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REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof.

Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

The causes of action is determined in terms of the number

REMEDIAL LAW of breaches.
Civil Procedure
Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III Will every breach entitle you to recovery?

Turner v. Lorenzo Shipping (2010)

FILING FEES A complaint whose cause of action has not yet accrued
The Court acquires jurisdiction over any case only upon the cannot be cured by an amended or supplemental pleading
payment of the prescribed docket fee. alleging the existence or accrual of a cause of action during
the pendency of the action. At that point in time, it was
Sun Insurance v. Asuncion (1989) premature.
1. It is not simply the filing of the complaint but the • Now reinforced in Rule 10, Section 3 of the
payment of the prescribed docket fee, that vests a amended rules.
trial court with jurisdiction over the subject matter
or nature of action. Where such filing is not Splitting causes of action
accompanied by payment of the docket fee, the One suit for a single cause of action.
court may allow payment of the fee within a
reasonable time but not beyond the prescriptive SPLITTING (A SINGLE CAUSE OF ACTION) – act of
period. instituting two or more suits on the basis of the same cause
2. Same rule applies to permissive counterclaims, 3rd of action.
party claims and similar pleadings. The court may
allow payment of said fee within a reasonable time The filing of one or a judgment upon the merits in any one
but in no case beyond its applicable reglementary is available as ground for dismissal of the others à The filing
period. of one or a judgment upon the merits in any one is available
3. Where the trial court acquires jurisdiction over a as ground for dismissal of the others. (Forum shopping)
claim by the filing of the appropriate pleading and • Filing of one: Litis pendentia;
payment of the prescribed filing fee but • Judgment: Res judicata.
subsequently, the judgment awards a claim not
specified in the pleading, or if specified the same It is not a ground for a motion to dismiss. The proper
has been left for determination by the court, the ground is litis pendentia or res judicata. But splitting can be
additional filing fee therefor shall constitute a lien on an affirmative defense.
the judgment. It shall be the responsibility of the
Clerk of Court or his duly authorized deputy to Cruz v. Tolentino (2018)
enforce said lien and assess and collect the The sole issue is the validity of the sale. There is litis
additional fee. pendentia in this case. Res judicata applies as well.
a. “Metered” filing fees.
Chua v. Metropolitan Bank (2009)
Forum shopping can be committed in three ways:
CAUSE OF ACTION 1. Filing multiple cases based on the same cause of
action and with the same prayer, the previous case
DEFINITION: Act or omission by which a party violates
not having been resolved yet (where the ground for
the rights of another.
dismissal is litis pendentia;
2. Filing multiple cases based on the same cause of
action and the same prayer, the previous case
1. Legal right in favor of the plaintiff
having been finally resolved (where the ground for
2. Correlative legal duty of the defendant to respect
dismissal is res judicata); and
such rights 3. Filing multiple cases based on the same cause of
3. Act or omission by such defendant in violation of
action, but with different prayers (splitting of causes
the right of the plaintiff with a resulting injury or
of action, where the ground for dismissal is also
damage to the plaintiff for which the latter may
either litis pendentia or res judicata).
maintain an action for the recovery of relief from the
JOINDER – assertion of as many causes of action as a
There is a cause of action when someone violates the right
party may have against another in one pleading alone.
of another.
• Not mandatory, left to sound discretion of plaintiff.
Most important requisite: Breach.

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REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

If it a suit of one party against another, you can join as many

causes of action, even if it is unrelated. Who may file suit? Who are we filing against?
a. An individual;
But if multiple parties, then you would have to contend with i. Must have capacity to sue and be
Section 6, Rule 3 or permissive joinder of parties. sued.
ii. Minor may be sued but must be
Actions covered by special rules cannot be joined. assisted by parent or guardian, or
• E.g. Adoption and ejectment cannot be joined. a guardian ad litem appointed by
the court.
RULES ON JOINDER OF PARTIES: (RULE 3, SECTION iii. In case of “supervening
6; Pantranco North Express v. Standard Insurance incapacity” (e.g. stroke) à case
Company) shall still continue, it may be
1. Right to relief arises out of the same transaction or continued with the assistance of
series of transactions the parent or the guardian.
2. There is a question of law or fact common to all [Section 18, Rule 3]
plaintiffs or defendants iv. A married person may institute an
3. Such joinder is not otherwise proscribed by the action. General rule is that it must
provisions of the Rules on jurisdiction and venue be instituted jointly with the
spouse. Except instances
ALTERNATIVE CAUSES OF ACTION: when causes of provided for by law.
action are set forth in one pleading alternatively or 1. Involving practice of
hypothetically. Plaintiff seeks relief from either one of the profession.
causes, not both (ROC, Rule 8, Section 2) 2. Involving properties
exclusively owned by one
Sum of all claims: If claim is for sum of money, jurisdiction spouse.
is determined by the sum of all your claims. v. Each of the spouses have to be
served with summons individually,
Misjoinder according to the amendments.
It is not a ground for dismissal. b. A juridical entity (e.g. corporations,
associations, duly incorporated in the
REMEDY IN MISJOINDER: When there is a misjoinder of Philippines or in the country where it was
causes of action, the erroneously joined cause of action can formed)
be severed and proceeded with separately upon motion by i. The capacity of the juridical entity
a party or by the court motu proprio. must also be stated in the
pleading, that it is duly organized
Prof. Tranquil cautions against this. and registered under Philippine
It can be initiated by the motion of a party or the court’s ii. Rule 14 distinguishes domestic
own motion because certain parties have been misjoined. vs. foreign corporation for
What is not contemplated is a situation where a party has purposes of summons.
failed to implied another. iii. A corporation doing business in
the Philippines and licensed can
sue and be sued.
PARTIES iv. A corporation doing business in
the Philippines but not licensed
REAL PARTY-IN-INTEREST – Party who stands to be under the Philippines generally
benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit, or party cannot sue but it can be sued.
entitled to the avails of the suit. [Section 2, Rule 3] However, an exception is when
the defendant benefited from the
LEGAL STANDING or DOCTRINE OF LOCUS STANDI plaintiff, then he is estopped from
• Refers to a personal and substantial interest in a denying the same.
case such that the party has sustained or will v. Isolated transactions: The foreign
sustain a direct injury because of the challenged company may be sued against.
governmental act. c. Entities authorized by law
• Simplest test: Direct injury. But the test has evolved i. No need for licensing requirement
through time. or registration.
• Transcendental importance allows a party to file
suit even without direct and personal injury.
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REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

ii. Example would be labor

organizations accredited by the REQUISITES FOR A CLASS SUIT TO PROSPER:
government. 1. Persons are so numerous that it is impracticable to
d. Non-juridical entities join all as parties
i. Cannot sue but can be 2. Subject matter of the controversy must be of
defendants to an action for the common or general interest to many persons
protection of the public. 3. Parties actually before the court are sufficiently
ii. May be sued under the name by numerous and representative as to fully protect the
which they are commonly known. interest of all concerned
iii. But once you receive summons 4. Representatives sue or defend for the benefit of all
and you have to file an answer,
you would have to disclose true Once there is diversity, there cannot be a class suit.
Substitution (Effect of death of party litigant)
Necessary party What if a party dies? Section 16, Rule 3 cf. Section 4, Rule
NECSSARY PARTIES – one who is not indispensable but 111.
who ought to be joined as party to the case if (1) complete
relief is to be accorded as to those already parties, or (2) for Requirement:
a complete determination or settlement of the claim subject 1. Any party dies;
of the action. 2. Nature of the action is that which survives as to the
death of the party. Examples:
Non-inclusion does not prevent the court from proceeding a. Specific performance with damages;
with the action. b. Recovery of ownership or possession;
c. Rescission of contract
Failure to implead necessary party does not affect the d. Sum of money
validity of a judgment. i. Plaintiff dies à Section 20 will not
Indispensable party
Needs to be impleaded to have a final determination in a The case will not be dismissed, and substitution of the
case. deceased party takes palce.

INDISPENSABLE PARTY – real party in interest without HOW EFFECTED: Duty of the lawyer to inform the court
whom no final determination can be had of an action. within 30 days from the fact of death. The lawyer also has
to notify the court of the legal representative.
The policy of the court today is when the party calls the 1. E.g. Name an heir, executor, or administrator
attention of the court on failure to implead an indispensable
party, the court orders to implead an indispensable party, Two notices:
instead of dismissing it outright. If after, there is failure to 1. Notice of death given by the lawyer to the court;
comply, only then will the court dismiss the case. 2. Court has to issue a notice of the substitution.

If the action proceeded and judgment was had, and there Lack of any of this will not result in substitution. However,
was failure to implead an indispensable party, such is null the Court has previously ruled that there is substitution in
and void. cases where the party has participated, as long as the
minimum requirements of due process have been complied
In an action for petition for relief of judgment, a party to an with. Substitution is a requirement of due process.
action is an indispensable party. You should be a party to
an action to institute a suit under Rule 38. Brioso v. Mariano (2003)
Despite the trial court's failure to adhere to the rule on
Derivative suit: A wrong is committed against a substitution of a deceased party, its judgment remains valid
corporation. Therefore, the cause of action belongs to a and binding on the following heirs, namely, Salvador,
corporation and it must be impleaded. The stockholder who Concepcion and Ernesto. Formal substitution of heirs is not
instituted an action is deemed to have failed an necessary when the heirs themselves voluntarily appeared,
indispensable party if he does not implead the corporation. shared in the case and presented evidence in defense of
[Cua v. Ocampo Tan (2009)] deceased defendant. This is precisely because, despite the
court's non-compliance with the rule on substitution, the
Class suit heirs' right to due process was obviously not impaired. In
There is a common or general interest. [Section 12, Rule 3] other words, the purpose of the rule on substitution of a

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REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

deceased party was already achieved. The following facts 2. Personal action: Venue is transitory, thus, it is
indicate plainly that there was active participation of these either:
heirs in the defense of Glicerio after his death. As to the a. Where the plaintiff or any of the principal
father of the heirs, and since no one came forward to plaintiff resides
protect his interest, the judgment was void since there was b. Where the defendant or any of the
no valid substitution. principal defendants resides
c. If non-resident defendant, the plaintiff can
Public officer dies, resigns, ceases office elect whether:
When a public officer is a party in an action in his official i. Where the plaintiff or principal
capacity and during its pendency dies, resigns, or otherwise plaintiff resides;
ceases to hold office, the action may be continued and ii. where NR defendant may be
maintained by or against his successor. [Section 17, Rule found. (cf. Rule 14 on service of
3] summons)
d. If corporation à place of business as
Grounds: Substantial need for continuing or maintaining it indicated in the Articles of Incorporation.
and that the successor adopts or continues or threatens to e. Can venue in personal actions be subject
adopt or continue the action of his predecessor. of agreement? YES. If there are no words
• When shown to court: Within 30 days after of exclusivity, it is merely an additional
successor takes office. option. But if there are words of exclusivity,
then venue is what the parties agreed
There should be sufficient notice and opportunity to be upon.
heard. (For successor) f. In personal actions, the option is on the
Transfer of interest
In case of any transfer of interest, the action may be The venue stipulation cannot be applied where the validity
continued by or against the original party, unless the court of the contract is put in question.
upon motion directs the person to whom the interest is
transferred to be substituted in the action or joined with the Residence – means the place of abode, permanent or
original party. [Section 19, Rule 3] temporary, of the plaintiff or defendant.

Action on money or interest “Principal” under the Rules should be taken to mean that
This has a very narrow application. the party should have substantial interest.
• Prof. Tranquil: Because some lawyers practice
Requisites for application of Section 20, Rule 3: impleading “nominal” parties which only have minor
1. Nature of the action is for recovery of money arising interests in the case to manipulate the rules on
from contract, express or implied venue.
2. It is the defendant who dies
a. If plaintiff dies à Section 16 applies. Improper venue is no longer a ground for motion to dismiss.

Court shall NOT DISMISS the suit. Case shall continue until If you fail to raise the defense of improper in an Answer, it is
entry of final judgment. deemed waived.
• However, unlike in Section 16 where the action will
survive because of substitution, in Section 20, the Hygienic Packaging Corp v. Nutriasia Inc. (2019)
action will continue against the estate. This is a personal action, as it is for recovery of sum of
money. Petitioner's erroneous belief on the applicability of
VENUE the venue stipulation in the Sales Invoices led it to file an
action before the Regional Trial Court of Manila. This error
is fatal to petitioner's case. They cannot be considered as
Venue is not jurisdiction.
contracts that would bind the parties as to the venue. At the
very least, the sales invoice is just an acknowledgment of
Two rules:
1. Real action: Venue is determined where the real
property is located.
a. Can the parties stipulate on venue? YES.
The concept of venue in civil cases could
1. When there is a law that expressly provides for a
be subject of consent, agreement, or
waiver. See Section 4, Rule 4.
a. Rule 24: Deposition Before Action. Where
the would-be defendant resides.
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b. Probate of the will or distribution of the • Section 1 states that it should state a plain,
estate à where the deceased last resided. concise, direct statement of facts, including the
c. Quo warranto à Where the respondent or evidence of the claim or defense of a party.
any of them resides. • Section 6, Rule 7 instructs that the parties submit
d. Adoption à Where adopted resides. the judicial affidavits of witnesses, name them, as
2. When the parties stipulate on a venue with words well as include the summaries of their testimonies.
of exclusivity. Documents and object evidence have to be
attached to the complaint.
Actionable document: Document on which an action or
SCOPE: Actions for payment of money where the value of defense is based. (e.g. promissory note)
the claim does not exceed PHP 400,000 in cases filed • Must be specifically denied. Effect of failure to
before the MeTC, and P300,000 in cases filed before the specifically deny it under oath is deemed an
MCTC, MTCS, and MTCC, exclusive of interest and costs. admission of the document’s genuineness and due
It is initiated by the Statement of Claim. • Window: Rule 129, Section 4 (Palpable mistake)
• There must be a Certification Against Forum • Even if it is specifically denied but NOT under oath
Shopping, Splitting a Single Cause of Action, and à still an admission.
Multiplicity of Suits.
What do you do for an actionable document? You allege
Response: The only responsive pleading is a Response. the substance or attach a copy of the document.
• Within 10 days from receipt of summons. [Section • Whenever an action or defense is based upon a
13, AM 08-8-7-SC] written instrument or document, the substance of
such instrument or document shall be set forth in
No participation on lawyers unless the lawyer is a party the pleading, and the original or a copy thereof shall
himself. be attached to the pleading as an exhibit, which
shall be deemed to be a part of the pleading.
FILING FEES: If more than five (5) small claims are filed by [Section 7, Rule 8]
one party within the calendar year, regardless of the judicial
station, an additional filing fee of P500.00 shall be paid for Answer
every claim filed after the fifth (5th) claim, and an additional GR: The Answer should contain the defenses.
P100.00 or a total of P600.00 for every claim filed after the
tenth (10th) claim, and another P100.00 or a total of P700 NEGATIVE DEFENSE: A defense is negative when its
for every claim filed after the fifteenth (15th) claim, purpose is to specifically deny the material averments in the
progressively and cumulatively. pleading of the claimant.
• If the plaintiff is engaged in the business of banking,
lending and similar activities, the amount of filing Manners of denial See Rule 8 Section 10
and other legal fees shall be the same as those 1. Specific denial
applicable to cases filed under the regular rules. a. Defendant specifies each material
[Section 10, AM 08-8-7-SC] allegation of fact, the truth of which he
does not admit and whenever practicable,
Decision: After the hearing, the court shall render its sets forth the substance of the matters
decision based on the facts established by the evidence upon which he relies to support his denial.
within twenty-four (24) hours from termination of the [Rule 8, Section 10]
hearing. [Section 24, AM 08-8-7-SC] 2. “Qualified” denial – deny a portion and admit the
3. Lack of information to form a belief as to the truth
PLEADINGS thereof.
a. “Moreover, respondents' denial of the
PLEADINGS: The written statements of the respective
allegations in the petition for forfeiture "for
claims and defenses of the parties submitted to the court
lack of knowledge or information sufficient
for appropriate judgment.
to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations since respondents were not
Rule 8, Section 1 cf. Rule 7, Section 6: Rule 8, Section 1
privy to the transactions" was just a
tells us the amendment of a phrase changed the policy of
pretense. Mrs. Marcos' privity to the
the Rules.
transactions was in fact evident from her
signatures on some of the vital documents
attached to the petition for forfeiture which
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REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

Mrs. Marcos failed to specifically deny as

required by the rules.” Thus, there was no Reply
denial in this case and it was deemed an GR: A reply is not allowed by the Rules.
admission [Republic v. Sandiganbayan
(2003)] XPN: An answer may be responded to by a reply only if the
defending party attaches an actionable document to the
AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES: An allegation of a new matter answer.
which, while hypothetically admitting the material • What if you want to allege new matters, and this
allegations in the pleading of the claimant, would situation contemplated in the exception is not the
nevertheless prevent or bar recovery by him or her. [Section case (i.e. no actionable document)? File an
5, Rule 6] amended or supplemental complaint to address
• Common defense: In case for recovery of sum of new matters alleged in the Answer.
money à payment by the debtor is usually the • When filed: Within 15 days.
What is a responsive pleading to a reply? Rejoinder.
Improper venue, like lack of jurisdiction over the person, is • No period provided.
waivable, and would not lead to the dismissal of the case.
Prof. Tranquil: I will just follow the same period as a Reply.
Failure to comply with condition precedents are also Or if I’m being careful, in 5 days.
Counterclaim and cross claim
The grounds shall be limited to those under Sec. 5(b), Counterclaim
Rule 6 and those enumerated under Sec. 12, Rule 8. COUNTERCLAIM: Any claim which a defending party may
1. Fraud have against an opposing party.
2. Statute of limitations
3. Release KINDS:
4. Payment 1. Compulsory counterclaim
5. Illegality a. Arises out of or is connected with the
6. Statute of frauds transaction or occurrence constituting the
7. Estoppel subject matter of the opposing party’s
8. Former recovery claim
9. Discharge in bankruptcy, and b. Test: Without the principal action, there
10. Any other matter by way of confession and would not have been a counterclaim.
avoidance. c. No need for filing fee.
d. No need for a certification against forum
Note: The court is allowed to conduct a summary hearing shopping.
within 15 calendar days from the allegation of these 2. Permissive counterclaim
affirmative defenses in the answer. After such hearing, a. It does not arise out of or is not necessarily
they must be resolved by the court within 30 calendar days connected with the subject matter of the
from the end of the summary hearing. [Sec. 12(d), Rule 8] opposing party’s claim.
b. Filing fees have to be paid
Under Sec. 5(b), Rule 6, 2nd paragraph c. CNFS required.
1. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter;
2. Litis pendentia, and
3. Res judicata.
CROSS-CLAIM: Any claim by one party against a co-party
arising out of the transaction or occurrence that is the
Note: These are not under Rule 8, Section 12.
subject matter either of the original action or of a
counterclaim therein.
Denial of an affirmative defense is not subject of a motion
for reconsideration, just go with the case. Appeal the merits
It does not require leave of court.
of the case when you get a decision.
• Motion for reconsideration of the court’s action on
There should be multiple parties on one side.
an affirmative defense is now a prohibited motion.
[Section 12(c), Rule 15]
There can be both a cross claim and counterclaim at the
same time
NEGATIVE PREGNANT: A negative implying also an
affirmative which, although stated in negative form, really
admits the allegations to which it relates. Third party complaint
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THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT – claim of defending party identified, will have evidentiary support after modes
against a person not a party to the action. Requires leave of recovery (consistent with Rule 6).
of court. 5. That the denials are warranted by the evidence, or
based on honest belief, or lack of knowledge
Requires leave of court. Third party complaint must be
included with motion to admit the same. Consequence of violation: The court has the option to
• When you do a third party complaint, you are motu propio, or upon motion, impose a sanction, of course,
bringing in an person whom the court just not have after due process. Or worse, it may refer the matter to the
jurisdiction over or to subrogate to step into the sue proper office.
of another. • LIABILITY OF LAW FIRM: Jointly and severally
• To contribute, to indemnify, to subrogate, or other liable for a violation committed by a partner, absent
relief. exceptional circumstances.
o It may include non-monetary directive or
It can be denied. sanction, order to pay penalty in court, or,
if posed on motion and warranted for
When the third (fourth, etc.) party complaint will not effective deterrence, an order directing
be granted leave, and the court will require the filing payment to the movant of part or all of the
of a separate action: reasonable attorney’s fees and other
1. Where matters extraneous to the issue in the expenses resulting from the violation (i.e.
principal case are raised, or attorney’s fees for the filing of the motion
2. Where the effect would be that a new and separate for sanction.) The penalty cannot be
controversy is introduced in the action. [Sec. 11, passed on to the client.
Rule 6]
When, despite grant of leave allowing the filing of a Who verifies: It should be a party who verifies.
third-party complaint, the court dismisses the third
(fourth) party complaint Nature: Requirement of form, not jurisdictional.
• The third-party defendant cannot be located within • May be subject of amendment, or subject of
30 days from grant of leave. [Sec. 11, Rule 6] supplement.

Parts and Contents of a Pleading [Rule 7] Should allege:

Signature and Address 1. The allegations in the pleading are true and correct
There is now an additional duty for the lawyer to based on his or her personal knowledge, or based
inquire reasonably into the circumstances. on authentic documents;
2. The pleading is not filed to harass, cause
SIGNATURE unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost
1. It means that you have read it, and to the best of of litigation; and
your knowledge, information, and belief and that it 3. The factual allegations therein have evidentiary
is formed after an inquiry reasonable under the support or, if specifically so identified, will likewise
circumstances. Unlike before, it was sufficient that have evidentiary support after a reasonable
there was good ground. It is not sufficient (now) opportunity for discovery.
that you have read it, as a lawyer, you should have
(conducted) an inquiry reasonable under the Only pleadings which are required to be verified are verified:
circumstance. It requires some level of prudence 1. Initiatory pleadings with prayer for provisional
and diligence. remedies;
2. It is also a certification that the pleading was not for a. No requirement that complaint should be
an improper purpose: that it was not made to verified if without prayer for provisional
harass, to delay, or to needlessly increase the remedies.
costs of litigation. 2. Intracorporate disputes
3. That such arguments are supported by law and 3. Petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45;
jurisprudence. Or, there is a nonfrivolous 4. Certiorari under Rule 64 (COA and COMELEC);
argument for extending, modifying, or reversing 5. Certiorari, prohibition, mandamus (Rule 65);
jurisprudence. No unreasonable contentions and 6. Other examples provided by law
4. It is also a certification that the factual contentions If someone has been duly authorized, that which appears
have evidentiary support, or, if specifically so in the verification should also appear in the authority. Only
an affiant duly authorized to make verification may do so.

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1. Juridical entity: Secretary’s certificate

reproducing the Resolution.. Willful and deliberate forum shopping: May be liable for
2. Someone signs for the party: Must have a direct contempt of court. It is ground for summary
special power of attorney. dismissal, with prejudice. It is also cause for administrative
Who signs the verification • Question of fact: Look at the pleadings. If the
Rule: It is the client who should sign. If multiple clients, all of complaint mirrors the others.
them has to sign. If juridical entity, the person who is
authorized to do so. Default [ Rule 9]
• Substantial compliance: When petitioners have a Who may be declared in default: Defendant.
common interest.
Ground for declaration of default: Failure of the
Signature of counsel is not compliance with the rules. defending party to answer within the time allowed therefor.
Execution of verification and certificate of non-forum • There should be proof of such failure
shopping by counsel is defective certification.
Motion to declare in default is prohibited in Small Claims
Cordillera Global Network v. Paje (2019) and the Rules on Summary Procedure.
The failure of all petitioners to sign the document is not a
sufficient ground for the Petition's outright dismissal. Actions of the court when a party is declared in
Jurisprudence confirms that petitioners substantially default:
complied with the verification requirement. The 30 1. Proceed to render judgment granting claimant
signatories provided the guarantee that: (1) they had ample such relief as his pleading may warrant; or
knowledge as to the truth of the allegations in the Petition; 2. Require claimant to submit evidence ex parte.
and (2) the Petition was made in good faith. For the a. The reception of evidence may be
certification against forum shopping, Altres stated the delegated to the clerk of court.
general rule that non-signing petitioners will be dropped as
parties to the case. Nonetheless, there is an exception: Effect of order of default: The party in default shall be
when all petitioners share a common interest, the signature entitled to only notices of subsequent proceedings but may
of one (1) petitioner in the certification against forum not take part in trial.
shopping is enough to satisfy the substantial compliance
rule. Remedy: Motion under oath to set aside the order of
default on the grounds of extrinsic fraud, accident, mistake,
Certificate against non-forum shopping and excusable neglect.
With the amendment, there should be an authority if
someone else signs on your behalf. Effect of PARTIAL default: Does not result in plaintiff
presenting evidence ex parte. The court shall try the case
No requirement under CNFS for the SPA to reproduce the against all upon the answers thus filed and render judgment
verification. All that is required is the SPA. upon the evidence presented.

What should be in the CNFS Relief; What the Court can award in case of default:
1. That he or she has not commenced any action or An amount that does not exceed the amount to be different
filed any claim involving the same issues in any in kind from that prayed nor shall the court award
court, tribunal or quasi- judicial agency and, to the unliquidated damages.
best of his knowledge, no such other action is
pending Judgment by default: There is already a final judgment.
2. If there is such other pending action or claim, a This is different from order by default.
complete statement of the present status thereof, • Possible Remedies:
and o Motion for new trial (not reconsideration,
3. If he or she should learn that the same or a similar since there is no evidence);
action or claim has been filed or is pending, he shall o Appeal
report that fact within 5 calendar days to the court o Petition for relief of judgment, if you are a
wherein his aforesaid complaint or initiatory party to the case.
pleading has been filed. [Sec. 5, Rule 7] o Petition for certiorari under Rule 65.

EFFECT OF NON-COMPLIANCE: May be liable for General default: No name defendants, it is an action in
indirect contempt of court, without prejudice to rem.
administrative and criminal actions

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• E.g. Application for certificate of public

convenience. It requires leave of court.

Amendments [Rule 10] It may be answered within 20 calendar days from notice of
1. Adding an allegation, the order admitting the same unless the court provides for
2. Adding the name of any party, another period.
3. Striking out an allegation, • Supplemental complaint: Within 20 days;
4. Striking out the name of any party, • Other pleadings, not a response, not an Answer to
5. Correcting a mistake in the name of a party, or a supplemental complaint: Period to respond is 10
6. Correcting a mistaken or inadequate allegation or days from order admitting it. [Rule 10, Section 6]
description in any other respect. [Sec. 1, Rule 10]
Periods for Responsive Pleadings [Rule 11]
Types Answer to the complaint Within 30 calendar days
1. Matter of Right after service of summons.
a. Every litigant is entitled to amendment as
a matter of right before a responsive Exception: Unless a
pleading is filed different period is fixed by
b. Period to file an answer to an amended the court.
complaint is a period of 30 days. Answer to amended Within 30 calendar days
2. With leave of court complaint as a matter of after being served with a
a. Only when there is already an answer. right copy thereof.
b. Under the present rules, the amendment
may now substantially alter the cause of By: Defendant
action or defense, upon leave of court. Answer to amended Within 15 calendar days
You would have to explain to the court that complaint not a matter of from notice of the order
this is not for delay. right admitting the same.
c. A pleading may not be amended to confer Answer to counterclaim or Within 20 calendar days
jurisdiction. cross claim
i. Court will look at the allegations of Answer to third party Within 30 calendar days
the complaint. complaint
3. Formal amendments Reply (only if there is an Within 15 calendar days
a. (1) Defect in the designation of the parties actionable document from service of the
and (2) other clearly clerical or attached to answer) pleading responded to
typographical errors. Answer to supplemental Within 20 calendar days
b. Court can summarily, on its own initiative, complaint from notice of the order
correct the error. admitting the same.

Amendment to conform to evidence: No amendment of Exception: Unless a

such pleadings deemed amended is necessary to cause different period is fixed by
them to conform to the evidence. Failure to amend does the court.
not affect the trial of these issues. Answer to supplemental Within 10 days from notice
• Old Rule. pleading of the order admitting the
supplemental pleading.
amended, the original pleading is deemed to have been EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE ANSWER: Additional
abandoned. The original ceases to perform any further period of not more than 30 calendar days.
function as a pleading. The case stands for trial on the • For meritorious reasons.
amended pleading. • To whom: Defendant.
• However, admissions in superseded pleadings • Only one motion for extension is allowed.
may be offered in evidence against the pleader and
claims or defenses alleged therein not incorporated The court, however, may allow any other pleading to be filed
in the amended pleading shall be deemed waived. after the time fixed by these Rules.

Supplemental Pleadings Filing and Service [Rule 13]

There are transactions, occurrences, events, which have
happened since the date of the pleading sought to be Manner of filing (Party in relation to the court)
supplanted. 1. Personal
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Clerk of court shall endorse on the a. Ordinary mail is acceptable as service.
pleading the date and hour of filing. Look at the last line of Section 7, Rule 13.
2. Registered Mail 4. Accredited courier
a. The date of mailing shall be considered as 5. Electronic Mail, Facsimile Transmission, other
the date of filing. Electronic Means as may be authorized
b. Ordinary mail filing is not allowed because 6. Those which is provided by international
there is no certainty or no way for the court conventions to which the Philippines is a party
to ascertain when it is filed. a. See AO 251-2020 issued by the Supreme
3. Accredited Courier Court.
a. It is considered as filed as the time or the b. Application of the Hague Service
date of mailing, same as registered mail. Convention [AO 251-2020]
b. Important to check with the SC if the Conditions for the application of the Hague
courier is accredited. Service Convention in the Philippines:
4. Electronic mail, other electronic means i. A document is to be transmitted
a. The date of electronic transmission shall from one State Party for service to
be considered on the date of filing. another State Party;
ii. Address of intended recipient in
Proof of filing [Section 16, Rule 13] the receiving State Party is
Important when there is a dispute on W/N the pleading was known;
actually filed. iii. Document to be served is a
1. Personal filing: That it appears in the records of the judicial document;
case 1. Includes summons,
a. If not there à your receiving copy is subpoenas, etc.
considered proof for purposes of proof of iv. Document to be served relates to
filing. a civil or commercial matter.
2. Registered mail
a. Registered receipt; and Proof of service
b. Affidavit of the person mailing; and 1. Personal service – this is different from personal
c. Return card service under Rule 14 (summons).
3. Accredited courier a. Written Admission by the Parties;
a. Affidavit of service of the person mailing; b. Official return of the server
b. Official Receipt; c. Affidavit of the party serving
c. Tracking Number 2. Ordinary mail;
4. Electronic mail a. Affidavit of person mailing
a. Affidavit of electronic filing of the filing party 3. Registered mail
b. Paper copy of the pleading transmitted a. Affidavit of the Person Mailing
(and may be subsequently filed personally b. Registered Receipt
or registered mail) c. Return card
5. Other authorized means 4. Accredited courier;
a. Affidavit of electronic filing of filing party a. Affidavit of the person who brought the
b. Copy of electronic acknowledgment of its pleading to the courier
filing by the court b. Official receipt
c. Tracking Number
Service (Party in relation to other parties; but the court may 5. Electronic mail or fax
also serve pleadings) a. Affidavit of the person sending;
1. Personal b. Printed proof of transmittal + printed copy;
a. Handed personally to another party or his c. Service by fax
representative. 6. By convention
b. Always differentiate Rule 13 from Rule 14 a. Proof of receipt according to the convention
2. Registered Mail Completeness of service
a. Depositing a copy in a post office in a 1. Personal service
sealed envelope, make the payment, a. Upon actual delivery
receive the registry receipt. If there is no 2. Ordinary mail
registry service the mode is by ordinary a. Upon the expiration of 10 days
mail. 3. Registered mail
3. Ordinary mail

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a. Actual receipt or expiration of the period of • Express provision. While we differentiate this Rule
5 days from first notice, whichever comes from Rule 14, this is because what is being served
first. comes from the court.
4. Accredited courier
a. Actual receipt or at least after two The court may electronically serve orders and other
attempts or after expiration of 5 days from documents to all the parties in the case which shall have
first notice, whichever comes first. the same effect and validity as provided herein. A paper
5. Electronic means copy of the order or other document electronically served
a. Upon electronic transmission of the shall be retained and attached to the record of the case.
document + when available, a notification [Rule 13, Section 18]
that would show that it has been sent.
b. However, it is not complete when the party Conventional service or filing
sending learns that the other side has not Only personal or registered mail.
received such transmission.
6. Facsimile CONVENTIONAL SERVICE: The following orders,
a. Complete upon receipt of the other party. pleadings, and other documents must be served or filed
An indication that it was received with the personally or by registered mail when allowed, and shall
facsimile printout. not be served or filed electronically, unless express
permission is granted by the Court:
Electronic means a. Initiatory pleadings and initial responsive pleadings,
Service through facsimile and electronic mail will only be such as an answer;
allowed if the party concerned consents to such mode of b. Subpoenae, protection orders, and writs;
service. It cannot be unilateral, the other party must agree. c. Appendices and exhibits to motions, or other
documents that are not readily amenable to
Change of address: If you change your electronic mail electronic scanning may, at the option of the party
address or facsimile number, it is your duty to inform the filing such, be filed and served conventionally; and
court within a period of 5 days from such change. d. Sealed and confidential documents or records
• If you did not change à address is presumed valid.
Orders, not judgments, may be sent by electronic mail.
Issuance of summons: From within a period of 5 days,
Presumptive notice from receipt of the initiatory pleading and proof of payment
Narrow application: Pertains only to a notice to setting of legal fees, the clerk of court shall issue the corresponding
originating from the court. summons to the defendant. [Section 1, Rule 14]
• Does not apply to court orders, etc. • Unless the complaint is on its face dismissible.

There shall be presumptive notice to a party of a court Who may serve:

setting: 1. Sheriff
1. If such appears on the records to have been mailed 2. His or her deputy
at least 20 calendar days before the scheduled 3. Other proper court officer
date of the hearing and if the addressee is within 4. Plaintiff, together with the sheriff à if authorized by
the same judicial region of the court where the case Court
is pending a. In case of failure of service of summons by
2. If not within judicial region à At least 30 calendar them (sheriff or deputy)
days before 5. Plaintiff himself (should be authorized)
a. where summons is to be served outside of
Service of judgments and final orders the judicial region of the court where the
HOW MADE: Personally or through registered mail. case is pending.
• Under amendment: By accredited courier upon ex 6. Authorized representative of plaintiff (should be
parte motion of any party in the case, at the armed with SPA, or Resolution if juridical entity)
expense of such party. a. Notify court in writing.
b. If plaintiff misrepresents: The case will be
If a party summoned by publication fails to appear in the dismissed with prejudice. Plaintiff should
action, judgments, final orders, or resolutions against him also be met with the appropriate
or her shall be served upon him or her also by means of sanctions.
publication at the expense of the prevailing party. 7. Plaintiff (as ordered by the court)

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a. If summons is returned without being 3. By leaving copies of the summons, if refused entry
served on any or all defendants by other upon making his or her authority and purpose
means available under the Rules. known, with any of the officers of the homeowners'
b. Failure to comply with order: Initiatory association or condominium corporation, or its
pleading dismissed without prejudice. chief security officer in charge of the community or
the building where the defendant may be found;
Validity of summons and
UNTIL WHEN VALID: Until it is duly served, unless recalled 4. By sending an electronic mail to the defendant's
by the court. electronic mail address, if allowed by the court.
a. Only if all the aforementioned means have
IF LOSS OR DESTRUCTION: The court may, upon not been successful.
motion, issue an alias summons.
Service upon a domestic private juridical entity
Tender of summons The Rules have been relaxed.
By leaving the summons within the view and in the
defendant’s presence. The summons shall be served upon the president, general
manager, corporate secretary, treasurer or in house
It is not tender if not within the view and within the presence counsel of the corporation, wherever they may be found. It
of the defendant. is therefore no longer necessary that they should be in their
office, since before these efforts were done to these
Preferred service of summons is personal service, individuals on their respective offices. But now, these
whether it is an action in rem or in personam. individuals may be served where they may be found.
Or, in their absent or unavailability, on their
Failure of service secretaries.
• Unsuccessful attempt to personally serve the
summons in the address indicated in the If service cannot be made on the enumerated officers or
complaint. their secretaries, it shall be made upon the person who
• But if you have knowledge that the person on customarily received the correspondence for the defendant
whom the summons to be served is elsewhere, it at its principal office. [Sec. 12, Rule 14]
is still valid as personal service if served where the
defendant is. Note: A person who customarily receives correspondence
is also a person to whom substituted service of summons
Defendant should receive the summons personally. may be made after at least 3 attempts on 2 different dates.
[Sec. 6, Rule 14] However, with such provision under this
FAILURE OF SERVICE: After unsuccessful attempts to section, it appears that the requirement of 3 attempts on 2
personally serve the summons on the defendant in his or different dates does not apply in this instance. As soon as
her address indicated in the complaint. service cannot be made on the officers or their secretaries,
service can already be made on the person customarily
receiving correspondence.
Substituted Service
defendant cannot be served personally after at least 3 Service upon a foreign juridical entity
attempts on 2 different dates. If the foreign juridical entity is not registered in the
• Remember: Impossibility of personal service. Philippines—therefore, it is not doing business in the
Philippines—then, naturally, it has no representatives,
HOW MADE: though it transacted.
1. By leaving copies of the summons at the
defendant's residence to a person at least eighteen Therefore, the provision proceeds that if it is (1) not
(18) years of age and of sufficient discretion registered in the Philippines and (2) has no resident agent.
residing therein; Note, isolated transactions are allowed.
a. If the person does not live there à the
service of summons is defective. If it has a resident agent
2. By leaving copies of the summons at the 1. Its resident agent designated in accordance with
defendant's office or regular place of business with law,
some competent person in charge thereof. 2. If there is no such agent, on the government official
a. A competent person includes, but is not designate by law to that effect, or
limited to, one who customarily receives 3. On any of its officers, agents, directors, or trustees
correspondences for the defendant. within the Philippines. [Sec. 14, Rule 14]

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by electronic means authorized by the Rules. [Section 20,

No resident agent Rule 14]
Service may, with leave of court, be effected outside the
Philippines through: Section 6 and Section 20, Rule 14 would have to mirror
1. Personal service coursed through the appropriate each other.
court in the foreign country with the assistance of • The date and time of the attempts would have to
the DFA; be indicated in the return.
2. Publication once in a newspaper of general • Details on the inquiries made on the defendant
circulation in the country where the defendant may have to be set forth in the return.
be found and by serving a copy of the summons
and the court order by registered mail at the last Contents if substituted service:
known address of the defendant; 1. The impossibility of prompt personal service within
3. Facsimile; a period of thirty (30) calendar days from issue and
4. Electronic means with the prescribed proof of receipt of summons;
service; or 2. The date and time of the three (3) attempts on at
5. Other means as the court, in its discretion, may least (2) two different dates to cause personal
direct. [Sec. 14, Rule 14] service and the details of the inquiries made to
locate the defendant residing thereat; and
Service upon prisoners 3. The name of the person at least eighteen (18) years
Where the defendant is a prisoner confined in a jail or of age and of sufficient discretion residing thereat,
institution, service shall be effected upon him by the officer name of competent person in charge of the
having the management of such jail or institution. defendant's office or regular place of business, or
1. Such officer is deemed a special sheriff name of the officer of the homeowners' association
2. He or she shall file a return within 5 calendar days or condominium corporation or its chief security
from service of summons. [Sec. 8, Rule 14] officer in charge of the community or building
where the defendant may be found.
Service upon minors or incompetent
Where the defendant is a minor, insane, or incompetent Voluntary appearance
person, service of summons shall be made: The defendant's voluntary appearance in the action shall be
a. Upon him or her personally, AND equivalent to service of summons. The inclusion in a motion
b. On his or her legal guardian to dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction
a. If none, on his or her guardian ad litem over the person of the defendant shall be deemed a
whose appointment shall be applied for by voluntary appearance. [Section 23, Rule 14]
the plaintiff
b. In the case of a minor, on his or her parent Rule 11, Section 11 now allows you to file an Answer. Under
or guardian. [Sec. 10, Rule 14] Rule 8, Section 12, lack of jurisdiction over the person of
the defendant is not a ground for motion to dismiss but is
Duty of counsel of record now just an affirmative defense.
The counsel shall be deputized by the court to serve • Since the Rules now allow to extend the period for
summons on his or her client. [Section 13, Rule 14] filing an Answer, the defendant should not be
• Where the summons is improperly served and a prejudiced.
lawyer makes a special appearance on behalf of
the defendant to, among others, question the Prof. Tranquil: Be very careful about this.
validity of service of summons.
Other rules on summons
The policy of the SC now is that summons is always served. Sections 16, 17, 18 à refers only to an individual, not a
Return • If corporation à Section 12, 14.
Within thirty (30) calendar days from issuance of summons
by the clerk of court and receipt thereof, the sheriff or A defendant whose identity or whereabouts are
process server, or person authorized by the court, shall unknown: In the past, this only applied to actions in rem.
complete its service. But now, because of the phrase “any action”, it covers any
action, whether in rem or in personam.
Within five (5) calendar days from service of summons, the • How served: Within ninety (90) calendar days from
server shall file with the court and serve a copy of the return the commencement of the action, service may, by
to the plaintiff's counsel, personally, by registered mail, or leave of court, be effected upon him or her by
publication in a newspaper of general circulation

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and in such places and for such time as the court

may order. [Section 16, Rule 14] MOTIONS
Extraterritorial service of summons Innovations: There is now no notice of hearing, it is the
Only if defendant is not residing or is not found in the court’s discretion. Only the court can set a hearing on the
Philippines. motion, and only on a litigious motion. Only the court, on
the exercise of its discretion, and when it seems necessary,
Actions covered: may call a hearing on the motion. The notice of hearing shall
1. An action covering the status of the plaintiff, be addressed to the parties.
2. When the subject property is in the Philippines, and
owned by a non-resident defendant GR: Motions must be in writing.
3. Any action where there is a claim on an interest, a XPN: Except those made in open court.
claim or a lien of an interest, actual or contingent, • A motion made in open court or in the course of
over a property, which is and includes a property the hearing, should be immediately resolved by the
attached in the Philippines. court, in open court, after giving the adverse party
the right to be heard, to oppose, and to contest.
Four ways to serve summons The court will then have to resolve it that very
1. Personal Service moment.
2. As provided for in international conventions to • Not all motions in open court may cover facts
which the Philippines is a party; which are on the record. In such a situation, the
3. Publication in a newspaper of general circulation in court may hear the matter on affidavits or
such places and for such time as the court may depositions. The court may direct the matter to be
order, in which case a copy of the summons + by heard on oral testimony or deposition. The court
registered mail to the last known address of the can also conduct the hearing if it wishes.
4. Any other manner the court may deem sufficient. Litigious vs. Non-litigious motions
Non-litigious: Will not prejudice the rights of the adverse
Any order granting such leave shall specify a reasonable party.
time within which the defendant must answer, which shall 1. Motion for the issuance of an alias summons
not be less than 60 calendar days after notice. [Sec. 17, 2. Motion for extension to file answer;
Rule 14] 3. Motion for postponement;
4. Motion for the issuance of a writ of execution;
Arrieta v. Arrieta (2018) 5. Motion for the issuance of an alias writ of execution;
RTC's call not to have a copy of the summons sent to a. Only relevant when the original is lost.
Melania's last known address – whether through registered 6. Motion for the issuance of a writ of possession;
mail (in such case, the mode of service would qualify under 7. Motion for the issuance of an order directing the
the second mode) or through other means (as exhibited in sheriff to execute the final certificate of sale; and
Romualdez-Licaros) – in addition to the publication of the 8. Other similar motions.
summons is amply justified by the circumstances of this
case. As the records show, it is undisputed that Melania When resolved: Within five (5) calendar days from receipt
had left the Philippines and had been estranged from Cris thereof.
as early as 1991. Since then, Melania has been residing in
San Diego, California, without any showing that she had Litigious:
informed Cris or that Cris knew of her foreign address. 1. Motion for bill of particulars;
Hence, given this backdrop, it is quite understandable why 2. Motion to dismiss (note amendments);
it would have been futile, more so, logistically improbable, 3. Motion for new trial;
to have the summons sent to Melania's "last known 4. Motion for reconsideration;
address." At the very least, the publication of summons 5. Motion for execution pending appeal;
should be considered as substantial compliance with the 6. Motion to amend after a responsive pleading has
rules on service. been filed;
7. Motion to cancel statutory lien;
Proof of service by publication 8. Motion for an order to break in or for a writ of
1. Affidavit from the publisher, editor, or advertising demolition;
manager together with a copy of the publication a. Under Rule 39 Sec. 10 while the court has
attached; the power to order the removal of the
2. An affidavit showing the deposit of the copy of the improvements, the writ of demolition
summons, together with the order of publication in cannot be issued without notice and
the post office, with postage paid.
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hearing, and naturally the other party that Motion to Dismiss

may be prejudiced will have file another It is now a prohibited pleading.
motion or a comment.
9. Motion for intervention; There are only four allowable grounds:
10. Motion for judgment on the pleadings; 1. No jurisdiction over the subject matter of the claim;
11. Motion for summary judgment; 2. Litis pendentia;
12. Demurrer to evidence; 3. Res judicata;
a. Would have to comply with the provisions 4. Barred by the statute of limitations.
of Rule 15.
13. Motion to declare defendant in default; and Former grounds under Rule 16 (Formerly Motion to Dismiss)
14. Other similar motions. are now affirmative defenses.

Opposition; When filed: Within five (5) calendar days from Period: No period to file a motion to dismiss. But it is now
receipt thereof. 30 days, since that is also the period to file an Answer, as it
• No other submissions shall be considered by the is now a prohibited motion.
court in the resolution of the motion. • The act that caused the interruption is not included
in the counting of the period. [Rule 22]
When resolved: 15 calendar days from its receipt of the
opposition thereto, or upon expiration of the period to file Dismissal with Prejudice
such opposition. Subject to the right of appeal, an order granting a motion to
dismiss or an affirmative defense that the cause of action is
Setting of a motion for hearing is now addressed to the barred by a prior judgment or by the statute of limitations;
discretion of the court. It is only the court that sets the case that the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiffs pleading
for hearing. has been paid, waived, abandoned or otherwise
extinguished; or that the claim on which the action is
Motion Day: The same shall be set on a Friday. It is only founded is unenforceable under the provisions of the
the court who can set the hearing on a motion. statute of frauds, shall bar the refiling of the same action or
claim. [Section 13, Rule 15]
Prohibited Motions
1. Motion to dismiss except on the following grounds: Motion for Bill of Particulars
a. That the court has no jurisdiction over the It is a legal option, but it is not mandatory to avail of at the
subject matter of the claim; time.
b. That there is another action pending
between the same parties for the same You cannot file an Answer and thereafter to file a Motion for
cause; and Bill of Particulars.
c. That the cause of action is barred by a
prior judgment or by the statute of Before filing an Answer, a motion for bill of particulars may
limitations. be filed.
2. Motion to hear affirmative defenses;
3. Motion for reconsideration of the court's action on It is not enough to say that it is vague, not alleged with
the affirmative defenses; sufficient definiteness. You have to allege the defects, tell
4. Motion to suspend proceedings without a the party what is defective, why, and what you need from
temporary restraining order or injunction issued by them.
a higher court;
5. Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, EFFECT OF BILL OF PARTICULARS: Made part of the
affidavits or any other papers, except a motion for pleading that is subject of the bill of particulars.
extension to file an answer as provided by Section
11, Rule 11; and Stay of period to file responsive pleading: After service
6. Motion for postponement intended for delay, of the bill of particulars or of a more definite pleading, or
except if it is based on acts of God, force majeure after notice of denial of his motion, the moving party may
or physical inability of the witness to appear and file his responsive pleading within the period to which he
testify. was entitled at the time of filing his motion, which shall not
a. If the motion is granted based on such be less than five (5) calendar days in any event. [Section 5,
exceptions, the moving party shall be Rule 12]
warned that the presentation of its
evidence must still be terminated on the
dates previously agreed upon.
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Take note of Section 2, 6, 7 together.

The plaintiff can cause his own case to be dismissed.
What happens in pre-trial:
How: 1. Simplification of factual and legal issues;
1. By mere notice of dismissal (as a matter of right) 2. Possibility of obtaining stipulations (not yet
a. When: Without an answer having been admissions)
filed. a. The possibility of a stipulation to be
b. Dismissal is without prejudice. It will only obtained and stipulations should be
operate as a dismissal with prejudice if it separated. Admissions have already been
has already been filed once, and on the record. An (an) offer of stipulation is
dismissed. In that case, the second notice different from an admitted fact already on
of dismissal will be tantamount to a record.
adjudication on the merits/dismissal with 3. Enumerate witnesses and trial dates when you
prejudice. intend to present them;
2. By motion by plaintiff 4. Advisability of referral to commissioner;
a. When: After an answer has been filed 5. Propriety of judgment on the pleadings, or
b. It is now within the discretion of the court. summary judgment;
c. General Rule: Dismissal by motion of 6. Marking of documents.
plaintiff is dismissal without prejudice. a. Pre-trial is an opportunity for the parties to
d. Exception: Unless the order of dismissal make comparison vis-à-vis the copies to
specifies that it is with prejudice. be marked.
e. What happens to the counterclaim?
The counterclaim survives. Despite the The Rules allow a reservation.
dismissal of the principal action, the • Documentary evidence, and other objective
counterclaim will have to stand on its own evidence: Can be reserved by being given a
merits. description.
3. Due to the fault of the plaintiff • Testimonial evidence: Give name and position and
a. The complaint may be dismissed even if nature of testimony.
plaintiff does not desire to have the same
dismissed, for reasons attributed to his Effect of absence
fault: 1. Plaintiff and counsel: As a general rule, the
i. failure of plaintiff, without consequence if you were notified during pre-trial
justifiable reasons, to appear on and your non-appearance was not justified
the date of the presentation of his (counsel and party), you waive any objection on the
evidence in chief; faithfulness of the reproduction, the evidence
ii. Fails to comply with the rules or marked, or their genuineness, and due execution.
order of the court; a. Second consequence, failure to by the
iii. failure of the plaintiff to prosecute party and counsel to BRING the evidence
his action for an unreasonable (despite their presence) means waiver of
length of time (also called non the presentation of such evidence.
prosequitur). b. When excused: Acts of God, force
majeure, or duly substantiated physical
PRE-TRIAL inability. [Section 4, Rule 18]
2. Defendant: It shall be cause to allow plaintiff to
Today, the plaintiff’s counsel has no duty to file an ex parte present his or her evidence ex parte within 10 days
motion to set the case for pre-trial. The duty is with the from termination of pre-trial, and the court to render
branch clerk of court. judgment on the basis of the evidence offered.
• After the last responsive pleading has been filed, it
is the duty of the branch clerk of court to issue a Can a representative appear in behalf of the party? YES. A
pre-trial notice within 5 days. representative may appear on behalf of a party, but must
• The period for the setting should be no later than be fully authorized in writing to enter into an amicable
60 calendar days from the filing of the last settlement, to submit to alternative modes of dispute
responsive pleading. resolution, and to enter into stipulations or admissions of
facts and documents.
It is MANDATORY in civil cases. It should be terminated
promptly. Failure to appear without valid cause when so
required of plaintiff and counsel: Failure to appear, if

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without valid cause, it shall be cause for dismissal of the DURATION: The period for court-annexed mediation shall
action. The dismissal shall be with prejudice, unless other- not exceed thirty (30) calendar days without further
wise ordered by the court. [Section 5, Rule 18] extension.

Pre-Trial Brief: The nature and the purpose discussed will Judicial Dispute Resolution
naturally be contained in the pre-trial brief. It should have Assessed by the judge where it was originally assigned.
been filed and served on the adverse party.
WHEN: Within a non-extendible period of fifteen (15)
If brief already submitted à duty of the court to issue a pre- calendar days from notice of failure of the court- annexed
trial order upon termination of pre-trial. mediation.

What is in the pre-trial order: CONDITION: Only if the judge of the court to which the
1. an enumeration of the admitted facts; case was originally raffled is convinced that settlement is still
2. the minutes of the pre- trial conference; possible
3. the legal and factual issue/s to be tried;
4. the applicable law, rules and jurisprudence; e. the If judicial dispute resolution fails, trial before the original
evidence marked; court shall proceed on the dates agreed upon
5. the specific trial dates for continuous trial;
6. the case flowchart as determined by the court N.B. Three (3) new provisions have been inserted (Sections
(should contains the different stages of the 8-10), which change the timing and process for the conduct
proceedings up to promulgation of decision); of Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM) and Judicial Dispute
7. a statement that the one-day examination of Resolution (JDR) and which expressly authorizes the court
witness rule and most important witness rule shall to render a judgment after pre-trial (whether judgment on
be strictly followed; and the pleadings or summary judgment)
8. a statement that the court shall render judgment on
the pleadings or summary judgment, as the case Non-appearance of parties in CAM and JDR: Same
may be. consequence as non-appearance in pre-trial. See Section
3, Rule 18.
Should there be no more controverted facts, or no more
genuine issue to as to any material fact, or an absence of
any issue, or should the answer fail to tender an issue, the
court shall, without prejudice to a party moving for judgment
on the pleadings under Rule 34 or summary judgment
There is already a pending case and you would want to join
under Rule 35, motu propio include in the pre- trial order
the fray.
that the case be submitted for summary judgment or
judgment on the pleadings, without need of position papers
INTERVENTION: Remedy by which a third party, not
or memoranda.
originally impleaded, becomes a litigant to enable him/her/it
• In such cases, judgment shall be rendered within
to protect/preserve a right or interest which may be affected
ninety (90) calendar days from termination of the
by such proceedings.
pre- trial.
WHO MAY INTERVENE: Anyone with legal interest in the
The order of the court to submit the case for judgment
matter of litigation, or in the success of either party, or
pursuant to this Rule shall not be the subject to appeal or
interest against both. It is possible that he is adversely
affected by the disposition of the party in the custody of the
• A Motion for Reconsideration may be filed as it is
court of with the officer.
not expressly prohibited. But once it is decided
upon, you have to wait for the judgment of the
Time to intervene: Before rendition of judgment.
court on the case.
Instances where there is final judgment: Generally, you
Court Annexed Mediation can no longer intervene. Unless the intervenor is an
This is mandatory. indispensable party.

WHEN: After pre-trial and, after issues are joined



Two kinds
1. Subpoena ad testificandum
UP Law Center – Bar Review Institute 17
REMEDIAL LAW | Civil Procedure | Prof. Tranquil Gervacio Salvador III

a. To appear and testify be within the 100km radius as

2. Subpoena duces tecum provided by the rules.
a. You are required to appear in court and to ii. If you’re outside of the 100 km
bring certain documents. radius, your appearance cannot
b. The documents should be described. be compelled by a subpoena.
c. Requisites iii. There are other remedies, such as
i. Test of relevancy: The books, Rule 23—you could take his
documents, or other things deposition. But before that,
requested should appear to be please remember that if a
prima facie relevant subpoena has been issued by the
ii. Test of Definiteness: Such books court, you can file a motion to
must be reasonably described to quash it.
be readily identified.
Witness is not bound thereby: You can also argue that
By whom issued you are not bound by the subpoena. Cite disqualifications.
1. Court before whom the witness is required to There has to be good reason.
2. Court of the place where the deposition is to be For quashing subpoena ad testificandum
taken a. Witness is not bound thereby, or
3. Officer or body authorized by law to do so in b. Witness fees and kilometrage allowed by the ROC
connection with investigations conducted by said were not tendered when the subpoena was served
officer or body, or [Sec. 4, Rule 21]
a. DOJ, Prosecutor, Office of the
Ombudsman, etc.
4. Any justice of the SC or of the CA, in any case or
investigation pending within the Philippines [Sec. 2,
Rule 21]

WHEN APPLIED FOR: Ideally during presentation of

• It must be made so as to allow the witness a
reasonable time for preparation and travel to the
place of attendance [Sec. 6, Rule 21]

HOW SERVED: In the same manner as personal or

substituted service of summons. [Section 6, Rule 21]

Quashing a subpoena
For quashing subpoena duces tecum
1. A motion is promptly made and, in any event, at or
before the time specified therein
2. Grounds
a. Subpoena is unreasonable and
oppressive, or
b. Relevancy of the books, documents or
things does not appear, or
c. Person in whose behalf the subpoena is
issued fails to advance the reasonable
cost of the production thereof
d. Witness fees and kilometrage allowed by
these Rules were not tendered when the
subpoena was served [Sec. 4, Rule 21]
i. The person receiving the
subpoena will be informed of his
distance in kilometers from the
place of the hearing, this should

UP Law Center – Bar Review Institute 18

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