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Name of student who wrote the essay: Khaled Abdelkhalek

Name of reviewer: Ahmet Eren Çankaya

Peer workshop guidelines and rubrics (5%)

As you work on your Research paper, you have the opportunity to engage in peer review
sessions, which involve working in pairs or small groups to provide and receive feedback on
each other's papers before submitting them for grading. Writing is a form of communication
and receiving feedback from your peers can help you to identify areas where your paper may
not be clear or effective. It is essential that you take your responsibility as a reviewer
seriously, as the review process is beneficial for both the reviewer and the author. Through
the review process, you will have the opportunity to apply the same criteria that your
professor will use to evaluate your paper, thereby helping you to refine your own writing

Prompts for Effective Feedback

When providing feedback to others, it is important to remember that effective feedback

should be kind, justified, specific, and constructive. Consider the following prompts to help
guide your feedback:

Kindness: When providing feedback, aim to be both encouraging and useful. Avoid using
language that could be perceived as stinging criticism.

Justification: Explain the thinking behind your judgments. This can help the recipient to
understand your feedback and provide context for future revisions.

Specificity: Vague or general feedback isn't useful. Be specific about what is working well
and what could be improved. Use examples to illustrate your points.

Constructiveness: Feedback should be constructive, providing actionable suggestions for

improvement. Rather than simply identifying problems, offer ideas for how to address them.

By following these prompts, you can provide feedback that is not only helpful but also
supportive and constructive. Remember, the goal is to help the recipient improve, so
approach the process with a positive attitude and a focus on growth and development.
Peer Feedback Rubric

Criteria Poor Good Excellent

The reviewer has to No paper is reviewed One paper is partially One paper is completely
review one paper reviewed and thoroughly reviewed
thoroughly (2 points)
Focus on “Global Does not identify missing Identifies most Can identify all
Concerns” (larger components. components as present or components of paper as
structural, absent. present or absent.
logic/reasoning issues) Comments are restricted Provides logical and
rather than detailed to spelling, grammar, One or two global well-reasoned critique.
“Local Concerns” formatting, and general concerns comments on a Recognizes logical leaps
(spelling, grammar, editing. paper that required more and missed opportunities
formatting) (2 points) focus there. Major to make connections
comments are focused between parts of the
on the local concerns/ paper. Provides a good
editing level. balance of comments
addressing ‘global
concerns’ together with
minor comments
addressing ‘local
Thorough constructive The review is entirely Good comments, but not Supports author’s efforts
critique including a positive or negative with balanced as positive and with sincere,
balance of positive and little support or reasoning negative or not encouraging remarks
negative comments (2 provided. supported with reasoning giving them a foundation
points) on which to build for
subsequent papers.
Critical comments are
tactfully written.
Evidence of thorough Comments focused on Evidence that the Comments on all parts of
reading and review of one or two distinct issues, reviewer read the entire paper and connections
the paper (2 points) but not on the overall paper, but did not between paper sections.
reasoning and provide a thorough Comments are clear,
connectedness of all review. specific, and offer
sections in the paper. suggestions for revision
Obvious that the reviewer rather than simply
did not read the entire labeling a problem.
paper or skimmed Appropriate comment
through to quickly to density demonstrates the
understand. reviewer’s investment in
peer review, while not
overwhelming the
Outlines both general Review is too general to Provides both general Supplies author with
and specific areas that guide authors revision or and specific comments productive comments,
need improvement and too specific to help the but no suggestions on both general and
provides suggestions (2 author on subsequent how to improve. specific, for areas of
points) papers improvement. General
comments are those that
authors may use in
subsequent papers,
whereas specific
comments pertain to the
specific paper topic and
assignment. Comments
come with suggestions
for improvement.
Total: /10 points
The unjust treatment of female university students

Female university students are at a major disadvantage due to acts of sexism which needs to
be stopped.

BP- Female university students encounter unequal opportunities due to institutional biases
and different curfew timings due to so called "safety precautions" that still prove to be futile.
this injustice perpetuates gender disparities in education, denying women the chance to thrive
on equal footing just like their male counterparts.

SP- According to Blalock, A,. and Leal, D (2022) medical fields, being one of the most
important and vital fields known to man should be well versed unbiased and just.
Unfortunately various studies have proven that women tend to find themselves in
discrediting, silencing and disqualifying times throughout their time in the medical field due
to some professors refusing to let go of a gender based superiority complex.

Blalock, A and Leal, D. (2022) discrimination against women in the medical field.

SP- According to The Hindustan times (no author name from org.) (2024) student
organizations from around 4 collective universities went out of their way to perform and
conduct multiple successful protests which may prove to be unnecessary in the governments'
eyes however each time protests like these occur people tend to speak more and more about it
due to the actions being taken in retrospect. Raising awareness always means more attention
and more attention can eventually lead to someone with influential power stepping up and
doing something about it.

Hindustan times. (2024). Student organizations from at least two universities in Delhi
conducted protests.

SP- According to Ghosh, S. (2023) women in universities like Delhi University have suffered
and continue to do so for the past 3 years. this is all due to the stated observatory fact that
groups of cruel minded individuals have been successfully scaling their walls and invading
their privacy during annual festivals all while harassing the female students all while
attempting to invite themselves onto these women.
Ghosh, S. (2023). Repeated intrusions at Delhi University's women college worry many. The
Times of India.

BP- Female University students often get sexually harassed and in worse cases sexually
assaulted, these actions of crime just keep increasing without a proper government response
set out apart from limiting these students' curfew timings and checking their luggage and
private handhelds. This just increases the negative psychological toll these women already
feel as they have to be kept as part time prisoners before even sunset in some universities all
while the cases are still rampant, what the governments do in cases like this is focus on the
potential victim which is present and ignore the heavy lifting which is actually finding the
potential felons in areas like this as limiting freedom will just destroy the feeling of any
privacy for these students.

SP- Cui, C,. et al. (2023) states that victims of sexual assault tackle another issue right after
the first one, That issue being the aphasia or in other words the after effects of said traumatic
experiences. Another issue is some of the victim may choose to remain silent as this is such a
private matter. The reason some of them remain silent is possible because of their public
image and to some it could be called "unwanted pity" tarnishing their reputation and sharing
this issue might lead bullies or other aggressors to even bring it up and degenerate them
which could lead to possible actions like self harm or in worse cases attempting suicide as if
some of them did not have enough motive from their perspective already.

Cui, C,. et al. (2023). The Hardship Faced by University Female Students in Sexual
Harassment Events. InTech Open.

SP- according to Hindustan times (no author name provided by organization) (2021) the
amount of college-going female students that said they were faced with some form of sexual
harassment was around 89 percent.

Hindustan times. (2021) Sexual harassment in universities against females.

SP- according to DeBlasio, L. (2023) University life is out of the ordinary stressful for female
students in higher educations due to the potential experience of trauma and adversity they had
to deal with.

Deblasio, L. (2023). Non-inclusivity, Discrimination and the othering of Female Students in

Higher Education With Lived Experience of Trauma and Adversity.
BP- This has been outrooted and stranded straight from vile and pretentious factors such as
past opposed superiority complex which has quite often lead the majority of men to a
stereotypical lifestyle involved with degrading the other gender based on how they like and
feel and seeing as to how a lot of men are in grand positions of power, they attempt to
continue doing this until their ideals and mindset could be changed to the better.

CA- this could be all displayed as a movement made by feminists to empower themselves
and take over the "upper hand" in multi-media scenarios proving vital points which could be
for example as to how women in the UK already average more earnings than the men on the
dollar, moreover there are now feminist scholarships wandering around universities unlike
what is provided to the male counterpart. Nothing.

SP- Martinez-ruiz, M. & Amoros, M. (2023). state that "feminist scholarship has rejected the
idea that gender-based violence may be personal and private".

R- Just because there is some sort of compensation provided to encourage more women to
attend universities and feel safer again, then it shouldn't be withheld against them. same way
the female students do not hold factors like a male dominant scholarship such as athletics is
very far for them to reach even though it has been encouraged heavily the efforts are still
nothing near to equal.

Martinez, M & Hernandez, M (2023). "female academics are vulnerable to forms of symbolic
domination embedded in the workplace culture".

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