Anth Lecture 15

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Embryo adaption: Emergent forms of siblingship among Snowflakes families

How traditional values of american kinshsip are being transformed?

Starting a pregnancy, embroys may be developed thru IVF in a petri dish
Fertilized by semen
ART (artifical reproduction technology)

Batch siblings, embryos in one petri dish

First phases of development outside and after a few days they are implanted into a woman’s
uterus who otherwise would not be able to hav children

Cryopreservation is a freezing technique that can be used for eggs, embryos and sperm.

If a couple have enough children they may donate the rest of the embryos.
Frozen embryos donated to those who want to adopt these children. It is possbile for a
women to give birht to an adopted child
Those who donate the embroys are called placing parents and those who adopt are called
adoptive parents

Genetic father – pater

Want to avoid potential incest avoid them from marrying their own siblings (american

Adoptive parents want to know who the siblings are of their children.
They also want their own children to be sibling so they get them from one batch

Nightlight: a licensed non-profit Hague accredited adoption agency that proivdes pro-life
counseling to pregnant women and adatoping services to families

Adoption etc change the scales of the election results.

Major issues, christians believe these frozzen embryos are real human.

Nightlight: in terms of parenting, religion etc

They discouraged parents from adopting parents to take embroys from differentgenetic
origins if they want more than one child.
Because the idea of being genetically related to each other is very much in ameircan vlaue
and these sibling are real siblings in the sense of biolgical siblings and create solidarity.

Theoretical framework
Emphasis on descent

Sharing of blood is a metaphor

Schnider talks about cultural bias
This distincion itse;d is a cultura; one

Nature is something given upon which culture is built upon

South asian idea of wilderness, tress, liminality
Not quiet the same as the gloab north’s disctinction bw natuer and culture

Twin vs genetic siblings:

Batch siblings born wihtin one family irrespetive of their birth date
They are considered resl siblings to each other

Genetic siblings:
May be from the same batch but grown up in another familiy

Other set of adoptive parents:

All children born form the same mother are siblings irrespective of the

Don’t bother for incest

Refer to their children as gestation siblings (shared the same milk, womb from the same

Growing up in the same

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