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J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178

DOI 10.1007/s10336-007-0175-8


Stress, corticosterone responses and avian personalities

John F. Cockrem

Received: 26 December 2006 / Revised: 13 June 2007 / Accepted: 14 June 2007 / Published online: 11 July 2007
Ó Dt. Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V. 2007

Abstract Birds are constantly responding to stimuli from significance of individual differences in stress responses
their environment. When these stimuli are perceived as and personalities in birds.
threatening, stress responses are initiated, with activation
of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and the release Keywords Corticosterone  Stress  Fear  Personality 
of corticosterone from the adrenal gland. The basic emo- Behaviour  Japanese quail  Great tit  Chicken 
tion of fear is also experienced during a stress response. Adelie penguin
Corticosterone stress responses and behavioural responses
to stimuli vary markedly between individual birds, raising
questions about the significance of these individual dif- Introduction
ferences and about the relationship between corticosterone
responses and fearfulness in birds. Although fearfulness Birds live in complex environments that can change at any
can be challenging to measure, data from several species time. When changes in their local environment are poten-
indicate that corticosterone responses and fear behaviour tially harmful, then birds, like other vertebrates, adjust by
responses are linked in individual birds. Consistent profiles generating stress responses. These are integrated neuroen-
of behavioural responses of birds to a wide range of stimuli docrine responses (Ellis et al. 2006) that involve activation
can be identified and are called personalities. Personalities of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and
vary along a continuum, but are usually classified as secretion of cortisol or corticosterone. When an animal
proactive or reactive. Individual corticosterone and perceives a stimulus to be a threat and the HPA axis is
behaviour responses depend on each bird’s personality. activated, the animal also experiences the basic emotion of
Birds with proactive personalities have relatively active fear (LeDoux 1996; Labar and LeDoux 2001). Corticoste-
behavioural responses and relatively low corticosterone rone, the major glucocorticoid hormone in birds (Cockrem
stress responses, whilst birds with reactive personalities 2007), has metabolic actions such as increasing blood glu-
have relatively passive behavioural responses and large cose levels, can affect behaviour, and may have other actions
corticosterone responses. Relationships between the phys- that help birds respond to stressors (Sapolsky et al. 2000).
iological and behavioural characteristics of avian person- Stress responses can differ markedly between individual
alities can now be explored in detail to determine the birds (Littin and Cockrem 2001; Cockrem and Silverin
2002a; Cockrem 2005) and mammals (Guimont and
Wynne-Edwards 2006). Animals also differ in their per-
sonalities, with personalities defined as consistent behavio-
ural profiles (Dingemanse and Reale 2005; Steimer and
Communicated by F. Bairlein. Driscoll 2005). It has been suggested that different stress
responses in mammals may be associated with different
J. F. Cockrem (&)
personalities (Korte et al. 2005). The study of personalities is
Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences,
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand well established in birds (Carere et al. 2005; Groothuis and
e-mail: Carere 2005); stress responses, measured as corticosterone

S170 J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178

responses to handling, have been studied in many species of A Stimulus that is not a stressor
birds (Silverin 1998), and fear behaviour has been examined
in chickens, Gallus domesticus, and Japanese quail, Cotur-
nix coturnix japonica (Jones 1996). Stress responses, fear
Detection of stimulus
behaviour and personalities will be considered together in
the current review to determine how endocrine stress
responses are related to personality in birds.

Sympathetic nervous Behaviour

system response response
Stress and corticosterone responses
B Stimulus
Detection of stimulus
It has been said that the normal expression of adaptive
behaviour depends on some optimal level of stress (Levine Stimulus determined to be a physical
1971), but what is stress? A surprising number of publi- challenge or perceived as a threat
cations that discuss stress in animals do not actually define
the term stress. When definitions are given they vary from
Stimulus becomes a stressor
general (e.g. the nonspecific response of the body to any
demand made upon it; Selye 1974) to specific [e.g. a
stressor is any stimulus (behavioural, environmental or
demographic) that provokes a physiological stress re- Sympathetic nervous HPA axis Behaviour
sponse, as measured by an increase in glucocorticoid system response response response
secretion; Creel 2001]. The definition that will be used here
is that ‘‘stress is a state when the hypothalamo-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis is activated with increased secretion of Stress response
glucocorticoids in response to a stressor’’.
General definitions of stress encompass responses of Fig. 1 Responses of birds to a stimulus (a), and to a stimulus that
animals to a wide range of stimuli. These responses can initiates a stress response (b). A stimulus that is detected as a physical
challenge or is perceived as threatening becomes a stressor when the
include one or more of activation of the sympathetic ner- hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is activated
vous system, changes in behaviour, and increased secretion
of glucocorticoids. However, the sympathetic nervous
system can be activated or behaviour can change when sympathetic nervous system activity or observations of
animals respond to stimuli that do not represent a threat to changes in behaviour which do not unequivocally indicate
the animal. For example, a bird may have a small increase that a bird is experiencing stress. An example of the use of
in heart rate and temporarily stop feeding when it sees corticosterone responses to determine when birds were
another bird flying some distance away. These are re- experiencing stress was a study of corticosterone and
sponses to a stimulus (sight of another bird) that does not behavioural responses of captive great tits, Parus major
represent a threat, so this stimulus would not be a stressor. (Cockrem and Silverin 2002b). Great tits in an aviary were
Instead, stimuli are stressors only when they activate the exposed for 60 min to a predator (stuffed Tengmalm’s owl,
HPA axis, as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. Stressors Aegolius funereus) or to a stuffed brambling, Fringilla
can be classified as physical or emotional. Physical stres- montifringilla, a passerine bird that is not a threat to great
sors involve signals arising from the body with a distur- tits. Great tits showed similar changes in behaviour when
bance of physical or chemical tissue parameters, such as a exposed to the owl and the brambling, whereas there was a
fall in blood glucose concentrations. Emotional stressors corticosterone and hence stress response to the sight of the
require the appraisal of information in relation to stored owl but no corticosterone response to the brambling.
information that is either learned or inherited, and require
processing in the limbic or cortical areas of the brain. An Corticosterone responses
example of an emotional stressor is the sight of a potential
predator. Corticosterone secretion from the cortex of the adrenal
An increase in plasma corticosterone can be used to gland in birds is stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hor-
indicate when and to what degree a bird is experiencing mone (ACTH) from the pituitary gland, which in turn is
stress. This contrasts with measurements of increases in stimulated by corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and

J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178 S171

arginine vasotocin (AVT) from the hypothalamus (Carsia Japanese quail (A) Broiler chicken (B)
and Harvey 2000). The HPA axis is activated in response to 6
stressors, with an increase in plasma corticosterone con-
centrations detectable one to two minutes after initial 2

Corticosterone (ng/ml)
exposure to a stressor (Dawson and Howe 1983; Romero 2

and Reed 2005). Corticosterone responses in birds are re-

0 0
sponses to stimuli from the environment. It is difficult to 0 15 30 60 0 15 30 60
measure responses of birds to natural stimuli, so most 10

studies of corticosterone responses in birds describe re- 8


sponses to artificial stimuli. Corticosterone responses 6 4

measured in birds are usually responses of free-living birds 4

or captive birds in aviaries to capture and handling, or 2

responses of captive birds in cages to removal from their 0 0

0 15 30 60 0 15 30 60
cage and handling. It is generally assumed that birds
Time (min) Time (min)
experience capture and handling as a form of predation
(Silverin 1998), although corticosterone responses to cap- Adelie penguin (C) Great tit (D)
ture by a predator have not actually been measured for any 40
bird. Free-living birds are caught, an initial blood sample is
collected and then the birds are held in bags, with further 20

Corticosterone (ng/ml)
samples collected for 30–60 min after capture. Cortico-
sterone concentrations in free-living birds usually rise 0 0

rapidly for 10–15 min after capture then rise more slowly 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

for the remainder of the sampling period (e.g. Wingfield 80 40

et al. 1992, 1995). Corticosterone responses to handling of 60

free-living birds held in captivity are generally similar to 40 20

those of birds in their natural habitat [e.g. responses of
captive great tits (Cockrem and Silverin 2002a) and free-
0 0
living willow tits, Parus montanus (Silverin 1997].
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Domesticated birds such as chickens and Japanese quail Time (min) Time (min)
have corticosterone responses of much lower amplitude
than those of free-living birds, e.g. responses to 15 min of Fig. 2 Mean (±SE) and individual plasma corticosterone responses to
continuous handling (chicken; Fraisse and Cockrem 2006) handling of Japanese quail (A), broiler chickens (B), Adelie penguins
(C) and great tits (D). Quail were obtained from a commercial
or to 10 min of physical restraint (Japanese quail; Satterlee supplier and held individually in cages. Broiler chickens were
and Johnson 1988). sampled at a commercial farm. Birds of both species were removed
from their cages, handled for 15 min and then held individually in
Intra- and interspecific variation in corticosterone boxes for another 45 min. Adelie penguins were caught on nests on
Ross Island, Antarctica, and were held in mesh bags in darkened
responses boxes after each blood sample was collected. Free-living great tits
were caught and held individually in cages for 10 days then sampled.
Corticosterone responses are usually presented and dis- They were held in cloth bags after each blood sample was collected.
cussed in the literature in terms of the mean responses of The great tit data are from the study of Cockrem and Silverin (2002a)
groups of birds. However, there is considerable variation
between individuals in the magnitude and pattern of their increase in the Adelie penguin, remained high in the great
corticosterone responses, and individual corticosterone re- tit and declined in the quail and chicken. Examination of
sponses may be quite different from mean responses of a the individual corticosterone responses reveals that some
group of birds (Littin and Cockrem 2001; Cockrem and birds had much lower corticosterone responses than others,
Silverin 2002a; Cockrem 2005). This can be illustrated by with no measurable response at all in one quail, one
an examination of plasma corticosterone responses to chicken and one penguin. The patterns of corticosterone
handling in two species of domesticated birds (Japanese response also varied, and some individuals of each species
quail and chicken, Fig. 2A,B) and of responses to capture had patterns that differed from the pattern of mean corti-
and handling in two free-living birds (Adelie penguin, costerone concentrations. Clearly, any consideration of
Pygoscelis adeliae, and great tit; Fig. 2C,D). Mean re- corticosterone responses must take into account individual
sponses could be summarised by stating that corticosterone differences in the same way that the importance of indi-
increased for 10–15 min in all species then continued to vidual differences is increasingly recognised in other

S172 J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178

studies of groups of animals (Wilson 1998; Bolnick et al. corticosterone responses if high responses are potentially
2003; Steimer and Driscoll 2005). deleterious? Cockrem (2005) suggested that birds with
Intraspecific variation in corticosterone responses in- smaller responses are likely to be more successful in a
cludes variation between individuals and variation within constant environment and that birds with larger responses
individuals. The amount of variation in corticosterone re- may be more successful in changing environments. This
sponses raises questions about the consistency of responses implies that there is no optimal corticosterone response for
in individual birds, and about the origins and significance all situations, a concept that is consistent with explanations
of the individual differences. The consistency of responses of variation in stress responses in mammals (Ellis et al.
(variation within individuals) has been examined in 2006).
chickens, great tits and greylag geese (Anser anser), with Whilst it has been proposed for mammals that variation
responses of individual birds generally repeatable (Littin in stress responses results from genetic variation and
and Cockrem 2001; Cockrem and Silverin 2002a; adaptive phenotypic plasticity (Ellis et al. 2006), the rela-
Kralj-Fiser et al. 2007). Corticosterone responses of four tive contributions of genetic variation and phenotypic
great tits are shown in Fig. 3, illustrating how individual plasticity to variation in corticosterone responses in birds
patterns of corticosterone response remained similar on the remain unknown. The existence of genetic variation in
three sampling occasions in these birds. corticosterone responses in birds is clearly demonstrated by
Corticosterone secretion increases when a bird perceives the heritability of the magnitude of corticosterone re-
a stressor (Cockrem and Silverin 2002b), and corticoste- sponses in lines of Japanese quail selected for low and high
rone promotes changes in behaviour and metabolism that responses (Satterlee and Johnson 1988; Odeh et al. 2003).
are thought to help birds to adjust to stressful situation It has been suggested that genetic variation in corticoste-
(Cockrem et al. 2004). An acute rise in corticosterone in rone and cortisol responses arises from natural selection,
response to a stressor is generally considered to be bene- which maintains genes for relatively high and low
ficial to birds. However, if the corticosterone response to a aggression and produces phenotypes called hawks and
stressor is larger than normal, if it persists for longer than doves (Korte et al. 2005). The hawk–dove model describes
usual, or if basal corticosterone levels are high then it is physiological and behavioural characteristics of the two
widely held that corticosterone may have negative effects. groups of animals and suggests that both groups can be
The existence of variation between birds in the size of their successful but in different environmental conditions.
corticosterone responses, illustrated in Fig. 2, raises ques- Breeding success, survival and fitness and hence the rela-
tions about why this variation exists and how it arises. If a tive success of birds with low or high corticosterone re-
corticosterone response helps a bird respond to a stressor sponses have not yet been studied in free-living birds.
then why do some birds have relatively small responses? Phenotypic plasticity has been defined as ‘‘the mor-
Conversely, why do some birds have relatively high phological and physiological responses of an organism’s
phenotype to a change in environmental conditions’’
Great tit
(Schlichting 1989), and as ‘‘the extent to which an organ-
40 40 ism can change its physiology, behaviour, morphology and/
or development in response to environmental cues’’ (Dufty
20 20 et al. 2002). Phenotypic plasticity arises from influences of
Corticosterone (ng/ml)

the environment throughout the life of an animal (Dufty

0 0 et al. 2002), with maternal influences both before and after
birth contributing to differences between adult mammals in
40 40 their cortisol stress responses (Maccari et al. 2003;
Cameron et al. 2005). Exposure of mammals to stressors
20 20 during development is generally thought to lead to in-
creased reactivity of the HPA axis in adults (Meaney
0 0 2001). However, an alternative view is that both relatively
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 low or high levels of exposure to adversity during devel-
opment lead to increased responsiveness to stressors in
Time (min)
Fig. 3 Individual plasma corticosterone responses to handling of four The extent to which birds show phenotypic plasticity of
great tits sampled on three occasions. Free-living great tits were corticosterone responses and the origins of such plasticity
caught and held individually in cages for 10 days before being
have not been characterised in birds. Maternal effects on
sampled at intervals of seven days. Great tits were held in cloth bags
after each blood sample was collected. The data are from the study of corticosterone responses of offspring could be mediated via
Cockrem and Silverin (2002a) maternal corticosterone deposited in eggs (Hayward and

J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178 S173

Wingfield 2004), and food availability for chicks may af- Labar and LeDoux 2001). Fear can be defined as the state
fect corticosterone responses of the birds when they are or situation in which an animal perceives a stimulus to be a
adults (Pravosudov and Kitaysky 2006). There are various threat and in which the animal is generating a behavioural
approaches to the quantification of phenotypic plasticity, and/or a physiological response to the stimulus. Fear
with the most widely used being the slope of a reaction behaviour helps an animal to avoid or reduce the possible
norm (Valladares et al. 2006). A reaction norm is a func- consequence of exposure to danger. The quantification of
tion that describes for a given genotype the relationship fear is problematical (Murphy 1978; Miller et al. 2006), but
between strength of an environmental variable and phe- fear is nonetheless widely measured in chickens and quail
notype. Reaction norms can be used to indicate the relative (Jones 1996). The degree of fear experienced by a bird in a
importance of genetic contributions and environmental particular situation can potentially be assessed from
effects in the generation of phenotypes (Van Noordwijk behavioural observations, such as measuring the distance to
1989; Postma and Van Noordwijk 2005). Animals have which a bird can be approached before it flees (flight ini-
individual reaction norms, so phenotypic variation for a tiation distance; Stankowich and Blumstein 2005). How-
trait can be described for a population from the reaction ever, it is difficult to determine whether observed
norms of the individuals within the population. A reaction behaviours that may be called fear behaviours actually
norm for corticosterone responses in a population of birds reflect an underlying state of fear. Instead, studies of fear
could be determined from individual responses to a stressor often use behavioural tests in controlled situations to
that was applied at different intensities. This approach measure fearfulness, where underlying fearfulness is ‘‘the
could be used to measure reaction norms in species of birds propensity to be more or less easily frightened’’ (Jones
living in different environments to determine whether the 1996), or ‘‘a temperament trait defining the general sus-
slopes of reaction norms, and hence the amount of phe- ceptibility of an animal to react to a variety of potentially
notypic plasticity in the corticosterone responses of birds, threatening situations’’ (Boissy 1995).
differ between species. It is predicted that species living in Fearfulness in birds is most commonly measured in
relatively constant environments will show lower plasticity behaviour tests in which birds are placed in new situations
then species living in more variable environments. (open field tests) or are presented with novel or startling
Corticosterone responses have been measured in many stimuli (novel object or startle tests). Another test that is
species of birds in different situations and at different times widely used in chickens and quail is the tonic immobility
of year (Silverin 1998; Romero 2002). Mean responses of test. Tonic immobility (TI) is an unlearned response easily
groups of birds of the same species can differ in relation to induced by brief manual restraint in which a bird remains
weather conditions at the time of sampling, between sea- still and exhibits reduced responsiveness to external stim-
sons, between populations and between years, so it is dif- ulation (Jones 1986). TI is thought to be a form of anti-
ficult to interpret the significance of interspecific predator behaviour (Gallup 1977), and it has been
differences in corticosterone responses. However, differ- suggested that TI is equivalent to the immobility response
ences between species in the relative variation between within a predation episode (Ratner 1967). Characteristics
individual birds may be less than is first apparent. The of TI in chickens include temporary suppression of the
magnitude of the corticosterone responses shown in Fig. 2 righting response, reduced vocalisation, and intermittent
differed between the four species of birds. The maximum eye closure (Gallup 1977; Jones 1986). TI is induced in
mean corticosterone concentrations in the Adelie penguins chickens by placing a bird on its side or back and lightly
(at 30 min; Fig. 2c) were 11 times greater than in the restraining it, with one hand held over its head and the
chickens (at 15 min; Fig. 2b). However, when the variation other hand placed on its sternum for 15 s (Fraisse and
between individual birds at these times is expressed as Cockrem 2006). The handler then slowly removes their
coefficients of variation, the coefficients are the same for hands, moves back and observes the bird. If the bird rights
the penguins and chickens (51.4 and 50.5%, respectively). itself within 15 s, the induction is repeated up to five-times.
It is apparent from this example that the relative amount of The time to first head movement and the duration of TI are
variation between individual birds in their corticosterone considered to be positively related to fearfulness, and the
responses can be similar across species that have quite numbers of inductions and head movements to be nega-
different absolute corticosterone responses. tively related to fearfulness (Jones 1988).
Some strains of chicken are generally considered to be
Fear and corticosterone responses more flighty and fearful than others. Fraisse and Cockrem
(2006) compared corticosterone responses and fearfulness
Activation of the HPA axis when an animal perceives a in white Leghorn and brown Hyline laying hens and found
stimulus to be a threat is considered to occur simulta- that corticosterone responses to handling were greater in
neously with the basic emotion of fear (LeDoux 1996; white hens. The duration of tonic immobility, latency to

S174 J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178

first head movement and number of head movements in A

tonic immobility tests were greater in white than brown
hens, whereas the number of inductions was less for tonic 10
immobility tests. The tonic immobility and corticosterone
response results were consistent and indicated greater
fearfulness and larger corticosterone responses to poten- 5
tially threatening stimuli in white than brown hens. Data
from lines of Japanese quail selected for low and high

Duration (min)
corticosterone responses to restraint also support an asso-
ciation between corticosterone responses and fearfulness in
birds. Quail selected for low corticosterone responses show
lower fearfulness than quail selected for high corticoste- B
rone responses (Jones et al. 1994a, 1994b). 20

If birds experience fear when they respond to a stressor

then levels of fear should increase when plasma concen-
trations of corticosterone increase during a corticosterone
response. However, fear is not a single measurable vari-
able, and the demonstration of a relationship between
fearfulness and corticosterone is difficult. Chickens treated
with corticosterone had increased fearfulness in a tonic
immobility test (Jones et al. 1988), but clear relationships
between fear and corticosterone responses have not been
shown in birds. The challenges in relating fearfulness and White Brown
corticosterone responses can be demonstrated from a study Fig. 4 Mean (A; ±SE) and individual (B) durations of tonic
of hens. Tonic immobility tests in white Leghorn and immobility in white Hyline and brown Leghorn laying hens on a
brown Hyline hens showed a clear difference between commercial farm. Tonic immobility (TI) was induced by the method
strains of hen in the mean duration of immobility (Fig. 4A) of Fraisse and Cockrem (2006). If birds remained immobile
throughout the 20-min test period, the duration of TI was recorded
that was consistent with the results of Fraisse and Cockrem as 20 min
(2006). Inspection of the data for individual hens shows,
however, a wide range of durations within each strain of challenges faced by animals (Koolhaas et al. 1999). Coping
hen (Fig. 4B). Individual measures are not sufficient to styles are consistent over time, are equivalent to behavio-
quantify fear in birds, and it is not surprising that there was ural syndromes (Sih et al. 2004) and animal temperaments
no relationship between the duration of tonic immobility (Reale et al. 2007), and can also be called personalities
and the corticosterone response to 15 min of handling in (Carere and Eens 2005). Personalities have been defined as
these hens (data for white hens shown in Fig. 5A). How- suites of correlated behaviours that are expressed across
ever, when all four measures from the tonic immobility test different situations (Carere and Eens 2005). The existence
were combined, there was a small but significant correla- of consistent individual differences in personalities can be
tion between fearfulness, as measured by fear score ranks, explained from a consideration of life-history trade-offs
and corticosterone responses to handling in the white hens (Wolf et al. 2007). It has been suggested that animals with
(Fig. 5B). proactive personalities are likely to be more successful in
an environment that remains constant than those with
reactive personalities (Cockrem 2005). Conversely, the
Personality and corticosterone responses more cautious style of reactive animals may be more suc-
cessful in a changing environment and hence there is no
Animals differ in their responses to other animals and to optimal personality for all situations.
the environment. For example, some animals are more Personalities in free-living animals have been better
aggressive and more likely to explore new situations than studied in birds, especially the great tit in the Netherlands,
other animals. Characteristic patterns of behaviour in than in any other animal group (Groothuis and Carere
individual animals represent strategies that the animals use 2005). Although personalities vary along a continuum,
to cope with demands from their environment. These pat- individuals are commonly divided into two personality
terns have been called coping strategies or coping styles, groups on the basis of their behavioural responses to var-
where coping styles are defined as coherent sets of ious situations. Great tit personalities are assigned from
behavioral and physiological stress responses to common their performance in novel environment and novel object

J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178 S175

A 1991; Veenema et al. 2003) and classified as having pro-

active and reactive personalities are generally similar to
characteristics of fast and slow great tits.
Duration (min)

Survival, dispersal and breeding success of free-living

great tits whose personality has been determined in labo-
10 ratory tests have also been described (Dingemanse et al.
2003, 2004; Dingemanse and De Goede 2004). Survival of
adults and the number of offspring that survived and con-
tributed to the breeding population (a measure of fitness)
0 were both related to personality, but the relative success of
proactive or reactive great tits differed between years and
0 5 10 15
between sexes (Dingemanse et al. 2004). These findings
B indicated that selection pressures on personality traits can
differ between years, leading to the maintenance in avian
populations of genetic variation in personalities. It can be
TI fear score rank

suggested that in general birds with proactive personalities
are likely to be more successful in constant or predictable
conditions and birds with reactive personalities will be more
successful in changing or unpredictable conditions. Clearly
there is a need for further studies of relationships between
survival, fitness and personality in free-living birds.
0 Birds vary in their personalities and in their corticosterone
responses, so are proactive and reactive personalities asso-
0 5 10 15
ciated with different corticosterone responses to stressors?
Corticosterone at 15 min (ng/ml) This question can be addressed indirectly from a consider-
Fig. 5 Correlations between duration of tonic immobility (A; ation of behaviour in Japanese quail selected for low and high
Pearson r = 0.08, p = 0.583) and tonic immobility fear score rank corticosterone responses. A wide range of behaviour tests
(B; Pearson r = 0.30, p = 0.047) and plasma corticosterone responses have been conducted in lines of quail selected on their cor-
to handling in white Hyline laying hens on a commercial farm. The ticosterone responses to 10 min of restraint (Satterlee and
linear regression of fear score rank on corticosterone is shown in B.
Plasma corticosterone was measured in blood samples collected after Johnson 1988). LS (low corticosterone stress response) quail
hens had been removed from their cages and handled for 15 min. Fear are less fearful than HS (high corticosterone stress response)
score ranks were calculated for tonic immobility tests following quail in tests of tonic immobility (Satterlee et al. 1993), open
(Jones and Mills 1983). Ranks were calculated by ranking birds from field behaviour (Jones et al. 1992) and avoidance of humans
the least to the most fearful for each of four variables measured during
tonic immobility tests. The relationships with fear of each variable in (Jones et al. 1994a, 1994b). LS quail show higher sociality
the tonic immobility test were assigned following (Jones 1988) than HS quail (Jones et al. 2002), and also have a higher
growth rate (Satterlee and Johnson 1985) and reach puberty
earlier (Marin et al. 2002; Satterlee et al. 2002). The
tests (Groothuis and Carere 2005). Birds are released behaviour data from the LS and HS quail are consistent with
individually into a novel room or presented with novel the classification of the two selection lines into proactive and
objects in their cage. The rates of exploration in the room reactive personalities respectively, so a proactive personality
and approach to the novel object are scored and used to in these quail is associated with relatively low corticosterone
classify birds as fast or slow explorers. These tests are used responses and a reactive personality with relatively high
both in captive birds and in free-living birds that are corticosterone responses. Lines of quail have also been se-
brought to the laboratory, tested and then released at their lected for short (STI) and long (LTI) durations of tonic
capture site. Great tits have been selected for fast or slow immobility (Hazard et al. 2005). STI quail are less fearful
exploratory behaviour and the personalities of birds in each than LTI quail in open field as well as tonic immobility tests,
selection line examined in detail (Groothuis and Carere but differences between the lines in corticosterone responses
2005). Fast and slow personalities in great tits are equiv- have not been shown (Jones et al. 1991, 1994a, 1994b), and
alent to the proactive (active) and reactive (passive) coping there were no significant correlations between corticosterone
styles or personalities identified in mammals (Koolhaas and behaviour variables in these quail (Mignon-Grasteau
et al. 1999). For example, behavioural characteristics of et al. 2003). Individual differences in corticosterone re-
lines of mice selected for high and low aggression (short sponses are more apparent when birds are challenged with
and long attack latencies; SAL and LAL lines; Benus et al. mild rather than strong stressors (Beuving and Vonder 1986),

S176 J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178

and line differences between the STI and LTI quail may Table 1 Proposed characteristics of birds with proactive and reactive
become apparent if corticosterone responses to a milder personalities
stressor are measured in future. Proactive personality Reactive personality
Relationships between corticosterone responses and
behaviour can also been examined in data from great tits Birds
and chickens. It has been suggested that corticosterone Fast great titsa Slow great tits
responses may be smaller in fast (proactive) compared with LS quailb HS quail
slow (reactive) great tits (Carere et al. 2003; Groothuis and Brown hensc White hens
Carere 2005). White Leghorn hens selected for low (LFP) Behaviour
compared with high (HFP) levels of feather pecking Bold and aggressive Shy or cautious and not
showed less fear in an open field but not in a tonic
Fast and superficial explorers Slow and thorough explorers
immobility test (Jones et al. 1995). LFP hens had higher
Less fearful More fearful
corticosterone responses and lower noradrenaline sympa-
thetic nervous system responses to restraint than HFP hens Less flexible and less sensitive More flexible and more
to environmental stimuli sensitive to environmental
(Korte et al. 1997). Selection for feather pecking in these stimuli
hens has not led to lines of hens with different personali- Physiology
ties. In another study, white Leghorn hens that showed less Lower corticosterone Higher corticosterone
fear on the basis of tonic immobility responses also had responses to stressors responses to stressors
smaller corticosterone responses, although not significantly Relatively high sympathetic Relatively low sympathetic
so, to a stressor than hens showing more fear (Beuving nervous system reactivity nervous system reactivity
et al. 1989). Personality differences can also be identified Relatively low Relatively high
between strains of laying hens. Brown Hyline hens with parasympathetic nervous parasympathetic nervous
system reactivity system reactivity
relatively smaller corticosterone responses to handling and
lower fearfulness than white Leghorn hens (Fraisse and
More successful in constant or More successful in changing or
Cockrem 2006) have proactive personalities, and white
predictable conditions unpredictable conditions
Leghorn hens have reactive personalities.
A summary of proposed characteristics of birds with Behavioural differences between fast and slow great tits have been
extensively characterised (Groothuis and Carere 2005)
proactive and reactive personalities is given in Table 1. b
Japanese quail selected for low and high corticosterone responses to
Corticosterone responses to stressors are relatively restraint (Satterlee and Johnson 1988)
straightforward to measure, whereas fearfulness and other c
Brown Hyline hens have smaller corticosterone responses to han-
personality characteristics can only be assessed indirectly dling and show lower fearfulness than white Leghorn hens (Fraisse
from behaviour tests. Although it is difficult to demonstrate and Cockrem 2006)
clear relationships between corticosterone responses and
fearfulness (see Fig. 5), data from Japanese quail, great tits
and chickens are consistent with lower fearfulness and
lower corticosterone responses to stressors in proactive Stimulus from environment
compared with reactive birds.

Birds, like all other animals, are constantly receiving proactive reactive
stimuli from their environment. Responses to these stimuli
are determined by the individual characteristics of each
individual bird, which are collectively called ‘‘personal- Behaviour response Corticosterone response
ity’’. Birds with proactive personalities have relatively bold
bold and fast shy and slow low high
and fast behavioural responses and relatively low cortico-
sterone stress responses to stimuli, whilst birds with reac- Fig. 6 The influence of personality on behavioural and corticoste-
tive personalities have relatively passive shy and slow rone responses of birds. A stimulus from the environment is perceived
behavioural responses and large corticosterone responses. by a bird, then personality characteristics of each individual bird
determine the nature of the responses to the stimulus. Personalities
Corticosterone and behaviour responses are linked, and
can be classified as proactive or reactive, with associated behavioural
individual corticosterone and behaviour responses depend responses of individual birds varying from bold and fast to shy and
on each bird’s personality, as shown in Fig. 6. The iden- slow, and corticosterone responses from low to high

J Ornithol (2007) 148 (Suppl 2):S169–S178 S177

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