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Writing the Review of Related

Literature and Studies

Learning Objectives:
1. understand the concepts and principles of writing the
review of related literature and studies,

2. establish review of related literature and studies, and

3. appreciate the beauty of literature review.

Concepts and Methods of
Establishing Literature Review
What is a literature review?

Literature Review is a ‘systematic, explicit, and

reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and

synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded

work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners’

(Fink, 2019).
It is a written summary of journal articles, books, and

other documents that describes the past and current state

of information on the topic of your research study

(Creswell, 2012).
It is a critical appraisal of published literature by

qualified and accredited scholars and researchers in the

field of your study (Faryadi, 2018).

A literature review is a re-view of something that has

already been written.

Why do we need to review related
literature and studies?
There is a need for a researcher to review some related
literature and studies in order to widen the knowledge of
the researcher in building the construct of the study. A good
RRL is both exhaustive, comprehensive and selective.
Thus, it provides the reader with current information
regarding the status of research in the field and informs
the reader what knowledge and ideas have been
established on a topic and what are the strengths and
Further, a Review of the Literature:

1. demonstrates an understanding of the topic,

2. justifies the selection of the specific research focus,
3. informs the theoretical framework of one’s study,
4. guides the planning of the methodology of the study,
5. supports the findings of the study.
Ways to follow in doing a review:

• find the textual information we need;

• look at its collective strengths and weaknesses;

• spot patterns that link the different items together; and

• summarize what it does/does not say and what that

means for our target (reader).
When do you do a literature review?
Know how much literature and Mapping the landscape
what types of literature exist in a specific
topic area?

Get a feel for the current state of Sensitization to new

knowledge in an unfamiliar topic? areas

Know the major studies and main Spotting the landmarks

authors in a specific topic area?

Locate my own research within the Positioning one’s research

context of what has already gone before?

See how different disciplines or Comparing ideas

professions have taken forward the same
or concepts?

Identify the main theories that Exploring theory

authors have applied to a particular topic

Explore different approaches to Brainstorming approaches

tackling the same methodology or

Learn lessons from current Taking stock


Identify unexplored areas or gaps Seizing opportunities

in research?
Differences in Extent and Use of Literature in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Differences Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Amount of literature cited at Substantial Minimal

the beginning of the study

Use of literature at the Justifies or documents the Justifies or documents the

beginning of the study need for the study need for the study

Provides a rationale for the

direction of the study (i.e.,
objectives, cohesion of the
variables, and research
questions or hypotheses)
Use of literature at the end of Confirms or disconfirms prior Supports or modifies existing
the study predictions from the findings in the literature
What to look for when doing
literature review?
Review the articles/books and highlight the following:
• The title, author, and year of publication
• The theoretical/conceptual framework
• The problem the author(s) is/are addressing
• The methodology used to solve it
• Some important or unique quotes (with page numbers, use this rarely).
• The findings/data and conclusions presented

Primary Source
The author’s original work or research reported by the
researcher that conducted the study

Secondary Source
Work cited by another author or research that summarizes or
reports findings that come from primary sources
How many articles to be included in a
Literature Review?
How do you prepare to do a literature review?
1. Choose your topic.
2. Think about your intended purpose.
3. Think about your intended audience.
4. Where will the literature be found.
5. What will the literature look like.
Choose your topic.

Choose your topic. This is more difficult than it initially

sounds. So many literature reviews now exist that it can at
first, prove challenging to identify a suitable topic.
Think about your intended purpose.

What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to establish

the current state of the art in your topic? Are you looking
to support an alternative view that is only partly explored?
If you find the best type of evidence for your question, how
will you use it? Will it be a platform for a future research
proposal or project or an output in its own right?
Think about your intended audience.

Even if your audience comprises only your research

adviser and panel members/examiners, you need to think
about what they already know, what they will expect to
see, and what will interest them.
Where will the literature be found?

Think about the question that you plan to address, where

information on your topic is typically found and, critically,
how you will rate such information.
What will the literature and the data look
Once you have thought what the literature sources look
like, consider how information within each source is
typically presented. Some sources have their own
standards for content and presentation of data.
Steps in Conducting an Effective
Literature Review
1. Identify key terms in your search for literature. Write a
preliminary “working title” of your project.
2. Locate literature about a topic by consulting several types of
materials and databases, including those available in academic
libraries and on the Internet.
3. Critically evaluate and select the literature for your review.
4. Organize the literature.
5. Write a literature review.
Review of Related Literature
2.Country of Origin
3.Thematic Approach
Ex. RRL Recency Format
-Related Literature
Hosani (2015), define instructional leadership by which it is anchored on Hallinger’s definition, that,
it is a type of leadership that is based on the principle of supporting teachers and giving them the opportunity
to learn and grow to meet the different needs of students.

Moreover, Sabeena & Muthaiah (2016), asserted that to be an effective instructional leader one must
understand the culture and climate of the school very easily and work accordingly for the progress of the

Thus, Leithwood, Jantzi & Steinbach (2017) supported that instructional leadership is an

approach used by school leaders to focus on teachers’ behavior in certain activities which indirectly
impacts students’ academic achievement.
Ex. RRL Country of Origin Format
-Related Literature

In California Education Code 44270 requires candidates pursuing an Administrative Services

Credential to have a minimum of three years of classroom teaching experience (or its equivalent), these
variables of subject taught and years in the classroom are important indicators to successful
instructional leadership.

General supervisors, by comparison, were almost always male and were chosen specifically to
assist principals in the daily logistical management of the school, (Human Resource ZaNorte Division,

Thus, instructional leadership is partly influenced to factors like teaching experience, sex and
educational qualification.
Ex. RRL Thematic Format
-Related Literature
Variable 1
Leithwood, Harris, and Hopkins (2008) explained that the most powerful method for a
leader to improve the teaching and learning is his or her influence on staff motivation,
commitment and working conditions.
Variable 2
Thapa et al. and the NSCC as cited in Lewno-Dumdie, Mason, Hajovsky, and
Villeneuve (2020), emphasized similar school features as part of school climate but defined
this dimension as the institutional environment.
Variable 3
A teacher may be called as a competent teacher if they have a good competence and
performance, by looking at the achievement of the students, Qodriyah (2016) said, it is seen from how
the teachers master all the abilities of teaching. Then, having basic skills is one of the most essential
aspects for becoming good teachers.
Marzano, Waters, and McNulty (2005), concluded that an effective principal is a necessary
requirement for an effective school.

Instruction: Write a sample

literature review based on your
variable concern with proper
1. Coolican, H. (1996). Introduction to research methods and
statistics in psychology. Bookpoint Ltd.
2. Brown, A. and Dowling, P. (1998). Doing research/reading
research: A mode of interrogation for education. The Palmer
press. London-Washington, D.C.
3. “Basic statistical tools in research and data analysis” published in
pages 662–669, Issue 9, Vol. 60 of Indian Journal of
4. Alayon, D.M. (2022) Establishing Review of Related Literature.
5. Castillo, F.S. and Tenorio L.S. (n.d.). Modern concepts on thesis and
dissertation writing. The Philippine Women’s University

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