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Tutorial Letter 201/0/2024

English Language and Context


Semester 01

Department of English Studies

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.

Dear Students

Thank you for submitting your first assignment for this module. Many of you have done very well
and some of you may have been a little disappointed with your results. This is all part of the
learning process and how one grows within the discipline of English Studies. So, please do not
despair – as long as you keep working on the activities and access the MyModules site, you will
succeed. The activities we upload to the module site are there to assist you in your
assignments. The tasks set out allow you to work with the material and understand the theory –
you need to understand the workings of critical Thinking Reading and Writing in language so
that you can apply these skills to navigation information and varying genres in the Digital Age.

This Tutorial Letter is divided into two parts: Part 1 will give you general Feedback on your
Assignment 01; Part 2 is the Rubric that accompanies the Assignment and gives you an
indication of how marks were allocated and what we focussed on in the marking.
We hope you will find the information helpful in preparing for your Assignment 02 that develops
from Assignment 01.

The ENG 3702 Team


1 Part 1: Feedback on Assignment 01

Feedback Assignment 01 – ENG3702

Section 01: myModules Activities and Online Class Participation

Most of you submitted thorough evidence of PADLET activities, and your reflection on the online
classes demonstrated thoughtful engagement with the course material. However, there were a
few areas where you could improve:
1. PADLET Activities Documentation: Ensure that your name and/or student number is
visible on each screenshot. This is important for verification purposes. How to do this was
explained in the online classes as well as Telegram questions.
2. Online Class Participation Reflection: Try to delve deeper into your experiences in the
online classes. What specific concepts did you find interesting? How have these
concepts influenced your understanding of critical thinking, reading, and writing in the
digital age?

Section 02: Essay

Although some of you understood the question well, many of you were unable to tap into the
core of the question that required you to take a stance – that is, express your own opinion or
view on the debate question. The issue of taking a stance and substantiating one’s position was
heavily debated and discussed in the Online Class, Session 5, available on the myModules site.
Once again, we invite students to go back and listen to these recordings as they are a vital part
of your course material and serve to integrate the theory into practise.
A number of your essays demonstrated a clear understanding of the value of critical thinking,
reading, and writing in safeguarding against the negative implications of deepfakes and
misinformation. However, there were a few areas where you could improve:

1. Use of COPILOT for Idea Generation: While you effectively used COPILOT to generate
debate topics, make sure to choose topics that are most relevant to the theme of the
essay. Remember that AI is generative, so will give you a broad and general response to
your prompt, it is up to you to refine and make a value judgement on the accuracy of the
information. This is a critical aspect of being an ‘active’ generator of content and
not just a ‘consumer’ thereof.

2. Essay Content and Argument: Many of your arguments were well-reasoned, but could
benefit from more robust evidence. Remember to include both evidence that
substantiates your stance and opposing evidence that you are refuting. Always
remember that in critical reading, writing and thinking, you need to tell your ready not
only what it is you are saying but more importantly how and why you are saying it.
Language matters and so does syntax and lexicon.

3. Use of AI in Essay: It’s great that you used AI to create the structure of your essay and
generate ideas. However, remember to clearly indicate in your essay where you have
made use of the AI. Referencing and acknowledgement of your sources is the key to
avoiding plagiarism.

4. Essay Structure and Elements of a Debate: Some of your essay were well-structured
and included all elements of a debate. However, there were a few of you who seemed to
ignore the elements of what a debate is and that you needed to take a position and
validate your stance. This module is about critical reading, writing and thinking. One of
the key elements in honing these skills is being able to identify and use genre. You may
want to go back and revise Part A, Sections 1.0-1.5 as well as Section 2 of your

Overall, we are fairly pleased with the results of this assignment, especially because it was
challenging and forced you to explore new ways of thinking and interacting with text.
We hope you have found this feedback useful. Please do remember that this feedback needs to
be viewed in conjunction with the Online Feedback class and your individual assignment
feedback. Keep in mind the feedback provided as you continue to develop your critical thinking,
reading, and writing skills.
We look forward to your Assignment 02.


2 Rubric for Assignment 01

Section 01: myModules Activities and Online Class Participation (Total: 10 marks)

1. PADLET Activities Documentation (5 marks)

o 5 marks: All PADLET activities are documented with clear screenshots. The student’s
name and/or student number is visible on each screenshot. Comments on other
students’ posts are included.
o 3 marks: Most PADLET activities are documented. The student’s name and/or student
number is visible on most screenshots. Few comments on other students’ posts are
o 1 mark: Few PADLET activities are documented. The student’s name and/or student
number is not visible on all screenshots. Most comments on other students’ posts are

2. Online Class Participation Reflection (5 marks)

o 5 marks: Reflection is approximately 750 words long. It provides a thoughtful and
detailed account of the student’s experience in the online classes, including what they
found interesting, how the classes helped them understand the introductory concepts,
and suggestions for improvement.
o 3 marks: Reflection is approximately 750 words long. It provides a basic account of the
student’s experience in the online classes, but lacks detail or depth in some areas.
o 1 mark: Reflection is less than 750 words long or does not adequately address the

Section 02: Essay (Total: 90 marks)
1. Use of COPILOT for Idea Generation (10 marks)
o 10 marks: Student effectively uses COPILOT to generate debate topics for both stances.
All topics are relevant to the theme of the essay.
o 6 marks: Student uses COPILOT to generate debate topics, but some topics are not
relevant to the theme of the essay.
o 2 marks: Student does not effectively use COPILOT to generate debate topics.

2. Essay Content and Argument (40 marks)

o 40 marks: Essay is between 2000-2500 words and presents a clear, well-reasoned
argument for the chosen stance. The student has demonstrated that he / she / they has
/ have understood the genre of a debate. The essay includes evidence that
substantiates the stance and opposing evidence that is refuted. The essay demonstrates
a deep understanding of the value of critical thinking, reading, and writing in safeguarding
against the negative implications of deepfakes and misinformation.
o 25 marks: Essay is between 2000-2500 words and presents an argument for the chosen
stance, but the reasoning or evidence may be weak in some areas. The essay
demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic and the genre of a debate.
o 10 marks: Essay is less than 2000 words or more than 2500 words, or does not present
a clear argument. No understanding of the debate genre.

3. Use of AI in Essay (20 marks)

o 20 marks: Student effectively uses AI to create the structure of the essay or to generate
ideas. The use of AI is clearly indicated in the essay.
o 12 marks: Student uses AI in the essay, but the use is not clearly indicated.
o 4 marks: Student does not use AI in the essay or uses AI to write the entire essay. No
evidence provided of where AI was used.
4. Essay Structure and Elements of a Debate (20 marks)
o 20 marks: Essay is well-structured and includes all elements of a debate. The essay is
clear, concise, and easy to follow.
o 12 marks: Essay includes most elements of a debate, but may lack clarity or
conciseness in some areas.
o 4 marks: Essay lacks structure or does not include all elements of a debate.

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