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THIRD TERM, 2023/2024


Week Topic Subtopics
1 Revision Revision of Second Term Exam

2 Reading of the Plot, Setting,

Recommended Drama Characterisation and
Text “Dilemma of a Themes
Currency” by Kunle

3 Reading of Recommended Plot /Setting

Text, ‘Iye” by Julie Omeike

4 Analysis of the The Dawn/Education for All

Recommended Sunrise
Poetry by Olusola Fadiya

5 Analysis of the A Born Teacher/ The Love of

Recommended Sunrise Mathematics
Poetry by Olusola Fadiya

6 Analysis of the Toy, Toy and Toy/ When I Say No

Recommended Sunrise
Poetry by Olusola Fadiya

7 Mid-term Break
8 Analysis of the Nigeria Unite/Inspiration
Recommended Sunrise
Poetry by Olusola Fadiya

9 Analysis of the Ajantala\ Why

Recommended Sunrise
Poetry by Olusola Fadiya

10 Revision
Week: 1
Duration: 40 Minutes
Topic: Revision of Second Term Examination
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to answer the questions set in
the First Term examination.
Answers to Theory Questions

Igele Michael: The Cave of a Million Eyes

1. kwabla, Ade and the narrator
2. Dr Fisher
3. The mysterious discovery about the forest
4. Eastern part of the society
5. The mother took them to where they will know all they needed to know about the forest.

Dele Delani: The Tobacconist

1. Ifeyemi, Ekundayo, and Boripe
2. Priscilla
3. Lung cancer and heart attack
4. Ibikunle
5. Two of his colleagues died after smoking tobacco.

Julie Omenike: Iye

1. Caring and hardworking
2. Chief Osahor
3. She was not spoilt as an only child
4. Father Martins
5. Ivie

Ceejay Chibuike: Into the light

1. Aboy, techie,Edge
2. Techie
3. “ Osha pra pra”
4. Mama aboy
5. Chimamanda Adichie

Adenike Akinjobi: Rags to Riches

1. Linguistics
2. Bayo
3. St Mary’s hospital
4. Moni and Dehinde’s daughter
5. True love/ love across border

Kunle Dagunduro: Dilemma of a Currency

1. Chief Fabiyi
2. A billionaire
3. 3,500 dollars
4. Baba Adaba
5. 1,000

Chigbo Ugwuoke: Diversity

1. Metonymy
2. Unity in diversity
3. God
4. Mild
5. 16
Olusola Fadiya: Sunrise Poetry
1. That one is disable does not make you unable to do things
2. Patriotism
3. Strongest weakling
4. If political holders can be taking oath of office in shrines, they will rule well.
5. There are mysteries in our lives that only god can explain.
Week: 2
Period: 1
Duration: 40 Minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Drama Text “Dilemma of a Currency”
Sub-topic: Plot

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the text under review.

ii. discuss the plot analysis of the text.



This is a sensitization campaign to awaken the consciousness of people to the various ways the
Nigerian currencies have been abused, dishonoured, disrespected and devalued.
A country`s currency represent the country and so, should be treated well. Countries like America and
Britain were cited as countries that their currencies enjoy national and international respect and
recognition. The playwright is calling on Nigerians to accept and respect the Nigerian currencies as
well. He is also informing the readers that the country has existing monetary laws, and punishments
for those who violate them.
Nigerians as a whole need an overhauling of mindsets and sensitization because even the educated are
not left out in this degradation being meted out on the Nigerian currency. According to the
playwright, naira is in a state of dilemma. The naira needs to be salvaged.
Finally, there is a clarion call for everyone to get a wallet where naira notes would be neatly arranged.
There shouldn’t be spraying and pasting of naira notes on people`s forehead, rather gifts of money
should be neatly presented in envelopes. The churches/mosques should collect their tithes and
offerings, zakat in envelopes too. When all these are done, the naira will have a place in the
international community.

1. Who said “I hope they have come to tell me the news I want to hear? A. Chief Fabiyi B.
Fabian C. Yusuf D. Kaye
2. What was the news he wanted to hear? A. he had made more money B. the mother is dead
C. the son is getting married D. the daughter has given birth
3. What is the relationship between Baba Sabi and Fabiyi? A. brother B. cousin C. friend d.
4. Who is Yusuf? A. illegal forex trader B. Chief Fabiyi`s secretary C. Fabian`s brother D.
family member to Chief Fabiyi
5. …………wanted his invitation message printed on naira notes. A. Fabian B. Kaye C. Baba
Sabi d. Yusuf
6. On which denomination of the naira note did Kaye print his invitation? A. 500 B. 200 C.
1000 D. 100
7. How much did Chief Fabiyi give to his son to keep going with? A. 1.5M B. 2.5M C. 5M D.
8. Who was the person writing on the naira note? A. a man B. a woman C. a boy D. a girl
9. Who kept money in the ground? A. Baba Sabi B. Chief Fabiyi C. Kaye D. Dagunro
10.The two characters in the forefront of naira sanitization are …..A. Daboh and Kaye B.
Tabansi and Daboh C. Tabansi and Fabiyi D. Tabansi and Fabian
Week: 2
Period: 2
Duration: 40 Minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Drama Text “Dilemma of a Currency”
Sub-topic: Characterisation and Themes
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the text under review

ii. discuss the contribution of the characters in the text.

iii. explain the thematic concepts in the play.




According to Tabansi (a character in the book), “A country`s foreign exchange must be buoyant
in order to boost the status of the currency”. What used to fetch Nigeria foreign exchange
earnings are on the decline. Revival of these mainstreams remains a panacea for the Nigerian
currency to bounce back and it’s going to take everyone’s effort. The politicians and leaders
should awaken to this stark reality.


Nigerian currencies are being abused on daily basis. The illiterates and the literates all join
forces together in abusing, defacing, dishonouring, disrespecting etc. the Nigerian currencies.
The abuses manifest in these ways:
-Women putting money into their brassieres
-Spraying money when people are celebrating and they, in turn matching them.
-Folding naira and using it to clean the ear.
-Writing on the naira note
-Touching money with oily and soiled hands.
-Making holes on money
-Burying money in the ground etc.

This is a financial crime that has to do with illegally concealing the origin of money, obtained
from illicit activities such as drug trafficking, corruption, embezzlement etc. Often times,
Nigerian politicians launder Nigerian money abroad. The funds are moved from direct
association with the crime, disguising the trail to foil pursuit. Thereafter, the money will be


1. What are the demerits of keeping money in the ground according to Mr Adeyemo?
2. Which NGO was formed purposely to encourage people to have respect for the naira in
the book?
3. The Nigerian currency is naira and kobo. What are the currencies of America and
4. What is the effect of refusing to accept coins on people?
5. According to Teni, what does the naira represent? (Act 3 scene 2)
Week: 3
Period: 1
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Prose, ´Íye’ by Julie Omeike
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the prose under review.

ii. give the plot summary of the prose work.

iii. comment on the themes and characters in the prose work.

The book is a contemporary novel that talks about the various challenges women are faced with in
the society, in a bid to remain a wife and a mother also. The book makes us realise that the world we
find ourselves especially in Nigeria is a man`s world.
Women are made to go through unpalatable experiences when their husbands die. They also
face domestic violence in the hands of their husbands. The perseverance and indomitable attitude of
women are highlighted in the book too. No matter how tough the challenges are, a mother will always
tarry because of her children.
A mother should always be cherished because they are not just only making and bringing up
children, they provide for the family as well. A mother is the livewire of every family.

When Chief Ebenezer Osahor died in an accident, his brothers tried to collect his estates from the wife
being that he has only but a girl. The wife, Agnes was attending series of court cases until the case
was won in her favour after 14 years. Ivie too was not left out in receiving the harsh treatment meted
to widows because when her husband died, Clara the husband`s sister accused her of killing her

Nkechi Ugonna, Ufoma and Chinyere were teenagers from poor homes who were house helps in the
various homes they were. Their status made them live wayward lives as they went to bed with married
men. Ufoma ended up paying with her life. Nkechi managed to escape and made a resolve never to go
back to her past life.

Bolanle was always there for her friend, Ivie, right from when they were young. She was the one
that helped convince Ivie`s mother to allow Ivie marry Odiase. She was a faithful friend even though
they have different views about life.
Chinyere was also there for Nkechi. She gave Nkechi 30 thousand naira to get wrapper and drinks for
her madam and use the rest for her fashion school. When things turned around for Nkechi, she did not
abandon her friend.

Ivie married Odiase Usifo out of love. She accommodated his excesses even with his poverty but the
man later turned her into a punching bag. He beats her even in pregnancy and broke her head with a
flower vase. He eventually had an accident and died the day Ivie gave birth to her son. Bolanle was
also beaten by her husband, Chief, even after 25 years of staying married.


Ivie’s mother, Agnes Osahor, wanted Ivie to stay in Edo state and continue from where the father
stopped after his death, but she refused. She believes in making her own money. She also believes in
choosing a man for love. Her hard work paid off very well as she was promoted in her place of work.
Because of her, the company she was working for opened other branches. She bought a house and
made sure her children were well educated.

1. Describe Chief Ebenezer Osahor’s character in the novel.
2. What major traits can you develop from Ivies upbringing?
3. Though Ivie and Bolanle are friends, they have different ideologies. Discuss.
4. Would you describe Ame and Odiase as responsible children? Give reasons.
5. Describe the flaws of Odiase Usifo in this novel.
Week :3
Duration: 40
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Prose,” Iye” by Julie Omeike.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the prose under review.

ii. discuss the characters in the prose book.

iii. answer questions on the prose.


1. Ivie: She is the main character in the book, ‘Iye’. She was 19 years old when her father died.
She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Osahor. She was named Ivie because she was indeed a
precious treasure. She was never a spoilt child. She has a mind of her own, hardworking and
confident. She believes in love and went for who her heart yearns for.
2. Agnes Osahor: Like every Nigerian wealthy mother, she wanted her only daughter to marry a
wealthy person as well. She loves her only daughter and when Ivie was not yielding to her plea,
she had to dance to her tune. She is an intelligent woman who believes in fighting for her right.
She was hardworking, she fought for her right until the case was won in her favour after
fourteen years.
3. Odiase Usifo: He is portrayed as an ingrate and a woman beater. He pretended to be good and
nice but at the end, he turned out to be monstrous. The death of his mother also affected him, he
did not know how to manage his emotions. He ended up going back to the lifestyle he once
4. Bolanle: She is an orphan and her parents are a friend of the Osahors. She married a rich chief
who made sure she never lacked anything. She has shop too where she sells clothes. She and
her husband were always travelling abroad for fun and also for business trips. She was a very
good friend of Ivie; she was always there for her friend. She was always a shoulder for her
friend to cry on. Towards the end of the book, her husband was seen beating her but the
husband later apologized and they reconciled.

Home work
1. From the lives of Mrs. Osahor, Ivie and Bola, identify some good qualities of motherhood.
2. How would you describe the relevance of mother in the entire novel?
3. Clearly state a major significance of family values in this novel.
4. What moral lessons can you identify in the novel?
Week: 4
Period: 1
Duration: 40
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem,” The Dawn”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

1. Where is struggling taking place?
2. The poet welcomes ______ and _____.
3. The poet desires _______ for the day.
4. Where is the power tussle taking place?
Week: Four
Period: 2
Duration: 40
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Education for All”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

CONTENT: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Five
Period: 1
Duration: 40
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “A Born Teacher”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

CONTENT: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Five
Period: 2
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended poem, “The Love of Mathematics”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Six
Period: 1
Duration: 40 Minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Toy, Toy and Toy”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Six
Period: 2
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “When I Say No”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Eight
Period: 1
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Nigeria Unite”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Eight
Period: 2
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Inspiration”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.


a. The poet advises that we shouldn’t allow inspiration to escape from our ______.

b. Flashes of inspiration can only be best used by the ______.

c. ‘Inspiration flashes like lightning’ What figure of speech is used here?

d. Give an example of simile in the eighth stanza.

Week: Nine
Period: 1
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Ajantala”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.

Week: Nine
Period: 2
Duration: 40 minutes
Topic: Reading and Analysis of the Recommended Poem, “Why”
Instructional Material: Sunrise Poetry for Junior Secondary Schools by Olusola Fadiya.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

i. read the poem under review.

ii. give the content analysis of the poem.

iii. comment on the structure and poetic devices employed by the poet in the poem.

Content: The teacher will discuss the poem.


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