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This study aims to search into the complicated relationship between transformational and transactional
leadership styles and employee performance within selected quick service restaurants in Quezon City. By
exploring the variation of these leadership approaches in the context of QSRs, this research endeavors to
provide valuable insights into how leaders can leverage different leadership strategies to enhance
employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction.

Ultimately, this research attempt to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on leadership in the
context of QSRs, offering valuable insights that can inform managerial decision-making, enhance
leadership effectiveness, and ultimately elevate the overall performance and competitiveness of quick
service restaurants in Quezon City.

Through a comprehensive examination of existing literature, coupled with empirical analysis and
qualitative interviews with both employees and managers, this research seeks to uncover the specific
mechanisms through which transformational and transactional leadership styles influence employee
performance metrics such as job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. By
clarify these relationships, this study aims to offer practical recommendations and strategies for QSR
managers to cultivate effective leadership practices that foster a useful work environment and drive
superior performance outcomes.

Background of the Study

This study is about the effect of leadership styles on employee performance in quick service restaurant.
This section elaborates the background of the study (Historical, Theoretical, and Conceptual
perspective), Problem statement, Purpose, Specific Objectives, Research questions, Hypothesis, Scope of
study and significance of the study were explored. While numerous studies have explored the effects of
transformational and transactional leadership styles across various industries, there remains a lack of
research specifically examining their impact within the unique context of quick service restaurants. Given
the distinctive challenges and operational dynamics inherent in QSRs, it becomes imperative to
investigate how these leadership styles manifest and influence employee performance metrics such as
job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment, and ultimately, customer satisfaction and

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