
delivered at the opening of the 47th session of the AL Shura Council, which outlined the features of the
future of the State of Qatar after a period of blockade at the internal and external levels by focusing on
food and water security, and economic sustainability. Qatar proceeded in its internationally active policy
balancing its principles and interests.
- Discuss: The measures taken by the State of Qatar to confront the blockade.
- Explain your role as a citizen in limiting the negative effects of the blockade, indicating the
importance of cohesion between the people and the ruler in the face of dangers.

Lesson 1


The Foreign Policy Principles for the State of Qatar

• Maintaining sovereignty and independence.

• Defending the identity of the Arab and Islamic Countries.
• Respecting international conventions and agreements.
• Consolidation of international peace and security.
• Defending public and private freedoms, and human rights.

The Palestinian Cause

Qatar’s role in supporting the Palestinian Cause:

• Supported reconciliation efforts between Palestinian factions.
• Succeeded in stopping the aggression launched by Israeli Occupation on the
Gaza Strip.
• Supporting and providing assistance to Palestinian educational institutions
• Advocacy for institutions supporting women and children.
• His Highness the Father Amir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani’s historic visit
to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2012.

Qatar and Arab Issues

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Crisis and the blockade against Qatar
(Qatar diplomatic crisis):

The positive effects of the Qatar diplomatic crisis, including:

• Increasing societal political awareness and participation in facing crises.
• To highlight the cohesion of the Qatari people, and to rally-around their wise
leadership for the interest of the nation.
• The state has taken great steps towards the self-sufficiency of food.
• The development of the industry, especially the food and pharmaceutical
industries, and the increase in the number of companies, raising the slogan:
“Made in Qatar”
• The emergence of a new spirit of motivation among citizens and residents to
actively contribute to building the Country.

Lesson 1

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:
Design an illustrated magazine about the cohesion of the Qatari people
with their leaders in the face of the blockade.

Activity 2:
Participate with one of your classmates to conduct a research study on the Palestinian
Cause, explaining its causes, the most important events, and the role of the State of
Qatar in supporting it in Arab and international forums.

Qatar and Arab Issues

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct Answer:

1. The historic visit of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani to break the unjust
blockade of the Gaza Strip was in:
a. 2010 AD b. 2011 AD
c. 2012 AD d.2013 AD
2. The blockade of Qatar was on ……........ ,2017
a. June 2 b. June 3
c. June 4 d. June 5
3. One of the effects of the blockade on the State of Qatar?
a. The lack of development of b. Shortage in the Qatari food industries
industry in the State of Qatar.
c. The country’s tendency to import d. highlighted the cohesion of the Qatari people,
from abroad only. and to rally-around their wise leadership.

Question 2: Answer the following:

1-What are the positive effects of the blockade on the State of Qatar?



2- Explain Qatar’s role regarding the Palestinian Cause.

a. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Lesson 1

3- What are the efforts the State of Qatar made to face the blockade?


4- List the principles of Qatar›s Foreign Policy.



Question 3

How did the State of Qatar manage to provide food during Qatar diplomatic crisis?



Lesson 2:

Qatar and Global Issues

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Appreciate the importance of the participation of the State of Qatar in Arab
and international issues.
Analyze the political stand of his state towards international issues.
Concepts I learn: Values I learn:
- Minority - I am proud of my country, the
State of Qatar, for providing
assistance to everyone in need.
Lesson 2

Qatar and Global Issues

Since its establishment, the State of Qatar has sought to build good relations with all
international parties. It has worked hard to achieve a set of achievements in the field of
international cooperation through the following:
First: Contribution to Solve Conflicts and Promote International Peace and Security:

The State of Qatar had a distinguished role in participating in the peacekeeping forces established
by the United Nations in many regions of the world, such as: Lebanon, Eritrea, and Bosnia.

Second: Humanitarian Aid:

The State of Qatar

is keen to provide aid
to those affected by
crises of all kinds. Such
as wars, earthquakes,
floods, and other natural
disasters. The State of
Qatar has provided
urgent aid to those
affected by the tsunami
that struck Indonesia
and the devastating
earthquakes in Pakistan.

Write a short research on the aid provided by the State of Qatar
to Syrian refugees, war-affected and others, indicating the most
important Qatari organizations and institutions that contribute to this.
Search and Learn

Qatar and Global Issues

Efforts of the State of Qatar in Contributing to Solve Global Issues:

The State of Qatar is exerting great efforts to solve many global issues, especially those
suffered by the Islamic minorities in many countries of the world. Examples of issues that the
State of Qatar contributed to solving are:

1- The Role of the State of Qatar to Solve Darfur Issue:

The State of Qatar had an active role in solving the Darfur issue since the outbreak of the
crisis in February, 2003 AD until those efforts culminated in the signing of Doha Document for
Peace in Darfur on July 14, 2011 AD between the Sudanese government and the Liberation
and Justice Movement.
- The Sudanese government and the Sudanese rebel Justice and Equality Movement based
in Darfur region signed in April 2013 a peace agreement in the Qatari capital, within the
framework of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.
- The Qatari role in Darfur issue was characterized by effectiveness, flexibility and openness
to all elements of society in Darfur and Sudan, and Seeking to reach a comprehensive political
settlement of the crisis.

Enrichment The Doha Document for Peace in Darfur was signed by the
Sudanese government and the Liberation and Justice Movement
on July 14, 2011. The document was signed by representatives of
the State of Burkina Faso, the African Union, the United Nations
and the State of Qatar, which assumed the mediation, and the
document included seven chapters represented in:
- Human rights and fundamental freedoms.
- Power-sharing and the administrative status of Darfur.
Search and Learn - Sharing of national wealth and resources.
- Compensation and the return of displaced refugees.
- Justice and reconciliation.
- Permanent ceasefire and final security arrangements.
- Dialogue, internal consultation and implementation modalities.

Lesson 2

Success Factors for the Qatari Mediation Role:

1. Standing at the same distance from the various political parties in the country where the
mediation is located.
2. Qatar guarantees various financial burdens, such as reconstruction.
3. The effectiveness and activity of Qatari diplomacy, the strength of its relations, and its lack of rigidity.

Qatar’s Efforts to Reconstruct the Darfur Region:

It included a set of projects aimed at supporting the voluntary return program, building trust, and not
returning to violence; Hoping for a future based on security and stability through:
1. Establish a model service complex in each of the states of Darfur, with all services available.
2. The Early Recovery program aims to reduce dependence on humanitarian aid.
3. Drinking water supply project.

Referring to the information network, write a research for the
aid provided by the State of Qatar, represented by the Red
Search and Learn Crescent Society for the Darfur region.

Qatar and Global Issues

2. The Role of the State of Qatar in Supporting the Rohingya:

The issue of Muslim minorities in the world is of concern to the State of Qatar, including the
issue of the Muslim minority in Myanmar, which is known as the Rohingya Muslim minority.

Your Information:

Rohingya Muslims are

concentrated in the western
region of Myanmar (formerly
Burma) in a region known
as Arakan, which is a part
bordering the Islamic
Republic of Bangladesh. They
are among the first Muslims
in that region, and Myanmar
is practicing ethnic cleansing
against this Muslim minority.

The State of Qatar has provided aid to the Rohingya Muslims

through the Qatar Charity Association and the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees, including:
- Provide financial support to the United Nations High Commission
- for Refugees in the amount of 8.8$ million; To provide basic services to
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
- Raise the issue at the United Nations; Urging global conscience to protect the persecuted minority in
- Provide urgent medical services through the Qatar Red Crescent; To cope with the problems of floods and
disease outbreaks.
- Qatar Charity and the Qatar Fund for Development provide appropriate clothing and treatment for them.

Muslim Minorities
Write a research on Muslim minorities in the world, and the
Lesson Project
problems they suffer from, explaining the role of the State of Qatar in
solving such problems and also your role as an individual in solving
such issues..

Lesson 2


Efforts of the State of Qatar in Contributing to Solve Global Issues:

The Role of the State of Qatar in Contributing to Solve Darfur Issue:

1. The efforts of the State of Qatar culminated in signing of Doha
Document for Peace in Darfur in July 2011 between the Sudanese gov-
ernment and the Liberation and Justice Movement.
Success Factors for the Qatari Mediation Role:
1. The effectiveness and activity of Qatari diplomacy.
2. Standing at the same distance between the parties to the conflict.
3. Qatar guarantees financial burdens such as reconstruction.
The Efforts of the State of Qatar in the Reconstruction of the Darfur Region.
A set of projects includes:
- The Early Recovery program.
- Establishing a model service complex in each of the states of Darfur.
- The project of supply drinking water.

Qatar and Global Issues

A Set of Achievements in the Field of International Cooperation:

• First: Contribute to solve conflicts and promote the international

peace and security.
• Second: Humanitarian Aid.

The Role of the State of Qatar in Supporting the Rohingya:

The State of Qatar has provided aid to the Rohingya Muslims, including:
- Raise the issue at the United Nations.
- Provide financial support to the United Nations High Commission for
Refugees in the amount of $8.8 million, to provide basic services to
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
- - Provide medical services by the Qatar Red Crescent to confront the
problems of floods and disease outbreaks.

Lesson 2

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:
Design a wall magazine explaining the role of the State of Qatar in supporting Arab and
global issues.

Activity 2:

After studying the topic of the lesson, answer the following questions on each card:

Write down the most

important questions that came What did you like about this
to your mind during this lesson lesson? And why? (information
- idea - decision)

Qatar and Global Issues

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the Correct Answer:

1. The State of Qatar provided the United Nations High Commission for Refugees with an
amount of 8.8$ million to support:
A) Gaza B) Yemen
C) Darfur D) Rohingya

2. The State of Qatar provided urgent aid to those affected by the tsunami in:
A) China B) India
C) Pakistan D) Indonesia

Question2: Answer the following:

1. What are the most important achievements of the State of Qatar in the field of
international cooperation?



2. Mention the success factors of the Qatari mediation role in Darfur issue.



Lesson 2

Question3: Prove the following:

1- Qatar›s humanitarian efforts in supporting the Rohingya issue.




2- The efforts of the State of Qatar in the reconstruction of the Darfur region..



Lesson 3:

Rights and Duties

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

learn about the most important rights and duties guaranteed by the Constitution of Qatar.
Distinguish between laws and constitutional articles.
Appreciate the value of equality before the law.
Conclude the relationship between the adherence to laws and the stability of the community.
Concepts I learn: Values I learn:
- Appreciate the value of equality and practice it in
- The rights, the duties my life.
and the political - Keen to practice my right to education and to gain
science and knowledge, in order to raise the status
participation. of my country.
- Appreciate the role of the State in preserving the
rights of citizen and their practice.
Lesson 3

Rights and Duties

The State of Qatar places great hopes on its youth and citizens to achieve its national goals, that’s why
the Constitution of Qatar has guaranteed the rights of all citizens and defined their duties in the Article
(34); as it decided that: “Citizens shall be equal in terms of public rights and duties”. So that each one
of them can play his role, and in his field of specialty, to serve his country.

- What is the difference between the rights and the duties?


- Give examples of some rights and duties.

Think and conclude ................................................................................................................................................................................


First: The rights of citizens:

For Your Information:
The state is responsible for providing rights to citizens, and no other
authority can take them away or infringe upon them, and issues laws Definition of the
to protect those rights, and guarantees that citizens enjoy them. rights of citizen:
The state of Qatar respects the rights of citizen and allows him to The rights of citizen mean:
The freedoms and
practice them according to the provisions of the law; in chapter three, requirements that the State
the Constitution of Qatar includes several public rights for citizens. provides to the citizen
according to the provisions
of constitution, laws and
Study the following diagram, and get acquainted with the most
culture of the community.
important public rights in the Constitution of Qatar:

Examples of public rights from the Constitution of Qatar:

Equality before Election and Right to health. Right to The individual

the law. nomination. education. rights.

Figure (1) the rights of citizen in the Constitution of Qatar

Rights and Duties

1- Equality Before the Law:

There is no discrimination between citizens before the law on the basis
of gender, color, language or the religion, and this is what the Constitu- ‫أﺿﻒ�ﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺗﻚ‬
For Your Information:

tion of Qatar emphasizes in the Article (35). The Universal Declaration of

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates the principle of Human Rights: Declaration
equality before the law, and made its implementation one of the State issued by the United Nations
duties. And the state of Qatar has adhered to this declaration, and made in 1948, and includes the
equality as one of basis and pillars upon which the Qatari community fundemental human rights,
rests; as the Article (18) of the Constitution of Qatar stipulates: “Justice, which must be universally
protected, and consists of (30)
benevolence, freedom, equality and high moral standards are core
values of the Qatari society.”, and makes the state responsible for
protecting and maintaining these pillars.

What is the difference between laws and constitutional articles?

Think and Discuss

Both the law and the constitution are considered as general and mandatory rules, and the
difference between them can be summarized as follows:
1- The constitution is above the law, the law can’t violate the constitution, and in the event that
any legal provision violates the constitution, it becomes void.
2 - The constitution regulates the supreme rules and the overall affairs of the State, but the
law deals with single partial topics in the State; so you find one constitution for each state, and
several laws, for example there is a Labor Law, an Economic Law and a Personal Status Law.

Give evidence of the state of Qatar’s adherence to the principle of

equality before the law.
Think and Answer .....................................................................................................................................................................

Lesson 3

2- Election and Nomination:

Represented through the political participation in the state by runing for public positions, and par-
ticipating in the elections that take place there and the Constitution of Qatar allows and regulates
the political participation processes; as the Article (42) stipulates: The State shall ensure the right
of citizens to vote and to be elected in accordance with the Law.

What are the most important forms of the political and civic partici-
pation in the state of Qatar? And why is it important ?
Think and Discuss .....................................................................................................................................................................

The referendum on the Constitution of Qatar is one of the most important forms of the political
The referendum on the draft permanent constitution was held on 29th April 2003 AD, and the
turnout was great at the ballot boxes; which is reflecting the citizens’ response, and the result of
the referendum was (96.6%) of the vote.
The participation in the elections in the Central Municipal
Council represents one of the most important forms of the
civic participation, and the state of Qatar has announced its
determination to move forward on the path to democracy in a
gradual and careful manner, stemming from the Paticularity of
the Qatari community in order to guarantee this experience the
elements of success in torwards of achieving comprehensive
democracy, the Qatari citizen plays a role as a voter, a candidate and a participant in the Central
Municipal Council, and the elections of the members of the Central Municipal Council was Orga-
nized in 1999 AD, now the elections are held every four years.

- When was the last elections for The Central Municipal Council held?

Search and Write down ............................................................................................................

Rights and Duties

3- Right to Education:
Represented in the role of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education
in providing basic education for everyone in the state in all education
stages all the way to university. Qatar University is considered as the most
prominent national educational institution for higher education in the
country, which is distinguished by offering wide range of academic
programs in the state; it provides more than 60 majors in seven colleges.
Also the Education City hosts a group of well-known universities.

Use The Qatar Foundation website, and list some of its activities
and contributions to developing the education System in the State
Search and Learn
of Qatar.

4- Right to Health:
For Your Information:
Every individual in the state enjoys the latest health and medical
services through health care providers in the public and private Hamad Medical Corporation was
established in 1979 AD, and runs
sectors. The Ministry of Public Health is the authority responsible twelve public and private hospitals
for regulating the health care in the public and private sectors, also and 24 primary health care centers,
and provides the most compre-
Hamad Medical Corporation is considered as a leading non-profit hensive health care in the state of
healthcare corporation; that provides curative and preventive Qatar, which covers all branches of
services to everyone who resides in Qatar. medicine and health.

5- Individual Rights:
Such as rights to property, capital and work, which consider as the basic pillars of the social
entity of the state.

Lesson 3

Use chapter three of the Constitution of Qatar, and extract some other
rights, which are given to citizen. Then express your opinion about the
extent to which the citizen obtains the rights and freedoms contained
Search and Learn in the constitution.

Second: The Duties of Citizens:

1- Have you ever thought, why does the soldier defend the country?
Think and Discuss
2- What makes employees of ministries adminstitutians do their work
effectively and completely ?

3- How do we really express our love for the country? Are words enough?

Chapter three of the Constitution of Qatar defined the public ‫أﺿﻒ�ﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺗﻚ‬

For Your Information:
duties which must be performed by citizens. The following
The duties of citizen are the acts
diagram explains the most important public duties in the and responsibilities that the
Constitution of Qatar. individual must adhere to towards
community and the country
according to provisions of the
constitution and the law.

Examples of the duties of citizen in the Constitution of Qatar:

Compliance and Observing public

Respect for the Defending the Protecting public Adherence to
adherence to the morals and
constitution. country. money. public order.
law. national traditions.
Figure (2) the duties of citizen in the Constitution of Qatar

Rights and Duties

1- Respect for the Constitution:

Achieved by respecting the laws and regulations issued by it, and this is shown by respecting
the flag and the national anthem.
2- Compliance and adherence to the law:
This is represented by respecting the implementing regulations of the law, and this is shown by:
• Adhering to the traffic laws.
• Avoiding hurting others by words or actions.

-What is the importance of adhering to the laws for the individual

and the community?
Think and Discuss

The adherence to the laws helps to:

• Achieve stability and justice in the community, equal op-
For Your Information:
portunities for citizens. The national service contributes
• Preserve rights, and prevent their infringement. to serving the national security,
• Guarantee that all citizens enjoy their rights without dis- developing the community and
investing the energies of the youth;
crimination. which enhances defense capabilities
and comprehensive development.
3- Defending the country:
This is shown by:
• Defending the security and stability of the country.
• Adhering to the National Service Program.
• Confronting all ideas that would disturb the stability of
4.Protecting Public Money:
Achieved by preserving the public properties and not
damaging them, such as:
• Not tampering with street traffic signs.
• Avoiding spraying on walls with colored materials.
• Preserving the public parks.
Defending the security and
stability of the country
Lesson 3

5. Adherence to public order:

By following the public instructions in the state,
such as:
• Keeping street and school clean.
• Avoiding crowding others on the streets.

6. Observing public morals and

national traditions:
Represented by:
Cherishing by the national costume Adherence to public order
• Cherishing by the national costume.
• Adhering to etiquette in public places.

1- How do you perform your duties in your school?

2- Suggest other duties that you deem necessary, which each individual
in the State of Qatar must adhere to.
.................................................................................................. Think and Answer

The implementation of these duties reflects the awareness of individuals about the paticularity of
each community and its values and traditions, and proves a true affiliation and a realistic practice of
the requirements of citizenship and serving the country.
The states seek to achieve the definition of citizenship when give
citizens their rights and require them to perform their duties as
citizens of the state and hold its nationality, and these duties per-
formed by citizen are the rights of other citizens, which ensures
that , each individual guarantees to obtains his rights in return for
the performance of his duties. And we should understand that the
relationship between the rights and the duties is a complementary
relationship; there is no right without a duty, and there is no duty
without a right.. Read and Analyze
- Extract from the previous text the relationship between the rights
of the citizen and his duties.

Rights and Duties

Consider the following phrase, then answer the following question:

From the words of the Emir of the
State of Qatar in the opening of the
Think and Answer forty-fifth ordinary session in the
year 2016 AD of The Shura council,
“Qatar deserves the best from its citizens” His Highness Amir Sheikh Tamim
Explain the phrase in light of your bin Hamad Al Thani
understanding of your rights and duties towards
the community and the state.

If a person neglects to perform his duties, he will not be able to

obtain his rights, and if he renouces his rights, he will not be able to
Lesson Issue perform his duties.
Discuss your teacher:
- The difference between the right and the duty.
- The importance of balancing between the Duties and the Rights.

Lesson 3


The rights of citizens:

The most important public rights in the Constitution of Qatar.

- Equality Before the Law:
There is no discrimination between citizens on basis of gender, color,
language and religion.
- Election and Nomination:
Represented through the political participation in the state by ru for
running for public positions, and participating in the elections that take
place there.
- Right to Education:
Providing basic education for everyone in the state in all education
stages all the way to university education.
- Right to Health:
Every individual in the state enjoys the health and medical services
through health care providers in the public and private sectors.
- Individual Rights:
Such as property rights, capital and work.

Rights and Duties


1. Respect for the constitution: Achieved by respecting the laws

and regulations issued by it and adhering to them.
2. Compliance and adherence to the law: by avoiding hurting other
by words or actions, and adhering to the traffic laws.
3. Defending the country: This is shown by defending the security
and stability of the country, adhering to the National Service
Program., and confronting all ideas that would disturb the stabil-
ity of community.
4. Protecting public money: Achieved by preserving the public
properties and not damaging them.
5. Adherence to public order: By following the public instructions.
6. Observing public morals and national traditions.

Lesson 3

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:
Design a board and write your Rights and Duties as an individual in the community
according to the following table:

House Job
Rights Duties Rights Duties

Activity 2:
Design informative boards to guide your classmates to perform their duties to-
wards the school and the neighborhood in which they live.

Rights and Duties

Second: Exercises

Question 1 : Choose the correct answer:

1- The state guarantees the rights of its citizens through:

a. Issuing the laws. b. Regulating the freedoms
c. Issuing the bulletins. d. Regulating the authorities.
2- The national educational institution for higher education in the state of Qatari is :
a. Qatar University. b. University of Texas.
c. University of Virginia. d. College of the North Atlantic
3- The role of The Ministry of Public Health in the state of Qatar is to:
a. Providing the curative services. b. Providing the preventive services.
c. Providing public health care d. Regulating the health care in the
public and private sectors.
4- Protecting public money is achieved by:
a.Cherishing the national costume. b. Defending the security and stability
of the country.
c. Not tampering with street traffic signs. d. Avoiding crowding others on the streets.

Question 2: What are the most important public rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Qatar?





Lesson 3

Question 3: Give an example of political and civic participation in the State of Qatar.


Question 4: What is the difference between the Law and the Constitution?


Question 5: As a good citizen, list your duty towards the following:

1. The Constitution: ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. The National Anthem: …………………………………………………………...…………………………...
3. The Traffic Laws: ………………………………………………………………………………...………………..
4. The National Service Program: ……………………………………………………….……..…………….
5. The Public Properties: …………………………………………………………………………………………...
6. The Qatari Dress: ………………………………………………………………….....…………………………..

Lesson 4:


At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Explain positive practices that reinforce his national identity.
Explain the goals of the citizenship and commit to them.
Conclude the importance of the effective citizenship in the cohesion and
integration of the society.
Concepts I learn: Values I learn:
- Be careful not to discriminate
- Citizenship, Effective between the people.
Citizenship. - Respect and apply the law in my
daily life.
- Participate in the volunteer work.

Lesson 4

Citizenship is related to a set the behavioral practices and values that express the individual’s
belonging to his country on the one hand and to another set of rights and duties that guarantee
the equality and justice between the society individuals according to the state’s constitution
and laws on the other hand.

-With the help of your group write a definition

of citizenship.
Think and Answer ......................................................................................................................

Citizenship refers to the individual›s loyalty to a specific state that

he holds its the nationality of it, enjoys the rights and commits to
performing the duties as it is a legal relationship between the citizen
.and his state

- How do you express your loyalty to your country through

your daily practices?

Analyze and Record ......................................................................................................................

The Citizenship Components:

1. The Equality before the Law:

Is that all citizens are equal in the rights and duties and have the same opportunities without
any discrimination based on the gender, color, ethnic origin, religious belief, intellectual
convictions, loyalty or intellectual activity.

2. The Loyalty and Belonging:

Means that the relationship between the citizen and his country is greater than the tribal loyalty
and other and there is no subjection in it except to the rule of the law.


3. The Participation and Responsibility:

Refers to citizen participation in all Political, Economic, Social and Cultural fields such as holding
the public offices and participating in the elections and other.

The existence of constitutional and legal guarantees that guaran-

tee the rights of the citizen and determine his duties:
Refer to the Qatar’s constitution, and list the articles that guarantee the rights and duties of the citizen.

Based on your study for the elments of citizenship work with your
calssmate to write examples that demenstrate your understanding
for these elments.
Think and Discuss ..............................................................................................................


The Citizenship Importance:

Citizenship (as a social, legal and political principle) contributed greatly to the development of the human society
as it helps the individual to be involved in his community, interact positively with it, participate in managing its
affairs and keep its cohesion and unity. The citizenship importance can be summarized in the following form:

1. it develops the individual›s sense of loyalty and reinforces his national identity.

2. It develops the individual›s knowledge, abilities, values and trends.

The Citizenship 3. It helps the stability and development of the country in a way that consolidates the individual’s
Importance sense of security and safety.

4. It keeps the citizens’ rights and imposes on him duties towards other citizens and his state.

5. It reinforces the bonds and cohesion of the society.

- In your opinion what is the most important element of the

citizenship? And why?
Think and Discuss .....................................................................................................................................................................

Lesson 4

Hamad is a seventh-grade
student whose class-mates testify
that he is of good morals, commits
to his Islamic faith and is proud of
his customs and traditions, loves
his country Qatar, feels loyalty to
it, is ready to sacrifice for it, knows
Read and Conclude his rights and duties in the society,
knows that all citizens are equal in the society, seeks to invest
his spare time to benefit the society and works with his class-
mates to raise the name of his country high.
- What are the most important qualities that the student Hamad possesses?

- Do you like to be like the student Hamad? And why?


Effective Citizenship:

The participation of the individuals in managing the affairs of their community, expressing
their opinions and taking the initiative to achieve the public benefit of the country
The citizen should commit to the duties to be effective in his country.

The Individual Duties towards his Country:

Explain your duty towards all of the following:
- Country: ………………………………………………………………………………....……………………………………….
- Leaders and Parents: ……………………………………………………………….……………………………………….
- Work: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Islamic Values: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Environment: …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………
- Regulations and Laws: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
- National Occasions: ………………………………………………………………………..........………………………….


- You should be aware of your duties and perform them perfectly. Give a
examples of other duties.
Think and Write


Search and Discuss It was said in the speech of his highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad
Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar in July 17,2017 during the Gulf
diplomatic crisis:
“We require diligence, creativity, independent thinking, constructive
initiatives and interest in academic achievement in all disciplines, self-reliance
and fighting indolence and dependency. This is not just wishful thinking, and
these are not mere dreams. Our goals are realistic and practical.”
- What is your duty as a student in view of what was mentioned in the speech?

- Explain the following phrase (Every right corresponds to a duty).


Discuss and Explain ............................................................................................................................

Lesson 4

(Citizen›s Duties towards his Country).

The issue discussed Citizenship is not limited to the nationality or residence in the state, but
in the lesson it must include loyalty to the country, keeping its property and defending
it in times of peace and war. The country gives us security, safety, stability
and other rights so the citizen must have an active role in the progress of
his country.
- Discuss with your teacher the duties of the citizen towards his country.
- Provide examples of situations in which you participate actively in
building your country.



Citizenship Effective Citizenship

It is the individual loyalty to a specific It is the individuals participation in
state that he holds the nationality, has managing the affairs of their society,
the rights and is obligated to perform the expressing an opinion and taking the
duties in it. initiatives to achieve the public benefit.

The Citizenship Components:

- The Equality in Law: Is that all citizens have equal rights, duties, and the same opportunities.
- The Loyalty and Belonging: Means that the relationship between the citizen and his
country is greater than the tribal loyalty and other.
- The Participation and Responsibility: Means citizen participation in all fields.
- The existence of constitutional and legal guarantees that guarantee the citizen rights and
determine his duties.

The important of Citizenship

1. Develops the individual’s sense of loyalty and reinforces his national identity.
2. Develops the individual’s knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes.
3. Helps the stability and development of the country in a way that consolidates
the individual’s sense of security and safety.
4. maintains the citizen’s rights and requires on him fulfilling duties towards oth-
er citizens and his state.
5. Reinforces the bonds and cohesion of the society.

Lesson 4

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Participate and Interact:

Collect some pictures of positive practices towards the country using the
Educational Resources Center.

Activity 2:  Think and Cooperate.

Read the lesson silently then design a mental map that shows the qualities of
the good citizen from your point of view and share it with your classmates.

Activity 3:  Design and Create:

Design a logo that expresses the concept of the citizenship in your
point of view.


Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. Among our duties towards the country:

a. Following the regulations and laws. b. Providing the educational opportunities.

c. Developing the health services. d. The equality with others.

2. The concept (The individual’s loyalty to the country in which he lives) refers to:
a. Taking the initiative. b. Citizenship.

c. Volunteering. d. Identity

Question 2:

- Give reasons for the Importance of Citizenship.



Question 3:

- List The Citizenship Components.



Lesson 4

Question 4 : what are the duties of each of the following towords his /her country :

- Teacher: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Student: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Engineer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Doctor: ……………………………………………………….......…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Mother: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Policeman: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Question 5: Answer the following:

-Equality and equal opportunities are of the most important components of citizenship, Explain.


- What is the meaning of Effective Citizenship? How can the individual be an Effective Citizen in his country?


- Explain the meaning of participation and responsibility.



Lesson 5:

Civil Liberties

At the end of :‫أن‬
‫الطالب‬ ‫يكون‬will
student ‫الدرس‬be able
‫في نهاية‬
Realize some civil liberties that included in the constitution.
Identify types of civic engagements in the State of Qatar.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

- Civil liberties I respect and maintain the rights
all liberties of the other people
and I am careful to not prejudice
Lesson 5

Civil Liberties
Qatar has high expectations in its youth and citizens to achieve its national goals, in order to
achieve this , Qatar’s constitution guarantees rights of all citizens, and identifies their obligations
under Article (34) which stating; (all citizens are equal in public rights and obligations). To enable
each one of them to fullfill his/her work in his/ her duties according to their respctive fields.

First: Concepts of Liberty and Civil Liberties:

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen issued in 1789 stating that; liberty is the right
that a person can do whatever he wants as long as his/her actions do not harm others.
citizenship is the basic to obtain civil liberties so it defined as: the rights of the individual as a citizen
of the state according to conditions the constitutucn provision and law .
Second: Civil Liberties in the State of Qatar:
The constitution of Qatar granted many liberties for citizens and guaranteed protection of these
liberties by governing lows it, and assured that it is not permitted to violate these liberies or
deprine citizen of them.
Study the following diagram, and Learn the most important liberties in the Qatari constitution.

Examples of Liberties included in Qatar constitution

Personal Freedom Opinion Freedom Worship Freedom

freedom establishing freedom of the press,

association printing and publishing
Figure (1) Liberties included in Qatar constitution

1-Personal Freedom:
The constitution of Qatar guarantees personal Freedom that represented in liberty of moving, residing,
confidentiality of Correspondence, etc. these liberties organized according to the law.
2. Opinion Freedom:
Any person can express his / her opinion by speaking, writing or arts, but it must be within limits of
morality and without violating laws and customs of the state. Media is considered among the most
important means for expressing of opinion; such as TV and radio

Civil Liberties

- Mention other means for expressing opinion.


- What are the limitation and conditions for expressing opinion?

Think and Answer

3-Worship Freedom:
Qatar is Islamic country, and Qatari people live in tolerance and openness with people of other religions.

4. Economic Freedom :
The constitution of Qatar guarantees freedom of economic activities, by
giving opportunities for individuals to practice and manage economic
activities, in order to achieve economic and social development, increase
production, raising the standard of living and create jobs.
5- Freedom of restablishing association :
Every person has the right to form an association with others or ‫أﺿﻒ�ﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺗﻚ‬
For Your Information:
to join an association such as; Qatar Charity, Tomoh for Voluntary
Work Management, Qatar Foundation for Rehabilitation of Special Associations means: The gathering
between an individual and others
Needs, Qatar Cancer Society and other cooperative and charitable who share common ideas and
associations as well as the cultural and sport clubs that provide interests
several social activities for all members of society.

Volunteerism is the effort that a person aself

initiative for f his community, and without
makes as expecting reward.
Read and Analyze With intention to assume some responsibilities
in the field of humanitarian and social work.
Qatar Charity, adopts the activation and
dissemination of the culture of voluntary work for the development
of society and benefiting from all voluntary efforts, by developing the
capabilities of volunteers and bring self-fulfillment for them through
provide training in various fields of charitable work.

Lesson 5

- What is the role that Qatar Charity play in the volunteering field?
- Did you “or any of your acquaintances” participate as volunteer in
any charity association? And what do you think about that?
- Discuss the benefits of volutar work for individuals and society.
- Invite one of your friends to participate in a voluntary work and
mention the benefits that will be gained from participation.

6 - Liberty of the press, printing and publishing;

Freedom of the press, printing and publishing is a fundamental human
right, in light of the appreciation that the wise Qatari government give
to the role of the media in its various fields, they abolished censorship
of the media and the Qatari government has been interested in
supporting the press, as a result of that many organizations have been
established exercising liberty of the press, printing and publishing,
such as the Qatar News Agency and Qatari newspapers......, mention
other examples.

What are our obligations towards these liberties?

Are these obligations exclusive for some persons? Or general for all people?
Think and Discuss .........................................................................................................

Enrichment Read the following text and answer:

It is worth noting that the public freedoms and rights are given to
citizens by the state, but there is main deference which is; freedoms
are a personal matter it means although each individual enjoys these
freedoms, they can either choose to practise them or not. Rights,
Read and Analyze ddutics cannot he practiced all times ,as in some cases there will be
consequences, there no obligation without right.

Civil Liberties

- What is difference between rights and liberties?



Enrichment Amir of Qatar State said in his speech at the opening session of the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly in September 2017, regarding the hacking
of the Qatar News Agency website on May 23, 2017:
“This disgraceful act has once again raised international queries
about digital security and the unruliness in cybercrime and elec-
tronic piracy.”..
In view of your understanding for Freedom of press and the necessity
Expect and discuss to adhere to the principles and values of the media, what do you think
about these methods?


Lesson 5

Your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins

The issue discussed In view of your understanding for this phrase, discus with your teacher:
in the lesson
- Some negative attitudes that may result from misunderstanding of
freedom concept.
- Effects that result from abusing of freedom concept.

In collaboration with your group, give examples from the Qatari

the society of rights that are given to citizens and the efforts of
the government locally and internationally to create a decent
standard of living for citizens in which enjoy they rights.
Lesson project:
- use the examples to develop a powerpoint presentation that
includes pictures and movies.

Civil Liberties


Definition of Civil Liberties

Rights given to an individual as a citizen, according
to the of constitution provision and law.

Examples of Liberties included in

Qatar constitution

- Personal Freedom
- Opinion Freedom
- Worship Freedom
- Economic Freedom
- Freedom of establishing association
- Freedom of the press, printing and publishing

Lesson 5

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Search and Learn :

Visit the website of Qatar Ministry of Interior, and extract the most important
services that one provide for citizens and residents by which maintain their
liberties and rights and then past them it on the flannel board in the class.

Activity 2:
Review chapter 3 of Constitution of Qatar and extract more examples on
liberties included in the constitution.






Civil Liberties

Second: Exercises

Activity 1:  define the following:

1- Civil Liberties:


2- Liberty:

Activity 2 : mention 3 of freedoms that affirmed by the Constitution of Qatar.




Activity 3: Classify the following concepts into Rights, Duties and Freedoms according
to the table:

(inheritance, work, gathering, press, opinion and scientific research, national defense, forming
associations, respect the constitution, worship, public order and public decency)

Freedoms Rights Duties

Lesson 5

Activity 4:  Explain the Following:

1- The Constitution of Qatar guarantees the liberty of economic activities.


2- The State of Qatar abolishing media censorship.


Activity 5:  Answer the Following:

1- What are the limits of Freedom of opinion?


2- How Qatar constitution guarantee freedom of economic activity?


3- What is the personal freedom?


Lesson 6:

Civic Engagement in
the State of Qatar

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Identify the fields of civic engagement within civil society organizations.
Participate in the voluntary work of civil society organizations.
Learn about the impact of his participation in implementing the goals of civil
society organizations on his society.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

- Civil society, voluntary
Iam keen on participating in
work. voluntary work, because it helps
me to feel anelempathize with
other people .
Lesson 6

Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

Civic Engagement is a positive phenomenon and an important human activity. It represents
a civilized behavior and contributes to strengthening the values of belonging, loyalty and
cooperation. It also reflects a positive image of society and its development and prosperity. Civil
society includes a wide range of non-governmental organizations that have a presence in public
life and express the interests and values of their members.

Civil Society Organizations:

They are non-profit associations independent of the

government, created by people for the purpose of serving
the community and achieving its goals.
They cooperate with state organizations in various
fields (social, charitable, voluntary, cultural, economic...);
To achieve the public interest in society.
1. What is the goal that civil society organizations seek to achieve?

2. Why is it important to be independent of the government?

Think and Discuss ............................................................................................................................

3. Give examples of such organizations.


Civil society organizations work to serve the members of society, and their importance
shows in:
1. Implementation of integrated programs for community service.
2. Assist in accessing services and aid to those who deserve it.
3. Contribute to the development process through training in various fields.
4. Promote good values and morals, which contributes to building role models and ideals.
5. Support and implement projects for youth and all members of society, in a way that advances the
state›s economy.

- Propose a number of ideas to raise awareness of the roles of civil

society organizations in the State of Qatar.
Think and Propose

Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

Civil Society Organizations in the State of Qatar:

Civil society organizations and institutions

strive to maintain a cohesive society in the face of
all circumstances, in a manner that achieves the
complementary role of the civil society sector and the
government sector in the service of society.
Let›s learn about some of the organizations and
institutions and their role in serving the community.

Examples of Civil Society Organizations in the State of Qatar:

1. Qatar Red Crescent Society:

It was established in March 1978 as the first voluntary charitable organization in Qatar,
and it aims to:
- Provide financial and in-kind aid to
vulnerable groups to cover living expenses.
- Provide lectures, training courses and
workshops for community members and
- Spread the culture of voluntary work and attract volunteers.

2. Nama:
One of the centers operating to serve the younger
generations, aiming to:
- Expand the options available to young people.
- Build youth capacities and empower them to serve the
Qatari community.

Lesson 6

3. The Center for Empowerment and Elderly Care (Ehsan):

A public interest organization, aiming to:
- Empower and care of the elderly; To enjoy a dignified, safe and
productive life.
- Raise awareness of their basic rights and needs.

4. Tomoh for Voluntary Work Management:

A non-profit youth initiative that seeks to be a pioneer in
voluntary work in Qatar and the Arab world, aiming to:
- Meet the needs of the state›s governmental and private agencies
for volunteers.
- Coordinate courses and workshops that help develop and refine
volunteering skills.

There are many other civil society organizations that
provide their services to Qatari society. Use the internet to
extract the most important ones, and discuss what you have
Search and Discuss found in the classroom.

Individual Participation in Civil Society Organizations:

Civil society organizations share common goals with individuals, aim at achieving effective
communication, overcoming obstacles and building an individual›s personality, in addition
contribute to building the state. There for ; Every individual in society has an important role to
pay through actively participating in these civil organizations.

-How can we cooperate with civil society organizations to reach a better future?

Think and Conclude ......................................................................................................................

Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

- You should always ensure that you know your duties and perform
them in the fullest manner. Give examples of other duties?

Think and Write ............................................................................................................................

What are the most important fields of individual participation in civil society organizations?
Fields of individual participation in civil
society organizations:
participation in the
community activities provided
by these organizations, such as
participating in voluntary and ‫أﺿﻒ�ﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺗﻚ‬
Concepts I Learn
charitable work. Volunteer Work: It is a non-
profit work carried out by
individuals for the purpose of
providing benefit, help and
assistance to a person or group
Fields of individual
in civil society
Promate and educate
are commnty about the role Ensure that you learn about
of these organizations, in order services you provided and benefit
to achieve their expansion and from them.

Have you ever participated in one of the voluntary and charitable activities
of a community organization? What is the type of that participation?

Think and Discuss What is the importance of individual participation in voluntary work in society?

Lesson 6

The individual›s participation in civil society organizations is demonstrated through voluntary and charitable
- What is the impact of the individual’s participation in these voluntary and charitable works?

Impact of Individual Participation in Civil Society Organizations:

This is illustrated by the following:
The Impact of Individual Participation in Civil Society Organization

Promote and Consolidate values

strengthen social ties Exercise one›s rights such as cooperation,
between members of .and duties tolerance and respect
.society .for others

- Invite your classmate to participate in voluntary and charitable

work, indicating to him/her the benefits that will accrue to him/her
from that participation.
Think and Discuss ........................................................................................................................


Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

Collaborate with your classmates on the idea of establishing a civic

Lesson Project:
- Choose a name for the organization.
- Set clear goals for the organization.
- Decide what type of programs and activities you offer, and to which community groups.
- Design a logo that expresses the goals and programs of the organization.
- Design an invitation card for your classmates to join the organization.

Lesson 6


Civil Society Organizations:

They are non-profit associations independent of the government,

established by people to serve the community and achieve its goals, and
cooperate with state agencies in various fields to achieve the public interest.

The Importance of Civil Society Organizations

• Assist in accessing services and aid to those who deserve it.

• Contribute to the development process through training.
• Promote good values and morals.
• Support and implement projects for youth and community members.

Examples of Civil Society Organizations in the State of Qatar:

• Qatar Red Crescent Society

• Nama
• Ehsan
• Tomoh

Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

The impact ofIndividual Participationin CivilSociety Organizations:

1. Strengthen social ties between members of the community.
2. Exercise one’s rights and duties.
3. Consolidate the values of cooperation, tolerance and respect for others.

Fields of Individual Participation in Civil Society Organizations

1. Contribute to voluntary and charitable work for community activities

provided by the organizations.
2. Ensure knowledge of the services provided by the organizations and benefit
from them.
3. Promote and educate the communty about the roles of these organizations
in a way that contributes to their spread.

Lesson 6

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Imagine and Answer:

By using the Learning Resource Center, collect images of positive practices
that aim at serving the country.
















Civic Engagement in the State of Qatar

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. Meeting the needs of the state, governmental and private agencies of volunteers, among
the objectives of:
A) Nama B) Tomoh
C) Wifaq D) Dreama
2. Elderly empowerment and care is among the objectives of:
A) Care for Elderly B) Ehsan
C) Dreama D) Aman
3. The Qatar Red Crescent Society aims to:
A) Care for elderly B)Fund small business
C) Provide assistance to the affected groups D) Establish training camps for youth

Question 2:What is meant by:

1. Civil Society Organizations.

2. Voluntary Work.

Question 3:
A goal that each of the following civil society organizations seeks to achieve:

1. Nama: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Ehsan: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Tomoh: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lesson 6

Question 4:
Through your study of the individual’s participation in civil society organizations, answer
the following:
1. Mention one of the fields of participation in those organizations.

2. State the impact of the individual›s participation in civil society organizations.


Question 5: Place each of the following activities under the reveant organization al-
lording to their area of speciality in the table below :

1. Meet the needs of volunteers.

2. Spread awareness of the rights and basic needs of the elderly.

3. Expand youth options, build their capacities, and empower them.

Organization Tomoh Ehsan Nama

.................................. .................................. ..................................

Activity .................................. .................................. ..................................

Question 6: which organization approach to if you wanted to volunteer in one of the

following activities? And why?

1- Helping the elderly: .............................................................................................................................................................

2- Providing material assistance and donating your zakat to the poor:: .................................................................

Lesson 7:

National Security
and Its Dimensions

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Express his belonging to his country in different ways.
Recognize the roles of a good citizen and practice them in life situations.
Understand the concept of national security.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

National Security. Keen on cherishing my identity
and adhere to the customs and
traditions of my society, which
contributes to achieving national
Lesson 7

National Security and its dimensions

The feeling of security is a blessing from
Allah, Almighty, and it is one of the basic
needs that a person cannot live without.
Therefore, the state is always keen to
maintain its national security, and this
requires all citizens to help state agencies
and organizations to achieve this.

-Did you encounter a situation on the way in which the

Qatari security forces helped you? Explain.
Think and Answer .....................................................................................................................................................................



National Security and Its Dimensions

From the foregoing, it is clear to us that the Qatari security forces, represented by the police,
AlFazaa and other agencies of the Ministry of Interior, their mission is not only to arrest and
follow up outlaws, but also to provide assistance to those who are in need on the road.

The Concept of National Security:

The state›s ability to protect its lands and people from any external aggression, in addition to
its ability to respond to all internal problems, work to solve them, and consolidate loyalty and
belonging to the country and leadership.

Dimensions of National Security:

undoubtedly is no doubt that national security is one of the basic rules upon which
countries rely on to preserving their independence, security and progress.
- There are basic dimensions of national security:

Dimensions of National Security

Military Economic Political Social

Security Security Security Security

Lesson 7

First: Military Security:

It aims to strengthen state's defensive capacity to prevent all those who, as states or groups from
abroad, tempt to harm the security of the country, as well as to subjugate all individuals or groups
inside the state who are outlaws by making them good citizens.

Second: Political Security:

It is a complementary dimension to the military side, that aims to protect the country›s security
from all threats that lead to chaos and turmoil inside and outside the state, including Supporting
the Amir.

On September 24 2017 a huge rally was organized for
welcoming by the Amir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin
Hamad Al Thani, who arrived from New York, after addressing
the United Nations. People carried pictures and flags,
expressing appreciation, loyalty, and belonging to the Amir.
Search and Learn

Reception of His Highness

the Amir Sheikh Tamim
bin Hamad Al Thani after
1. Did you watch or participate in that reception? Why?
his return from New York.

2. What is the significance of the Qatari people›s keeness to

participate in that reception?

National Security and Its Dimensions

Third: Economic Security:

It aims to achieve optimum use of resources and increase the state›s ability to rely on itself in
achieving self-sufficiency, as well as creating multiple markets externally to avoid any control or
influence on its decisions.

- How was Qatar able to overcome the blockade on the economic side?

Think and Answer ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Fourth: Social Security:

It aims to maintain the security, stability and cohesion of society; Which leads to the achievement
of growth, development and prosperity, without prejudice to the constants, such as religion,
language, identity, patriotism and moral values.

- Read the following text and answer the following questions:
The increasing reliance on information and communication
technology and the Internet in the modern era by governments,
companies and individuals, has led to the need to provide them
with protection, and to provide an integrated and secure electronic
The nature of the cyberspace provides opportunities for some
Read and Discuss
malicious parties to penetrate the data of individuals and companies and
cause them harm.
As part of Qatar›s efforts to confront these challenges, a “National Cyber
Security Strategy” has been developed to deal with its various issues.
1-What is meant by cyber security?
2-What is the reason for Qatar›s interest in achieving cyber security?

Lesson 7

National Security and Technology

The issue discussed Despite the great benefits that cyberspace offers us, it is fraught
in the lesson with a number of challenges and risks that may threaten the security
of society.
In light of this phrase, discuss with your teacher:
- Threats to national security through the use of technology.
- Precautions that help you use technology safely.

National Security and Its Dimensions


The Concept of National Security:

It is the state’s ability to protect its lands and people from any external
aggression, and its ability to respond to internal problems, work to solve
them and consolidate loyalty and belonging to the country and leadership.

Dimensions of National Security:

Military Security - Economic Security - Political Security - Social Security.

Lesson 7

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Think and Write:

Write a short article, with examples, about the efforts of the State of Qatar to
protect National Security.







Activity 2:  Create and Design:

Design a creative mental map that shows the dimensions of National Security and
the relationship between them.

National Security and Its Dimensions

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. The objective (to achieve optimum use of resources) expresses the ……...…… security:
a. Military b. Political
c. Economic d. Social
2. Among the objectives of military security:
a. Strengthen the state’s defense capacity. b. Achieve self-sufficiency.
c. Protection from the chaos. d. Find multiple markets.

Question 2: Through your study, identify the objectives of each of the dimensions of
national security, using the following table:

Dimension Social Security Military Security Political Security Economic Security

...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Objective ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Question 3: Define National Security.





Lesson 7

Question 4: Social security is one of the dimensions of national security, Explain.




Question 5: Write some life situations in which you feel the political and economic security.




Question 6 The dimensions of national security include: military and political security,
Explain, showing the relationship between them.



Lesson 8:

The Components of National Security

and its Institutions

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Define The components of national security.
Explain the role of some national institutions in protecting national security.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

The political system,
and the global security. I preserve my country›s security,
and do everything I can for my
Lesson 8

The components of national security and its institutions

The state of Qatar has enjoyed political stability under the rule of Al-Thani
family, and has assumed under the wise rule a high Arab and international status,
and a broad economic, social and cultural renaissance withessed Sheikh Tamim
bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of the state of Qatar, is considered as symbol of the
wise leadership through his keenness to achieve national security in the State of
Qatar. He was able to lead the state with his political insight and wise leadership
to overcome all crises, and created a strong faith internally and externally in the
ability to continue the journey, strengthen the state’s immunity, enhance solidarity
between Qataris, and establish external respect.
In recent years, the state has witnessed a steady pace of development at all levels, whether political,
economic, sports or even social. And many achievements have been made, which have been positively
reflected on the lives and welfare of citizens. This placed Qatar at the forefront of the global lists in various fields.
This proves that the Emir of Qatar an exceptional leader , he firmly succeeded in thwarting all the plans
of enemies against the state of Qatar, and was an ambitious leader and put his state and people among the
developed states; so it wasn’t surprising, that the Qatari people stockwith him during good and bad times.

Based on the text above, define the most important

components of national security in the state of Qatar.
Read and analyze ............................................................................................................

represented in:
1. The stability of the political system in the state.
2. The establishment of democracy, and enabling citizens to actively participate in in a atmosphere of
social justice, equal opportunities, and a balance between the rights and the duties.
3. The alignment with global security, as it affects and is affected by it positively and negatively.
4. The development of national security agencies and qualifying them to carry out their duties to
protect the internal and external security of the state.

The Components of National Security and its Institutions

Second: National institutions and their role in achieving national security:

National institutions work to support national security through their roles and responsibilities.
Examples of national institutions are the following:

Qatari Ministry of Defense. Qatari Ministry of Interior

First: Qatari Ministry of Defense:

The duties and responsibilities of Ministry of Defense include the following:
1. Securing Qatar’s land, sea and air borders, and defending the state’s security.
2. Regulating the national military service locally and abroad, and re-calling it.
- The branches of the Qatar Armed Forces are divided into:

The branches of the Qatar Armed Forces

The Qatar Emiri The Qatar Emiri The Qatari The Qatari Emiri
Air Force Land Forces Emiri Navy Forces Air Defense Forces

Lesson 8

Enrichment: - The branches of the Qatar Armed Forces play main role in achieving
national security.
Use the internet to write a report on the duties of each department.
Search and Learn

Second: Qatar Ministry of Interior:

It’s one of the most important institutions which seek to achieve security
and preserve it, and as a result of its direct contact with the sons of the
country, they feel its great importance.
- And it consists of a number of administrations, including:

AL FAZAA The traffic Civil Defense

General Directorate pepartment of Drug

of coasts and Boarders Enforcement.

The duties of the Departments are represented in the following:

- Al Najda Police Department (AL FAZAA):
It provides the rapid response to preserve community security.
The Components of National Security and its Institutions

- General Directorate of Traffic:

It is respansible for setting plans and controls for traffic, and achieving safety on the road.
- General Directovate of Civil Defense:
It addresses accidents, disasters and emergencies; To protect souls and properties.
- Department Drug Enforcement:
It works to combat and control drug crimes in the state in all its forms.
- General Directorate of Coasts and Border security :
It controls and protects the borders and coasts of the state

- Ask number of questions about the duties of the Directorates of the

Ministry of Interior, and discuss them with your teacher.
Think and Discuss ...........................................................................................................................................................................

- Write phrases of appreciation for the efforts of the security men in

achieving security and stability in the state of Qatar.
Think and Express ...........................................................................................................................................................................

The role of citizen in preserving national security:

The good citizen is the one who prioritizes the country›s interest over his personal interest as
a part of the dear country, and benefits from it, so how can he not benefit his country?!
- What is your role as a good citizen in preserving national security?
1- Standing with the leader and the Emir of the state His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al
2- Prioritizing the public interest over the private interest.
3- Joining the national service and defending the country against any aggression.

Lesson 8

4- Renouncing the tribal fanaticism and strengthening the national cohesion; the state is the country.
5- Supporting the national economic and the Qatari currency against attempts to weaken it.
6- Stopping rumors, regardless of their source, to preserve national unity.

- Joining the national service is one of the forms of belonging to

the country. Explain.
Think and Discuss ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

- Prioritizing the public interest over the private interest is considered

as one of the most important roles of the good citizen. Explain.
Think and Conclude ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

- Cooperate with your classmates in planning for a seminar about the

Lesson project role of both Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior, and define
the seminar goals - the seminar place – the public figures attending the
seminar – the seminar program, and write down the seminar outline in
the following table:
Seminar title Seminar goals Invited figures Seminar program

...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ...................... ......................
...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

The Components of National Security and its Institutions


The Components of National Security:

- Stability of the political system in the state.

- Establishment of democracy, enabling citizens to participate in real.
- Alignment with global security.
- Development of national security agencies and qualifying them to carry
out their duties.

Examples of national institutions to achieve national security:

Ministry of Defense – Ministry of Interior

Your role as a good citizen in preserving national security:

- Standing with the leader of the country the Emir of the state His Highness
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
- Prioritizing the public interest over the private interest.
- Joining the national service and defending the country against any aggression.
- Renouncing the tribal fanaticism and strengthening the national cohesion.
- Stopping rumors to preserve national unity.
- Supporting the national economic and the Qatari currency against attempts to
weaken it.

Lesson 8

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Think and Answer:

A. Using the Educational Resources Center, write four lines about the role of Qatar
Ministry of Interior in serving the country.




B. Complete the Figure below related to the administrations of the

Ministry of Interior:

................................. .................................

Dirictorates of
the Ministry
of Interior

................................. .................................

The Components of National Security and its Institutions

Activity 1:  Search and write:

The Ministry of Defense of the state of Qatar supports national security through
its roles and responsibilities, use the official website of the ministry and write an
essay about its roles.


















Lesson 8

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1- Which of the following is one of the Directorates of Ministry of Defense?
a) General Directorate of Traffic. b) General Directorate of Civil Defense.
c) AL FAZAA department. d) The Qatar Emiri Air Force.
2- The rapid response for a secure community is among the duties of:
a) Al Najda Police Department. b) General Directorate of Traffic.
c) General Directorate of Civil Defense. d) Department Drug Enforcement.

Question 2: Ministry of Interior of the state of Qatar includes several Directorates to achieve
security. Read the following duties, then define the Directorate responsible for each duty.
Duty Directorate

It provides the rapid response to preserve .......................................................

community security.
sets plans and controls for traffic, and achieve .......................................................
safety on the road.

It seeks to combat and control drug related .......................................................

crimes in the state in all its forms.

It controls and protects the borders and coasts .......................................................

of the state.
It addresses accidents, disasters and .......................................................
emergencies; To protect lives and properties.

The Components of National Security and its Institutions

Question 3: Define the most important components of national security from your
point of view with evidences.




Question 4: Answer the following.

1- What is your role in preserving national security?

2- The establishment of democracy is considered as one of the components of
national security. Explain.
3- Explain: The development of security agencies is one of the most important
components of national security.
4- list the duties of the Ministry of Defense in Qatar.

Lesson 9

Tourism in
The State of Qatar

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Explain the role of tourism in Qatar’s economy.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

I respect and appreciate the
guests of Qatar
Lesson 9

Tourism in The State of Qatar

For Your Information:
The State of Qatar seeks to diversify its overall economy
through developing tourism sector, and therefore enhancing Tourism
The travelling of an individual or
its role in achieving future growth and social development a group of individuals from their
in the country. place of residence to another place
to achieve a specific goal, as it is a
temporary stay, that ends with the
achievement of its goal.

Types of tourism in Qatar:

1- Recreation Tourism
It aims at resting, leisure and relieving from daily grind.
Examples include visiting beaches, such as Sealine Beach
or Khor Al Udaid Beach, and South Dukhan Beach.
Sealine Beach Resort
List some of Qatar's other recreation tourism attractions.

Search and list

2- Historical Tourism
It aims to visit ancient historical archaeological
sites; Such as: the Museum of Islamic Art, and the
castles and towers in Qatar.

Al Zubara Fort

Tourism in The State of Qatar

3- Cultural Tourism
It refers to the visits of tourists to cultural and scientific
institutions with the aim of seeking knowledge. Such
as: scientific visits to Qatar University, Education City or
Katara Cultural Village.
The Concept of National Security:

(Katara) Cultural Village.

4- Sports Tourism
The State of Qatar plays a distinguished and active role in sport ‫أﺿﻒ�ﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎﺗﻚ‬
For Your Information:

fields at global level, as it believes in the importance of sport Sport plays a key role in enhancing
as a means to improve relations and strengthen ties between and spreading the values of friend-
countries and nations. These efforts culminated in winning ship and peace amongst nations.
the bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2022, becoming
the first Arab and Middle East country to host this
In addition, Qatar has succeeded in organizing many
global and regional championships, for example: the
2006 Asian Games, the 2011 Asian Football Cup, and
the 2019 World Athletics Championship.
Qatar also hosted and organized ancient heritage
sports that reflect Qatari identity, such as: traditional
Al Janoub Stadium
dhow racing, camel racing, horse racing, and falconry For the FIFA World Cup 2022

5- Conferences tourism
It aims to attend conferences, seminars and meetings,
such as Doha Forum, which was held in Qatar in 2022.

Doha Forum 2022

Lesson 9

6 - Ecotourism
Is the visit of a tourist to natural attractions for
enjoying or studying natural phenomena, such
as: visiting Zekreet and the Brouq Peninsula.

Brouq Peninsula- The Magic of the Qatari Nature in Qatar

7- Medical Tourism
Is when a person travels to another
country for medical treatment. Qatar has
the potential to promote a successful
medical tourism, like modern healthcare
facilities that are equipped with competent
specialized professionals as well as a state-
of art infrastructure and healthcare services
provided by Qatar.
Aspetar Hospital

Give a number of suggestions for the advancement of the tourism sector
in the State of Qatar


Think and Answer ...........................................................................................................................................................................


Tourism in The State of Qatar

The importance of tourism in Qatar

Building a more
the natural
diversified economy Creating job Developing tourist
and enhancing the opportunities for .attractions
through the
contribution of the .the population
development of
private sector.
.nature reserves

The development of sustainable tourism in Qatar

Qatar aims to achieve sustainable tourism development in order to diversify sources of

income and generate economic profits and social benefits for current generations without
compromising the requirements of future generations through:-
1. Developing tourist attractions and services
2. Effective marketing for tourist destinations.
3. Promoting Qatar regionally and globally.
4. Establishing offices to represent Qatar globally ( USA-France)

Lesson 9



The travelling of an individual or a group of individuals

from their place of residence to another place to achieve
a specific goal, as it is a temporary stay, that ends with the
achievement of its goal.

Types of tourism in Qatar

1. Recreation tourism
2. Historical tourism
3. Cultural tourism
4. Sports tourism
5. Conferences tourism
6. Ecotourism
7. Medical tourism

The importance of tourism in Qatar

1. Building a more diversified economy and enhancing
the contribution of the private sector.
2. Providing job opportunities for the population.
3. Developing tourist attractions
4. Preserving the natural environment.

Tourism in The State of Qatar

The development of sustainable tourism in Qatar:

1- Developing tourist attractions and services
2- Effective marketing for tourist destinations.
3- Promoting Qatar regionally and globally.
4- Establishing offices to represent Qatar globally ( USA-France)

Lesson 9

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1: 
Collect pictures of the most important tourist attractions of Qatar.

Tourism in The State of Qatar

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. Aims to visit historical and archaeological tourism sites
a. Cultural b. Sports
c. Historical d. Recreational
2. Is the visit of a tourist to natural areas with the aim of enjoying or studying natural phe-
a. Conferences. b. Ecotourism .
c. Treatment. d. Historical.

Question 2: Answer the following questions.

1- What is the importance of tourism for Qatar?

2- State the factors for the success of medical tourism in Qatar.

Lesson 9

Question 3: Explain

1- Qatar seeks to enhance the tourism sector?

2- Tourists visit to cultural institutions and centers.

Question 4 : complete the following diagram

......................... .........................

.................................... ....................................
Qatar aims to achieve
................................................. .................................................
sustainable tourism
.................................. development in order to ..................................

diversify sources of income and

generate economic profits and social
benefits for current generations
........................ ........................
without compromising the
................................... requirements of future ...................................

generations through: .................................................

.................................... ....................................

Lesson 10:

Trade in the State of Qatar

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

Explain components of trade in Qatar.

Concepts I learn: Values I learn:

- Foreign trade
- Exports I appreciate the efforts of Qatar in
- Imports international trade to provide for
the needs of its the population
- Trade balance
Lesson 10

Trade in the State of Qatar

Based on what you have studied in previous years, answer the following questions:
What is trade ?
What are the types of trade?

Foreign Trade :

Refers to the process of exchanging goods between countries in the form of exports and
imports. Qatar's foreign trade has shown a positive growth.

The importance of for eign trade:

- Helps to connect countries with one another, which leads to strengthening ties between
different countries.
- Increases the national income and diversifies the economy of exporting countries.
- Provides job opportunities for the people.
- The spread and prevalence of globalization as a concept where the world has become a global
village, and e-commerce has contributed to that.
- Provides many consumer products to local consumers, which led to the availability of
different options.

The most important exports and imports of Qatar:

- Exports: Goods that are produced within the borders of the country, and are in excess of the
need for local consumption, and are exported abroad .
- Imports: Goods that are imported from abroad for the purpose of direct consumption or re-

Trade in the State of Qatar

The following table identifies exports and imports model of Qatar:

Year Exports Imports

February 2022 31.9 billion Qatari Riyal 9.5 billion Qatari Riyal

Source: Planning and Statistics Authority 2022 - Qatar

Refer to the previous table to complete the following

1 - The total value of Qatar’s exports during February 2022 amounted to

2 - The total value of Qatar's imports in February 2022 amounted to


3 - How much is Qatar trade balance during February 2022


- We can conclude from the previous table that:

1. The total value of Qatar’s exports amounted to QR 31.9 billion during February 2022.
2. The value of Qatari imports decreased by QR 9.5 billion during February 2022 AD
3. The trade balance, which represents the difference between total exports and imports,
showed a surplus of QR 22.4 billion during February 2022.

Through your study of the previous table, anticipate the most important
exports and imports of Qatar.
Think and Discuss ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Lesson 10

Qatar exports and imports turnover

Fertilizers 2.98 %

Plastics 3.35 %

90.94% mineral fuel & ‫ﻟداﺋن وﻣﺻﻧوﻋﺎﺗﮭﺎ‬

mineral oil ‫وﻗود ﻣﻌدﻧﻲ وزﯾوت ﻣﻌدﻧﯾﺔ‬


2.73 % others ‫ﻣﺟﻣوﻋﺎت اﻟﺳﻠﻊ اﻟﻣﺳﺗوردة‬

Machinery and Auto-

matic Equipment31.31% imports ‫اﻵﻻت واﻟﻣﻌدات اﻵﻟﯾﺔ‬

vehicles, cars, tractors and 15% ... ‫دراﺟﺎت‬،‫ﺟرارات‬،‫ﺎرة‬

motorcycles19.7% ‫اﻵﻻت واﻟﻣﻌدات‬
Pharmaceutical industry 8.8% 13% ‫اﻵﻟﯾﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻧﺗﺟﺎت اﻟﺻﯾدﻟﺔ‬

Natural pearls, gemstones 12%

،‫ ﻣﻌﺎدن ﺛﻣﯾﻧﺔ‬،‫ﺟﺎر ﻛرﯾﻣﺔ‬
Precious metals & jewelry11.9% 9% 20%

..... ‫طﺎﺋرات وﺳﻔن‬

Plane and ships 13%
Machines and electrical ... ‫ﮭزة وﻣﻌدات ﻛﮭرﺑﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬
equipment 15.17%

Source: Planning and Statistics Authority 2022 – Qatar

Figure (1): Foreign Merchandise Trade Statistics - the annual
newsletter 2021
Trade in the State of Qatar

Imports Exports

...................................... ......................................

...................................... ......................................

...................................... ......................................

- Mineral fuels and mineral oils came in the first place for Qatar’s exports
- Machinery and electrical equipment came in the first place for Qatar’s imports.
Foreign Trade Trends :

Statement April 2022

Top five countries of destination of Qatar’s exports
China 6.562
India 5.523
Japan 4.536
South Korea 4.185
UK 3.715
Top five countries of origin of Qatar’s imports
China 1.456
USA 1.233
India 693
UK 554
Italy 502
Source: Planning and Statistics Authority 2022 – Qatar

1 - Who is the most important trading partner of Qatar?

2 - What is the percentage of Qatar's exports to India?
Think and Express 3 - In your opinion, what are the reasons for the low trade volume
between Qatar and the Arab countries?

Lesson 10


Foreign Trade

Refers to the process of exchanging goods between

countries in the form of exports and imports.
Qatar's foreign trade has shown a positive growth.

The importance of foreign trade :

- Helps to connect countries with one another, which
leads to strengthening ties between different countries.
- Increases the national income and diversifies the
economy of exporting countries.
- Provides job opportunities for the people.
- The spread and prevalence of globalization as a
concept, where the world has become a global village,
where e-commerce has contributed to that.
- Provides products to local consumers, leading to the
availability of different options.

Trade in the State of Qatar

Goods produced within the borders of the country, and
are in excess of the need for local consumption, and are
exported abroad


Goods imported from abroad for the purpose of direct consumption or re-manufacturing.

Tarde Balance
Represents the difference between the value of exports and imports

The most important exports and imports of Qatar

- Mineral fuels and mineral oils come in the first place for Qatar’s exports
- Machinery and electrical equipment come in the first place for Qatar’s imports.

Lesson 10

Activities and Exercises

First: Activities

Activity 1:  Collect pictures of the most important exports and imports of Qatar
and place them in the table below :

Imports Exports

Trade in the State of Qatar

Second: Exercises

Question 1: Choose the correct answer:

1- Which is the most important country of Qatar’s imports?
a) Bahrain b) Yamen .
c) Kuwait. d) China.
2- Which is the most important country of Qatar’s exports?
a) Japan. b) Emirates.
c) Oman. d) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Question 2: Define the following concepts.

1- Foreign trade.
2- Trade balance.

Lesson 10

Question 3: Answer the following questions .

1- Why foreign trade is important?

2- How do you explain: fuel and mineral oils come in the first place of Qatar’s exports?

Question 4: comparing .

Comparison Exports Imports

........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................
Definition ........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................

Examples ........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................
........................................... ...........................................


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