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Unit 9 Test B Class ..........................................................................

3 Rewrite the sentences using the word

Use of English: Grammar given. Do not change the word given.
1 I only did what it said in the instructions.
1 Complete the text with the correct relative ALL
Yesterday I had to take the laptop that I’d bought ______________________________________
on Saturday back to the shop. The same person (1)
2 I usually get information from a website, but
__________ had sold it to me then was there in the
it’s crashed.
shop, so I explained the problem. The software,
which I’d had to pay extra for, didn’t work on this THAT
machine. The assistant said that I’d installed it ______________________________________
wrongly, (2) __________ wasn’t true at all! Then ______________________________________
he took me over to an office where the manager 3 Mr James is my IT instructor and he also
was sitting and presented the problem to him. He teaches sports.
started to say the same as the assistant, and WHO
(3) __________ was when I started to get angry.
The manager, who had been running the shop for
only two months, didn’t really understand how ______________________________________
laptops work, (4) __________ was a great surprise 4 A lot of people have stopped coming to the
to me! In the end, I put the laptop, which I had computer club, and that’s the problem.
repacked in its original box, on the table and THAT
insisted on a refund, (5) __________ they
eventually gave me.
/5 5 I lent the technology book to Diana, and she’s
lost it.
2 Complete the sentences with what, all or ______________________________________
that. ______________________________________
1 __________ they do is install a firewall to
protect you against nasty viruses and things like /5
that. It’s worth having.
2 I’ve no idea __________ I did to cause the
fault. 4 Complete the text with one word in each
3 __________ happens if you press this key is gap.
that the screen changes. I’m really tempted to buy one of those kindle
4 The problem is __________ I can’t type very gadgets. You know, the ones they’ve been
quickly. advertising on TV (1) __________ you download
5 __________ he said was that he’d come round whole books onto. I never thought I would ever
as soon as possible, nothing else. consider getting a form of electronic book because
I love the feel of the paper and the smell of books
/5 so (2) __________ but I’ve got to admit that they
look very interesting. And they’re so handy too.
You can just put them in a briefcase and bring
them out to read on the tube or train and
(3) __________ have the hassle of turning pages
and things like that. Friends say that the only time
they prefer having a real book (4) __________
using their kindle is when they’re in the bath! I
imagine the kindle wouldn’t survive being dropped
in the water, but then again, neither does a book!
So, perhaps a bookless future is a possibility.
(5) __________ I would miss, however, would be

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bookcases, I think. There’s something lovely about 7 Complete the text with words formed from
seeing lines of books arranged on shelves just to the words given.
browse through. Maybe there is a place in the
My mother isn’t very good with modern
future for real books after all.
technology! I got her an iPhone for her birthday,
/5 but she keeps forgetting to recharge it and then
complains that she can’t find the (1) __________
(charge). I also tried to explain wireless
technology to her, but she said that it’s beyond
Use of English: Vocabulary her! At least I managed to persuade her to
(2) __________ (grade) her computer, and now
5 Complete the sentences with the correct she has pretty fast broadband. However, the
verbs. (3) __________ (cover) in our area could be a lot
better. Also, I (4) __________ (load) a lot of her
1 When you’re on the homepage, __________ favourite classical music pieces onto her MP3
down to the bottom, and you’ll find the contact player, and she admits that listening to it is very
details on the left. (5) __________ (therapy). My brother was reading
2 My mum’s PC wasn’t working, but it was a letter from Mum about the problems she was
because she’d forgotten to __________ in the having when he suddenly had an inspiration and
cable! said that we should send Mum on a silver surfer’s
3 To get the instructions on how to install the computer course for her next birthday. He might
software, you need to __________ the disc have something there!
they’ve sent and read what’s on it.
4 Yesterday I __________ several files /5
accidentally. Can I get them back?
5 Unfortunately, the alarm didn’t __________ off
this morning and I was late for work. 8 Complete the website post with the correct
/5 Hi! This is the first time I’ve been on this site and
I’m hoping that someone out there will be able to
give me some useful advice. I’ve read a lot of the
6 Complete the sentences with the correct posts and the answers, and it seems to me that
prepositions. there are some really intelligent computer (1) ___
around, so maybe you can help me. I’ve got a
1 I always back _____my files in case the (2) ___ of problems. One that I’ve just noticed
computer crashes. doesn’t really (3) ___ the work I’m doing on my
2 I’m afraid the battery’s run _____ and I won’t computer, but it’s driving me mad! I have two
be able to take any more photos today. monitors because I do a lot of work on my
3 You won’t be able to pick _____ a signal here. computer that really requires two (4) ___. Last
You’ll have to go into the garden. night, I’d just plugged in my MP3 player to
4 When you’ve logged _____, they’ll ask you for recharge it, when I saw that my second one had
a password. got red dots all over it! So, as you do, I switched
everything off and waited a bit. But they’re still
5 Download the file, and I’ll print it _____ later.
there this morning! I can still see the screen saver I
/5 have on the screen and I can drag files across to
work on it OK, but those dots are really (5) ___.
Anyone know what they are and how I can get rid

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of them? Any tips at all would be very welcome! difficult to know what gadgets are just around the
Cheers. corner and which aren’t even on the drawing
1 A scientists B brothers C readers D experts board. Things like robots and computer games are
developing all the time. They’re two things that
2 A several B few C couple D worrying
really interest me. Robots are getting smaller and
3 A destroy B influence C affect D prevent cleverer, and I don’t think it will be long before
4 A cables B screens C folders D signals they are regularly used in daily everyday life
5 A angry B destructive C noticing D irritating situations rather than as they are now, mainly in
industry. I can see them helping with chores
/5 around the house, cooking, cleaning, and so on. I
know some robots are used in this capacity at the
moment, but it’s only the very rich who can afford
Reading the luxury, and I think they’re still a bit clumsy.
But apart from robot development, what intrigues
9 Read two bloggers’ responses to the me is how far the developers of computer games
question ‘What is top of your technology will go. On Star Trek™, that incredible sci-fi
wish list and why?’ and decide if the series of the 70s which still has a cult following
statements are true (T), false (F) or not today, for relaxation the crew of the star ship go to
mentioned (NM). the Holodeck. There they can interact with
holograms from different historical periods of
A situations of their choice. Now, wouldn’t that be a
It’s an interesting question, particularly now great form of entertainment? I can’t see it
when every day we see more and more gadgets in happening soon but one day, who knows? That is
the shops and we begin to wonder how far definitely at the top of my technology wish list!
technology can actually advance. For me, there’s
one big hurdle science needs to cross, and I shall 1 Transportation of people has never T/F/NM
be delighted if I’m still around to see it when it been attempted.
happens, as I’m sure it will. One day I’m quite
sure that the technology will exist to replicate what 2 A successful transportation invention T/F/NM
they’ve been doing on science-fiction programmes would not benefit everyone.
for years: the ability to transport a person
3 Robots are used in industry. T/F/NM
immediately from one place to another. This
amazing ability has fascinated people for 4 Some home robots are affordable for T/F/NM
centuries. We’ve read stories about it and seen most people at the present time.
films where transporting is a basic form of getting
from A to B. We’ve even seen magic shows where 5 There is historical evidence that T/F/NM
conjurors try every trick in the book to fool us into scientists have previously looked into
believing that they have this ability. There’s a creating holograms.
great film called The Prestige about two magicians
from Victorian times who were obsessed by this. /5
But the real truth is that it has never been done.
And how often have we thought how useful it
would be to be able to press a switch and travel Listening
immediately to a destination? Imagine, no more
problems waiting in airports or squeezing into 10 You are going to hear an interview
crowded buses. No more wasting time in traffic with an expert on addictions. Listen and
jams! I think inventing a transporter would be the
single most important development our society
could ever see. It would completely change our
way of life. All the airlines would be out of
business for a start! It will happen, it’s when that’s
the question.
Wow, that’s a difficult question. Technology is
moving ahead so quickly at the moment that it’s

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choose the correct alternatives to answer

the questions.
1 The expert believes that 11 Write an article for a magazine for
A addictions are always dangerous. teenagers with this title:
B serious addictions are usually easy to What gadget or technology would you find
identify. most difficult to live without and why?
C most people have an addiction.
2 An advantage of playing computer games is Write 180–250 words.
A it isn’t dangerous. _____________________________________
B it can be a sociable activity. _____________________________________
C it’s popular with all age ranges. _____________________________________
3 What does the expert say about gaming? _____________________________________
A Gaming is good as long as you know when _____________________________________
to stop. _____________________________________
B You have to know what the point of the _____________________________________
game is.
C Some people never go beyond a certain stage
in a game.
4 According to the expert, gaming addicts
A prefer virtual world games to others.
B get angry when they don’t beat their scores.
C like to play nearly all the time.
5 What is a consequence of gaming addiction?
A The gamer’s education suffers.
B The gamer can’t find a job.
C The gamer doesn’t talk to anyone.
/5 _____________________________________



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