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Compiled By:
Nucholiq Hidayat (2120202207)

Teacher Of Surprise:
Maisa Wetry, M.Pd


Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings
We give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT. because with his grace, grace, taufik,
inayah and guidance we were able to complete this paper with the title "Man's Natural
Disposition, The Fitrah" well, even though there were many shortcomings in it. And we also
thank Mrs. Maisa Wetry, M.Pd as lecturer. teacher of the Reading Text Aqidah Akhlak course
at the State Islamic University (UIN) Raden Fatah Palembang who has given us this
The aim of preparing this paper is to fulfill the assignment value in the Reading Text
Aqidah Akhlak course. Apart from that, this paper also aims to increase knowledge and
insight for readers. Due to limited knowledge and experience, we believe there are still many
shortcomings in this paper. Therefore, we really hope for constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Palembang, March 19 2024

Group 6


A. Background
Understanding nature or fitrah is a fundamental concept in Islamic thought.
Fitrah refers to the original state or human nature that has been instilled by Allah
SWT since birth. This concept has deep implications in various aspects of human life,
including spirituality, morality, and sociality.
Fitrah is seen as the basis of human awareness of the existence of God and this
fitrah makes humans have an innate urge to seek God and connect with Him. In the
Qur'an, Allah SWT states that He has created humans in the best possible condition
(QS. At-Tiin: 4), which shows that human nature is holy and perfect.
Understanding nature has broad relevance in the context of everyday life.
Human nature forms the basis for morality and ethics, because humans naturally tend
towards good and away from evil. Fitrah also influences the way humans interact with
their surrounding environment and live their social lives.
In a religious context, understanding nature helps humans to understand
religious teachings more deeply. Fitrah makes humans tend towards the truth and
goodness contained in religious teachings, making it easier for them to accept and
carry out these teachings.
Through a deep understanding of nature, humans can understand themselves
better, realize their nature and purpose in life, and develop their spiritual and moral
potential. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to understand the concept of fitrah
and how it can shape their lives as a whole.

B. Formulation of the problem
1. What is the meaning and concept of fitrah in Islam?
2. What are the various kinds of nature?
3. What are the factors that cause humans to turn away from their nature?
4. How does nature influence social interactions between humans?
C. Objective
1. In order to explain the concept of fitrah in Islam.
2. Can know the various types of nature.
3. Knowing the factors that cause humans to turn away from their nature.
4. Knowing the influence of nature in social interactions between humans.


A. Understanding the Concept of Fitrah in Islam

Allah has created all creatures based on their nature. But God's nature for
humans is in the form of potential and creativity that can be built and developed,
which has the possibility of developing and increasing so that its abilities far exceed
its physical abilities. Fitrah can be understood from the perspective of etymology,
terminology and even the meaning of context in understanding a verse (nasabi).
Etymologically, the origin of the word fitrah comes from Arabic, namely fitrah (plural
fithar), which is often interpreted as temperament, character, event, original, religion,
The term fitrah is taken from the root word al-fithr which means split. From
this meaning, other meanings are born, including creator or event. So, linguistically
the word al-fitrah contains several meanings, namely a natural tendency innate from
birth, creation which causes something to exist for the first time, as well as the natural
structure or characteristics of humans, also religiously the meaning is religion or
monotheism/creating the ONE of God.2
Thus, it can be concluded that fitrah can be understood from the perspective of
etymology and terminology. Fitrah itself is also a habit or character that naturally
exists from birth into the world created by Allah SWT.
B. Various Types of Fitrah
In his study, Mr. H. Misbahrudin stated that there are 4 Fitrah in humans,

1. Religious nature

Humans according to their nature are religious, acknowledge and testify that
Allah is their God. Like HR Bukhari and Muslim "No one is born except according to
fitrah, then his parents make him a Jew, or a Christian or a Magian.

2. Social Nature
Suriadi Samsuri, "The Nature of Human Nature in Islam", in Al-ISHLAH: Journal of Islamic
Education, Vol. 18.No. 1 (2020).
Monday 19 March 2024, at 20.35
Eko Nursalim, "The Concept of Fitrah in Islamic Education from the Al-Qur'an and Hadith
Perspective", in Mushaf Journal: Journal of Al-Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2021.
3 on 5 May 2024, at 14.08

Like QS Al Hujurat/49:10 "Indeed, believers are brothers, therefore reconcile
your two warring brothers and fear Allah so that you may be blessed"

3. Intellectual Nature

Intellectual Power is a basic achievement that allows humans to differentiate

between good and bad values.

4. Biological Nature

Biological nature is to awaken, grow, and care for nature according to gender.
a man thinks, acts and behaves as a man, and vice versa.

Thus, the conclusion is that humans have natures that include religious, social,
intellectual and biological dimensions. These traits form the basis for human behavior
and outlook on life in everyday life.

C. Factors that cause humans to turn away from their nature

By looking at the long journey of humans and relating it to the word of Allah
SWT in Surah al-A'raf verse 172, the factor that causes humans to turn away from
their nature is not remembering their agreement with Allah SWT. Every human being
before being born on this earth was asked to testify about the existence of Allah SWT
and they witnessed or knew Him well. Then, they carry this with them until they are
born into the world. Therefore, no matter how big a man is, strong and rich, he still
cannot deny that he does not have his own existence and cannot stand alone in
managing all his affairs.4
Disobey Allah SWT. Disobedience that humans continuously commit can
spread and cover a pure heart, so the best solution to cleanse the heart is to stay away
from immorality. Allah SWT says in Surah As-Syams verses 9-10 which means
"Indeed, luck is the one who purifies the soul, and indeed the loss is to the person who
pollutes it." (QS. As. Shams: 9-10). Based on the words of Allah SWT, it turns out
that there are two human attitudes in treating themselves; The first is those who treat
themselves with a mahmudah attitude (good morals), while the second is a
madzmumah attitude (bad morals).

Saryono, The Concept of Fitrah in an Islamic Perspective, Medina-Te, Journal of Islamic Studies,
Volume 14, Number 2, December 2016.

Not using his wits well. Apart from emphasizing that the issue of monotheism
is natural, the Qur'an also tries to invite humans to think with their minds that behind
the creation of the universe and the changes that occur in it (proves) the existence of a
Creator. There are many verses in the Koran that invite you to reflect on natural
phenomena and the uniqueness of the creatures that exist in them.

D. The Influence of Fitrah in Social Interaction between Humans

Social interaction is a process carried out by each individual when acting in
relationships with other people. This relationship can occur between an individual and
another individual, another group, or a group of individuals dynamically. So, social
interaction can be interpreted as dynamic social relationships between people.
It is natural that every human being wants a meaningful life, both for
themselves and others. A meaningful life gives humans awareness that their existence
is accepted and appreciated by other humans. This kind of thing will only happen if
humans work together to achieve a common goal, even competition that is motivating
or adds ethos is very necessary in this interaction.5
Islam's attention to social interaction in society is mentioned in QS Ali
Imran/3: 112. "They are filled with humiliation wherever they are, unless they (hold)
to the rope (religion) of Allah and the rope (covenant) with humans. They received
wrath from Allah and were (always) filled with misery.”
This verse explains that to achieve glory, humans must always pay attention to
and maintain their relationship with Allah (hablun minalallāh) and fellow humans
(hablun min al-nās). This indicates that the servant's love for God is supported and
manifested in his social life. It is confirmed in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
As it means:
"From Anas bin Malik ra., Rasulullah saw said: "A person's faith is not perfect until
he loves his brother or neighbor as he loves himself" (HR Muslim)
This hadith not only describes the proper attitude in social interaction, but also
demands an inner condition in the form of love that underlies people's social
interactions. So that the relationship that exists is not just a contractual relationship,
but a divinely based relationship that produces worldly benefits. From here it is

M. Arsyad, B. Rama, The Urgency of Islamic Education in Soppeng Community Social Interaction:
Efforts to Create a Civil Society, Al-Musannif (Journal of Islamic Education and Teacher Training), Vol. 1 , No.
1, June 2019.

assumed that the importance of Islamic education in social interaction in society is an
effort to form a civil society.


A. Conclusion
Etymologically, the origin of the word fitrah comes from Arabic, namely fitrah
(plural fithar), which is often interpreted as temperament, character, event, original,
religion, creation. The term fitrah is taken from the root word al-fithr which means
split. From this meaning, other meanings are born, including creator or event. So,
linguistically the word al-fitrah contains several meanings, namely a natural tendency
innate from birth, creation which causes something to exist for the first time, as well
as the natural structure or characteristics of humans, also religiously the meaning is
religion or monotheism/creating the ONE of God.
There are also four types of nature according to Bp. H. Misbahrudin, namely,
religious nature, social nature, intellectual nature and biological nature. Apart from
that, there are factors that cause humans to turn away from their nature, namely not
remembering their agreement with Allah SWT. Every human being before being born
on this earth was asked to testify about the existence of Allah SWT and they
witnessed or knew Him well. Then, they carry this with them until they are born into
the world.

It is natural that every human being wants a meaningful life, both for
themselves and others. A meaningful life gives humans awareness that their existence
is accepted and appreciated by other humans. This kind of thing will only happen if
humans work together to achieve a common goal, even competition that is motivating
or adds ethos is very necessary in this interaction.


Arsyad, M. , B. Rama, The Urgency of Islamic Education in Soppeng Community Social

Interaction: Efforts to Create a Civil Society, Al-Musannif (Journal of Islamic
Education and Teacher Training), Vol. 1 , No. 1, June 2019. on 5 May 2024, at
Nursalim, Eko, "The Concept of Fitrah in Islamic Education from the Al-Qur'an and
Hadith Perspective", in Mushaf Journal: Journal of Al-Qur'an and Hadith Sciences,
Vol. 1, No. 1, December 2021.
Samsuri, Suriadi, "The Nature of Human Nature in Islam", in Al-ISHLAH: Journal of
Islamic Education, Vol. 18.No. 1 (2020). Accessed
Monday 19 March 2024, at 20.35
Saryono, The Concept of Fitrah in an Islamic Perspective, Medina-Te, Journal of Islamic
Studies, Volume 14, Number 2, December 2016.

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