Answer TWO of The Following in About 500 Words Each: (2X12 24)

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Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each: (2X12=24)

1. Draft a criminal complaint under section 200 of Cr.P.C.

2. X, has filed a suit against Y. claiming a sum of Rs 60,000/- as the cost of electronic
goods supplied. Y wants to file a written statement denying the liability. Draft a
written statement.
3. Explain the provisions of CPC relating to filing a suit.
4. What do you mean by a plaint? Explain in detail the structure of a plaint?
5. Explain the provisions relating to execution.
6. Draft a criminal complaint under section 200 of Cr.P.C.
7. Define the provision regarding Dissolution of Marriage under Hindu
marriage Act,1955.
8. What are the main provisions in the Civil Procedure Code 1908, for filing a plaint
and a written statement
9. Draft an application for the grant of Anticipatory bail.

Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each: (2x7=14)

1. Explain the difference between Revision and review under code of criminal procedure.
2. What is a reference? What matters could be referred to the High Court through
3. Explain in detail the parties to a suit?
4. Explain what you mean by written statement. By whom it is to be filed and when?
5. Define Bail and Anticipatory Bail.
6. What is the General power of Attorney? Prepare a model draft.
7. What are the ingredients of Plaint?
8. Under what circumstances an application under section 125 of code of Criminal
procedure is filed?
9. Examine the provisions relating to appeals.

Write short notes on FIVE of the following: (5x4=20)

b.Sale agreement
c.Succession Certificate.
d.Temporary Injunction
e.Power of attorney
a.Criminal Complaint.
b.Simple Mortgage
c.Notice to a tenant.
d.Locus Standi.
e.PIL (public interest litigation)
f.First Information Report.

a.Written Statement
d.What is Charge?
e.Revision under CPC
g.Non-Bailable offence.

Part D

1. Sakar was arrested by the Inspector of police, Kilpack on 07/04/2023. He was not
produced before the magistrate till 10.04.2023. His father Ravindran wants to file a
petition for the issue of Writ of Habeascorpus. Draft a petition on behalf of Ravindran.
2. Draft an affidavit in a maintenance case filed under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
3. ‘A’ was sentenced to life imprisonment for a murder and he is undergoing
imprisonment for the last 20 years. Now he filed a petition before the high court stating
that he is entitled to be released from prison. Decide
4. X is a police officer investigating a non-cognizable offence without prior sanction from
the magistrate, will the act of the police officer lead to illegality of proceedings?
5. Rama, a legally wedded wife deserted her husband Shanmugam without any
reasonable cause for a period of 3 years. Shanmugam deserves to live with her. Draft a
petition for the restitution of conjugal rights.
6. Sony built a house at T. Nagar and applied for a water connection in T. Nagar
Corporation office and paid the necessary charges. After a period of six months, he went
several times to the Corporation Office for water connection. He did not get a proper
response, nor did he receive water connection. Draft a Legal Notice under Sec.80 of CPC.
7. Mr. Kannan, an Engineer, goes to the U.S.A. He owns a house in Chennai and lands at
Avadi. He wants to sell his house and wants the land to be looked offer by appointing
Arunas his agent. Draft a deed of power of attorney.
8. Komala, aged about 80 years and residing at Coimbatore desires to execute a will.
Draft a Will.
9. Surya borrows Rs.2,00,000/- from Aravind by mortgaging his house. Draft a simple
mortgage deed.

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