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The Influence of Globalization on the Cultural Domains of Ethiopia.

Every revolution that has ever happened has at least this one thing in common; to build a new
house, we first have to destroy the old one. This destructive trait is a package deal along with all
the improvements and prosperity globalization has and will continue on bringing. To point out
some; we can talk all about how cultural authenticity is becoming diluted due to extreme
commercialization, and even more about how it has covered the tracks of resource exploitation
of third world countries, the disruption of the ecosystem, and pollution. Not to mention, social
fragmentation as a result of the collapse of social structures, hierarchy and kinship caused by
modernization. Some languages in Ethiopia are being rendered impotent due to the increasing
need for English in almost every major business venture, it is the language of entertainment and
it is the language of work. All natural fields and most social fields in Ethiopia are taught in
English and all the resources available to help the students are made in English, this bleeds into
what the youth spend their time reading and watching, pulling them away even further from the
local culture. This is the truth.
However, the truth is multifaceted. For every problem that globalization has brought into our
country it has also brought an equally significant change for the better. It would be a very big lie
to say that globalization hasn’t had lots of negative impacts on Ethiopia, but it would be an even
bigger lie to say that it hasn’t had any positive effects either. It is fair to say that globalization has
had a huge significance in shaping the Ethiopia that we live in currently. From urbanization to
the exchange of cultural practices to the exploration of arts, music and entertainment as well as
influence on Ethiopia’s creative industries. This has opened the door for diversity. Globalization
has brought positive changes to Ethiopia's culture by connecting its traditions and art with the
world. This connection has made Ethiopians proud of their heritage and has given them the
chance to share it globally. Ethiopian music, art, and literature have gained more attention
worldwide, encouraging local artists to be more creative. Also, exposure to different cultures has
brought new ideas and perspectives to Ethiopia, blending old traditions with modern influences
while still keeping its unique identity. The exchange of ideas has also led to more discussions
about Ethiopian history and traditions, both at home and abroad. Overall, globalization has
helped Ethiopia cherish its culture while embracing the good things that come from being part of
the global community, making its culture more vibrant and livelier.
So to sum it all up, the impact of globalization on Ethiopia is a complex and multifaceted issue.
While it has brought about significant positive changes, such as urbanization, the exchange of
cultural practices, and the exploration of arts and entertainment, it has also led to a host of
challenges. Globalization has resulted in the dilution of cultural authenticity through extreme
commercialization, the exploitation of resources in third world countries, disruption of the
ecosystem, pollution, and the erosion of local languages due to the increasing dominance of
English in business and education. Furthermore, social fragmentation has occurred as traditional
social structures have been disrupted by modernization. Despite these negative effects, it is
undeniable that globalization has played a major role in shaping the contemporary Ethiopian
society. It has brought both positive and negative transformations, and while acknowledging the
drawbacks, it's important to recognize the diversity and opportunities that globalization has also
introduced to Ethiopia.

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